How to get specific index of a Dictionary? -

I'm working on a code that returns a query result like MySqlCommand, all working well but what I'm trying to do is insert the result inside a ComboBox. The way for achieve this is the following:
Form load event execute the GetAvailableCategories function
The function executed download all the values and insert it into a dictionary
Now the dictionary returned need an iteration for each Items to insert in the ComboBox
Practice example:
1,3. Event that fire the function
Private Sub Service_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For Each categoria In Categories.GetAvailableCategories()
End Sub
GetAvailableCategories function
Dim dic As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
For Each row In table.Rows
dic.Add(row(0), row(1))
Return dic
How you can see in the 1,3 points I call the function that return the result. What I want to do is insert the row(0) as value of the item and row(1) as Item name. But Actually I get this result in the ComboBox:
[1, Hair cut]
and also I can't access to a specific position of the current item in the iteration. Maybe the dictionary isn't a good choice for this operation?
Sorry if the question could be stupid, but it's a long time since I don't program in and now I need to brush up a bit.
I've understood that I can assign the value access to the .key of my dictionary, so the result that I want achieve is correct if I do:
cateogoria.key (return the id of record taken from the db)
categoria.value (is the item name that'll display in the ComboBox)
now the problem's that: How to assign the value of the current item without create any other new class? For example:
service_category.Items.Add(categoria.key, categoria.value)
But I can't do this, any idea?

A List as a DataSource sounds like what you are really after. Relying on relative indices in different arrays is sort of flaky. There is not a lot about what these are, but a class would keep the related info together:
Public Class Service
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Category As String
Public Property Id As Int32
End Class
This will keep the different bits of information together. Use them to store the info read from the db and use a List to store all of them:\
Private Services As New List(of Service)
For Each row In table.Rows
Dim s As New Service
s.Name = row(0).ToString() '???
s.Category =...
s.Id = ...
Services.Add(s) ' add this item to list
Finally, bind the List to the CBO:
myCbo.DataSource = Services
myCbo.DisplayMember = "Name" ' what to show in cbo
myCbo.ValueMember = "Id" ' what to use for SelectedValue
I dont really know what you want to show or what the db fields read are, so I am guessing. But the larger point is that a Class will keep the different bits of info together better than an array. The List can be the DataSource so that you dont even have to populate the CBO directly. The List can also be Sorted, searched, Filtered and so forth with linq.
When the user picks something, myCbo.SelectedItem should be that item (though it will need to be cast), or you can use SelectedIndex to find it in the list:
thisOne = Services(myCbo.SelectedIndex)
It is also usually a good idea to override ToString in the item/service class. This will determine what shows when a DisplayMember mapping is not available. Without this, WindowsApp2.Service might show for your items:
Public Overrides ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0} ({1})", Name, Price)
End Sub
This would show something like
Haircut ($12.30)


VB.NET ComboBox Verify if Value Exists

I am currently working on an application that was coded in VB. I am making modifications and adding features to it.
The issue I have is that I want to run a verification check for the ComboBox based on if the value exists before I attempt to select it.
The combo box is populated from a sql query with a dictionary data source
Dim TimerComboSource As New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
TimerComboSource.Add(varSQLReader("ID").ToString, varSQLReader("Name").ToString)
'Binds the values to the comboboxes
cmbTimer.DataSource = New BindingSource(TimerComboSource, Nothing)
cmbTimer.DisplayMember = "Value"
cmbTimer.ValueMember = "Key"
I select a value from a different ComboBox which is populated with a different SQL Query/SQL Table.
When I select the second ComboBox value, the table it comes from contains the ID of the first ComboBox. I want to verify if the Value Exists in the first ComboBox before I select it.
The following does not work:
If cmbTechnician.Items.Contains(varSQLReader("Tech_ID").ToString) Then
cmbTechnician.SelectedValue = varSQLReader("Tech_ID").ToString
End If
Is there a specific way in VB to make this work without it being overly complicated? The other work around would to make a more complicated SQL query but I rather not do that if there's a simpler way.
Since you are using a BindingSource on a Dictionary, you should use the DataSource to determine of things exist. If you tried to add to cmbTimer.Items or delete from it directly, you'd get an error telling you to use the DataSource. So do the same for checking if something exists (dont use a dictionary with local scope):
' form or class level collection
Private cboSource As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
cboSource.Add("red", "red")
cboSource.Add("blue", "blue")
cboSource.Add("green", "green")
cbo.DataSource = New BindingSource(cboSource, Nothing)
cbo.DisplayMember = "Value"
cbo.ValueMember = "Key"
If cbo.Items.Contains("red") Then
Console.Beep() ' wont hit
End If
If cboSource.ContainsValue("red") Then
Console.Beep() ' hits!
End If
The suggestion in comments suggests casting the DataSource of the BindingSource back to dictionary:
Dim tempBS As BindingSource = CType(cbo.DataSource, BindingSource)
Dim newCol As Dictionary(Of String, String) = CType(tempBS.DataSource, Dictionary(Of String, String))
If newCol.ContainsValue("red") Then
Console.Beep() ' hits!
End If
It is easier and more direct to retain a reference to the dictionary, but recreating it will work.
Here are another way =>
If cmbTechnician.FindString(varSQLReader("Tech_ID").ToString) <= -1 Then
'Do Not Exist
End If
This will find the display member and will return an index of the row if there exist value, otherwise will return -1.
More Info are here=>ComboBox.FindString

How to Save/Reload data in after .exe close?

