Substitution in LINQ OrderBy -

I have tried the following to modify the sort order in order to have the fields with HeureDebut sorted to the end when it is 00:00 but it does not work
Is there another method to achieve this?
Dim theCompetitions As List(Of competitions) = (From aCompetition In context.competitions
Where aCompetition.concour_id = idConcours
And aCompetition.isPublic = 1
And aCompetition.idMYMaster = 0 _
Order By aCompetition.DateEpreuve, If(aCompetition.HeureDebut = "00:00", "99:99", aCompetition.HeureDebut), aCompetition.NoRef).ToList()


Sorting an Structured object

Dim objReport(0) As stReport
For intK = 1 To 15
objReport(intK).Name = "User" & GetRandomNumber()
objReport(intK).Age = intK
objReport(intK).Misc1 = "data"
Return objReport
Is there any simple way to sort the objReport order by Name?
NOTE: The code is just a sample.
You can sort them using OrderBy Extension Function
objReport = objReport.OrderBy(Function(x) x.Name).ToArray()

How can I add two conditional filters to the same IEnumerable?

How can I fuse these 2 If statements to make both my Droplist filters work together to filter the data? I have 2 droplists (transfilter and Soortfilter) and I want to be able to select something out of droplist 1 and select other thing out of droplist 2 and then press filter and have it show the items that have been selected by filtering with both filters.
# this point I have Return View(query.ToList()) what only shows my filter items from Droplist 1
Function Index(transFilter As TransactieType?, soortfilter As Soort?) As ActionResult
Dim query As IEnumerable(Of Pand)
If Not transFilter.HasValue OrElse transFilter.Value = TransactieType.Beiden Then
query = db.Panden
query = db.Panden.Where(Function(p) p.TransactieType = transFilter.Value)
End If
If Not soortfilter.HasValue OrElse soortfilter.Value = Soort.All Then
query = db.Panden
query = db.Panden.Where(Function(p) p.Soort = soortfilter.Value)
End If
Return View(query.ToList())
End Function
I was trying this but that didn't really work
Function Index(transFilter As TransactieType?, soortfilter As Soort?) As ActionResult
Dim query As IEnumerable(Of Pand)
If Not transFilter.HasValue And soortfilter.HasValue OrElse transFilter.Value = TransactieType.Beiden And soortfilter.Value = Soort.All Then
query = db.Panden
query = db.Panden.Where(Function(p) p.TransactieType = transFilter.Value And p.Soort = soortfilter.Value)
End If
Return View(query.ToList())
The problem is that you're setting query = db.Panden in the first part of both If statements. When you're dealing with incrementally building up a LINQ query, always
Start with a base case. In this case it would be Dim query As IEnumerable(Of Pand)
Add each additional filter directly to that base case using query = query.Where.
Function Index(transFilter As TransactieType?, soortfilter As Soort?) As ActionResult
Dim query As IEnumerable(Of Pand) = db.Panden
If transFilter.HasValue AndAlso transFilter.Value <> TransactieType.Beiden Then
query = query.Where(Function(p) p.TransactieType = transFilter.Value)
End If
If soortfilter.HasValue AndAlso soortfilter.Value <> Soort.All Then
query = query.Where(Function(p) p.Soort = soortfilter.Value)
End If
Return View(query.ToList())
End Function

linq to strongly typed datatable with nested query using

I am trying to convert following sql select * from tblPBRule where PBRuleId = 123 and StartDate < = '20140902' and finishdate is null and PBCodeid in (select PBCodeid from tblpbrule where PBHourstypeid IN (3,4,5,6)) into linq query within application
Dim query As IEnumerable(Of PBRuleData.PBRuleRow) = From s In Me.PBRule.PBRule.AsEnumerable() _
Where s.PBRuleId = .PBRuleId And s.StartDate <= .PBDate _
And ((s.IsFinishDateNull) OrElse (s.FinishDate > .PBDate)) Select s
can anyone help me to complete this query
Have just gone through the same search and found Brad's Blog which works for me as in my function below.
Hope this helps. The only difference between the 2 queries of the second table is the "Where Not" for the not in condition.
Private Enum InOrNotInSelect
None = 0
InTable = 1
NotInTable = 2
End Enum
Private Function getNotInData(firstTable As DataTable,
secondTable As DataTable,
inOrNotIn As InOrNotInSelect,
keyField As String) As DataTable
' TODO: make keyField a ParamArray
' (don't know how to write dynamic LINQ code yet)
Dim loTable As DataTable = Nothing
' first of all do a query on the first table
Dim firstQuery = From dt1 In firstTable.AsEnumerable()
Select dt1.Field(Of String)(keyField)
If inOrNotIn = InOrNotInSelect.NotInTable Then
' next do a query on the second table returning the rows NOT IN the first table
Dim inNotInQuery = From dt2 In secondTable.AsEnumerable()
Where Not firstQuery.Contains(dt2.Field(Of String)(keyField))
Select dt2
' convert the rows to a table
loTable = inNotInQuery.CopyToDataTable()
ElseIf inOrNotIn = InOrNotInSelect.InTable Then
' next do a query on the second table returning the rows IN the first table
Dim inNotInQuery = From dt2 In secondTable.AsEnumerable()
Where firstQuery.Contains(dt2.Field(Of String)(keyField))
Select dt2
' convert the rows to a table
loTable = inNotInQuery.CopyToDataTable()
End If
' remove debug code in production build
For Each dRow As DataRow In loTable.Rows
Debug.Print(dRow(keyField) & " - " & dRow("FullName"))
Return loTable
End Function

datatable.AsEnumerable doesn't work (basic example)

