Why Yii2 uses abbreviated methods names in yii\caching\Cache? - yii

Methods of yii\caching\Cache:
mget() and
are the only (known to me) in entire Yii2 core, that are using abbreviated names. Following naming convetions used everywhere else, they should be named multiAdd, multiGet and multiSet.
Does anyone know, why exception has been made for this one (?) class?
I'm reviewing a book about Yii2 right now, and I was so extremely surprised to findout these names, that at first I'd bet a lot, that book author made a mistake! Abreviated methods names in Yii2?

I think it was done in haste and is inherited from Yii1.
No one thought about it then. And now it is BC
UPD: Added in Ideas for 2.1
UPD2 https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/pull/10296

Well, I guess it was named so for short. For now we can create multiSet, multiGet, multiAdd methods, and make the existing mset, mget and madd method as aliases for them. Then mark old methods as DEPRECATED until Yii 2.1, then just drop them.


Trimming the leading THE in SQL results on Joomla module Articles Category

I am trying to trim the leading "the" in a query that returns the titles of articles in Joomla, so that results are displayed in alphabetical order and the leading "the", if present, is disregarded. The module responsible for this is the Article Category (which is Joomla core module) and the file I think I should modify is helper.php in modules/mod_articles_category.
I replace the following line:
$articles->setState('list.direction', $params->get('article_ordering_direction',
With this:
$articles->setState('list.direction', $params->get('article_ordering_direction',
'TRIM(LEADING \'THE \' FROM a.title) ASC'));
However, if I enable the debug mode, the TRIM is not showing. SO I guess, that I need to make the change somewhere else. Sorry but I am not familiar with Joomla so don't really know where this query is coming from. Any pointer is very much appreciated.
Okay, the short answer is no, I don't believe you can modify a query from a module, just like this. I haven't worked with modules, but I have some experience with components, so I would suggest two approaches:
Try to query the database yourself from the module, not by using setState, but building the query yourself.
You can cheat. Since Joomla has already done the heavy lifting for you, you could just manipulate the result object (i.e. $list) rearranging it and stripping off whatever you don't want. I would also suggest that you treat your code as a layout override, that way you'll be able to update your site without overriding the changes you have made.

Rails3 Engine helper over-ride

So I have a Rails 3.0 Engine (gem).
It provides a controller at app/controllers/advanced_controller.rb, and a corresonding helper at app/helpers/advanced_helper.rb. (And some views of course).
So far so good, the controller/helper/views are just automatically available in the application using the gem, great.
But I want to let the local application selective over-ride helper methods from AdvancedHelper in the engine (and ideally be able to call 'super'). That's a pretty reasonable thing to want to allow, right, a perfectly reasonable (and I'd think common) design?
Problem is, I can't seem to find any way to make it work. If the application defines it's own app/helpers/advanced_helper.rb (AdvancedHelper), then the one from the engine never gets loaded at all -- so that would work if you wanted to replace ALL the helper methods in there (without calling super), but not if you just want to over-ride one.
So that kind of makes sense actually, so I pick a different name. Let's call my local one ./app/helpers/local_advanced_helper.rb (LocalAdvancedHelper). This helper DOES get loaded, if I put a method in there that wasn't in the original engine's AdvancedHelper, it is available to views.
But if I put a method in there with the same name as one in the engine's AdvancedHelper... my local one NEVER gets called. It's like the AdvancedHelper (from engine) is earlier in the call chain than the LocalAdvancedHelper (from app). Indeed, if I turn on the debugger, and look at helpers.ancestors, that's exactly what's going on, they're in the reverse order I'd want in the ancestor chain. So AdvancedHelper (from engine) could theoretically call 'super' to call up to LocalAdvancedHelper (from app) -- but that of course wouldn't make a lot of sense to do, you'd never want to do that.
But what I would want to do... I can't do.
Anyone have any ideas, is there any way to provide this design, which seems perfectly reasonable to me, where an app can selectively over-ride a helper method from an Engine?
Anyone have any explanation of why it's working the way it is? I tried looking at actual Rails source code, but got lost pretty quick, the code around this stuff is awfully abstract split amongst a bunch of places.
This is pretty esoteric question, I'm pessimistic anyone will have any ideas, I hope you surprise me!
== Update
Okay, in order to understand what part of Rails code is being called where, I put a "def self.included ; debugger ; end" on each of my helpers, then in the debugger I can raise an exception to see a stack trace.
That still isnt' really helping me get to the bottom of it, the Rails code jumps all over the place and is pretty confusing.
But it's clear that a helper with the 'standard' name (ie WidgetHelper for WidgetController) is called by different rails code, to include in the 'master' view helper module for a given controller, than other helpers are. I'm wondering if I give the helper a different name, then manually include it in my controller with ("helper OtherNamedAdvancedHelper"), if that will change the load order.
We can use Module#class_eval to override.
In main app,
MountedEngineHelper.class_eval do
def advanced_helper
In this way other methods defined in engine helper are still available.
Thanks for your elaboration. I think this really is a problem. And it is still present in Rails 3.2.3, so I filed an issue.
The least-smelling workaround I came up with is to do a "half alias method chain":
module MountedEngineHelper
def advanced_helper
module MyHelper
def advanced_helper_with_extra_behavior
The obvious drawback is that you have to change your templates so that your helper is called. At least, you make the existence of extra behavior explicit there.
These release notes from Rails4 seem enticingly related to this problem, and potentially note it's been fixed:

