Joining Tables to Get Sums - SQL/Access - sql

I am create an Access database at work for our call center. Right now there are four tables:
MASTERTABLE: DisplayName, CLOCKid (PrimaryKey), PHONEid
ROSTERTABLE: CLOCKid (ForeignKey), StartDate, EndDate
PHONELOG: PHONEid, DateStamp, StatusHours
TIMECLOCK: CLOCKid, DateStamp, HoursByDay
The Mastertable has one row for each unique employee. It contains each employee's various IDs/usernames for things listed above and other items. The Rostertable contains a row for each employee's position--an employee can have multiple positions over time, indicated by StartDate and EndDate, thus multiple rows. This is so we keep a historical record we can query. The PhoneLog is fed in from our phone system. It has multiple lines per user, representing each phone status the the amount of time the user spent in the status. The TimeClock is similar; An employee will have one row per day worked.
I need to create a query in Microsoft Access 2013, preferably using SQL, that will give me the Sum of everyone's TimeClock hours within their rostertable start/end times as well as the same for their phone hours. So the resulting query will list each employee from the RosterTable, the sum of their phone time, and the sum of their paid time.
Hope this makes sense. Let me know if anyone has questions/need clarification.

SELECT MT.DisplayName, Sum(PL.StatusHours) as PhoneHours, Sum(TC.HoursByDay) as PaidTime
ON MT.ClockID = RT.ClockID
ON MT.PhoneID = PL.PhoneID
ON MT.ClockID = TC.ClockID
WHERE RT.StartDate >= YourStartDate
AND RT.EndDate =< YourEndDate
You just have to define YourStartDate and YourEndDate, which could be text boxes on a form or input boxes in a query, or even inner joined from another table.


Counting distinct values output from a grouped SQL Count function

I've got a database that holds information about volunteers and their participation in a range of events.
The following query gives me a list of their names and total attendances
count (
WHERE = bookings.volunteer_id
I want the result table to show the distinct number of attendances and how many there are of each; So if five people did one event it'd display 1 in the first column and 5 in the second and so on.
If I understand correctly, you want what I call a "histogram of histograms" query:
select numvolunteers, count(*) as numevents, min(eventid), max(eventid)
from (select b.eventid, count(*) as numvolunteers
from bookings b
group by b.eventid
) b
group by numvolunteers
order by numvolunteers;
The first column is the number of volunteers booked for an "event". The second is the number of events where this occurs. The last two columns are just examples of events that have the given number of volunteers.

Need to add up all the hours for selected column

I'm trying to calculate training hours for a list of three departments but I'm not doing the query quite right. The column with the amount of hours is called tEmpCourseDetail.AuthRelTime (AuthorizedReleaseTime). But the below gives me four separate rows. What I want is it to calculate the values in all four rows.
SELECT SUM(AuthRelTime) AS trainingHours
FROM tEmpCourseAssoc
JOIN tEmpCourseDetail ON tEmpCourseAssoc.ECAssocID = tEmpCourseDetail.ECAssocID
WHERE AccountNumber IN ('760413','760416','767601')
GROUP BY AuthRelTime
What I want is it to return these added up. Which would be 15.
Is the group by needed at all? Try taking it out?
SELECT SUM(AuthRelTime) AS trainingHours
FROM tEmpCourseAssoc
INNER JOIN tEmpCourseDetail ON tEmpCourseDetail.ECAssocID = tEmpCourseAssoc.ECAssocID
WHERE AccountNumber IN ('760413','760416','767601')

Create one query with sum and count with each value pulled from a different table

I am trying to create a query that pulls two different aggregated values from three different tables during a specific date range. I am working in Access 2003.
I have:
tblPO which has the high level purchase order description (company name, shop order #, date of order, etc)
tblPODescription which has the dollar values of the individual line items from customers the purchase order
tblCostSheets which as a breakdown of the individual pieces that we need to manufacture to satisfy the customers purchase order.
I am looking to create a query that will allow me, based on the Shop Order #, to get both the sum of the dollar values from tblPODescriptions and the count of the different type of pieces we need to make from tblCostSheets.
A quick caveat: the purchase order may have 5 line items for a sum of say $1560 but it might take us making 8 or 9 different parts to satisfy those 5 line items. I can easily create a query that pulls either the sum or the count by themselves, but when I created my query with both, I end up with numbers that are multipled versions of what I want. I believe it is multiplying my piece counts and dollar values.
SELECT DISTINCTROW tblPO.CompanyName, tblPO.ShopOrderNo, tbl.OrderDate, Sum(tblPODescriptions.ItemAmount) AS SumOfItemAmount, Count(tblCostSheets.Description) AS CountOfDescription
FROM (tblPO INNER JOIN tblPODescriptions ON (tblPO.CompanyName = tblPODescriptions.CompanyName) AND (tblPO.PurchaseOrderNo = tblPODescriptions.PurchaseOrderNo) AND (tblPO.PODate = tblPODescriptions.PODate)) INNER JOIN tblCostSheets ON tblPO.ShopOrderNo = tblCostSheets.ShopOrderNo
GROUP BY tblPO.CompanyName, tblPO.ShopOrderNo, tblPO.OrderDate
HAVING (((tblPO.OrderDate) Between [Enter Start Date:] And [Enter End Date:]));

