Keen-io JS visualization showing no hits - keen-io

I'm trying to output a chart from using the JS visualizations, and it generates a chart fine, except it shows no hits. I've checked the stats in the admin, and there are most definitely pageview hits within the defined range (last 7 days) under the defined projectID (currently the only project on the account). And I've double-checked the project ID to make sure no issues there--plus it was copy/pasted from a page that's recording hits, which is working fine. This is the current code:
var total_pageviews = new Keen.Query("count", {
eventCollection: "pageviews",
timeframe: "this_7_days",
interval: "daily"
client.draw(total_pageviews, document.getElementById("showcase-areachart"), {
chartType: "areachart",
title: "Showcase Ad Impressions (7 days)",
chartOptions: {
isStacked: true
I originally had additional filters, but have removed them to narrow down possible issues while debugging why it's not finding hits. As-is, it looks like it should show a chart with all pageviews from the collection within the last 7 days. Currently the chart shows a static line at 0 for the entire 7 days.
Any ideas where/what the issue might be?
From Inspect > Network, I see two "count" items from, one content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8", which has a blank response, and one "application/json". The JSON one shows the following response:
{"result": [{"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-03T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-04T08:00:00.000Z"}}, {"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-04T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-05T08:00:00.000Z"}}, {"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-05T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-06T08:00:00.000Z"}}, {"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-06T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-07T08:00:00.000Z"}}, {"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-07T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-08T08:00:00.000Z"}}, {"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-08T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-09T08:00:00.000Z"}}, {"value": 0, "timeframe": {"start": "2015-12-09T08:00:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-10T08:00:00.000Z"}}]}

I believe this is because you are querying a collection called "pageviews" but your collection is named "pageview".


Create a oauth-token for integration tests

We want to create a "long lasting" token for integration testing purposes. We are using a keycloak for creating tokens normally. But I don't see a possibility to create tokens with no expiration, so that reoccuring integration tests on dev-stage can be done without interuption.
What would you suggest for such automatically repeating testing regarding oauth?
All access token should expire at some point, that why the rfc details the use of refresh token, wich can be used indefinitly to keep your service running, the basic idea is that when you request an access token, you'll get an access token plus a refresh token, and when the first token expires, you send it to the keycloak server and it will regenerate a new access token and a new refresh token.
In practice, you should use your token as long as its valid (since you know in advance it lifespan), and when your token is about to expire you resend the request using the refresh token.
src: RFC oauth2
How about make longer time(a couple of days) for access token before start integration test?
After finish integration test, return to default time(5 minutes).
This is my demo test steps
Get master of realm access token and assign token variable
Get my-realm's realm data
this is default my-realm's setting data
"id": "my-realm",
"realm": "my-realm",
"notBefore": 0,
"defaultSignatureAlgorithm": "RS256",
"revokeRefreshToken": false,
"refreshTokenMaxReuse": 0,
"accessTokenLifespan": 300,
"accessTokenLifespanForImplicitFlow": 900,
"ssoSessionIdleTimeout": 1800,
"ssoSessionMaxLifespan": 36000,
"ssoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe": 0,
"ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe": 0,
"offlineSessionIdleTimeout": 2592000,
"offlineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled": false,
"offlineSessionMaxLifespan": 5184000,
"clientSessionIdleTimeout": 0,
"clientSessionMaxLifespan": 0,
"clientOfflineSessionIdleTimeout": 0,
"clientOfflineSessionMaxLifespan": 0,
"accessCodeLifespan": 60,
"accessCodeLifespanUserAction": 300,
"accessCodeLifespanLogin": 1800,
"actionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan": 43200,
"actionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan": 300,
"oauth2DeviceCodeLifespan": 600,
"oauth2DevicePollingInterval": 5,
"enabled": true,
"sslRequired": "external",
"registrationAllowed": false,
"registrationEmailAsUsername": false,
"rememberMe": false,
"verifyEmail": false,
"loginWithEmailAllowed": true,
"duplicateEmailsAllowed": false,
"resetPasswordAllowed": false,
"editUsernameAllowed": false,
"bruteForceProtected": false,
"permanentLockout": false,
"maxFailureWaitSeconds": 900,
"minimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds": 60,
"waitIncrementSeconds": 60,
"quickLoginCheckMilliSeconds": 1000,
"maxDeltaTimeSeconds": 43200,
"failureFactor": 30,
"defaultRole": {
"id": "3798f9f6-3383-474e-997e-123d9b534ae4",
"name": "default-roles-my-realm",
"description": "${role_default-roles}",
"composite": true,
"clientRole": false,
"containerId": "my-realm"
"requiredCredentials": [
"otpPolicyType": "totp",
"otpPolicyAlgorithm": "HmacSHA1",
"otpPolicyInitialCounter": 0,
"otpPolicyDigits": 6,
"otpPolicyLookAheadWindow": 1,
"otpPolicyPeriod": 30,
"otpSupportedApplications": [
"Google Authenticator"
"webAuthnPolicyRpEntityName": "keycloak",
"webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms": [
"webAuthnPolicyRpId": "",
"webAuthnPolicyAttestationConveyancePreference": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyRequireResidentKey": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeout": 0,
"webAuthnPolicyAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister": false,
"webAuthnPolicyAcceptableAaguids": [],
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpEntityName": "keycloak",
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessSignatureAlgorithms": [
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpId": "",
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAttestationConveyancePreference": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAuthenticatorAttachment": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRequireResidentKey": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessUserVerificationRequirement": "not specified",
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessCreateTimeout": 0,
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister": false,
"webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAcceptableAaguids": [],
"browserSecurityHeaders": {
"contentSecurityPolicyReportOnly": "",
"xContentTypeOptions": "nosniff",
"xRobotsTag": "none",
"xFrameOptions": "SAMEORIGIN",
"contentSecurityPolicy": "frame-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; object-src 'none';",
"xXSSProtection": "1; mode=block",
"strictTransportSecurity": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
"smtpServer": {},
"eventsEnabled": false,
"eventsListeners": [
"enabledEventTypes": [],
"adminEventsEnabled": false,
"adminEventsDetailsEnabled": false,
"identityProviders": [],
"identityProviderMappers": [],
"internationalizationEnabled": false,
"supportedLocales": [],
"browserFlow": "browser",
"registrationFlow": "registration",
"directGrantFlow": "direct grant",
"resetCredentialsFlow": "reset credentials",
"clientAuthenticationFlow": "clients",
"dockerAuthenticationFlow": "docker auth",
"attributes": {
"cibaBackchannelTokenDeliveryMode": "poll",
"cibaExpiresIn": "120",
"cibaAuthRequestedUserHint": "login_hint",
"oauth2DeviceCodeLifespan": "600",
"oauth2DevicePollingInterval": "5",
"parRequestUriLifespan": "60",
"cibaInterval": "5"
"userManagedAccessAllowed": false,
"clientProfiles": {
"profiles": []
"clientPolicies": {
"policies": []
Extend logger period of access(2 days) token lifetime
I changed accessTokenLifespan value from 300 to 172800 (= 3600 * 24 *2) seconds
use PUT method for update realm data
In the UI of Keycloak, the Access Token Lifespan will be changed into 2 days
the Status of API call should be return 204 (No Content)
Run your integration tests
Return back 2.'s default(or previous) lifetime

