I get an "not recognised as an internal or external command " error message when I run the following command:
C:\pdi-ce>Pan.bat /file=c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr usa_201210.txt
pentaho 4.4.0 community edition is installed in :
transformation and files are saved in :
Any hint to run the transformation from Pan since I am able to run it from Spoon.
Generally Pentaho kettle creates another wrapper folder "data-integration" in installation directory. Check whether Pan.bat exists in the directory. If not cd to the directory which has it.
Pan.bat -file="c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr" > usa_201210.txt
Assuming usa_201210.txt is the log file.
I would recommend starting pan.bat in a different shell and make it wait until it completes as below.
start /wait cmd "c:\pdi-ce\Pan.bat -file=c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr > usa_201210.txt"
cd /C:/pdi-ce/
Pan.bat /file:"c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr" /usa_201210.txt
In power-shell window command prompt how to run a karate script. can you briefly explain the process on this.
Download the standalone JAR file: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-netty#standalone-jar
Assuming you have the JAR and feature file in the same directory, you can trigger the script from the command prompt using the following command:
> karate.jar testscript.feature
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am using Pentaho community edition 5.4.0 ,I explain My requirement very Simply,
1) I have my jobs and transformation in my local windows machine and i like to execute those in my client machine ,So that i installed same Pentaho community version 5.4.0 on his machine. For Remote Execution i heard about Carte.bat service,I searched the installation procedure and configuration settings for remote execution,but i didn't get a clear idea about that,Please help me a clear step by step procedure for how to run remotely in my client machine .
2) Is there possible for Schedule those jobs and transformation in Pentaho Community edition 5..4.0 ? Is it possible please explain the same.
Thanks and Regards
Install jenkins
At least read what variables are available in Jenkins. It is pretty handy to know them.
Download PDI KETTLE from http://pentaho.com unzip in any suitable directory.
Configure executables and PDI variables as in here
How to configure Database connection for production environment in Pentaho data integration Kettle transformation
Start jenkins and login into admin panel. Create an new job,
in paragraph Build add Execute shell inside input text area add lines:
kitchen.sh -file=main.kjb
There are a lot of jenkins plugins.
You can add post-build actions:
notice by email
archive publish result
.... so on
Worth to use Jenkins if it is used for some other functionalities, means it is already exists in infrastructure, otherwise carte will be enought.
Variable configured in .bashrc and .bash_profile (User should be same as used for Jenkins)
export KETTLE_HOME=/opt/R1/data-integration
export KETTLE_JNDI_ROOT=$KETTLE_HOME/simple-jndi
To force evaluate .bashrc on ssh login add to .bash_profile
if [ -f .bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
source .bashrc
After restart Jenkins (not from admin panel)
I am trying to run my .ktr file in cmd line. I have my data-integration setup in this path:
and my .ktr file in this path:
while am trying to run that in cmd line I am getting the following error
DEBUG: _PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7
DEBUG: _PENTAHO_JAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
WARN 11-08 11:47:09,728 - Unable to load Hadoop Configuration from "file:///C:/
-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations/mapr". For more information enable debug
INFO 11-08 11:47:09,759 - Pan - Start of run.
ERROR: No repository provided, can't load transformation.
hamodharan.a\Desktop.test.ktr /level:Basic
I am trying to run an input excel file and make the output as excel. Do I also need to create repository for that?
If I try to create repository option I saw only for dbms not for excel.
Make sure the environment variable PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME is set correctly and then it'll work.
For some reason the java install is not on your path. But if spoon works you must have it somewhere.
i did the environment variable for JAVA_HOME now pan.bat and kitchen.bat works fine.
here the command:
pan.bat /file:C:\Users\dhamodharan.a\Desktop\dhamu\test.ktr /level:Basic > C:\Users\dhamodharan.a\Desktop\dhamu\test.log
Here is the related error its showing:
java.exe is not a recognized file as an internal or external command,
operable or external command
i was getting the same error on WIndows 8.1(64 bit) and checked java path but it was ok
so i just run my jmeter.bat with Run as Administrator and it worked for me
Many operating systems have an environment variable such as PATH that contains a list of directories (or folders) to be searched when looking for a command to execute. Commands that can be found via the PATH are commonly called external commands. The program that reads the command line or the batch file and invoked the commands may have a number of built in commands, these are commonly called internal commands.
I suggest you examine the PATH (or equivalent) set when your java command executes from the command line and also when execution is attempted from the batch file. Compare the two and make sure the directory containing your java.exe is in the PATH.
Does not work with Java 9 beta:
C:\java -version
java version "9-ea"
Just go into command line and run:
java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar
Set the correct Java Path (installed in your system) in Computer -> Advanced System settings -> Environment Variables -> Ok -> System Variables -> Path
I got the same issue and resolved by following the above steps.
I tried everything, this eventually worked.
Within System Variables:
PATH = "C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\bin"
May help someone.