Weird function names in Quartz Core: what gives?

Out of curiosity, what may the rationale behind these function names (found in Apple's Quartz Core framework) be?
Do you think the developers somehow encoded argument types in function names? How do you find yourself putting "EP19" in there in the course of day-to-day coding? In what circumstances do such barely readable function names actually help you read code and otherwise be more productive?
Thanks in advance for any hints, and Merry Christmas!
These 'mangled' names are automatically generated by the C++ compiler and indeed encode type information.

Entity Validation in Sharp Architecture Repository

I have created a new 1.6 Sharp Architecture project.
I have marked my only Entity with HasUniqueDomainSignatureAttribute and one string property marked DomainSignatureAttribute.
I create 2 entities with the same DomainSignature and I'm able to save them both thous having duplicates.
Am I missing some configuration? As I was under the impression that this would work out of the box.
Before saving you should manually check entity for validness. I don't know how it is done now, but in previos versions each entitity had a property IsValid.
Well yes, the Validation method IsValid() is on the Entities.
But from the documentation I get the impression that if using NHibernate and NHibernate.Validators the repositories should validate the entities before Insert and Update.
As in the documentation on nhforge.org
In SharpArch.Data.NHibernate.NHibernateSession following snippet is called each time Init() is used.
Those things make me wonder why it doesn't work.
I could roll my own, but that seems like waste if it's already there.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Also the SchemaExport util should use the validators when generating the scripts.

Is it possible to access custom properties from QT Designer after converting to python?

I am new to PyQt and Qt Designer and I'm trying to create an easy method for relating qWidgets with the tables and columns in an SQLite database. My idea was to tag each qWidget in designer with two custom properties, one with the table name and one with the column name. Later, I would use the info provided by designer to build my own class which creates a relationship between the qwidets and SQLite database.
Adding the custom properties in Designer seems to work fine however, the code for these custom properties do not get generated when converting the xml of designer into python (using UIC). Has anyone done this successfully? Perhaps there is a better way to do this?
If you added a property in Designer called "myproperty", fetch it with...
This works fine in pyqt 4.8.3, perhaps it did not work in previous versions.
Check out this article Eric. Particularly look at the section titled "Producing a Plugin." River Bank Computing has another great PyQt reference.
I've been doing some more reading and I can't find a way to have this done automatically for you. If you are ok with with adding dynamic properties at run-time instead of design time you could accomplish the same end result. Here is an explanation of the setProperty() method in QObject, from which QWidget inherits.
If that doesn't work for you then it seems you might be better off going with a less generic approach. Instead of using a generic QWidget, you might be able to use a custom class derived from QSqlTableModel to keep track of your connection info. Another way would be to just use a QTableView and do the queries yourself to populate the data. Here and here are articles on databases in Qt. You might some inspiration for a new design from one of them.
I have not had great luck with using the Designer tool -- usually I end up doing a few rough layout, using pyuic and then editing and adding other stuff by hand.
It sounds like you could easily accomplish your task by creating your own custom class that inherits from QWidget and has the additional properties that you described. With my experiences trying to use custom widgets in the designer, I think the 'easier' way is to just write the class yourself and then set the layout by hand.
I know this doesn't exactly answer your question, but maybe you will try some of my suggestions.