"Undefined" labels and buttons in the UI of SuiteCRM - cpanel

A fresh installation, installed via an installer (Softaculous, to save time.)
Data seems to be correctly connected and all in the correct places. But most error messages only contain the word "undefined."
I have a feeling it's a permission problem, but the various solutions for it on forums are varied and only seem to work for a small section of people for each.
I'd rather not do a reinstall as all the old data from previous CRM is now imported.
This is running through a cPanel controlled server BTW, if that helps matters.

Yes, It's permission issues. Please update write permission for the web server user and try to delete " cache/jsLanguage/en_us.js " folder from your account.

If a Suite or Sugar install is installed on a temporary I.P whilst using cPanel, at least in our version of cPanel, it hosts the files in a temporary test folder.
Suite (specifically SugarBean.php) tries to access the folders that would exist on permanent domains. So it calls files that are hosted elsewhere on the server.
Soon as the site was pointed to a real domain, it fixed itself, no extra steps necessary, as the files were hosted in the correct place.
Thanks to the hosting company, they explained that to me. I'm not sure if that's standard procedure to store the files differently for temporary i.p addresses.

make sure you are using correct .htaccess
Go to Admin > Repair and do a "Quick Repair & Rebuild". Execute any changes shown at the bottom of the page.
If that doesn't work, go to Admin > Repair and do "Rebuild .htaccess file" and afterwards, Admin > Repair and do a "Quick Repair & Rebuild" again.


xampp apache server error 403 access forbidden on windows10

I've installed xampp in two different pc and in both of them it gives me the same error running windows10 (both with it). Apache server runs correctly, the ports are dedicated to httpd as it's supposed but when I try to access the folder of my website project to test the html files, google chrome, firefox and explorer show me a message saying: "Error 403 - access forbidden because you don't have the right permissions". I've tried everything that is in the other similar questions here and already gave permisions to all users in my folders, even to the whole drive c:. I also modified the txt files inside the folder /apache/conf/ and didn't work. I've seen that in some questions regarding the same matter, the file httpd.conf is a little bit different with parts that I can't see in mine. Thank you so much.
Finally, I solved the problem learning some more. I post it here in case someone is starting with it like me. The point is that when you install xampp, the program has a default folder where it let's you put your projects, it's called "htdocs". So that you can work only with project folders that you create inside this "htdocs" folder. If you try to create a new folder on c:/ for example, the program will not let you access beacuase of security (everybody could access all the folders on your computer, entering your server). I hope this to be of some help for someone else. Thank you, and sorry for the newbie question.

Prevent content (files) upload to cpanel

I am new to Management System. Now I need to control a website. Some days ago, someone hack it — not SQL injection, just file change / new files upload.
I need to know the how can I prevent it; I want to learn.
Please, can someone give me some suggestions?
To prevent this, You need to update your server security with the mod_security, Mod_security is web server firewall so you will have to install and upadte mod_sec rules on your server to prevent this,
Also, Update your site scripts and plugin and themes which you are using for your site.
Use strong password for your cPanel, FTP and site admin panel
Also, Check WHM >> Security Center >> Security Advisor and fix all the Warning which you will get in that scan report.
Install maldet on your server and scan your all user home directory and remove infected files from your account.

ModX Cache: Files Being Written with Wrong Permissions

The title doesn't really sum it all up...
I have recently installed ModX Revolution 2.2.4 on an Apache server and I am having complications with the cache folder. Occasionally I have to manually clear the cache folder via ftp, but any files written there are owned by Apache and my account can't delete them. I have tried adding the "new_file_permissions" and "new_folder_permissions" to the system settings, but there is no change. The cache files are always owned by Apache and I have no access via ftp.
Also, files such as the .htaccess and really anything I upload (css etc) are seen as uneditable to modx unless I manually change them to 777 via ftp. I can't change owner and group though.
The server tech can't figure it out. This has come up before on the modx forums but it has never been answered.
Obviously, this is a server problem.
I had this problem (with an IIS server though), and the host needed to change some of their settings.
Especially, if MODX works on your different host(s).
That is the way it is supposed to work, your FTP account does not have permission to write files written by apache, your ftp may be a member of the group but does not have write permission. [needed to delete]. I suspect this is by design for security purposes.
Your new_file_permissions, new_folder_permissions are used for the modx file manager.
So you can do a couple of things:
Run modx under fastcgi, that way the user writing the files should be the same user as the ftp user.
write a little script [you can even stuff it in a snippet] that will delete the cache files for you. [since it will be running as the apache user, it should be no problem.

