When Do Blocks Cause Retain Cycles When Using Self? - objective-c

I am having some memory issue leaks in my app and I am wondering if blocks may have to do with it. I have read that using Self in a block can cause retain cycles, however I have read conflicting information on when this occurs.
From what I understand, doing something like this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
self.text = #"test";
[self doSomething];
[self.dataArrayOfDictionaries enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSDictionary *vd, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
[self doSomethingWithDictionary:vd];
Would retain self until do Something is complete, and something like this:
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:[[NSOperationQueue alloc]init] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
if (data) {
NSError *err;
self.myDataArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&err];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.tableView reloadData];
Would retain self until the download is complete and the table view is reloaded. So, while this code may retain Self longer than is needed, it wouldn't retain it indefinitely, right?
Additionally, I assume this WOULD cause a retain cycle if self is referenced in the block complete, because the block is being retained by self...right?
#interface MyViewController
#property (strong, nonatomic) void (^complete)(NSData *results);
#implementaiton MyViewController
[self doStuffWithCompletion:self.complete];
Where I am not sure about retain cycles is in something like this.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserverForName:#"thingDone" object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
self.dataObject = note.object;
I have heard that NSNotificationCenter does NOT retain its observers, but because this function would never really be "completed" like the first two I feel like it would potentially retain Self. Additionally, if i used a weakSelf instead, wouldn't the app crash if the notification is received and self has been deallocated, because weakSelf would be nil?
I have a view controller in a navigation controller that is not deallocating when tapping back/popping it, and I think this may because of a retain cycle. If someone could clarify my understanding on when using Self in a block is acceptable, that would greatly help my code.

Where I am not sure about retain cycles is in something like this
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserverForName: //...
Yes, there can be memory management issues associated with calling addObserverForName:. As I explain in my book:
The observer token returned from the call to addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock: is retained by the notification center until you unregister it.
The observer token may also be retaining you through the block. If so, then until you unregister the observer token from the notification center, the notification center is retaining you. This means that you will leak until you unregister. But you cannot unregister from the notification center in dealloc, because dealloc isn’t going to be called so long as you are registered.
In addition, if you also retain the observer token, then if the observer token is retaining you, you have a retain cycle on your hands.
You might want to read the rest of the discussion in my book for actual examples and solutions.


obj-c weak self in a block: why the 2nd one doesn't need a weak self inside in two similar cases

I finally found my memory bug is caused by referring self strongly in a block. But I don't know why in a similar case, the weak is not needed:
I have a CameraCaptureManager class doing image capture tasks, and a CameraViewController has a strong property of this manager. The manager has weak delegate property pointing back to the controller.
This is where I must use weakSelf in the manager, otherwise -(void)dealloc won't be called:
// in CameraCaptureManager
__weak CameraCaptureManager *weakSelf = self;
void (^deviceOrientationDidChangeBlock)(NSNotification *) = ^(NSNotification *notification) {
UIDeviceOrientation deviceOrientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation];
[weakSelf updateVideoOrientation:deviceOrientation];
self.deviceOrientationDidChangeObserver = [notificationCenter addObserverForName:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
The manager holds the deviceOrientationDidChangeObserver strongly, so weakSelf is needed to break the memory retain cycle. That's fine, I got that... but I find I don't have use weakSelf in a similar case in the same class:
[self.stillImageOutput captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection:captureConnection
completionHandler:^(CMSampleBufferRef imageDataSampleBuffer, NSError *error){
UIImage *image = nil;
if (imageDataSampleBuffer != NULL) {
NSData *imageData = [AVCaptureStillImageOutput jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation:imageDataSampleBuffer];
image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(captureManager:capturedStillImage:)]) {
[self.delegate captureManager:weakSelf capturedStillImage:image];
The manager also holds the stillImageOutput strongly, but why I can use the strong "self" in the completion block? The manager object gets dealloc with this strong self inside the block. I'm confused, please shed some light.
Also do I need to use weakSelf in the 2nd case even when it won't cause any retain cycle?
In your second code example you have a temporary retain cycle. When the completionHandler block has been called, the block is released and with it the captured self, so
that the release cycle is broken.

