Get Users with an attribute for each Group? - sql

My models: User, Group, and Membership. Users can have many groups through memberships, and vice-versa. I want to create a tool for website admins that produces a large table with the following specification:
Every row represents a user,
Every column represents a group,
In each cell of the table there is a boolean indicating whether the user belongs to the group.
What would be the best way to do this? Is it possible to write a single SQL query that achieves it (i.e. User.find_by_sql)? If not, how else?
p.s. I actually need a bit more than this (I need two columns per group, the first one indicating membership, and the second one counting how many meetings the user has attended in that group, but this involves the Meeting model, so I'll leave that for later.

Assuming that you're asking about the backend methodology not the data visualization aspect most of what JuanM. said is correct. One thing I would recommend is avoid writing his 'get_groups' method and just set up a 'has many through' relationship between users in groups. To do so put
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships
has_many :groups, through: :memberships
In your Users model and vice versa in your Groups model (assuming memberships 'belongs_to' both). Then you'll have a '.groups' method on any User instance and a '.users' method on any Group instance

This would be my approach:
Write a function that returns if the user belongs to a group passed by parameter. Get all the groups from a user. In your user.rb model you can add this method get_groups to retrieve all groups from the user and then a method is_in(group). See code below:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#validations, some other stuff
has_many :memberships
#this method stores all the group-ids of the user in an array
def get_groups
myGroups = []
memberships.each do |membership|
membership.groups.each do |group|
myGroups <<
return myGroups
#this method receive a Group object and return true if the user belongs to that group
def is_in(group)
groups = get_groups
return groups.include?(
Then in your view or controller you can work as follow:
#the columns of the table
groups = Group.all
#iterating all users
User.all.each do |user|
#each user has to see if it belongs to each group in the groups table
groups.each do |group|
#the boolean value you display in a cell
value = user.is_in(group)


Get relation of a collection in rails

So simple but can't find how to do it in rails. I have a specific active record collection of users. Something like users = User.where(blabla). Given this collection is there a simple way to get all posts that those users have? Similar to User.posts, only for all users in that collection.
Post belongs_to User, User has_many posts.
Assuming that your Post model has a user_id with an association called "user", you can do something like this:
Post.where(user_id: User.where(blablah))
Post.joins(:user).where(users: {<user conditions>})
You'll need to be able to use the Hash form for the user conditions to use the second option. For example:
Post.joins(:user).where(users: {role: 'member'})
If your users query is more complex, you can create a scope for it:
class User < ApplicationRecord
scope :special, -> { where(< user conditions go here>) }
And then merge it with the Post query:

RAILS: How to query if there's already a team formed by an array of users

I'm working on an rails API, more specifically in a create operation.
The workflow that I have is this, I have two rails applications, one is an API and the other is an interface. The API manages the different backend operations in order to handle data, store data, and respond in json format to the interface. The interface serves as the frontend, just making http requests to the API in order to display the information.
In my API I have the 3 model listed below:
class Team < ApplicationRecord
has_many :team_users
has_many :users, through: :team_users
class User <ApplicationRecord
has_many :team_users
has_many :teams, through: :team_users
class TeamUser < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :team
Basically I'm sending an array of user ids from the Interface to the API and I would like to make a query to find out if there's already a team formed by the users (user ids) that I've passed to the API.
I have already tried to do this:
Team.joins(:team_users).where('team_users.user_id' => [3,5])
The problem with this query is that it returns every team that contains the users with id that are equal to 3 or 5. The correct result would be to return a team that has the users 3 and 5 or 5 and 3 as their team members.
Thanks in advance.
The original business rule is this, have an aplication that keeps track of trees, so I have a model named tree and when we create a tree whe must say what team created this tree. So I used a multi select user dropdown field with select2 js library that is how I'm passing the user_ids to the API. So the basic idea is to check is theres already a team composed only by the users passed to the API, if there is already a team I use it's id and say that the tree was registered by that team, if there insn't a team with coposed only buy the users I create a new team and reference it's Id to the tree.
You can approach the problem in different ways. Scrolling over each Team record to check if it contains the associated user_ids is pretty straightforward but inefficient:
team.user_ids.sort == user_ids.sort
But we can make it performant by reversing the process, i.e. iterating over the user_ids to find out corresponding teams, taking their intersection of Team ids and finally checking if any team_id holds those user_ids. This line will return true if there's already a team formed by the users (user ids): { |id| User.find(id).team_ids }.reduce(:&).present?
You may include it in the User class scope like below:
class User < ApplicationRecord
def self.team_exists_for?(user_ids)
# return early
# what should it return when user_ids is empty
# return ??? if user_ids.blank?
# what should it return when any of the id is absent from :users table
# set_of_all_user_ids =
# set_of_user_ids =
# return ??? unless set_of_user_ids.subset? set_of_all_user_ids
# finally { |id| User.find(id).team_ids }.reduce(:&).present?
So you want to find the team which only has those users provided by user_ids or create a team with them and assign back to the Tree model instance. Combining both approaches described above and defining a scope in the Team model itself seems like a better solution.
class Team < ApplicationRecord
def self.find_or_create_for(user_ids)
# find all team_ids which contain user_ids (inclusive)
team_ids = { |id| User.find(id).team_ids }.reduce(:&).flatten
if team_ids.present? # search for the team which ONLY has 'user_ids'
team_id = team_ids.find { |id| Team.find(id).user_ids.sort == user_ids.sort }
return Team.find(team_id) if team_id
# or create a team with user_ids and return
team = Team.create! # create a team with required attributes
team.user_ids = user_ids
i have implemented this as
add a field key: string on Team and in Team model
class Team < ApplicationRecord
has_many :team_users
has_many :users, through: :team_users
before_validation :update_key
def update_key
self.key = Team.key_for_users(self.users)
def self.key_for_users(users)"_")
so basically after this callback whenever you will create a team there will be a key
for example: -
users = [3,5]
then key in Team will be 3_5
or users = [5,3]
then key in Team will be 5_3
From this we can easily get the result what you wanted
example: -
user_ids = [3,5]
[14] pry(main)> user_ids_simple = user_ids.join('_')
=> "3_5"
[15] pry(main)> user_ids_reverse = user_ids.reverse.join('_')
=> "5_3"
and query will be like this: -
Team.where("key IN (?)",[user_ids_simple, user_ids_reverse])
it may be helpful for you. thanks

