Force Swagger UI To Load https path when hosted on Heroku - api

I have a rails 4 app with a Grape API and Swagger through the gem grape-swagger and grape-swagger-ui gems.
In dev everything works well, I load http://localhost:3000/api/swagger and the swagger header's text input along the top loads the expected url, http://localhost:3000/api/swagger_doc. This points properly to the file it seeks, swagger_doc.json.
I've pushed this app to heroku, which forces https connections. Unfortunately, when loading the swagger header's text input along the top loads instead of loading (http vs https).
I've tried coming at this from the heroku side with things like:
unless Rails.env.development?
get "*path" => redirect("{path}"), :constraints => { :protocol => "http://" }
post "*path" => redirect("{path}"), :constraints => { :protocol => "http://" }
config.force_ssl = false
#config.force_ssl = false
And I've come at it with trying to set or manipulate the base_path attribute of add_swagger_documentation.
base_path: "",
base_path: "",
base_path: = lambda do |request|
return ""
base_path: lambda { |request| "http://#{}:#{request.port}" }
I recently clicked "view raw" on one of my resources and noticed that it was picking up my changes to base_path but that base_path isn't even used to populate the url in the text input in the swagger header. It seems to be generated from a js file. I'm unable to edit it and would happily accept a hack to do so as a solution. Here's that raw output:
The line of interest is:
Which would break the app if it was being populated and used, but it is not. I don't see an option in the grape-swagger gem that I can use to pass in this variable and change the path to https.
In conclusion:
I'd like the swagger text input box to load when I visit
Anyone know a hack to accomplish this on heroku?

I was able to work around this. I suggest:
Do not use + uninstall #gem 'grape-swagger-ui'
Use and install gem 'grape-swagger-rails' and follow the docs here:


Rails and Devise Missing link to host

I am very confused with how to provide the default_url_options. I am getting this error
Missing host to link to! Please provide the :host parameter, set default_url_options[:host], or set :only_path to true
I am using spreecommerce which uses devise for authentication. This error is occurring durring password reset on my development environment. I have not tested it in a production environment yet.
I am using this in my environments/development
config.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost:3000' }
Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host] = 'localhost:3000'
in my rails console when I do Rails.application.routes.default_url_options I get {:host => Rails.application.config.domain}. The same thing happends when I do Rails.applicaiton.default_url_options
None of the solutions I have found have worked.
TL;DR In my case Spree::Store.current vanished - I had to recreate it.
I tried set default_url_options for routes and into environments. But with no luck.
So I got into spree_auth_devise-3.1.0 gem source code:
#confirmation_url = spree.spree_user_confirmation_url(:confirmation_token => token, :host => Spree::Store.current.url)
So for the host, it's using Spree::Store. Then I went into console and got that my Spree::Store.current is empty:
(byebug) Spree::Store.current.url
So simply creating a store with dummy data resolved my problem.
store = = 'test'
store.url = 'http://localhost:3000'
store.code = 'spree'
store.default = true

Sinatra app as rack middleware TimesOut Rails 3

While in the Rails development environment, I am attempting to add a Sinatra app as a middleware. The Sinatra app uses the geoip gem that processes a user's ip address and returns json with their city.
I can view the returned json by going directly to the example url in the browser or using curl in the command line, However when I attempt to call the url with wget from within a Rails controller, the Rails app stops responding often crashing my browser and my rails server wont exit using the control+C command.
Any clue to what is happening here? Why would going directly to the url in the browser return the proper response but my call in the controller results in a Time Out?
require 'sinatra'
require 'geoip'
require 'json'
# http://localhost/geoip/locate.json?ip=
# {
# latitude: 47.684700012207
# country_name: "United States"
# area_code: 206
# city: "Seattle"
# region: "WA"
# longitude: -122.384803771973
# postal_code: "98117"
# country_code3: "USA"
# country_code: "US"
# dma_code: 819
# }
class GeoIPServer < Sinatra::Base
get '/geoip/locate.json' do
c ='/var/www/').city(params[:ip])
body c.to_h.to_json
mount GeoIPServer => "/geoip"
Website::Application.configure do
require "sinatra-geoip"
config.middleware.use "GeoIPServer"
raw_geo_ip = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://#{geoip_server}/geoip/locate.json?ip=#{request.ip}"))
#geo_ip = JSON.parse(raw_geo_ip)
Our solution was difficult to find. We ended up finding a method in the sinatra source code call forward.
new sinatra-geoip.rb
class GeoIPServer < Sinatra::Base
if defined?(::Rails)
get '/properties.json' do
env["geo_ip.lookup"] = geo_ip_lookup(request.ip)
def geo_ip_lookup(ip = nil)
ip = ip.nil? ? params[:ip] : ip
result ='/var/www/').city(ip)
Essentially, we removed the /geoip/locate.json route from the file and converted it to a simple method. We needed the geoip lookup to occur when the properties.json was being called, so a new param was added with the geoip information. Then we set the new param equal to #geo_ip variable in the controller.
New properties controller
if Rails.env.development? or Rails.env.test?
# Retrieves param set by sinatra-geoip middleware.
#geo_ip = JSON.parse(env["geo_ip.lookup"] || "{}")
# Production and staging code
Rather obscure problem and solution. Hopefully it will help someone out there. Cheers.

