Lookup function in multiple sheets data - vba

I have multiple sheets of data and I want to make it in one sheet (All of them are in the same workbook). Link to the excel file.
I tried to use Hlookup function in excel file, something like below:
=HLOOKUP("University",Sheet1!$A$1:$G$2, 2, FALSE).
But, since I have more than 100 sheets of data, I want to find a way to drag the function and auto generate the function below the 2nd row. I have tried to use indirect function by setting a reference column in front as below but cannot deal with it.
=HLOOKUP("University", 'INDIRECT(A3)'!$A$1:$G$2, 2, FALSE)
My next option is VB code. But, I am new to VB. Anybody can help on it?

Place your individual sheet names in column H of the Summary sheet and the row number in column I (as helper columns) and write this formula in cell A2 of the summary sheet.
and drag to column F and down for as many sheet rows combos you have. I used 10 rows but you can obviously make it longer or shorter as neeed.
When you are done you can filter on 0 in column A and remove any lines with no data.
If your sheet names have spaces in them, you'll need to adjust the INDIRECT formula to this:

best way would be "defined names" + INDIRECT + HLOOKUP (or LOOKUP) like:
defined names
name: SList
formula in cells: (this in A2 then simply autofill to G2 and thenn everything down) (you'll get a row with 0's between the sheets, which can be filtered out or deleted later (copy/paste values))
Set H2 to 2 and for H3: (autofill down from H3)
works perfectly for me LINK
No manual typing of sheetnames or something like that (only Column H:H as helper). Youll get rows's with 0's every time a new sheet is selected which can be filtered out. (or if you copy/paste values also can be deleted)
the +2 at ...st,COUNTIF($A$1:$A1,0)+2)&... simply tells to start with sheet 2 (if summary is the first). You may change it to +1 if you want to lookup starting with the first sheet.

Assuming you already have all 100+ sheet names typed out in column A, this will work whether or not you have spaces in the sheet names:
=HLOOKUP("University", OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(1,1,1,1,A2)),0,0,2,7),2,FALSE)


I would like to match the data of two columns in two different excel workbook

I have two excel WORKBOOK (WB)
In excel WB 1, I have column for student IDs and Advisor name.
In excel WB 2, I have IDs to be matched to WB 1 IDs if the Advisor name is "John" to show "TRUE' in a column in WB2.
Can you pls tell me what are the formulas to try AND EXPLAIN THE COMPONENTS OF THE FORMULA?
Taking your provided formula I will run you through the minor change that will make this work:
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C7:C17&"John",'[wORKBOOK1 NAME]SHEET1'!$A$2:$A$13&'[wORKBOOK1 NAME]SHEET1'!$B$2:$B$13,0)),"True","False")
This of course is assuming that the Forenames are in $B$2:$B$13...
What this is doing is simply forming a string value of the ID with the Forname stuck onto the back of it. MATCH will reference an array of values that it creates from the criteria within itself - the ID with the Forename.
The match formula will work in the same way, returning an integer representing the index location within the array when the match is found.
I will point out that the formula does not accept an array for the first argument, so currently only the first cell is being searched... You will want to update the formula and perhaps have this as a column checking each individual ID:
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C7&"John",'[wORKBOOK1 NAME]SHEET1'!$A$2:$A$13&'[wORKBOOK1 NAME]SHEET1'!$B$2:$B$13,0)),"True","False")
If you wanted this as just one formula it gets a bit more complicated as you must form an array using an if statement and Evaluate against that array:
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(1,IF(C7:C17&"John"='[wORKBOOK1 NAME]SHEET1'!$A$2:$A$13&'[wORKBOOK1 NAME]SHEET1'!$B$2:$B$13,1,0),0)),"True","False")
This must be entered as an array formula (While still in the formula bar hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter)
The if statement will check for the match and build a new binary array (1 for a match and 0 for no match), the MATCH formula then is simply checking if a match is found in that new array by searching for 1.