Join two queries together with default values of 0 if empty in Access

I have seen some close answers and I have been trying to adapt them to Access 2013, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have two queries:
First query returns
It pulls this from tables staff, and salary_by_month and employee_name and number_of_days_at_spec_building (this records where they check in when they work)
this also pulls information from staff, but sums up over multiple dates in a transaction table creating a cumulative value for each staff_uid so I can't combine the two queries directly.
My problem is I want to create a query that brings results from both. However, not all staff members in Q1 will be in Q2 every day/week/month (vacations, etc) and since I want to ultimately create a final results:
The SQL:
, transaction_data_by_staff.total_rev
, transaction_data_by_staff.total_profit
FROM transaction_data_by_staff
RIGHT JOIN original_staff_data
ON (
transaction_data_by_staff.year = original_staff_data.year
AND transaction_data_by_staff.month = original_staff_data.month
) WHERE transaction_data_by_staff.[staff_uid] = [original_staff_data].[staff_uid];
I would like it if there is no revenue or profit that month from that employee, it makes those values 0. I have tried join (specifically RIGHT join with Q1 as the RIGHT join) and it doesn't seem to work, I still only get the subset. There are originally in the original_staff_data query 750 entries so therefore there should be in the final query 750 entries, I am only getting 252, which is the total in transaction_data_by_staff. Any clue on how the ACCESS 2013 SQL should look?
Move the link by stuff_uid to the ON clause, like this:
SELECT original_staff_data.*, transaction_data_by_staff.total_rev, transaction_data_by_staff.total_profit
FROM transaction_data_by_staff RIGHT JOIN original_staff_data ON (transaction_data_by_staff.year = original_staff_data.year) AND (transaction_data_by_staff.month = original_staff_data.month)
AND (((transaction_data_by_staff.[staff_uid])=[original_staff_data].[staff_uid]));

sql SUM value incorrect when using joins and group by

Im writing a query that sums order values broken down by product groups - problem is that when I add joins the aggregated SUM gets greatly inflated - I assume its because its adding in duplicate rows. Im kinda new to SQL, but I think its because I need to construct the query with sub selects or nested joins?
All data returns as expected, and my joins pull out the needed data, but the SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value returned is much higher that it should be - SQL below
SELECT so.Company_id, SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value, co.company_name,
agents.short_desc, stock_type.short_desc AS Type
JOIN company AS co ON co.company_id = so.company_id
JOIN invoice AS inv ON inv.Sorder_id = so.Sorder_id
JOIN sorder_item AS soitem ON soitem.sorder_id = so.Sorder_id
JOIN STOCK AS stock ON stock.stock_id = soitem.stock_id
JOIN stock_type AS stock_type ON stock_type.stype_id = stock.stype_id
JOIN AGENTS AS AGENTS ON agents.agent_id = co.agent_id
co.last_ordered >'01-JAN-2012' and so.Sotype_id='1'
GROUP BY so.Company_id,co.company_name,agents.short_desc, stock_type.short_desc
Any guidence on how I should structure this query to pull out an "un-duplicated" SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value much appreciated.
To get an accurate sum, you want only the joins that are needed. So, this version should work:
SELECT so.Company_id, SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value, co.company_name
company co
ON co.company_id = so.company_id JOIN
invoice inv
ON inv.Sorder_id = so.Sorder_id
group by so.Company_id, co.company_name
You can then add in one join at a time to see where the multiplication is taking place. I'm guessing it has to do with the agents.
It sounds like the joins are not accurate.
First suspect join
For example, would an agent be per company, or per invoice?
If it is per order, then should the join be something along the lines of
JOIN AGENTS AS AGENTS ON agents.agent_id = inv.agent_id
Second suspect join
Can one order have many items, and many invoices at the same time? That can cause problems as well. Say an order has 3 items and 3 invoices were sent out. According to your joins, the same item will show up 3 times means a total of 9 line items where there should be only 3. You may need to eliminate the invoices table
Possible way to solve this on your own:
I would remove all the grouping and sums, and see if you can filter by one invoice produce an unique set of rows for all the data.
Start with an invoice that has just one item and inspect your result set for accuracy. If that works, then add another invoice that has multiple and check the rows to see if you get your perfect dataset back. If not, then the columns that have repeating values (Company Name, Item Name, Agent Name, etc) are usually a good starting point for checking up on why the duplicates are showing up.