Joomla 1.5 Site Backup Strategy

I would like to make a complete backup of my whole joomla 1.5 based site from time to time. How would this ideally be done? Are there any common pitfalls? Not that I only have ftp access to the hosting server. Is there a step by step tutorial somewhere? I am using latest Joomgallery and Kunena 1.0.9 (Legacy mode).
Maybe there is a good way to automate this?
There's two parts of the backup you have to worry about, the database and the files.
The first part is the database. It can be backed up using something like phpMyAdmin. If you don't have this available on your server already, it's not too hard to upload and get it going yourself. From there, you can just Export the entire database to a gzip file.
The second part is the code and uploaded files. The code base shouldn't change too often, so you could probably just make one backup of this. There's a number of ways. The simplest is to just download the entire folder via FTP, though if you're Linux, I'm sure someone will know a single command line to get all the changed files (rsync?).
The database is the main thing you have to worry about though: everything else should be able to be rebuilt just by reinstalling.
I think this: http://www.joomlapack.net/ is what you need. I use it myself and it works like a charm. Both for backups and for moving my Joomla installations from developer sites and to the real site.
get an FTP synchronisation tool and keep an up-to-date copy of your site locally. Then you could run the batch script
mysqldump -hhost -uuser -p%1 schema > C:\backup.sql
to create a backup of your mysql tables at various points in time.
you would have to have MySQL Server installed on your local machine and path to its bin directory in you PATH, in order to run the mysqldump command without much hassle. -p%1 would take the command-line provided password, as you wouldn't want to store passwords in your batch script.
If you only have FTP access you are in a bit of a problem, as beside all files you'll also have to backup the database. Without accessing the database, a full-backup won't do you any good.
Whatever backup strategy you choose - be sure it can handle UTF-8 correctly. Joomla 1.5 stores all content with UTF-8, even when the database charset is set on 'iso-5589-1' - so when the backup solution is detecting the database charset, some characters like € or é will result in "strange" ¬ / é - not really what you'll want.
I absolutely endorse using Joomlapack - it works great. The optional remote tools allow you to initiate the backup from a Windows desktop machine - it performs the backup and downloads it. The remote has a scheduler, and you can also set it off to backup and download a list of sites.
Joomlapack also provides a file "kickstart.php" which you copy to your empty server account along with the backup, which automates the restore procedure. You do have to create an empty database with PHPMyAdmin or similar, and you are given the opportunity to supply the database parameters (host, database, username, password) during the process.
One pitfall I did run into with this though is that some common components can have absolute URLs in their configuration - e.g. SOBI2, Virtuemart. It's then just a matter of finding the appropriate configuration file, editing it and re-uploading it.
Another problem was one archive file (either ZIP or their JPA format) got a filename with a "?" character in it (from a Linux server) and this caused a bit of a problem trying to install it locally on a Windows WAMP stack - the extract process on the ZIP file failed, and it stopped the process completing cleanly.
I suggest using automatic backup service by http://www.everlive.net
Ok, here is some more information. EverLive.net is a website where you can create a free account. Enter your website details and you are ready to take your backups withe just one click. Restore is also possible in the same way.
Further you can use automatic backup option to take automatic backups at defined intervals. Other than that, you can use the website health check service to inform you if your website is not available.

Issues with DB after publishing via Database Publishing Wizard from MSFT

I work on quite a few DotNetNuke sites, and occasionally (I haven't figured out the common factor yet), when I use the Database Publishing Wizard from Microsoft to create scripts for the site I've created on my Dev server, after running the scripts at the host (usually GoDaddy.com), and uploading the site files, I get an error... I'm 99.9% sure that it's not file related, so not sure where to begin in the DB. Unfortunately with DotNetNuke you don't get the YSOD, but a generic error, with no real way to find the actual exception that has occured.
I'm just curious if anyone has had similar deployment issues using the Database Publishing Wizard, and if so, how they overcame them? I own the RedGate toolset, but some hosts like GoDaddy don't allow you to direct connect to their servers...
The Database Publishing Wizard's generated scripts usually need to be tweaked since it sometimes gets the order wrong of table/procedure creation when dealing with constraints. What I do is first backup the database, then run the script, and if I get an error, I move that query to the end of the script. Continue restoring the database and running the script until it works.
There are two areas that I would look at -
Are you running in the dbo schema and was your scripted database
using dbo?
Are you using an objectqualifier in either your dev or your
production environment? (look at your sqldataprovider configuration
You should be able to expose the underlying error message by setting the following in the web.config:
customErrors mode="Off"
Could you elaborate on "and uploading the site files"? New instance of DNN? updating an existing site? upgrading DNN version? If upgrade or update -- what files are you adding/overwriting?
Also, when using GoDaddy, can you check to verify that the web site's identity (network service or asp.net machine account depending on your IIS version) has sufficient permissions to the website's file system? It should have modify permissions and these may need to be reapplied if you are overwriting files.
IIS6 (XP, Server 2000, 2003) = ASP.Net Machine Account
IIS7 (Vista, Server 2008) = Network Service
Test your generated scripts on a new local database (using the free SQL Express product or the full meal deal). If it runs fine locally, then you can be confident that it will run elsewhere, all things being equal.
If it bombs when you run it locally, use the process of elimination and work your way through the script execution to find the offending code.
My hunch is that the order of scripts could be off. I think I've had that happen before with the database publishing wizard.
Just read your follow up. In every case that I've had your problem, it was always something to do with the connection string in web.config. Even after hours of staring at it, it was always a connection string issue in web.config. Get up, take a walk and then come back.
If you are getting one of DNN's error pages, there is a chance it may have logged the error to the eventlog table.
Depending on exactly what is happening and what DNN is showing you you might be able to manually look inside the EventLog table, pull out the XML data stored there, and parse it to find the stack trace and detailed information regarding the specific error at hand.
I have found however though that I get MUCH better overall experiences with deployments using backups and restores of my database, that way I am 100% sure that all objects moved correctly, and honestly it works better in my experience.
With GoDaddy I know another MAJOR common issue is incorrect file permissions, preventing DNN from modifying the web.config and other files that it needs to do.