Bigquery return nested results without flattening it without using a table - google-bigquery

It is possible to return nested results(RECORD type) if noflatten_results flag is specified but it is possible to just view them on screen without writing it to table first.
for example, here is an simple user table(my actual table is big large(400+col with multi-level of nesting)
name: {first, last}
I want to view record particular user & display in my applicable, so my query is
SELECT * FROM dataset.user WHERE id=423421 limit 1
is it possible to return the result directly?

You should write your output to "temp" table with noflatten_results option (also respective expiration to be set to purge table after it is used) and serve your client out of this temp table. All "on-fly"
Have in mind that no matter how small "temp" table is - if you will be querying it (in above second step) you will be billed for at least 10MB, so you better use Tabledata.list API in this step ( which is free!

So if you try to get repeated records it will fail on the interface/BQ console with the error:
Error: Cannot output multiple independently repeated fields at the same time.
and in order to get past this error is to FLATTEN your output.


How do you deduplicate records in a BigQuery table?

We have a script that should be running daily at 12 am on GCP cloud function and scheduler that sends data to a table in bigquery.
The cron job unfortunately used to send the data every minute at 12 am, that means that the file would be uploaded 60 times instead of only one time
The cron timer was * * 3 * * * instead of 00 3 * * *
How can we fix the table?
Noting that the transferred data is now deleted from the source, so far we depend on getting the unique values, but the table is getting too large
Any help would be much appreciated
I have two options for you, plus a comment on how to avoid this in future. I recommend reading and comparing both options before proceeding.
Option One
If this is a one-off fix, I recommend you simply
navigate to the table (your_dataset.your_table) in the UI
click 'snapshot' and create a snapshot in case you make a mistake in the next part
run SELECT DISTINCT * FROM your_dataset.your_table in the UI
click 'save results' and select 'bigquery table' then save as a new table (e.g. your_dataset.your_table_deduplicated)
navigate back to the old table and click the 'delete' button, then authorise the deletion
navigate to the new table and click the 'copy' button, then save it in the location the old table was in before (i.e. call the copy your_dataset.your_table)
delete your_dataset.your_table_deduplicated
This procedure will result in your replacing the current table with another with the same schema but without duplicated records. You should check that it looks as you expect before you discard your snapshot.
Option Two
A quicker approach, if you're comfortable with it, would be using the Data Manipulation Language (DML).
There is a DELETE statement, but you'd have to construct an appropriate WHERE clause to only delete the duplicate rows.
There is a simpler approach, which is equivalent to option one and just requires you to run this query:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE your_dataset.your_table AS
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM your_dataset.your_table
Again, you may wish to take a snapshot before running this.
The Future
If you have a cloud function that sends data to BigQuery on a schedule, then best-practice would be for this function to be idempotent (i.e. doesn't matter how many times you run it, if the input is the same the output is the same).
A typical pattern would be to add a stage to your function to pre-filter the new records.
Depending on your requirements, this stage could
prepare the new records you want to insert, which should have some unique, immutable ID field
SELECT some_unique_id FROM your_dataset.your_table -> old_record_ids
filter the new records, e.g. in python new_records = [record for record in prepared_records if record["id"] not in old_record_ids]
upload only the records that don't exist yet
This will prevent the sort of issues you have encountered here.

Incorrect BigQuery results for OMIT RECORD IF query when Destination table is set

I run the following query:
SELECT * FROM [fabrika21.master] OMIT RECORD IF NOT SOME ( = "9037777417")
with the following options:
Destination table: some existing table
Write Preference: Overwrite table
Results size: Allow large results
Results Schema: Flatten results
I have the following results:
As you can see, the returned record does not match the query.
When I replace star in the query with field, I have empty results:
Strange, there is no "Query returned zero records." message.
And when I remove the destination table option, I have correct results:
I think it is a bug. If somebody from BigQuery team would like to help me, jobIds are:
bquijob_691c1514_1577669d359 (query with star and destination table)
bquijob_14e10ce2_157766b1a1b (query with explicit field and destination table)
bquijob_60d53244_157766c4d8e (query with explicit field and no destination table)
You're correct, this is a bug in our display of the query results! While the actual query execution produced correct results, the web UI is caching previous results for the same destination table. In your case, an earlier query (perhaps bquijob_2aa85566_15775c5cce4) produced the results you later saw.
We'll address this immediately, but you can work around the problem by using the bq CLI program or refreshing your browser window between queries.
Thank you for the detailed post, it was a great help to diagnose the problem.

