Oracle: Accessing parent attribute in subquery - sql

How can I access 'parent' attributes in subqueries.
E.g. if I have the following Minimal Working Example snippet, I expect as output
however it fails with
ORA-904, T1.F1 invalid Identifier.
Now I know I can rewrite this complete query to get this working, however reason for asking this is:
Why can't I access the 'outer' attrbute?
How can I access it with less modification and
I want to add a column without modyfing the outer query too much.
create table T1(F1 INTEGER);
create table T2(F2 INTEGER,F3 INTEGER);
insert into T1(F1) VALUES(1);
insert into T2(F2,F3) VaLUES(1,2);
insert into T2(F2,F3) VALUES(1,2);
insert into T2(F2,F3) VALUES(1,3);
select T1.F1,
(SELECT LISTAGG(A,':') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY A) from (select distinct(F3) as A froM T2 where F2 = T1.F1)) as B
from T1;

1) Why can't I access the 'outer' attribute?
Oracle just allows the subquery to access its direct parent query tables... actually, you're trying to access the main query in a subquery of a subquery.
2) How can I access it with less modification
Your inner most subquery could be removed and you could apply a regex to remove duplicates as following:
from T2
where F2 = T1.F1
) as B
from T1;
This regex finds any non-duplicate token (token = data before a : or before the end of line) and checks the next tokens to find any duplicate, replacing all the match for the first non-duplicate found and the : if it's not the end of line.
3) I want to add a column without modyfing the outer query too much
This way your outer query haven't changed, so you can manage it the way you want.


Use value of one column as identifier in another table in SNOWFLAKE

I have two table one of which contains the rule for another
create table t1(id int, query string)
create table t2(id int, place string)
insert into t1 values (1,'id < 10')
insert into t1 values (2,'id == 10')
And the values in t2 are
insert into t2 values (11,'Nevada')
insert into t2 values (20,'Texas')
insert into t2 values (10,'Arizona')
insert into t2 values (2,'Abegal')
I need to select from second table as per the value of first table column value.
select * from t2 where {query}
with x(query)
(select c2 from test)
select * from test where query;
but neither are helping.
There are a couple of problems with storing criteria in a table like this:
First, as has already been noted, you'll likely have to resort to dynamic SQL, which can get messy, and limits how you can use it.
It's going to be problematic (to say the least) to validate and parse your criteria. What if someone writes a rule of [id] *= 10, or [this_field_doesn't_exist] = blah?
If you're just storing potential values for your [id] column, one solution would be to have your t1 (storing your queries) include a min value and max value, like this:
min_value INT NULL,
max_value INT NULL
Note that both the min and max values can be null. Your provided criteria would then be expressed as this:
([id], min_value, max_value)
(1, NULL, 10),
(2, 10, 10)
Note that I've explicitly referenced what attibutes we're inserting into, as you should also be doing (to prevent issues with attributes being added/modified down the line).
A null value on min_value means no lower limit; a null max_value means no upper limit.
To then get results from t2 that meet all your t1 criteria, simply do an INNER JOIN:
( <= t1.max_value OR t1.max_value IS NULL)
( >= t1.min_value OR t1.min_value IS NULL)
Note that, as I said, this will only return results that match all your criteria. If you need to more complex logic (for example, show records that meet Rules 1, 2 and 3, or meet Rule 4), you'll likely have to resort to dynamic SQL (or at the very least some ugly JOINs).
As stated in a comment, however, you want to have more complex rules, which might mean you have to end up using dynamic SQL. However, you still have the problem of validating and parsing your rule. How do you handle cases where a user enters an invalid rule?
A better solution might be to store your rules in a format that can easily be parsed and validated. For example, come up with an XML schema that defines a valid rule/criterion. Then, your Rules table would have a rule XML attribute, tied to that schema, so users could only enter valid rules. You could then either shred that XML document, or create the SQL client-side to come up with your query.
I got the answer myself. And I am putting it below.
I have used python CLI to do the job. (As snowflake does not support dynamic query)
I believe one can use the same for other DB (tedious but doable)
setting up configuration to connect
CONFIG_PATH = "/root/config/snowflake.json"
with open(CONFIG_PATH) as f:
config = json.load(f)
snf_user = config['snowflake']['user']
snf_pwd = config['snowflake']['pwd']
snf_account = config['snowflake']['account']
snf_region = config['snowflake']['region']
snf_role = config['snowflake']['role']
ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
Used multiple cursor as in loop we don't want recursive connection
cs = ctx.cursor()
cs1 = ctx.cursor()
query = "select c2 from test"
for (x) in cs:
y = "select * from test1 where {0}".format(', '.join(x).replace("'",""))
for (y1) in cs1:
And boom done

