Unique Value Function in Excel - vba

I created the following function using Excel 2010. It seem to work only when i use the function in the same sheet the array was created (sheet2) and if a value is typed in the function e.g.: =KeyExists(1443). I need to use this function in another sheet within the workbook and needs to be a cell reference. Stumped on why its not working.
Option Explicit
Function KeyExists(k)
Dim d As Object
Dim c As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim lr As Long
Dim msg As String
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
lr = WorkSheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
c = Range("A2:A" & lr)
For i = 1 To UBound(c, 1)
d(c(i, 1)) = 1
Next i
If d.exists(k) Then
msg = "key exists"
msg = "key does not exist"
End If KeyExists = msg
End Function
'parts of the code derived from:
'hiker95, 07/26/2012

Change it from Sheet2 to the active sheet:
lr = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

If the unique Keys are only in Sheet2 Column A2 and onward... You can create a dynamic named Range and reference it anywhere in the Workbook.
Say you have data:
Create a dynamic named range Keys with =OFFSET(Sheet2!$A$1,1,0,COUNTA(Sheet2!$A:$A)-1,1).
Then say you want to check for values in C4, use formula below:
=IF(ISNUMBER(IFERROR(MATCH(C4,Keys,0),"")),"key exists","key does not exists")
There is no need to use VBA for what you want to achieve your goal. e.g.

I agree with commenters regarding the Dictionary. In my opinion, it would be much easier to do without it. I also think other ways would be vastly quicker, depending on how much data you have.
Function KeyExists(k As Range) As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim c As Range, i As Long
' Set ws to the worksheet to which k belongs.
' This avoids activeworksheet and also allows for
' qualified references to other sheets if necessary.
ws = k.Worksheet
Set c = ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
On Error Resume Next
i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(k.Value, c, 0)
On Error GoTo 0
If i <> 0 Then
KeyExists = "Key exists"
KeyExists = "Key does not exist"
End If
End Function
Using MATCH will most likely be a lot faster than adding every entry of data into a Dictionary.
A case where you might argue using Dictionary is marginally better, is if you want to make sure the value is unique. But even then, you'd have to use round-about logic to deal with the what-if of encountering duplicate keys and what to do at that point.
Your question does not really specifiy whether or not you need to perform this check or not, or what to do if duplicates are found, so it's hard to advise on it. In any case, if you opt for this method I would recommend creating a separate procedure that declares and builds the dictionary and run it on Worksheet_Open or something like that, leaving you to use a very short function for querying the existence of a key. This circumvents you having to build the dictionary every time the formula runs and will most likely be faster (and require more coding) than my solution.


Excel VBA verify if all fields in a column in a table are filled before saving

I am having troubles with a VBA code I want to write. I have looked through different questions here and in other forums but I cant find something that will help my needs.
My problem is about a table named "TableLaw", with about 43 columns and over 10000 rows.
Practically, my need can be divided in two parts:
Verify all fields in column [Comments] from TableLaw. Meaning, I want to see if all data fields in that column are not empty. So I will need to check over 10000 rows. Please note: the fields I am verifying have a formula in them, so they are not really empty. The formula concatenates some cells to form a comment. I need to see if there is a comment or not in each cell
If there are empty fields in the column [Comments], I want to block the workbook from saving. I would like to also highlight the cells that are 'empty' in the column to help the user see which field in the column he needs to work on.
I have no problems with the blocking from saving part, but I am having serious trouble with even forming a For Each or something that will iterate from cell to cell in the column [Comment] checking if the cell is empty or it has a formula only and highlight those cells which are empty.
It is important to use structure names like [Comments] because the user might add new columns to the table.
Thanks, and sorry for the trouble. I am relatively new to VBA and my prior knowledge in programming is few.
I have seen lots of complicated code snippets that I just can not understand, but I got this and I am sure all of you will laugh at my incompetence and doubt if I really did something:
Sub TableTest()
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim tRows As Long
Dim tCols As Long
Dim lo As ListObject
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lr As ListRow
Dim lc As ListColumn
'I used this to get the column number and then use it in a For cycle to go through all cells in the column
col = WorksheetFunction.Match("COMMENTS", Sheets("Orders").Range("5:5"), 0)
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("TableLaw")
With tbl.DataBodyRange
tRows = .Rows.Count
tCols = .Columns.Count
End With
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Orders")
Set lo = ws.ListObjects("TableLaw")
For Each lr In lo.ListRows
Cells(lr, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
Next lr
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
'I added the range like this because I do not know how to add the column name.
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Orders").Range("AM6:AM10500")) <> "" Then
MsgBox "Workbook will not be saved unless all comments are added"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
You can check it with the .Value function
If (Range("A1").Value = "") Then
End If

excel VBA code to Copy and Paste a set of data with a finite amount (count)