Details are visible in my request, how do I filter this in my API request?

This is my first time working with an API and the various sources have been very helpful.However I am now struggling at the end.
API: Vincere API
API Documentation:
What I am trying to do: The client has a list of jobs shown on their dashboard when logged in. On the dashboard there is a column listed as "Posted", this data below is then either "Posted" or "Not Posted". I would like to retrieve all jobs that are only listed as "Posted".
What I am able to do:
I am able to connect, authenticate and get the required data using the above documentation. I can then see whether a job should be private or public.
Problem I am facing:
I would like to only show the jobs that have
"private_job": 0,
At the moment my request is returning all jobs.
The request I am sending::,private_job;sort=created_date dec?limit=100
"result": {
"start": 0,
"total": 355,
"items": [
"private_job": 0,
"job_title": "HR Manager"
"private_job": 0,
"job_title": "Accountant / Financial Manager - Cryptocurrency"
"private_job": 1,
"job_title": "Conveyancer"
What I have tried:
From reading some other questions and articles I tried the following but the result remained unchanged,private_job;sort=created_date dec?limit=100&private_job=0
"result": {
"start": 0,
"total": 355,
"items": [
"private_job": 0,
"job_title": "HR Manager"
"private_job": 0,
"job_title": "Accountant / Financial Manager - Cryptocurrency"
"private_job": 1,
"job_title": "Conveyancer"
I also tried:,private_job;sort=created_date dec?limit=100&private_job=false
Same as above
I would really appreciate some assistance with the above. Thank you in advance.
You need to add private_job to the q (query list). So I thinkwhat you're after is something like:,private_job;sort=created_date desc?q=private_job:0%23&limit=100

