Multiple tables with same model - activejdbc

I am using Active JDBC. I have a use case where I wanted to read from table_date on any given date where the structure/model of the table will be same for all the tables of this type. eg: registrations_29_10_2015, registrations_10_11_2015, etc.. where all the tables that start with registrations will have the same model/structure. How should I dynamically bind the table name with the model? I mean on 29th of Oct I want to use registrations_29_10_2015 and 10th of Nov I want to use registrations_10_11_2015. Also: Is it possible to create a table at the start of the next day using active jdbc? And FYI, this is basically for sharding the tables and drop the old tables.

technically speaking the framework was designed to detect table names according to conventions. However, that information is stored in a class called MetaModel:
Each model is backed by a MetaModel. While you cannot just set the table name to the MetaModel, it is not that hard to add this feature. Please, open an issue on the project repo for consideration.
Edit: we released the sharding in ActiveJDBC a few days ago: It does exactly what you need, enjoy.


How to avoid creating a date island in QlikView?

I'm a beginner developer and I have a database which has several different dates.
Created Date
Converted Date
Lost Date
Changed Date
The data needs to be shown in one application and filter on all dates. I am coding in QlikView and I could create and date island and use their native set analysis to use filter the data, but that is having a major impact on performance.
Anyone coding in QlikView come across a similar scenario?
Set analysis indeed has a major impact on performance. You are better off using the normal 'selection' functionality in QlikView.
For the answer below I am going to assume that you are familiar with the concept of Star Schema development. In short it means separating Dimensions (selection fields) from Fact fields (counter fields, summation fields, etc.) and connecting them via a link table.
There are two possible scenarios:
1. More than one date is related to the same fact.
For example you have a ´sales transactions´ table which has as a fact the amount of money involved in the sale, and there is not only the ´sale date´ but also the ´payment date´ and you want to select on both. In this case you want to have several independent date selections, since you cannot be sure whether the user wants to select on Converted date, Created date... etc. You need to duplicate your ´date island´ with different keynames and connect it to your transactions table twice. Both date pools will no longer be islands and are more properly called ´Calendar dimensions´.
2. Different dates are related to different facts.
In this case you can use one 'Calendar dimension' to accommodate for all date fields. Simply create one AutoNumber key in your calendar and call it %DateKey. Make this field the connection between your calendar table and your link table. Now for all Fact Tables that have a date which you want to make selectable with the calendar, make sure you connect it to the linktable using a key that includes the Date in the Autonumber hash.
Having it experienced this same what i would reccomend would be creating what i call a Key Table like the example below ; keeps the relationships and you don't have to use set analysis as much; just make sure you put a table with all posible dates as one of the child tables and a %DateKey like littlegreen suggested

NHibernate: Dynamic Table Mapping

I have a scenario where I want to persist document info record to a table specific to the typo of document, rather than a generic table for all records.
For example, records for Invoices will be stored in dbo.Doc_1000 and records for Receipts will be stored in dbo.Doc_2000 where 1000 and 2000 are id autogenerate and store in well-known table (dbo.TypeOfDoc.
Furthermore each table have a group of system column (always the same) and could have a group of dynamic column (metadata).
Tables and eventually dynamic column are clearly created at runtime.
If this is possible with NHibernate???
hope that I got your point. I am currently looking for a solution for a problem that looks similar. I want to integrate a feature in my application where the admin user can design an entity at runtime.
As far as I know, once the SessionFactory is configured and ready to use, there is no way to modify the mapping used by nhibernate. If you want to use a customized table structure that is configured, created and modified at runtime, you should have a place where a corresponding mapping lives, e.g. as a nhibernate mapping xml file and you have to set up a new SessionFactory each time you change the database model to reflect these changes.

Database design to hold a person's information that changes with time?