Bigquery and Tableau

I attached Tableau with Bigquery and was working on the Dash boards. Issue hear is Bigquery charges on the data a query picks everytime.
My table is 200GB data. When some one queries the dash board on Tableau, it runs on total query. Using any filters on the dashboard it runs again on the total table.
on 200GB data, if someone does 5 filters on different analysis, bigquery is calculating 200*5 = 1 TB (nearly). For one day on testing the analysis we were charged on a 30TB analysis. But table behind is 200GB only. Is there anyway I can restrict Tableau running on total data on Bigquery everytime there is any changes?
The extract in Tableau is indeed one valid strategy. But only when you are using a custom query. If you directly access the table it won't work as that will download 200Gb to your machine.
Other options to limit the amount of data are:
Not calling any columns that you don't need. Do this by hiding unused fields in Tableau. It will not include those fields in the query it sends to BigQuery. Otherwise it's a SELECT * and then you pay for the full 200Gb even if you don't use those fields.
Another option that we use a lot is partitioning our tables. For instance, a partition per day of data if you have a date field. Using TABLE_DATE_RANGE and TABLE_QUERY functions you can then smartly limit the amount of partitions and hence rows that Tableau will query. I usually hide the complexity of these table wildcard functions away in a view. And then I use the view in Tableau. Another option is to use a parameter in Tableau to control the TABLE_DATE_RANGE.
1) Right now I learning BQ + Tableau too. And I found that using "Extract" is must for BQ in Tableau. With this option you can also save time building dashboard. So my current pipeline is "Build query > Add it to Tableau > Make dashboard > Upload Dashboard to Tableau Online > Schedule update for Extract
2) You can send Custom Quota Request to Google and set up limits per project/per user.
3) If each of your query touching 200GB each time, consider to optimize these queries (Don't use SELECT *, use only dates you need, etc)
The best approach I found was to partition the table in BQ based on a date (day) field which has no timestamp. BQ allows you to partition a table by a day level field. The important thing here is that even though the field is day/date with no timestamp it should be a TIMESTAMP datatype in the BQ table. i.e. you will end up with a column in BQ with data looking like this:
2018-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC
The reasons the field needs to be a TIMESTAMP datatype (even though there is no time in the data) is because when you create a viz in Tableau it will generate SQL to run against BQ and for the partitioned field to be utilised by the Tableau generated SQL it needs to be a TIMESTAMP datatype.
In Tableau, you should always filter on your partitioned field and BQ will only scan the rows within the ranges of the filter.
I tried partitioning on a DATE datatype and looked up the logs in GCP and saw that the entire table was being scanned. Changing to TIMESTAMP fixed this.
The thing about tableau and Big Query is that tableau calculates the filter values using your query ( live query ). What I have seen in my project logging is, it creates filters from your own query.
select 'Custom SQL Query'.filtered_column from ( your_actual_datasource_query ) as 'Custom SQL Query' group by 'Custom SQL Query'.filtered_column
Instead, try to create the tableau data source with incremental extracts and also try to have your query date partitioned ( Big Query only supports date partitioning) so that you can limit the data use.

How to fetch data for a news feed like system?

I have few tables as shown below
PollId Question Option
1 What 1
2 Why 4
UpdateId Text
1 Sleep
2 Play
Polls and updates are just two sample tables (In reality there are more tables like ,photos, videos,links etc). But when a user visit his home (like facebook new feed) he must be displayed with data relevant to him (no such data included in this example). ie I want to select data from all tables with less number of query executions. (ie, I want to present a mixture of datas, ie polls, photos, videos etc )
Currently, I'm fetching only ids and type (ie which table) from all of the tables and gather further data while iterating through this resultset. (ie from c# calling another SqlQuery) .
Is there a way to query the data from whole tables at once? (OUTER JOIN?, UNION?)
Or simply,
How can I select different type of entities at once in a single sql Query?
You could write your query so that you have one long select list for everything you want and it all comes back in one result set but I suspect that wouldn't work too well because you might have varying numbers of different types of items per user.
If you really must have it all in one hit then you can issue multiple queries in one go and get multiple result sets back. To handle this you can use an ADO.Net DataSet. See this SO example (but not the accepted answer - see Vikram Dibyal's answer as that gives a very basic overview of what I think you're asking for).
I won't copy and paste the stuff from the linked thread, just head over and take a look.

SQLite view across multiple databases. Is this okay? Is there a better way?

Using SQlite I have a large database split into years:
They all have a single table call hist_tbl with two columns (key, data).
The requirements are:
1. to be able to access all the data at once.
2. inserts only go to the current version.
3. the data will continue to be split as time goes on.
4. access is through a single program that has exclusive access.
5. the program can accept some setup SQL but needs to run the same when accessing one database or multiple databases.
To view them cohesively I do the following (really in a program but command line shown here):
sqlite3 DB_current.sq3
attach database 'DB_2006_thru_2007.sq3' as hist1;
attach database 'DB_2008_thru_2009.sq3' as hist2;
create temp view hist_tbl as
select * from hist1.hist_tbl union
select * from hist2.hist_tbl union
select * from main.hist_tbl;
There is now a temp.hist_tbl (view) and a main.hist_tbl (table).
When I select without qualifying the table I get the data thru the view.
This is desirable since I can use my canned sql queries against either the joined view or the individual databases depending on how I setup. Additionally I can always insert into main.hist_tbl.
Question 1: What are the downsides?
Question 2: Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance.
Question 1: What are the downsides?
You have to update the view EVERY. FISCAL. year.
Question 2: Is there a better way?
Add a date column so you can search for things within a given timespan, like a fiscal year.