Latest one video uploaded in youtube channel

I need to show the thumbnail of the latest video on my youtube channel on my website and add a link to that video. While using the API parameter date it's showing the first video in that channel. Instead of that, I need the last published video details how to solve this
This is what I used as I require only one last video[key]&channelId=[channel-id]&part=snippet,id&order=relevance&maxResults=1
(option 1)
You could try replacing order=relevance with order=date
(option 2)
You could also try using publishedAfter command (which takes a year-month-day format).
Example: publishedAfter=2019-03-25T00:00:00Z (because yesterday was March 25th).
(option 3)
Use your programming language to fetch / read the HTML source-code of the channel's uploads page. The first thumbnail listed after gridVideoRenderer is the latest, along with relevant URL.
Example steps:
1) Go to user's uploads page and use "view source" option to see the HTML text (source code).
This text is what your programming language should show you when you http request the link of the channel's uploads.
2) After acquiring (or viewing) the source code
From there find position of the word gridVideoRenderer.
Then starting after position, now find the first occurence of word "url":".
That is the URL. Extract manually by hand or write code to do it automatically.
PS: Replace any unicode in the link, like \u0026 with &.
I tried "option 1" with my own Key, and got the correct response as far as which "video" from the "Channel" - NO THUMBNAILs, just references to it/them, code follows:
"kind": "youtube#searchListResponse",
"etag": "EymHvUd1w4o13UcSUT0C9YINu3o",
"nextPageToken": "CAEQAA",
"regionCode": "US",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 181,
"resultsPerPage": 1
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#searchResult",
"etag": "23QGL4Y9Du8EXMntX5ZNdr1F7_k",
"id": {
"kind": "youtube#video",
"videoId": "RRQjUvoSuKU"
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "2022-11-13T15:09:07Z",
"channelId": "UCbhMYK2QQXgHjgnMN3zegRQ",
"title": "All Things Closely",
"description": "Luke 1:1-4.",
"thumbnails": {
"default": {
"url": "",
"width": 120,
"height": 90
"medium": {
"url": "",
"width": 320,
"height": 180
"high": {
"url": "",
"width": 480,
"height": 360
"channelTitle": "Restoration Church Homestead",
"liveBroadcastContent": "none",
"publishTime": "2022-11-13T15:09:07Z"
THAT's all that showed on a browser page, no Thumbnails-just code, but could not figure out how to get any code in the string to PLAY that video ...
any ideas?
I would love to just have it as a LINK rather than any other scripts loaded on the server. I'm missing something, probably simple I bet, to get the returned video related to the data to play.

Creating an event through the ST Developer Portal's API Console

I'm trying to create an event using the API console and keep getting errors. Any ideas why?
I've been using different versions of the example value:
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"status": "string",
"event_id": "string",
"start_epoch": 0,
"end_epoch": 0,
"industry": "string",
"archived": true,
"deleted": true,
"legacy_id": 0,
"is_public": true
I get the following back. Any thoughts?
"code": "BadRequestError",
"message": "[\"Has time can't be blank\",\"true is not included in the list\"]"
You will need to fetch the user/team information first
Once you have your oauth token from above and set to the Authorization header, make a call to!/Authentication/get_4_0_oauth_token
This will give you the user and team object back to make subsequent calls to make events
Once you have the team_id you can now make events
You can POST to /4.0/events
Swagger doc:!/Events/post_4_0_events
Example POST payload:
"name": "NAME",
"description": "DESCRIPTION",
"status": "new",
"start_epoch": TIME_IN_MS,
"end_epoch": TIME_IN_MS,
"industry": "INDUSTRY_TYPE",
“has_time”: 1 // 0 = all day event, 1 = from/to a specific time in day
- This will return the event ID under in the response from the above POST
- You can then link the user to:

BigCommerce API - What is correct resource for updating an option value

I'm trying to update an option value using the BigCommerce api.
The documentation says PUT /options/values/id.json
The console says PUT options/id/values.json
I think it should be PUT options/id/values/id.json, which returns a 200 response code, but does not execute the update.
Any information on what the right endpoint is for this and if it works?
Basically, if you do a GET request on options
"id": 3,
"name": "Colors",
"display_name": "Color",
"type": "CS",
"values": {
"url": "",
"resource": "/options/3/values"
The resource endpoint shows that the URL is options/id/values.json. But, this gives you all the values associated with the option. If you want to retrieve a specific option the endpoint is something similar to /api/v2/options/3/values/7.json
"id": 7,
"option_id": 3,
"label": "Silver",
"sort_order": 1,
"value": "#cccccc"
Doing a PUT request on this - (On REST console, setting the header content-type to application/json and sending raw JSON data) updates the label - Changed Silver to silver)
"id": 7,
"option_id": 3,
"label": "silver",
"sort_order": 1,
"value": "#cccccc"