This error occurs due to the path has not been set properly.
Either you can set it in environmental varialables or right click jmeter .bat file,choose edit set the path their,for reference see the jmeter.apache.org user manuals.
For me, my Java path has a space in it and jmeter said it can't find Java
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home
.. I looked at the jmeter.sh script and saw it got the path from "Plugin-Ins" .. onward. I tried just commenting out the exit command after that check in the script .. and then I was able to run jmeter.
So apparently the validation logic has a bug, where the error message about can't find java is in fact not true (if Java is indeed set up correctly), so it can be ignored.
For windows 8.1 Users:
Error when trying to run jmeter.bat
Error message:
Not able to find Java executable or version. Please check your Java installation. errorlevel=2
Press any Key to continue
Right Click jmeter.bat and Run as Administrator.
This worked for me, hope this helps. Good luck
Set the correct JM_LAUNCH variable to java.exe
For Windows XP users set Java environment by following the steps here:
Note the path depends on your installed JDK.
And download the file from:
Then replace your jmeter.bat with the downloaded file.
If you have installed Java and still you get this error, please set the java_home path to below using typing below command in terminal:
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/InternetPlugIns/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home"
Since I run many versions of Java.. I modified jmeter.bat.
rem JM_START - set this to "start" to launch JMeter in a separate window
rem this is used by the jmeterw.cmd script.
rem =====================================================
rem Minimal version to run JMeter
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Java80\jre\bin <<< add This line to jmeter.bat
Copied the JAVA executable from Installed version of Java from C:\Program FilesJava\jdk1.8.0_191\bin and pasted in the folder where the jmeter bat resides and it worked for me.
Not exactly the same issue but somebody might find it helpful
Do not double click jmeter.bat but instead ApacheJMeter.jar in the same directory
For me jmeter.bat run but for a brief moment closing almost immediately and not prompting any error. Above workaround allowed me to start working
if JAVA -version shows as blank or empty in the command prompt (CMD) then you need to clear the all java paths in environment variable and again add JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-
path= C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-\bin;
if you see C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath; like this remove this
and try in new CMD prompt then Java -version will work.
I'm currently using CruiseControl.NET to automate my build. We have two different ways to build a solution in my build environment - one is through the Keil uVision4 IDE, the other is through Visual Studio 2008.
I've successfully gotten the Visual Studio solution to build properly using CruiseControl.NET and have created a batch file which properly uses Keil's uVision command line interface to compile my uvproj Project (compilation details here).
Problem Description
1) I can successfully execute the build script on my Windows 2008 server and build the project if I create a command prompt with administrator privileges (I'm doing this manually - start -> run -> cmd with ctrl-shift-enter to run as admin).
2) However, if I create a command prompt without administrator privileges, and attempt to execute the batch file, the batch file won't work unless I accept the prompt asking me to confirm admin rights are required to run the batch script.
How do I automatically execute a batch file as an administrator through CruiseControl?
Is this something that could be automated using the RunAs command?
Technical details
1) The batch file being executed is pretty simple - it deletes the old output and re-makes the output, creating a build log file in the location below.
set BuildLogLocation=BuildLog\BuildLog.txt
echo on
cd ../..
cd PTM
rmdir /s /q output
mkdir output
mkdir BuildLog
C:\Keil\UV4\UV4.exe -r myProj.uvproj -o %BuildLogLocation%
echo ErrorLevel of build is %ERRORLEVEL%
echo build complete, see %BuildLogLocation%
2) Currently I'm looking to use the Exec functionality to run the Keil build script above:
<!-- Details about error codes can be found here:
http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/uv4/uv4_commandline.htm -->
Related questions:
How can I use a build server with Keil uVision4 (MDK-ARM), script a build, use a makefile? (Electrical Engineering)
Execute a command-line command from CruiseControl.NET (Stack Overflow)
Can you run CCService, the CruiseControl.NET Windows Service, as a user who has administrative permissions? I'd try that first.
If that doesn't work, I would use runas to run your script. You'll have to embed the administrative user's password in the script calling runas.
I know this is old but, Did you get an offical way to do it Via Cruise Control?
Normally I create this and call it to call other processes "As Admin".
Make a ".VBS" script with This in the contents:
Dim strBatchPath
strBatchPath = "PATH-TO-FILE.EXE"
Set runBatch = CreateObject("shell.application")
runBatch.shellexecute strBatchPath,,,"runas",1
That could be an option to people that can't find an official way
You could try psExec from sysinternals. If you don't need to run as a nt-authority account you should be able to use this in the same way as runas.
It allows you to pass in the username/password as a switch (if memory serves)
I have Discovered that when using PSEXEC and using the -h switch, it then "runs as admin" on destination
psexec -h \ServerToRunOn /accepteula -u DOMAIN\USER -p PASSWORD "PATH-TO-FILE"
I am Using CC.Net to call a batch file with the above in. This will run that file as Admin