'In' clause in SQL server with multiple columns

I have a component that retrieves data from database based on the keys provided.
However I want my java application to get all the data for all keys in a single database hit to fasten up things.
I can use 'in' clause when I have only one key.
While working on more than one key I can use below query in oracle
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where (value_type,CODE1) IN (('I','COMM'),('I','CORE'));
which is similar to writing
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'COMM'
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'CORE'
However, this concept of using 'in' clause as above is giving below error in 'SQL server'
ERROR:An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ','.
Please let know if their is any way to achieve the same in SQL server.
This syntax doesn't exist in SQL Server. Use a combination of And and Or.
FROM <table_name>
(value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'COMM')
OR (value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'CORE')
(In this case, you could make it shorter, because value_type is compared to the same value in both combinations. I just wanted to show the pattern that works like IN in oracle with multiple fields.)
When using IN with a subquery, you need to rephrase it like this:
FROM foo
(value_type, CODE1) IN (
SELECT type, code
FROM bar
WHERE <some conditions>)
SQL Server:
FROM foo
FROM bar
WHERE <some conditions>
AND foo.type_code = bar.type
AND foo.CODE1 = bar.code)
There are other ways to do it, depending on the case, like inner joins and the like.
If you have under 1000 tuples you want to check against and you're using SQL Server 2008+, you can use a table values constructor, and perform a join against it. You can only specify up to 1000 rows in a table values constructor, hence the 1000 tuple limitation. Here's how it would look in your situation:
SELECT <table_name>.* FROM <table_name>
('I', 'COMM'),
('I', 'CORE')
) AS MyTable(a, b) ON a = value_type AND b = CODE1;
This is only a good idea if your list of values is going to be unique, otherwise you'll get duplicate values. I'm not sure how the performance of this compares to using many ANDs and ORs, but the SQL query is at least much cleaner to look at, in my opinion.
You can also write this to use EXIST instead of JOIN. That may have different performance characteristics and it will avoid the problem of producing duplicate results if your values aren't unique. It may be worth trying both EXIST and JOIN on your use case to see what's a better fit. Here's how EXIST would look,
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
('I', 'COMM'),
('I', 'CORE')
) AS MyTable(a, b)
WHERE a = value_type AND b = CODE1
In conclusion, I think the best choice is to create a temporary table and query against that. But sometimes that's not possible, e.g. your user lacks the permission to create temporary tables, and then using a table values constructor may be your best choice. Use EXIST or JOIN, depending on which gives you better performance on your database.
Normally you can not do it, but can use the following technique.
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where (value_type+'/'+CODE1) IN (('I'+'/'+'COMM'),('I'+'/'+'CORE'));
A better solution is to avoid hardcoding your values and put then in a temporary or persistent table:
CREATE TABLE #t (ValueType VARCHAR(16), Code VARCHAR(16))
FROM <table_name> DT
JOIN #t T ON T.ValueType = DT.ValueType AND T.Code = DT.Code
Thus, you avoid storing data in your code (persistent table version) and allow to easily modify the filters (without changing the code).
I think you can try this, combine and and or at the same time.
value_type = 1
What you can do is 'join' the columns as a string, and pass your values also combined as strings.
where (cast(column1 as text) ||','|| cast(column2 as text)) in (?1)
The other way is to do multiple ands and ors.
I had a similar problem in MS SQL, but a little different. Maybe it will help somebody in futere, in my case i found this solution (not full code, just example):
SELECT Table1.Campaign
FROM [CRM].[dbo].[Coupons] AS Table1
INNER JOIN [CRM].[dbo].[Coupons] AS Table2 ON Table1.Campaign = Table2.Campaign AND Table1.Coupon = Table2.Coupon
WHERE Table1.Coupon IN ('0000000001', '0000000002') AND Table2.Campaign IN ('XXX000000001', 'XYX000000001')
Of cource on Coupon and Campaign in table i have index for fast search.
Compute it in MS Sql
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where value_type + '|' + CODE1 IN ('I|COMM', 'I|CORE');