I am new to, and this is my first project where I'm fairly certain there is an obvious answer that I just can't find.
Problem: I have a list of a structure I have defined with many properties. I want to be able to edit and load that list with the values I have saved to it before hand after closing the program and loading it backup. What is the best way to do this?
This isn't a simple string or bool, otherwise I would use the user settings that is commonly suggested, in the project's properties. I've seen others that save it into an xml and take it back up, but I'm not inclined to do so since this is going to be distributed to others in mass. Since it's a complex structure, what's the commonly held preferred method?
Here's a structure:
Structure animal
Dim coloring as string
Dim vaccinesUpToDate as Boolean
Dim species as string
Dim age as integer
End structure
And there's a List(Of animal) that the user will add say 1 cat, 2 dogs, etc. I want it so that once the programs is closed after the user has added these, that structure will be saved to still have that 1 cat and 2 dogs with those settings so I can display them again. What's the best way to save the data in my program?
Consider serialization. For this, a class is more in order than an old fashioned Struct:
Class Animal
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Coloring As String
Public Property VaccinesUpToDate As Boolean
Public Property Species As String
Public Property DateOfBirth As DateTime
Public ReadOnly Property Age As Integer
If DateOfBirth <> DateTime.MinValue Then
Return (DateTime.Now.Year - DateOfBirth.Year)
Return 0 ' unknown
End If
End Get
End Property
' many serializers require a simple CTor
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", Name, Species, Age)
End Function
End Class
The ToString() override can be important. It is what will display if you add Animal objects to a ListBox e.g.: "Stripe (Gremlin, 27)"
Friend animalList As New List(of Animal) ' a place to store animals
' create an animal
a = New Animal
a.Coloring = "Orange"
a.Species = "Feline" ' should be an Enum maybe
a.Name = "Ziggy"
a.BirthDate = #2/11/2010#
' animalList(0) is now the Ziggy record. add as many as you like.
In more complex apps, you might write an Animals collection class. In that case, the List might be internal and the collection could save/load the list.
Friend Sub SaveData(fileName as String)
Using fs As New System.IO.FileStream(fileName,
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
bf.Serialize(fs, animalList)
End Using
End Sub
Friend Function LoadData(fileName as String) As List(Of Animal)
Dim a As List(of Animal)
Using fs As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
a = CType(bf.Deserialize(fs), List(Of Animal))
End Using
Return a
End Function
XMLSerialization, ProtoBuf and even json are much the same syntax. For a small amount of data, a serialized list is an easy alternative to a database (and have many, many other uses, like a better Settings approach).
Calculated Fields as Properties
Notice that I added a BirthDate property and changed Age to calculate the result. You should not save anything which can be easily calculated: in order to update the Age (or VaccinesUpToDate) you'd have to 'visit' each record, perform a calculation then save the result - which might be wrong in 24 hours.
The reason for exposing Age as a Property (rather than a function) is for data binding. It is very common to use a List<T> as the DataSource:
animalsDGV.DataSource = myAnimals
The result will be a row for each animal with each Property as a column. Fields as in the original Structure won't show up. Nor would an Age() function display, wrapping the result as a readonly property displays it. In a PropertyGrid, it will show disabled because it is RO.
Class versus Structure
So if a Structure using Properties will work, why use a Class instead? From Choosing Between Class and Struct on MSDN, avoid using a Structure unless the type meets all of the following:
It logically represents a single value, similar to primitive types (int, double, etc.)
It has an instance size under 16 bytes
It is immutable
It will not have to be boxed frequently
Animal fails the first 3 points (while it is a local item it is not a value for #1). It may also fail the last depending on how it is used.

Passing a variable to another form, from another when invoked by an action

I might be making this more complicated than I have to.
I have a form in Visual Basic that is adding a row of data to an Access Database.
What will happen (or rather what I would like to happen) is that when the form is created, a row will be added to said database. Once that row is added, I want to have another form open (called NewWindowA) which will pull information on that database that is related to the ID of the row that was created from the first form.
I know that in NewWindowA I need to have the form load the values on Load. But my question is: How do you pass a value to a new window that's invoked by some action?
You can make a constructor of newwindowa that takes the id Like :
Public Sub New(ByVal ID as Integer)
'Do stuff
End Sub
Another Choice you have that you make a global property in newwindowa
Private _ID As Integer
Public Property ID() As Integer
Return _ID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_ID = value
End Set
End Property
When you want to call neweindowa:
Dim n as New NewWindowA
n.ID = 12312
just create a public sub in the new form possibly called (prepareUI)
that new sub has the parameter you want to pass as its parameters
access the controls and fill them .
in the original form
instantiate the new form and call the show method
and then call the sub prepareUI sending the paremateres you need

