Test vectors for LTE kasme generation in authentication - authentication

I am working on LTE authentication framework and have written an EPS-AKA algorithm to generate KASME.
However, I dont have any sample to test it. Can someone provide me any reference of test vectors.

Not sure if you are still working on this, but the following link should answer your question: http://fabricioapps.blogspot.com/2012/05/lte-security.html
Using this person's application discussed in the link above, it appears that you can generate the vectors you are looking for. The screenshot below demonstrates some of the functionality, however there is much more than what I have shown here. If you have further questions, I would recommend contacting the author of the application directly (fasferraz at gmail dot com).


Do Karate UI support Angular UI based application testing

If karate supports Angular testing, can i have some example so that i can look into it.
Have been going through locators given at https://intuit.github.io/karate/karate-core/#locators but unable to get exact information on how to proceed.
There is no need, Karate works with plain HTML.
And if you need to do some specifc JS helpers (which is all that frameworks that claim to support Angular do), just use the tips here and make re-usable functions: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60800181/143475
If you still have a question, ask a new question and provide a sample (can be online, see examples in link above) for us to understand and discuss.

what is swagger exactly ? And why doesn't the online editor run requests?

I've spent the last few days trying to understand if I should use api blueprint, RAML or swagger.
It looks like swagger has the biggest community but the closer I look the more I feel that it greatly lacks in documentation (I was forced to look at the code many times to try and integrate it with my current project), many github issues and stackoverflow questions are unanswered.
Is it possible that I am missing something here?
All I want is a tool to help me write the API documentation and test the endpoints.
Why must swagger become part of the server logic?? If I create swagger files in the editor and then serve them to the UI directly it breaks..
As far as I can tell it even makes the server slightly slower and forces the existence of many clumsily maintained integrations :p What am I missing here?
We're trying to work a lot on improving the documentation of Swagger. It's a bit more difficult when many of the projects are community-driven and not managed by a single organization.
We actually try to reply to issues on github quickly (we don't always succeed) and we have our own google group for general questions so we follow stackoverflow somewhat less.
The editor you mention is a new tool as part of the work on Swagger 2.0 and it's not final yet. As such, it still have a few bugs and missing features. The UI is also in the process of being adapted to Swagger 2.0 and the same limitations apply to it.
You most certainly don't have to integrate it with your server and you can expose the documentation statically. The advantage of integrating it with the server is that it's easier to maintain if the API changes.
You can try RAML + ramlev + Abao
The steps should be
Write API Spec in RAML with your fav editor, ie. Atom, vim
Validate your RAML with ramlev
Implement the server logic according API Spec
Validate server logic with Abao

2D distortion of a face from an image on iOS? (similar to Fat Booth etc.)

I was just wondering if someone knows about some good library or tutorial on how to achieve a 2D distortion of a face taken from an image taken by the user.
I would like to achieve a similar effect to the one in Fatify, Oldify, all those Fat Booths, etc., because I am creating an app where you will throw something at the face and I would the face to jiggle and move when the object hits it.
How should I do this?
I have found an almost identical question here with an accepted answer.
Also, speaking about distorsion algorithms there is an algorithm used by GIMP called "liquid rescale". You can find it here and is written in C/C++ so you could integrate it in your iOS App (license permitting, I haven't checked that).
Here is another similar question as well.
Hope that this helps to get you started on this.
EDIT: Some examples (will post some code soon)
EDIT 2: I was looking for some code and I found some blog posts that explain the filtering algorithms used to implement the liquid rescale algorithm. Is not easy and I don't think in short time and with no prior knowledge on the subject I could do more than sharing this link. The author of the GIMP implementation appears to be called "Shai Avidan" (see this post). I suggest you might try to contact him or anyone else in the field (see wikipedia references on the subject). Sorry if I can't help more.
EDIT 3: I found a book with some JAVA code on "Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques".
Also, this is a link to a Digital Image Processing course by Prof. Bernd Girod at Standford University. There are slides and tutorials.
Then I found some more results by googling the term "Principles of Digital Image Processing spring".
Anyway.. this was just to add some extra to the answer as I was thinking about it before.

Pastie with API and language detection

I'm trying to find a pastie like webservice that do perform some kind of automatic language detection (in term of programming language) and does the syntax coloring accordingly.
Most pastie websites do not have this feature I'd really love to have and use.
Thanks !
Pygments has something close : http://pygments.org/docs/quickstart/#lexer-and-formatter-lookup
>>> from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer, guess_lexer_for_filename
>>> guess_lexer('#!/usr/bin/python\nprint "Hello World!"')
Not perfect but quite useful already.
But yeah I share your frustration with paste service, had the same. In my opinion actually the coloration should be done client side.
are pretty nice in that regard.
I've finished to develop my own tool to do that. It's called UU and performs automatic syntax recognition using highlight.js.
http://uu.zoy.org is free and encode locally what you paste in your browser before sending it to the server.
The API is WIP.

Where to get sample Code for titanium code?

I am just a beginner in Titanium and searching for few sample source code to learn from and run. Downloading and working with kitchen sink or with the API is a big pain, to understand as well as to work with.
Although everything is there in both and they have given sample but that seems like not an implementation. I just want to have some source code to learn how, when and where to use the elements? How things work, how are they integrated etc.
Usually at the Q&A section there are samples of code. Just search what you are looking for: http://developer.appcelerator.com/questions/newest
The Wiki provides examples: http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides/Home
Even this website provides code samples, check out the Titanium Tag: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/titanium
And last, but not least, there seem to be more and more code samples in the API Docs: http://developer.appcelerator.com/apidoc/mobile/latest
Good luck!
As an option, you can find good application samples on CodeCanyon. They're not free but you can learn a lot by examining how to start from scratch to build an application like;
Simple Foursquare like apps
Photo gallery apps
TODO apps etc.
I found this Forging Titanium series on Vimeo.com to be one of the best. Just watch out this complete series. Beside providing you with basics and advanced limelight on elements and functionality, also provide link to many github public repository we can follow and get numerous sample codes.