Set Text Controls align center in wix toolset - wix

I'm writing my Wix installer and encountered some UI issue.
I have a Dialog with a Text Control inside that attached to a Property and can contains different length of text in that Property.
The issue is that I set this Property with large width and height and depends on the text length it could be aligned correctly to the Width and Height of the Dialog or it could be on the top of the Dialog because it's only 2 words.
Medium text length:
Long text length
Same dialog but look funny at first image and not very clear and second image.
How can I align the text to be center whenever the text is not filling the whole Control?


SSRS report vertical alignment changes in to horizontal

I have created a report using Visual Studio 2017 and made some of the columns in vertical alignment and uploaded RDL file at reporting services to run the report at work application.
When I run the report at Test environment the report displays the vertical fields into Horizontal, however when I print to view the report vertical text remains the same.
How can I make the report to display the fields that I have designed in vertical?
Any suggestions with the above will be highly appreciated.
Try this:
In tablix properties, Make the Writing Mode as Horizontal.
In a Reporting Services paginated report, you can rotate a text box in different directions:
2.Vertically (rotated 90 degrees, with text reading from top to bottom, except East Asian text characters)
3.Rotated by 270 degrees (text reading from bottom to top).
Because you rotate the text box not the text, the rotation applies to all the text in the text box. You cannot specify different directions for parts of the text. Size the column width and the row height manually to accommodate the rotated text.
The WritingMode property, which you use to specify text orientation, isn't in the Text Box Properties dialog box. It's in the Properties pane and set the property there.

How to center objects in parent with Dock Fill VB.NET

I'm trying to make a RichTextBox have fixed size and blank space flexible (like Word, WordPad), I made this:
Set Dock to Fill
Set MaximumSize to 600,0 (0 is wildcard for sizes) (Width=600 and Height=0 -wildcard)
I got this: blank spaces are flexible and RichTextBox size is fixed, but RichTextBox is not positioned at center.
I have some options:
Set padding to auto (I suppose that it's not possible)
Set margin to auto (I suppose that it's not possible AND margins not works in winforms)
What do I have to do to position RichTextBox to center?
Use anchor instead of dock.
Dock is designed for Size, Anchor is designed for Location
Your problem is based on location, locate your box to center instead of make Dock margins.

How to handle Segoe UI in pixel perfect layout (glyph "margin")

i am fighting with the layout of my windows store app. My problem is with the segoe ui font that I am using for the labels of some textboxes.
I have a borderless label above a textbox with a border like this:
My problem is, that the font of the label does not align perfectly with the left border of the textbox.
First I though that it must be the label padding or something, maybe a padding or margin in the control template. But this is not the case. The true reason is the space around the glyphs within the font itself. Depending on the first letter or the size of the font the gap is bigger or smaller.
Is there a way to perfectly align the label text and the textbox independant of the first letter or the font size? Or do I really have to place every label in a different position to reduce this problem?

Vb.Net Label always centered

I'm using to make a screen saver.
I want my label where the text shows to always be centered no matter what screen size it is.
is there a way to get the screen resolution of the current monitor?
if i can get that then i can calculate the middle and set my label there.
Stretch the label to the whole width of the form and dock/anchor to left and right side within the label parameters. This will center your label whatever the size of the form. - Centering Text inside my label!

I am trying to make my first program in 2010, and I have a question.
You know how when you have a button, the text centers itself within the frame of the button?
I have a label in my application, that displays a different text (through the label) everyday.
How can I limit the text area, like the frame in the button, and center the text in this text area? Or if it's easier to use the button, how can I remove the frame?
Change the property AutoSize to false and set the TextAlign property to the center.