SELECT query to return a row from a table with all values set to Null

I need to make a query but get the value in every field empty. Gordon Linoff give me the clue to this need here:
SQL Empty query results
which is:
select t.*
from (select 1 as val
) v left outer join
table t
on 1 = 0;
This query wors perfectly on PostgreSQL but gets an error when trying to execute it in Microsoft Access, it says that 1 = 0 expression is not admitted. How could it be fixed to work on microsoft access?
If the table has a numeric primary key column whose values are non-negative then the following query will work in Access. The primary key field is [ID].
myTable AS t2
SELECT TOP 1 (ID * -1) AS badID
FROM myTable AS t1
) AS rowStubs
ON t2.ID = rowStubs.badID
This was tested with Access 2010.
I am offering this answer here, even though you didn't think it worked in my edit to your original question. What is the problem?
select t.*
from (select max(col) as maxval from table as t
) as v left join
table as t
on v.val < t.col;
You can use the following query, but it would still need a little "manual coding".
Actually, you do not need the SWITCH function. Modified query below.
Removed the reference to Description column from one line. Still, you would need to use a Text column name (such as Description) in the last line of the query.
For example, the following query would work for the Months table:
select Months.*
from Months
(select "" as DummyColumn from Months) Blank_Data
ON Months.Description = Blank_Data.DummyColumn; --hardcoded Description column

PL/SQL error with transposing string to rows

I am trying to spilt a string in my table into separate rows and then looking up those values in another table to see which values doesn't exists. This is the code I am using:
SELECT NAME, desc, LABEL, trim(x.column_value.extract('e/text()')) AS ID
from table1 T1, table (xmlsequence(xmltype('<e><e>' || replace(str_work,' ','</e><e>')||
'</e></e>').extract('e/e'))) x
tabl2 T2
T1.ID = x.ID) AND t1.str_work IS NOT NULL);
The code is giving an error:
ORA-00904: "X"."ID": invalid identifier
I am not able to figure out what the issue is. I would appreciate all your help and suggestions.
Thank you.
From the documentation (emphasis added):
You can use a column alias, c_alias, to label the immediately
preceding expression in the select list so that the column is
displayed with a new heading. The alias effectively renames the select
list item for the duration of the query. The alias can be used in the
ORDER BY clause, but not other clauses in the query.
So you can't refer to the ID alias in the subquery. That alias isn't coming from the inline view you've labelled as x anyway, though. You could solve both issues, I think, by repeating the trim in the subquery:
tabl2 T2
T1.ID = trim(x.column_value.extract('e/text()')))
AND t1.str_work IS NOT NULL);
But is that supposed to be referring to T2.ID - otherwise there is no correlation?
Alternatively you could introduce another inline view to avoid the repetition, but it's probably adding complexity for not much gain here.

sql select into subquery

I'm doing a data conversion between systems and have prepared a select statement that identifies the necessary rows to pull from table1 and joins to table2 to display a pair of supporting columns. This select statement also places blank columns into the result in order to format the result for the upload to the destination system.
Beyond this query, I will also need to update some column values which I'd like to do in a separate statement operation in a new table. Therefore, I'm interested in running the above select statement as a subquery inside a SELECT INTO that will essentially plop the results into a staging table.
dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, '',
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus, ...
dbo_tblPatCountryApplication ON dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId
I'd like to execute the above statement so that the results are dumped into a new table. Can anyone please advise how to embed the statement into a subquery that will play nicely with a SELECT INTO?
You can simply add an INTO clause to your existing query to create a new table filled with the results of the query:
INTO MyNewStagingTable -- Creates a new table with the results of this query
FROM MyOtherTable
JOIN ...
However, you will have to make sure each column has a name, as in:
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, -- Cool, already has a name
'' AS Column2, -- Given a name to create that new table with select...into
INTO MyNewStagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention INNER JOIN ...
Also, you might like to use aliases for your tables, too, to make code a little more readable;
'' AS Column2,
INTO MyNewStagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention AS i
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication AS a ON i.InvId = a.InvId
One last note is that it looks odd to have named your tables dbo_tblXXX as dbo is normally the schema name and is separated from the table name with dot notation, e.g. dbo.tblXXX. I'm assuming that you already have a fully working select query before adding the into clause. Some also consider using Hungarian notation in your database (tblName) to be a type of anti-pattern to avoid.
If the staging table doesn't exist and you want to create it on insert then try the following:
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId,'', dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId,
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus .......
INTO StagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication
ON dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId;
If you want to insert them in a specific order then use try using a sub-query in the from clause:
INTO StagingTable
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, '', dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId,
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus .......
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication ON
dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId
order by dbo_tblpatcountryapplication.invid
) a;
INSERT INTO stagingtable (AppId, ...)
SELECT ... --your select goes here