How to enable every developer run my xcode project - objective-c

I had written a static library in objective c. Then I wrote an sample app that show how to run the static library. I want many developers to be able to run this sample app on a real device and not on the simulator(it is a BLE app and it is not possible to operate it on a simulator). How can I do that?

You'd have to publish it on the app store, but really you want to demonstrate the code needed to use your library, so just include the demo Xcode project with the library and developers can run it on their own devices/simulators and change whatever they wish.
This also provides self-documentation on how to integrate your library with their app.


How does react native compile it's code into native apps?

recently started working with react native and project requires for apps to be build on server. So the theory is that app could be build on request, which means something, lets call this something react native compiler, needs to be on some server which allows me to do this.
For example, this is the location where is react native compiler is "", and you have some settings options and button "compile" on that site, and when you click on button, application compiler starts, and after x seconds android and iphone apps are ready to be downloaded. Is this possible?
It is surely possible, although it might be complicated to implement, it all boils down to the level of complexity that you want to achieve (just a build system, an online IDE...).
Each React Native application consists of the JavaScript code and one Android and iOS projects (you can include more platforms through 3rd party efforts, but let's keep it simple). Both the iOS and Android SDKs offer command-line tools for the building functionality. In the case of iOS you have the xcrun command and in Android, the project includes some gradle commands that you can execute. So in general, what you have to do is just execute these commands via your backend when an user requests it.
Essentially what you need is the same kind of setup a Continuous Integration server would, but instead of triggering a build whenever changes are made, the server should build the app on demand, and then send back the result of the compilation to the user. You can read more about CI for React Native here and here, for instance.

Install and distribute dylib with program

I purchased a chilkat FTP2 license, and need to replace my existing code (taken from the Apple's SimpleFTPSample) with the one provided by this library.
How do I properly install it on my Mac and set my project up to distribute it with my App? Does every user need to install it on his Mac by himself or can it be packed with the App?
Every tutorial I found is quite complicated, I would need something simple as I am new to Xcode and Objective-C
Distribution is as downloadable App over my webpage.
Its for Mac OS X.
You can not distribute non-Apple dynamic libraries with iOS apps on the app store.
The reason every tutorial you find is complicated is because the only way to get Xcode to actually build an iOS app with a dynamic library involves some hacks and workarounds.

Automated user interface testing in Titanium

How can I create automated user interface tests for a Titanium app? Does the framework include something for this? Are there any helpful third party tools?
Have you looked at titanium-jasmine?
I have never personally used it but ive heard its pretty useful for this type of thing. I'm not sure about its abilities to test actually visual elements.
For testing the user interface and simulating touch events on the simulator or device, just use UIAutomation with the native workflow! Since every Titanium project compiles to an XCode project (which can and should be at least profiled for memory leaks using the native workflow before release to the app store), you can just follow the steps here to write your own tests in Javascript.
As a first step, run your app in the simulator, then got to PROJECT_HOME/build/ and open up the xcodeproj file. Once inside XCode, hold down the "Run" button, click "Profile", which will open up "Instruments" and add the "Automation" widget like in the link I provided!
This is not titanium specific, it can be used for any iOS app and seems like a great tool for every iOS developer, along with Allocators and Memory Leak widgets inside of instruments.
Possibly a better alternative is using Gorilla Logic's free MonkeyTalk. It is a bit more straightforward if your not very experienced with XCode, and it has the benefit of (theoretically) being able to test iOS and Android.

Can I build and compile an app built for jail broken iOS and run as a development app on my device?

Just a quick q about iOS development..
I'd love to be able to run a certain game emulator on my iPad..
If it's released under open source is there any thing stopping me from compiling it and running it in an emulator or getting a provisioning profile and running it on my device?
Do jailbroken apps tend to use libraries that wont run on a vanilla copy of iOS?
I.e. Do they patch the kernel to get full control of the video controller etc..
I think the jailbroken apps can utilize eglibc or glibc, as when I jailbroke me iPod Touch, I remember looking over the installed packages, and remember seeing something along the lines of glibc.
In short, I think if the app is self-sufficient, you probably could package it with XCode, but if it requires some low-level APIs and libraries, you're out of luck.

How to put your application on your iphone?

So I made my first iphone application; I want to test for memory leaks and the general feel and design of the user interface, so how do I put it on my iphone?
There is documentation on the developer portal which guides you through provisioning a phone for development purposes. Using Xcode you can set your target to the device after you follow the steps in the dev portal (really simple, but I'd like you to read them from there to ensure you are actually in the program) then you will be able to build and run or build and debug and it will install the app to your phone, where it will run and you can debug it there, attach instruments, etc.
EDIT: Link as requested.