In excel on a single sheet, I have a blank template and a set of raw data on the side which needs to be inserted into the template. I need help creating the VBA code to copy and paste the data into the template with it not pasting any extra cells (stop at the end of the data). My raw data changes and should be able to be any length of rows but it is always constant from columns Z:AL. I am interesting in moving it to columns A5:M5.
Thanks in advance!
This is the simplest code I can think of. You might want to throw a worksheet reference in front of the Range and I included a couple of methods of finding the end of the range. I prefer the 3rd method.
dest = "A5"
wsName = "DataSheet"
With Worksheets(wsName)
endRow1 = .Range("Z1").End(xlDown).Row
endRow2 = .Range("Z105000").End(xlUp).Row
endRow3 = .Range("Z:AL").Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
.Range("Z1:AL" & endRow3).Copy Destination:=Range(dest)
End With
If there are not blanks in a column in the dataset (I assume column Z) then you can use Range.End to get the last row. I try to avoid using Copy/Paste in macros, because there's a faster way to do it.
Option Explicit
Sub MoveDataRange()
Dim dest As Range, endRow As Integer
With Worksheets("DataSheet")
endRow = .Range("Z1").End(xlDown).Row
Set dest = .Range("A5").Resize(endRow, 13) '13 columns between Z:AL
dest.Value = .Range("Z1:AL" & endRow).Value
End With
End Sub

Using scripting dictionary to find/highlight skips in groups of repeating numbers in Column A using Excel VBA

I'm attempting to use a Scripting Dictionary in a way as to be able to find and ultimately highlight same values or groups of same values where there are inconsistencies (ie blanks or different values in between the two same values or groups of same values). Normally these same values will repeat, but what I'm trying to catch is when they do not repeat together (See example image below taken from my previous post).
Some context that will hopefully help this make a little more sense:
This is a follow-up of sorts to one of my previous questions here. I have a conditional formatting formula:
Which works perfectly. However, in my tinkering after receiving this formula as the answer to that previous question I realized that using conditional formatting of any sort for the amount of data I typically deal with (15000+ rows with 140 consistent columns) is an extremely slow endeavor, both when applying the formula and when filtering/adjusting afterwards. I've also tried applying this formula via the "helper column" route, but to no surprise, that is just as slow.
So, where I'm at now:
Essentially, I'm trying to translate that formula into a piece of code that does the same thing, but more efficiently, so that's where I starting thinking to use a Scripting Dictionary as a way to speed up my code execution time. I have the steps outlined, so I know what I need to do. However, I feel as though I am executing it wrong, which is why I'm here to ask for assistance. The following is my attempt at using a Scripting Dictionary to accomplish highlighting inconsistencies in Column A (my target column) along with the steps I figured out that I need to do to accomplish the task:
'dump column A into Array
'(Using Scripting.Dictionary) While cycling through check if duplicate
'IF duplicate check to make sure there is the same value either/or/both in the contiguous slot before/after the one being checked
'If not, then save this value (so we can go back and highlight all instances of this value at the end)
'Cycle through all trouble values and highlight all of their instances.
Sub NewandImprovedXIDCheck()
Dim d As Long, str As String, columnA As Variant
Dim dXIDs As Object
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set dXIDs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dXIDs.comparemode = vbTextCompare
With ActiveSheet
With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
With .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count).Offset(1, 0)
'.Value2 is faster than using .Value
columnA = .Columns(1).Value2
For d = LBound(columnA, 1) To UBound(columnA, 1)
str = columnA(d, 1)
If dXIDs.exists(str) Then
'the key exists in the dictionary
'Check if beside its like counterparts
If Not UBound(columnA, 1) Then
If (str <> columnA(d - 1, 1) And str <> columnA(d + 1, 1)) Or str <> columnA(d - 1, 1) Or str <> columnA(d + 1, 1) Then
'append the current row
dXIDs.Item(str) = dXIDs.Item(str) & Chr(44) & "A" & d
End If
End If
'the key does not exist in the dictionary; store the current row
dXIDs.Add Key:=str, Item:="A" & d
End If
Next d
'reuse a variant var to provide row highlighting
Erase columnA
For Each columnA In dXIDs.keys
'if there is more than a single cell address, highlight all
If CBool(InStr(1, dXIDs.Item(columnA), Chr(44))) Then _
.Range(dXIDs.Item(columnA)).Interior.Color = vbRed
Next columnA
End With
End With
End With
dXIDs.RemoveAll: Set dXIDs = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I feel like my logic is going wrong somewhere in my code execution, but can't seem to pinpoint where or how to correct it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you can provide any sort of code snippet that would also be a great help.
Here's one approach:
Sub HiliteIfGaps()
Dim rng As Range, arr, r As Long, dict As Object, v
Dim num As Long, num2 As Long
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
With ActiveSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Range("A2"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
End With
arr = rng.Value
For r = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
v = arr(r, 1)
If Len(v) > 0 Then
If Not dict.exists(v) Then
num = Application.CountIf(rng, v) 'how many in total?
'all where expected?
num2 = Application.CountIf(rng.Cells(r).Resize(num, 1), v)
dict.Add v, (num2 < num)
End If
If dict(v) Then rng.Cells(r).Interior.Color = vbRed
'highlight blanks
rng.Cells(r).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next r
End Sub
EDIT: every time a new value is found (i.e. not already in the dictionary) then take a count of how many of those values in total there are in the range being checked. If all of those values are contiguous then they should all be found in the range rng.Cells(r).Resize(num, 1): if we find fewer than expected (num2<num) then that means the values are not contiguous so we insert True into the dictionary entry for that value, and start highlighting that value in the column.
#Tim Williams's approach did the job perfectly! I only made one slight alteration (to suit my needs). I changed
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp) to .Range("A" & .UsedRange.Rows.count)
Just because there are instances where the bottom-most row(s) might have missing values (be blank) and in this instance I feel safe enough using the .UsedRange reference because this snippet of code is one of the very first ones ran in my overall macro, so it (.UsedRange) is more likely to be accurate. I also added a Boolean operator (xidError, set to False) to be changed to True whenever we have to highlight. After I'm done looping through the Array I check xidError and if True I prompt the user to fix the error, then end the entire macro since there's no use in continuing until this particular error is corrected.
If xidError Then
'Prompt User to fix xid problem
MsgBox ("XID Error. Please fix/remove problematic XIDs and rerun macro.")
'Stop the macro because we can't continue until the xid problem has been sorted out
End If
Again, much thanks to Tim for his very efficient approach!