Objective-C accessing properties inside block

I have read Apple's Blocks Programming Topics and my due diligence searching online, but I am still unclear if I am implementing my blocks correctly. I have an array of clients as a property that is populated when an NSNotification is sent. Clients is used as a tableview data source. The code below works, but I am curious if it is putting self in a retaining cycle. Should I do something like __block id theClients = self.clients; and then reference theClients inside the block?
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *clients;
NSNotificationCenter *notifyCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
__block id observer = [notifyCenter addObserverForName:queryHash
queue:[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification){
// Explore notification
if ([[notification.userInfo objectForKey:kdatasetReturnKey] objectAtIndex:0]) {
NSArray *rows = [[notification.userInfo objectForKey:kdatasetReturnKey] objectAtIndex:0];
if (self.clients)
self.clients = nil;
self.clients = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:rows.count];
for (NSDictionary *row in rows) {
[self.clients addObject:row];
} else {
NSLog(#"CLIENTS ERROR Returned: %#",[notification.userInfo objectForKey:kerrorReturnKey]);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:observer];
There is no problem in accessing the clients property because it is a strong (i.e. retained) property. So you don't need the __block here.
One problem can be that self might not exist anymore when the notification is sent. Then you would access the deallocated object and the app can crash! To avoid that you should remove the observer in the dealloc method.
The __block before id observer is definitely required !
In iOS 5 you can safely capture self using a weak reference:
__weak id weakSelf = self;
Then inside the block you can safely use weakSelf.clients. The variable weakSelf will turn into nil automatically when the object is deallocated.
Yes, you have a retain cycle, at least until the notification occurs. When you access the clients ivar in the block, the block will retain self. It will be retained by the block in notification center until the notification occurs (since you remove the observer at the end of the block). If that's not desirable in your case, you can use a weak reference to self.
NSNotificationCenter *notifyCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
__weak id weakSelf = self;
id observer = [notifyCenter addObserverForName:queryHash
queue:[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification) {
if (weakSelf) {
if ([[notification.userInfo objectForKey:kdatasetReturnKey] objectAtIndex:0]) {
NSArray *rows = [[notification.userInfo objectForKey:kdatasetReturnKey] objectAtIndex:0];
if (weakSelf.clients)
weakSelf.clients = nil;
weakSelf.clients = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:rows.count];
for (NSDictionary *row in rows) {
[weakSelf.clients addObject:row];
} else {
NSLog(#"CLIENTS ERROR Returned: %#",[notification.userInfo objectForKey:kerrorReturnKey]);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:observer];
I don't see any reason you need to __block qualify observer.
It's also not clear you're getting anything out of using the block-based API here. If you don't want to worry about the potential retain cycle, you could just use addObserver:selector:name:object: and put the body of your notification callback in an instance method.

blocks and async callback, dealloc object - need to nil the block

There is a similar question here, which doesn't explain exactly what I want: Objective C Blocks as Async-callbacks & BAD ACCESS
I have a view controller, which calls a service with an async callback. The callback is done using a block, which references variables on the view controller to populate them.
It looks like so:
- (void) loadData {
__block MyViewController *me = self;
[self.service executeWithCompletion:^(NSArray *result, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
me.data = result;
However, if I dealloc the view controller, 'me' is then badly accessed by the callback.
What is the simplest way of making 'me' NULL? If i put it as an iVar, it then brings back the circular reference... i think?
I think I'm missing something obvious....
Are you targeting iOS 5.0 or later (or Mac OS X 10.7 or later)? If so, you can use ARC and a __weak variable (instead of a __block one). This will automatically zero out when the referenced object is deallocated. Your code would look like
- (void)loadData {
__weak MyViewController *me = self;
[self.service executeWithCompletion:^(NSArray *result, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
MyViewController *strongMe = me; // load __weak var into strong
if (strongMe) {
strongMe.data = result;
If you need support for an older OS then you need to find a different solution. One solution is to just go ahead and let the block retain self. If the service is guaranteed to execute the completion block (and then release it), this will only produce a temporary cycle that will break automatically when the completion block is run. Alternatively if you have some way to cancel the service (in a way that guarantees the block cannot be called after the cancellation), you can stick with the __block and just be sure to cancel the service in your -dealloc. There's other alternatives too but they're more complicated.
I did a combination of things above from the suggestions. Including nilling the blocks. Although, my objects are still not getting released immediately. i.e. I'd put a breakpoint on dealloc of MyViewController, and without the __block variable it would get called at a much later point in time (probably due to the async connection) and sometimes not at all.
The code is fairly complex - so I imagine there are other things going on for it to not work as suggested above.
What I have also done, is used Mike Ash's MAZeroingWeakRef, which i guess is the same as using __weak - which #KevinBallard suggested.
Below is how I've implemented it, and it appears to be working. Dealloc is called immediately on disposal of the view controller, which i want. And I can't get it to crash... and with the log comment that i've put in, I can already see that I'm dodging bullets.
- (void) loadData {
__block MAZeroingWeakRef *zeroWeakRef = [[MAZeroingWeakRef alloc] initWithTarget:self];
[zeroWeakRef setCleanupBlock: ^(id target) {
[zeroWeakRef autorelease];
[self.service executeWithCompletion:^(NSArray *result, NSError *error) {
MyViewController *me = [zeroWeakRef target];
if (!me) {
DULog(#"dodged a bullet");
if (!error) {
me.data = result;
Is there a real retain cycle problem that you're trying to avoid? Is there a reason that self should not simply be retained until -executeWithCompletion: completes? Is there any real chance that it won't complete?
So long as it really will eventually complete (even with failure) and so long as it releases the block after invoking it (perhaps by setting a property to nil), then the retain cycle will eventually be broken and all will be well.