Find column that meet a criteria and copy other cells in that row to a new sheet

I'm trying to create a Macro that will find text in a column (D) and if a criteria is met, then copies the row into to another sheet. The Criteria I am looking for will be not be the only text located in the cell. For Example the criteria could be "Prodigy" but the Cell could contain "Prodigy, Prodigy Tubing Set".
I have a Sheet called "Sheet1" which has all the raw data with headers. The column that has the values to meet the criteria is "D".
I have other sheets where the data will be copied to. For example one of the Sheets will be titled "Prodigy", another will be "Prodigy Tubing Set". There will up to 20 other sheets.
Macro: Given row X copy specific cells from that row to a new sheet
I tried using the code the person in the link above built but it would only work if my criteria was the only thing in the cell.
A picture of what my spreadsheet will look like is below.
I am pretty new at this and would appreciate any possible assistance. Hope this makes sense.
I think the function you are looking for is InStr.
The example you posted has this: If cell.Value = "Card" Then
Instead, you will want something like this: If InStr(cell.Value, "Prodigy") > 0 Then
Of course, you will probably replace the literal "Prodigy" with some cell value or variable.

get multiple column names (header) in table associated with particular value in to a cell

i need to get multiple column names (header) in table associated with particular value in to a cell
as i explained, i need to get the heading names corresponding to value "n" to column E.
i used the formula
here. but it only give one column name.
i am open to vba scripts also. but i think it doesn't need vba. just improve the the above formula, may be. i tried and failed. any help. thank you guys
if you are really "open" to vba, I'll use one simple UDF like:
Function HeatherNames(rg As Range, rf As String) As String
For Each cell In rg
If cell = rf Then HeatherNames = HeatherNames & Cells(1, cell.Column).Value & "-"
Next cell
HeatherNames = Left(HeatherNames, Len(HeatherNames) - 1)
End Function
you can use it in the column E `=HeatherNames(A2:D2;"n") now you can select the arg.1 (range) and type (or referring to another cell) the arg.2
Assuming you have Excel 2010 or later, in E2:
Copy to the right and down as required.
It would actually be slightly more efficient (and certainly if your dataset in reality is quite large) to have the initial IF clause held within its own cell, such that it is calculated for each row only once, rather than for each instance of the formula within that row. So a better set-up would be, in E2:
copied down. Then, in F2:
copied to the right and down again.