How Do You Expire A Memcached Entry On Heroku

I am using action caching on my Rails 3 app on Heroku with the :expires_in option. I've tried calling expire_action, directly in the controller upon update, and within a sweeper. Nothing seems to expire the cache entry properly.
In my controller:
caches_action :embed, :if => { |c| c.request.format.js? || c.request.format.rss? }, :expires_in => 5.minutes
In my action:
expire_action :action => :embed, :format => :js
And I've also attempted it in a sweeper, attempting to use the url generator to get the exact key:
expire_action obj_embed_url(#obj.unique_token)
I wonder if it is Heroku using the Varnish cache layer, which you can't expire. (The cache clearly expires after the 5 minutes, because I can see the content update.) It appears that I have the memcached add-on configured correctly (using the Dalli gem; config.cache_store = :dalli_store), and I can see the appropriate environment variables...
$ heroku config |grep MEM
MEMCACHE_PASSWORD => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What am I missing here?
finally figured this out.
Heroku's paths must not be matching up with the expire create/expire calls. so if you specify the path in the cache creation, and call that path specifically in the expire, it will work. also i had to use "expire_fragment" instead of "expire_action". here's my code:
in your controller:
caches_action :load, :up, :juice, :fresh, :cache_path => :custom_cache_path.to_proc
def custom_cache_path
path = "#{params[:controller]}/#{params[:action]}"
path += "/#{params[:id]}" if params[:id]
path += "/#{params[:sha]}" if params[:sha]
in the expiring method:
expire_fragment "serve/up/#{}"
expire_fragment "serve/fresh/#{#site.secret}"

Rails 3 Getting different request from same url depending on action

I am creating an ajax request and building the url as follows:
function submitYear(year){
new Ajax.Request('update_make/'+year, { method: 'get'});
When I am at the new action for my car_infos controller, http://localhost:3000/car_infos/new this Ajax request works fine. I get a request that says:
Started GET "/car_infos/car_infos/update_make/2011"
The route matches up and all is well. However, if there is an error in the create the url becomes http://localhost:3000/car_infos and then when my ajax request triggers I get this with a routing error:
Started GET "/update_make/2002"
No route matches "/update_make/2002"
Here is what happens in my controller when create fails:
format.html { render :action => "new" }
I understand why I am getting the routing error, because I don't have a route set up as /update_make/. Here is my route.
match 'car_infos/update_make/:year', :controller => 'car_infos', :action => 'update_make'
So two questions.
Why does my get request change when the url changes from car_infos/new to car_infos
How do I resolve this so when I create the url in the javascript it works for both cases? I don't think putting a route for /update_make is the answer. If I redirect to /new then I lose the field values and the error message.
You're sending your ajax request to a relative path, so if your browser location path changes the request path changes too. The browser location path could be changing because of a redirect in Rails or in javascript.
Is this a typo (the 2x "/car_infos")?
Started GET "/car_infos/car_infos/update_make/2011
You could spell out the absolute url in your javascript:
function submitYear(year){
var absoluteUrl = 'http://' + +
'/car_infos/update_make/' + year;
new Ajax.Request(absoluteUrl, { method: 'get'});

rails aws-s3 delete file throws AWS::S3::PermanentRedirect error - EU bucket problem?

I'm building a rails3 app on heroku, and I'm using aws-s3 gem to manipulate files stored in an Amazon S3 eu bucket.
When I try to perform a AWS::S3::S3Object.delete filename, 'mybucketname' command, I get the following error:
AWS::S3::PermanentRedirect (The bucket you are attempting to access
must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future
requests to this endpoint.):
I have added the following to my application.rb file:
:access_key_id => "myAccessKey",
:secret_access_key => "mySecretAccessKey"
and the following code to my controller:
def destroy
song = tape.songs.find(params[:id])
AWS::S3::S3Object.delete song.filename, 'mybucket'
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :nothing => true }
end end
I found a proposed solution somewhere to add AWS_CALLING_FORMAT: SUBDOMAIN to my amazon_s3.yml file, as supposedly, aws-s3 should handle differently eu buckets than us.
However, this did not work, same error is received.
Could you please provide any assistance?
Thank you very much for your help.
the problem is you need to type SUBDOMAIN as uppercase string in config, try this out
You can specify custom endpoint at connection initialization point:
:access_key_id => 'myAccessKey',
:secret_access_key => 'mySecretAccessKey',
:server => ''
you can find actual endpoint through the AWS console:
full list of valid options - here
VALID_OPTIONS = [:access_key_id, :secret_access_key, :server, :port, :use_ssl, :persistent, :proxy].freeze
My solution is to set the constant to the actual service link at initialization time.
in config/initializers/aws_s3.rb
:access_key_id => 'access_key_id',
:secret_access_key => 'secret_access_key'