Dim x = From row In f_table.AsEnumerable()
Select row("Crop")
From what I understand, the "f_table.AsEnumerable" should make my search object ("row" in this case) a datarow object. This simple example runs without any exceptions but does not find any entries (This search works if I switch to an array of datarows that have been taken from f_table, in place of f_table.AsEnumerable).
Any ideas why AsEnumerable is not allowing for searching the rows of the table?
edited/added: The following is what I have, where "emptyrows" is a subset array of rows from f_table.
Dim emptyrows_grouped = From row In emptyrows
Order By row("Date"), row("Time")
Group By New With {.date = row("Date")}.date,
New With {.crop = row("Crop")}.crop
Into Group
What i want is this form:
Dim emptyrows_grouped = From row In f_table.AsEnumerable
Where row.Field(Of String)("SamplePosition") Like "Emp%"
Order By row("Date"), row("Time")
Group By New With {.date = row("Date")}.date,
New With {.crop = row("Crop")}.crop
Into Group
It works like this:
Dim query = dt.AsEnumerable
.Where(Function(dr) dr("column name").ToString = "something").ToList
This yields a List of DataRows where this column has the value of "something"
Dim query = dt.AsEnumerable
.Where(Function(dr) dr("column name").ToString = "something")
.GroupBy(Function(dr) dr("column name"))
Never mind - I'm a gigantic fool today because f_table is the wrong datatable. I used the right one and it worked.
Dim emptyrows_grouped = From row In file_table.AsEnumerable
Where row.Field(Of String)("SamplePosition") ="Empty"
Order By row("Date"), row("Time")
Group By New With {.date = row("Date")}.date,
New With {.crop = row("Crop")}.crop
Into Group
Please excuse my wasting of your time!!

Sorting Linq results ascending using subselect and then descending

I am trying to work out a LINQ query to pull items from a List, the List contains a child-nested List - which I need to query for an item, then use the resulting item in my final sort of all records returned the query.
The parent is List(Of MediaItems) - the class structure as follows:
.ID (int)
.Src (string)
.Advert (bool)
.AdOptions As List(Of AdvertOptions)
.Counter (int)
AdvertOptions class consists of:
.Age (int)
.Gender (int)
.Priority (int)
I want to query for any MediaItems that meet the following criteria:
.Advert = true
.Age = x (paramter in calling function)
.Gender = y (paramter in calling function)
To do this, I am using the following LINQ query: (Age and Gender are the function parameters)
Where(Function(s) s.Advert And s.AdOptions.Any(Function(a) a.Gender = Gender And a.Age = Age))
I now need to sort the results based on two sorting levels:
AdOptions.Priority (in descending order), then sort by Counter in ascending order
This is my failing attempt:
Where(Function(s) s.Advert And s.AdOptions.Any(Function(a) a.Gender = Gender And a.Age = Age)).OrderBy(Function(a) From p1 In a.AdOptions Where p1.Gender = Gender And p1.Age = Age Select p1.Priority).ThenByDescending(Function(s) s.Counter)
My attempt is not working, I am getting the following error:
at least on object must implement IComparable
Can anyone see what needs to be done to achieve my goal?
On reading your code a bit closer, I spotted that you order by AdOptions
I think this is what you really want
Sub Demo(ByVal gender As Integer, ByVal age As Integer)
Dim items = New List(Of MediaItem)()
Dim matching = Function(a) a.Gender = gender And a.Age = age
Dim ads = items.Where(Function(s) s.Advert And s.AdOptions.Any(matching))
Dim sorted = ads _
.OrderBy(Function(a) a.AdOptions.Where(matching).Max(Function(ao) ao.Priority)) _
.ThenByDescending(Function(s) s.Counter)
' if you really wanted a sorted list of AdOptions, you'd write
Dim optionlist = ads.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.Counter) _
.SelectMany(Function(a) a.AdOptions.Where(matching).OrderBy(Function(ao) ao.Priority))
' to combine the two previous options
Dim adsWithOptions = ads.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.Counter) _
.Select(Function(a) New With { _
.Ad = a, _
.Options = a.AdOptions.Where(matching) _
.OrderBy(Function(ao) ao.Priority) _
End Sub