ActiveRecord: sort of complicated query with nested associations and sorting

Alrigth, so I'm not sure if this isn't too specific... But I really don't have a clue how to construct such a query, neither in AR, nor in SQL. So here's the situation:
I have a User model. User has_many Projects. A Project, in turn, have a following associations:
Project has_one BasicEvent
Project had_many AdditionalEvents
BasicEvent and AdditionalEvent classes are built on inheritance from a AR model class, Event
Now, the goal is this: on my view, I need:
access to all Projects count per User
access to all Events count, where happened_at attribute in nil
have all the Users sorted, by the count of Events, where happened_at attribute in nil
I made a couple of attempts at it so far, but didn't really get too far... I will appreciate any help with this complicated (at least from my perspective) query.
You can start from code like:
# -*- frozen-string-literal: true -*-
class UserStatService
(SELECT count(1) FROM projects WHERE AS projects_count,
(SELECT count(1) FROM events WHERE (happened_at IS NULL)
AND (project_id IN (SELECT id FROM projects WHERE
) AS events_count,
def call
.select( SELECT_CLAUSE )
.order( 'events_count' )
Each User instance in resultset will have projects_count and events_count attributes.
Also any kind of cache (counter_cache or handmade) is recommended. Because the query is not expected to be fast.
Projects count per User:
Events count, where happened_at attribute in nil: Event.where(happened_at: nil).count
Users sorted, by the count of Events, where happened_at attribute in nil: This is the trickiest but it's also not particularly difficult:
select("users.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM events WHERE user_id = AND happened_at IS NULL) AS unhappened_events_count").
order("unhappened_events_count DESC")
This is not a particularly efficient query but it should do its job well for several thousand records (easily) – especially if you set an index on user_id and happened_at in the events table.
Assuming basic_events and additional_events have essentially the same columns, a great solution to this problem would be to change your database/app to use single table inheritance.
Assuming you're using Rails 5.x your models would look like this:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :projects
has_many :basic_events, through: :projects
has_many :additional_events, through: :projects
class Project < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_one :basic_event
has_many :additional_events
class Event < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :project
class BasicEvent < Event
belongs_to :project
class AdditionalEvent < Event
belongs_to :project
This way, there are only three tables involved users, projects and events. Your events table will have a :type column where you can specify if it's basic or additional.
For your queries:
access to all Projects count per User
.select("users.*, count( AS projects_count")
.order('projects_count DESC')
Using select like this give you access to a :projects_count method on each User object returned in this active record relation, so if you assigned this query to a variable called users_with_projects_count you could do users_with_projects_count.first.projects_count and it would return the number of projects associated with that user.
access to all Events count, where happened_at attribute in nil
.select("users.*, count( AS events_count")
.where('events.happened_at IS NULL')
You can access :events_count the same way you did :projects_count in the last example.
have all the Users sorted, by the count of Events, where happened_at attribute in nil
.select("users.*, count( AS events_count")
.where('events.happened_at IS NULL')
.order('events_count DESC')
You use the same query as the last example just add an :order.

ActiveRecord Query Count Number of Relations

This is a Ruby 1.9.3/Rails 3.2 project.
Let's say I have a model called Role, and a model called Employee, linked through a has_many/belongs_to relationship. A role has many employees, and an employee belongs to a role. Both of these models belong to a Store object that has many employees and roles.
Each role has a target_headcount attribute, representing the ideal number of employees in that position. From there, I have methods like the following for Role:
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
# Number of employees currently filling this role.
def current_headcount
# Number of headcount above or below the target.
def variance
current_headcount - target_headcount
Frequently, I need to get a collection of each role for which there is open headcount. I was doing this using the following class method for Role:
def self.open_headcount { |r| r.variance < 0 }
However, I'm now using meta_search, a RubyGem which requires an ActiveRecord::Relation object. I'd like to change open_headcount from a class method to a scope so that it returns an ActiveRecord::Relation object, but I'm not sure if it is possible.
This is super old, but FTR I probably could have done it with by using a SQL query to count the number of employees for the role and subtracting from it the value of the target column.

How to test the membership in a many-to-many relation in Rails3

For example, one user has joined many group; and one group has many user members. Now I get a user object and a group object, I want to know whether this user is a member of this group.
I can see some methods, but still wandering whether there is a better way?
So, if i understand your question, what you have is something like:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :groups, :though => :user_members
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, :though => :user_members
And you want to know if a user is a member of a specific group.
So, given something like:
u = User.first
g = Group.first
Just do:
u.groups.include? g
Thats all there is to it!
ipd's way is fine, another more Rails oriented way to do it is :