Count number of unique values containing text

I have the following code that counts the number of cells in a column that contains the string, "ABC-QR":
Ctr = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Range("D4:D1500"), "*ABC-QR*")
EU.Cells(16, 3) = Ctr
I used "ABC-QR" because that's the part of the data that doesn't change. The true data that's in those cells is, for example, "ABC-QR00012345", or whatever number it may have. I would like to modify my code to not include duplicates when it's counting.
Firstly, you must enable 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime' from within Tools --> References within the Visual Basic Editor.
You assign the data from the worksheet into an array; then import everything which fits the string criteria, and isn't a duplicate, into a dictionary. You can check for duplicates in the dictionary using the .Exists method.
EDIT: As noted by #Zev in the comments, you don't even need to use the .Exists method. You can just assign the array element to the key of the dictionary, and assign the item value as 1. Any duplicate values from the Array will overwrite the previous key, so duplicates will automatically be dealt with.
Once everything which isn't a duplicate has been imported into the dictionary, you can then use the .Count property on the dictionary. This will tell you how many records fit your string criteria, and are not duplicates, within the range passed into the array.
Option Explicit
Sub countNonDuplicates()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim myValues() As Variant
Dim lRow As Long, i As Long
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
myValues = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lRow, 1))
For i = 1 To UBound(myValues, 1)
If InStr(myValues(i, 1), "ABC-QR") Then dict(myValues(i,1)) = 1 'arbitrary value
Next i
MsgBox (dict.Count)
End Sub
The above currently gets the last row of Column A and then takes the range and assigns it to the array. If you wish to use a different column, then update the following statements with the column number required (example below now uses Column D)
lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
myValues = Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(lRow, 4))
Also it's currently performing the above on Sheets(1). Change the worksheet number to what you require.
On 100,000 records this took 0.2 seconds to produce the count.
This array formula should do the trick:
EU.Cells(16,3).FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(ISERROR(FIND(""ABC-QR"",D4:D1500)),0,1/(COUNTIF(D4:D1500,D4:D1500))))"
Since it's an array formula, it will operate on each cell in your range in turn and look for your text (FIND("ABC-QR",D4:D1500)). If it's not found, it returns 0 to the running SUM(). If it is found, it uses the value 1/count, where count is the number of times the cell value being tested exists in your range.

Match Function in Specific Column Excel VBA

I'm trying to write a program in VBA for Excel 2011 that can search a column (which column that is is determined by another variable) for the number 1 so that it knows where to start an iteration.
Say that the number of the column is given by colnumvar. The only way I can think of is the Match function, which led me to write the following:
Dim rowvar As Integer
rowvar = WorksheetFunction.Match(1,Range(Cells(1,colnumvar),Cells(1000,colnumvar)),0)
This gave me an error, however. After playing around with it some more, I realized that it must not accept the Cells([row],[col]) way of doing it, but rather wants something like Range("A1:A100"). Unfortunately, I can't do it that way, since the program is figuring out what column to look in. Any help for figuring out how to get past this would be greatly appreciated!
What you mean to do is better served with Range.Find.
Dim rngtrg As Range, rngsrc As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set rngsrc = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1,colnumvar),ws.Cells(1000,colnumvar))
Set rngtrg = rngsrc.Find(1,...)
rowvar = rngtrg.Row
this easy function retreive the positoin of that you find
Function rowvar(ByRef c As Integer) As Integer
Dim keySrc As Integer
keySrc = 22 'wath you want to find
rowvar = WorksheetFunction.Match(keySrc, Range(Cells(1, c), Cells(1000, c)), 0)
End Function
use with rowvar(x)