Keeping column formulas in a table header

Is it possible to have the formulas that I need applied on columns be saved or applied to a column header or some kind of metadata so that as and when I add new rows to my Excel table the Formulas get applied to the columns?
I am creating a template Table, which will have no rows at first.
On a separate sheet (or same sheet for that matter) once the user selects the number of rows to be generated in the table, I dynamically add rows to the table using VBA.
The idea is I may not have any rows in the table at beginning OR user may have deleted rows manually.
When I programmatically add new rows, I want the Formulas applied on the cells as well. Most of the formulas I am using are either of the three types:
Structured table reference, Excel functions like SUM, AVERAGE etc and custom function names.
Here is what I have tried:
1> tried applying the formula to the header itself.
Result: The header it self changes with #REF! error. I think the behavior is correct. So it's a no-go option.
2> Tried creating one row and apply the formula to the row. That works, but the problem is, I do not want a dummy row to begin with.
3> Using VBA code to add row to the table using
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3").ListObjects("Table2").ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True
inside a for loop.
The new rows retain the visual style sheets, but does not seem to retain the formulas. Just blank cells.
Could the fomrmulas be in header cell commnets?
And then with VBA add the formula for the current row:
Sub test()
Dim headerCells As Range
Set headerCells = Range("B2:E2")
OnNewRow 3, headerCells
End Sub
Sub OnNewRow(newRow As Integer, headerCells As Range)
Dim headerCell As Range, targetCell As Range, formulaFromComment As String
For Each headerCell In headerCells
formulaFromComment = GetFormulaFromComment(headerCell)
If (formulaFromComment = "") Then _
GoTo NextHeaderCell
Set targetCell = Intersect(headerCells.Worksheet.Rows(newRow), _
AddFormula newRow, targetCell, formulaFromComment
End Sub
Sub AddFormula( _
newRow As Integer, _
targetCell As Range, _
formula As String)
formula = Replace(formula, "{ROW}", newRow)
targetCell.formula = formula
End Sub
Function GetFormulaFromComment(headerCells As Range) As String
GetFormulaFromComment = "=SUM($C${ROW}:$E${ROW})"
End Function
Just use tables.
If you highlight cells and choose Insert Table from the ribbon, it doesn't just give you formatting and filters. It also, if you build them the right way, stores column formulas once per column instead of once per cell. Also, the formulas are more readable!
For formulas, you can't use cell addresses if you want it to be a single column formula unless they are absolute. (E.g. $A$1, not A1.) Instead, you use [ColumnTitle] for the entire column (where "ColumnTitle" is the actual title of that column) and [#ColumnTitle] for the column value in the same row. So if "Cost" was the title of column B, "RunningTotal" was the title of column C and your formula for C6 was therefore =B6+C5, you'd instead use a formula of =[#Cost]+OFFSET([#RunningTotal],-1,0)] which is longer but much easier to read/maintain/debug, and if you change a column title then the formulas change too! No VBA required. Given this, plus being able change columns for the entire columns at once, plus being able to refer to other columns in other tables without worrying about cell addresses (e.g. MAX(Table1[Cost])), plus being able to style the tables so easily, plus the integration with Power-Query, and VBA support. (See learn.microsoft.com.) Whether VBA or otherwise, add a row to your table and the columns with a single column formulas will automatically carry over into the new row.
Not sure about Table templates or VBA but perhaps there is another option by using =ARRAYFORMULA()
For example, say you had a header row and 3 columns and wanted your last column to be the product of the first two. In cell C2 you could enter the following:
This has three benefits:
Skips the first row completely
Effectively applies the formula to every row which is useful if you later decide to insert a row (your question)
Only one location to modify the formula for every single row
Although, it may not be immediately obvious where how/where the cells are being calculated. (hint: ctrl+~ may help)

Excel Macro - Search Range of Cell for 0, then return "empty" cell

This is my first time using this forum, and my VBA skill is not very well developed. I hope someone can help.
I have two columns of data, Column A and Column B.
Column A - Returns a sequential "month-year" or 0. If spreadsheet current date (=now()) is less than say Feb, then the cell for February returns 0.
Column B - I want this column to check each cell in Column A. If Column A cell has a date identifier, I want this to be placed in Column B. If Column A has a 0 identifier, I want Column B to return an "empty" cell.
Reason why I am doing this is I am graphing a bar chart. When I trick the program into making an empty cell (x-axis) the graph does not show any data for that month (which is what I want). Trying to make a dynamic graph, but I have no experience in VBA (only C programming =/).
You don't need VBA (or even formulas) to do this.
Highlight Column A (the entire column), copy it.
Highlight Column B (the entire column, right click, Paste Special, select values and number formats, okay.
Highlight Column B again. Press Ctrl+H, Type 0 (or failing that it might be 00/01/1900) in the 'find what', leave the 'replace with' one blank. Tick Match entire cell contents. Click replace all.
Instead of trying for an empty space (which would be impossible, as there's a formula in that cell), use an error condition.
Use this formula, and copy down:
This will return the error condition #NA! and Excel will leave the column blank
The other way would be to have a dynamic range for the chart data - I have a chart that will adjust to 5,6 or 7 days, depending on the data returned for the week. The Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels is set to a named range (='Sample.xlsx'!LastWeekRange) and the range checks the data, and returns the appropriate number of cells.
LastWeekRange is defined in Name Manager as =OFFSET(Data!$A$3,0,0,IF(Data!$F$9>0,7,IF(Data!$F$8>0,6,5))), which returns A3:A7 if there's nothing in F8, A3:A8 if there is something in F8 but not in F9, and A3:A9 if there is something in F9.