DNN Dal+ - retrieve individual info class collection items (vb.NET)

I can't seem to find any answers that work. Here's the setup:
Info class:
Public Class ProductStageInfo
Private _ProductNumber As String
Private _ProductReference As String
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Property ProductNumber() As String
Return _ProductNumber
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_ProductNumber = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class
and so on; I have four class declarations in the info class, the one above has fifteen different items - product number, product reference, product name, and so forth. The other's are catalogue classifications, which 'stage' of production the product is in, quality assurance questions; etc.
Then in the Controller class for DNN, I have those various info classes filled via queries to the DB DNN was deployed on; example:
Public Shared Function LoadStages(ByVal ProductNumber As String) As List(Of ProductStageInfo)
Return CBO.FillCollection(Of ProductStageInfo)(CType(DataProvider.Instance().ExecuteReader("Product_LoadStages", ProductNumber), IDataReader))
End Function
and everything works so far, I can fill a datalist using <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductNumber" %> and in code behind:
Dim ProductStageList As List(Of ProductStageInfo)
ProductStageList = ProductController.LoadStages(ProductNumber)
ProductStageDataList.DataSource = ProductStageList
so far, so good...
but now I need to allow individuals to 'create' stages, and one of the business reqs' is that people shouldn't be able to create, for example, a delivery stage before a packaging stage.
So, how do I go about 'finding' a product number, product reference, stage number, within a collection? I thought I could fill the collection with all the stages of a certain product number, and then do an if/then stage = 0 found, stage > 5 found, etc.
If ProductStageList.Contains(strProductNumber) then
end if
gives error value of type string cannot be converted to namespace.ProductStageInfo; same thing for ProductStageList.Find...
maybe I just don't understand the whole collection/index/thing. All the examples I've found are regarding single dimension collections - 'how to find name within this collection', and the responses use strings to search through them, but somehow the Info class is being treated differently, and I'm not sure how to translate this...
any hints, tips, advice, tutorials.... appreciate it :)
Pretty sure I just found the answer by reviewing another module; basically I need to create an empty object instead of a list object of the same class and use the two to iterate through using for/each, etc.
Dim objStages As ProductStagesInfo
Dim intStages, StageSelected As Integer
Dim intStageOption As Integer = -1
Dim blnValid As Boolean = True
Dim ProductChosen As String = lblStagesCNHeader.Text
Dim ProductStageList As List(Of ProductStagesInfo) = ProductController.LoadStages(ProductChosenNumber)
For intStages = 0 To StageList.Count - 1
objStages = StageList(intStages)
intStageOption += 1
Select objStages.StageSetNumber
Case "0"
objStages._ provides me the ability to get the data I needed to do the business logic
seems so simple once you see it, wish I could just store it all in my brain

Listbox Control Item - Multiple Names (and/or variables)?

I have a lot of data that's coming from a database and being adding to a listbox. The data that's coming from the database is a unique ID, and a name.
Is there any way I can make the item contain both the ID and name? I know I can append it, that's not what I'm looking to do. I need a way to be able to either get the ID, or get the name, while displaying them both.
I have gotten as far as creating a class:
Class Item
Property ID as Integer
Property Name as String
Sub New(ID as Integer, Name as String)
Me.ID = ID
Me.Name = Name
End Sub
Overrides Function ToString() as String
Return Name
End Function
End Class
That looks like it should do the trick, but I'm having trouble getting the ID, instead of the name. To put it simply, I wish I could do this: listbox1.selecteditem(id) to get the id, or listbox1.selecteditem(name) to get the name.
Any ideas on how to implement this?
You can bind to a List(Of Item) like this:
Dim ItemList = New List(Of Item)
' Fill the list with appropiate values.'
listbox1.DataSource = ItemList
listbox1.DisplayMember = "Name"
listbox1.ValueMember = "ID"
Then listbox1.SelectedValue holds the ID and you can access the name like this:
DirectCast(listbox1.SelectedItem, Item).Name
If you want to show both the ID and the Name, then I suggest you add a property to be the displayed value in the Itemclass:
Public ReadOnly Property DisplayedValue() as String
Return Me.Name & " (" & Me.ID.ToString & ")"
End Get
End Property
Then when binding the list make
listbox1.DisplayMember = "DisplayedValue"
Based on your comments below I'd say my solution still works. However with this methodology the items must be added to the list and then the list bound to the object. The items can not be added individually and directly to the list box (as you would be separating data from presentation I don't see that as a problem).
To show a message box with the selected item then you just need to do:
MessageBox.Show(DirectCast(listbox1.SelectedItem, Item).ID.ToString))
I think you'll have to write a helper method to do this. If you're using VB 3.5 or newer (part of VS2008 and newer) you can write an extension method so that you can at least get nice syntax. You could write one such that it looked like:
In the methods you'd have some search algorithm that went through the items and found the right one.