We use a third-party product to manage our sports centre membership. We have several membership types (eg. junior, student, staff, community) and several membership statuses (eg. annual, active, inactive, suspended). Unfortunately the product only records a member's current membership type and status. I'd like to be able to track the way our members' type and status have changed over time.
At present, we have access to the product's database design. It runs on SQL Server and we regularly run our own SQL queries against the product's tables to produce our own tables. We then link our tables to pivot-tables in Excel to produce charts. So we're familiar with database design and SQL. However we're stuck as to how to best approach this problem.
The product records a member's membership purchases and their start and expiry dates. So we can work back through that data to determine a member's type and status at any point in time. For example, if they bought a junior membership on Jan 1, 2007 and it expired on Dec 31, 2007 and then they bought a student membership on Jun 1, 2008, we can see their status went from active to inactive to active (on Jan 1, 2008 and Jun 1, 2008, respectively) and their type went from junior to student (on Jun 1, 2008).
Essentially we'd like to turn a member's type and status properties into temporal properties or effectivities a-la Fowler (or some other thing that varies with time).
Our question (finally :) - given the above: what database table design would you recommend we use to hold this member information. I imagine it would have a column for MemberID so we can key into the existing Member table. It would also need to store a member's status and type and the date range they were held for. We'd like to be able to easily write queries against this table(s) to determine how many members of each type and status we had at a given point in time.
UPDATE 2009-08-25: Have been side-tracked and haven't had a chance to try out the proposed solutions yet. Hope to do so soon and will select an answer based on the results.
Given that your system is already written and in place, the simplest approach to this problem (and the one that affects the existing database/code the least), is to add a membership history table that contains MemberID, status, type and date columns. Then add an UPDATE and an INSERT trigger to the main member table. When these triggers fire, you write the new values for the member (along with the date of the status change) into the member history table. You can then just query this table to get the histories for each member.
This is fairly simple to implement, and won't affect the existing system at all.
I'll write this for you for a free membership. :)
I cannot recommend you enough to read Joe Celko's "Sql for smarties - advanced sql programming". he has a whole chapter on temporal database design AND how to (effeciently and effectively) run Temporal Projection, Selection and Temporal Join queries. And I would not do him justice to even attempt to explain what he says in his chapter in this post.
I would create a reporting database that was organized into a star schema. The membership dimension would be arranged temporally, so that there would be different rows for the same member at different points in time. That way different rows in the fact table could pertain to different points in history.
Then I would create update procedures for updating the reporting database periodically, say one a week, from the main database. This is where the main work would come.
Then, I would drive the reports off the reporting database. It's pretty easy to make a star schema do the same things a pivot table does. If necessary, I'd get some kind of OLAP tool to sit in front of the reporting database.
This is a lot of work, but it would pay off over time.
I would put the membership info in it's own table with start and end dates. Keeping the customer in separate table. This is a pain if you need the "current" membership info all the time but there are many ways to get around that either through queries or triggers.

How would you make a Temporal Many-to-Many Relationship in SQL?

How would you represent a temporal many-to-many relation in SQL? Under non-temporal circumstances one would use a junction table (aka link/bridge/map) to connect the two sides.
Is adding temporal tracking as simple as including a ValidStart and ValidEnd columns on the junction table? If you have done this, what issues (if any) did you run into? Is there a better method for keeping track of changes over time in this kind of relation?
If it helps at all, in my case I'm specifically using SQL 2008 and the temporal data is not bitemporal as I'm only tracking valid time.
I am working on a project (for some years now) that uses both temporal data and temporal many-to-many relations. Each table has ValidFrom and ValidUntil columns (storing dates only).
First you have to define the semantics of the Valid* columns, i.e. whether ValidUntil is included or excluded from the validity range. You also need to specify whether NULL dates are valid and what their meaning is.
Next you need a couple of functions, such as dbo.Overlaps2() and dbo.Overlaps3() which receive 2 and 3 date ranges respectively, and return 1 if the date ranges overlap and 0 otherwise.
On top of that, I defined views for the many-to-many relationships with dbo.Overlap3(...)=1.
One further point is to have a set of functions which calculate the effective validity range based on dates in 2 or 3 related tables.
Recently I had to add functionality to allow a user to display all available data, or only currently valid data. I save this setting in a users table, associate the SPID to the user when opening a connection, and filter the records in another set of views.

SQL - Table Design - DateCreated and DateUpdated columns

For my application there are several entity classes, User, Customer, Post, and so on
I'm about to design the database and I want to store the date when the entities were created and updated. This is where it gets tricky. Sure one option is to add created_timestamp and update_timestamp columns for each of the entity tables but that isn't that redudant?
Another possibility could be to create a log table that stores this information, and it could be made to contain keep track of updates for any entity.
Any thoughts? I'm leaning on implementing the latter.
The single-log-table-for-all-tables approach has two main problems that I can think of:
The design of the log table will (probably) constrain the design of all the other tables. Most likely the log table would have one column named TableName and then another column named PKValue (which would store the primary key value for the record you're logging). If some of your tables have compound primary keys (i.e. more than one column), then the design of your log table would have to account for this (probably by having columns like PKValue1, PKValue2 etc.).
If this is a web application of some sort, then the user identity that would be available from a trigger would be the application's account, instead of the ID of the web app user (which is most likely what you really want to store in your CreatedBy field). This would only help you distinguish between records created by your web app code and records created otherwise.
CreatedDate and ModifiedDate columns aren't redundant just because they're defined in each table. I would stick with that approach and put insert and update triggers on each table to populate those columns. If I also needed to record the end-user who made the change, I would skip the triggers and populate the timestamp and user fields from my application code.
I do the latter, with a "log" or "events" table. In my experience, the "updated" timestamp becomes frustrating pretty quick, because a lot of the time you find yourself in a fix where you want not just the very latest update time.
How often will you need to include the created/updated timestamps in your presentation layer? If the answer is anything more than "once in a great great while", I think you would be better served by having those columns in each table.
On a project I worked on a couple of years ago, we implemented triggers which updated what we called an audit table (it stored basic information about the changes being made, one audit table per table). This included modified date (and last modified).
They were only applied to key tables (not joins or reference data tables).
This removed a lot of the normal frustration of having to account for LastCreated & LastModified fields, but introduced the annoyance of keeping the triggers up to date.
In the end the trigger/audit table design worked well and all we had to remember was to remove and reapply the triggers before ETL(!).
It's for a web based CMS I work on. The creation and last updated dates will be displayed on most pages and there will be lists for the last created (and updated) pages. The admin interface will also use this information.