delegate for a singleton object

I have a NSObject which is a singleton. Is there any issue of having a delegate for this singleton class? I am worried that it would fail for a singleton type.
Here's my scenario. I have a function (inside this singleton class) that does a async request to pull out a NSDictionary from an API. Basically when this request is done I want to notify a class that the request has finished.
No, a delegate wouldn't fail, but consider using NSNotificationCenter instead:
static NSString *const kMyClassNotificationName = #"myClassNotificationName";
// where you would call a delegate method (e.g. [self.delegate doSomething])
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMyClassNotificationName object:self userInfo: /* dictionary containing variables to pass to the delegate */];
// where you would set up a delegate (e.g. [Singleton instance].delegate = self)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(doSomething) name:kMyClassNotificationName object:[Singleton instance]];
You have basically three options:
Use a delegate. A singelton is a objetct, so of couse it can have a delegate. If several objects whants to use it and needs to set themselves as delegates, you can reset them each time, but that might get hairy.
Use notifications, as shown by Richard J. Ross III., but seriously: It seems to be strange to me, if you have a singleton, that needs to inform one delegate, but you'd use a broadcasting technology.
use completion blocks, where the calling objects passes a block to the singleton, that gets executed, once the singleton fulfilled a task. See [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:] (ok, this is not a singleton, but a class method. The principle is the same),that uses one completion block, or the great AFNetworking, that uses a success and a failure block.
From it's example codes:
[[AFGowallaAPIClient sharedClient] getPath:urlString
success:^(__unused AFHTTPRequestOperation
id JSON)
NSMutableArray *mutableRecords = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary *attributes in [JSON valueForKeyPath:#"spots"]) {
Spot *spot = [[[Spot alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes] autorelease];
[mutableRecords addObject:spot];
if (block) {
block([NSArray arrayWithArray:mutableRecords]);
} failure:^(__unused AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
if (block) {
block([NSArray array]);
There is nothing wrong with having a delegate for a singleton, but it does create a lot of edge cases that you need to handle. Such as:
If object A calls setDelegate:, followed immediately by object B calling setDelegate: then object A will never receive delegate calls.
You need to check whether you are the delegate before unsetting the singleton's delegate. Typically in dealloc you call singleton.delegate = nil;. If another object happened to become delegate after you did, then you just caused caused them to unexpectedly stop being delegate.
Singletons with delegates is not a well-established pattern. Your solutions should vary depending on how robust your use case is. Here are some solutions (in order of easiest -> most robust).
Keep it simple
Design your App to never have multiple objects being the singleton's delegate at the same time (this may be impossible).
Use NSNotificationCenter to signal events instead of delegation. See some of the other answers posted in this thread.
Multiple Delegates
Extend your singleton to support multiple delegate. Replace setDelegate: with: addDelegate: and removeDelegate:
#property (atomic) NSMutableArray *delegates;
- (void)addDelegate:(NSObject * <YourProtocol>)foo {
[self.delegates addObject:foo];
- (void)removeDelegate:(NSObject * <YourProtocol>)foo {
[self.delegates removeObject:foo];
- (void)signalDelegateEvent {
[self.delegates enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id<YourProtocol> obj,
NSUInteger idx,
BOOL *stop) {
// call delegate method `foo` on each delegate
if ( [obj respondsToSelector:#selector(foo)]) {
[obj foo];
I have used the multi-delegate pattern successfully in many apps. Be careful to think about how multi-threading effects things if you choose this approach.

Dealloc Not Running When Dismissing Modal View from Block

Strange one here, dealloc is not being called when dismissed from inside a block. Code:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:#"user.login" object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notif) {
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Anyone know why this would be the case? How can i dismiss from inside the block and run dealloc at the same time?
I have tried self performselector but this did not make any difference.
(1) Your code is wrong (incomplete). When you issue addObserverForName: you must capture the returned value; this is the observer token. You store this somewhere (e.g. an instance variable):
self->observer = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserverForName:#"woohoo" object:nil queue:nil
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note)
Later, when you're going out of existence, you remove that observer token from the notification center by calling removeObserver: with that token as argument. If you don't do that, you can crash later.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self->observer];
(2) But wait, there's more! Under ARC, when the block is copied, you'll get a retain cycle. This is because the stored observer token contains the block and is itself retaining self. I will give you three ways to break this retain cycle:
(a) Store the observer token as a weak reference:
__weak id observer;
(b) Store the observer token as a strong reference, but explicitly release it (by nilifying it) when you remove the observer:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self->observer];
self->observer = nil; // crucial
(c) Do the "weak-strong dance", like this, when you create the block (I am pretending that self is a FlipsideViewController):
__weak FlipsideViewController* wself = self;
observer = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
FlipsideViewController* sself = wself;
[sself dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Now, you might think that the "weak-strong dance" is an extreme approach, as one of my commenters implies. But it has one huge advantage: it is the only one of these three solutions that allows you to remove the observer in dealloc. With the other two solutions, dealloc will never be called until after you have called removeObserver: - and finding a better place to call it may not be easy.
I refer you to: Reference Counting of self in Blocks
The block will retain self until the block is released. So to dealloc self, you'll need to remove the observer.
Could this be related to UIKit being not completely thread-safe? UIKit should be only used on the main thread...
If so, I would suggest using: