Merge commands line - awk

I have these command lines:
grep -e "[0-9] ERROR" /home/aa/lab/utb/cic/nova-all.log | awk '{ print $6 }' | awk -F'-' '{print $3""$2""$1}' | cut -c 1-4,7-8 > part1date.txt
grep -e "[0-9] ERROR" /home/aa/lab/utb/cic/nova-all.log | awk '{ print $3" "$4" "$5" "$9 }' > part1rest.txt
grep -e "[0-9] ERROR" /home/aa/lab/utb/cic/nova-all.log | awk '{ s = ""; for (i = 15; i <= NF; i++) s = s $i " "; print s}' > part1end.txt
paste -d \ part1date.txt part1rest.txt part1end.txt > temp.txt
rm part1*
cat temp.txt
The first 3 lines will save its output in a text file.
Then I merged the columns of these texts in one file to show the output.
Can someone help me to use same command in one line without saving them in textfile?
This command used to change the standard output:
sep 10 11:13:55 node-20 nova-scheduler 2014-10-12 10:36:55.675 3817 ERROR nova.scheduler....
to this format:
ddmmyy hh:mm:ss node-xx PROCESS LOGLEVEL MESSAGE
that means change place of columns and change the format of the date.

awk '/[0-9] ERROR/{gsub("-","",$6);$2=$6;$6=$9;for(i=0;++i<=NF;)$i=i<6?$(i+1):$(i+9);NF-=9;print}' file


Need to retrieve a value from an HL7 file using awk

In a Linux script program, I've got the following awk command for other purposes and to rename the file.
cat $edifile | awk -F\| '
{ OFS = "|"
print $0
} ' | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
While this is happening, I'd like to grab the 5th field of the MSH segment and save it for later use in the script. Is this possible?
If no, how could I do it later or earlier on?
Example of the segment.
What I want to do is retrieve the path and file name in MSH 5 and concatenate it to the end of the new file.
I've used this to capture the data but no luck. If fpth is getting set, there is no evidence of it and I don't have the right syntax for an echo within the awk phrase.
cat $edifile | awk -F\| '
{ OFS = "|"
print $0
} ' | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
any suggestions?
Thank you!
filename=`awk -F'|' '{print $5}' $edifile | head -1`
You can skip the piping through head if the file is a single line
First of all, it must be mentioned that the awk line in your first piece of code, has zero use:
$ cat $edifile | awk -F\| ' { OFS = "|"; print $0 }' | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
This is totally equivalent to
$ cat $edifile | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
because OFS is only used to redefine $0 if you redefine a field.
$ echo "a|b|c" | awk -F\| '{OFS="/"; print $0}'
$ echo "a|b|c" | awk -F\| '{OFS="/"; $1=$1; print $0}'
I understand that you have a hl7 file in which you have a single line starting with the string "MSH". From this line you want to store the 5th field: this is achieved in the following way:
fpth=$(awk -v outputfile="${newname}.hl7" '
BEGIN{FS="|"; ORS="" }
($1 == "MSH"){ print $5 }
{ print $0 > outputfile }' $edifile)
I have replaced ORS to an empty character set, as it is equivalent to tr -d "\012". The above will work very nicely if you only have a single MSH in your file.

Replace end of line with comma and put parenthesis in sed/awk

I am trying to process the contents of a file from this format:
to this format:
The result should be a single line.
As of now I have come up with this circuit of commands that works fine:
cat myfile | sed -e 's/,/\(/g' | sed -e 's/$/\)/g' | tr '\n' , | awk '{print substr($0, 0, length($0)- 1)}'
Is there a simpler way to do the same by just an awk command?
Another awk:
$ awk -F, '{ printf "%s%s(%s)", c, $1, $2; c = ","} END { print ""}' file
Following awk may help you on same.
awk -F, '{val=val?val OFS $1"("$2")":$1"("$2")"} END{print val}' OFS=, Input_file
Toying around with separators and gsub:
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="";ORS=")\n"}{gsub(/,/,"(");gsub(/\n/,"),")}1' file
$ awk '
RS="" # record ends in an empty line, not newline
ORS=")\n" # the last )
gsub(/,/,"(") # replace commas with (
gsub(/\n/,"),") # and newlines with ),
}1' file # output
Using paste+sed
$ # paste -s will combine all input lines to single line
$ seq 3 | paste -sd,
$ paste -sd, ip.txt
$ # post processing to get desired format
$ paste -sd, ip.txt | sed -E 's/,([^,]*)(,?)/(\1)\2/g'

How to grep the outputs of awk, line by line?

Let's say I have the following text file:
$ cat file1.txt outputs
MarkerName Allele1 Allele2 Freq1 FreqSE P-value Chr Pos
rs2326918 a g 0.8510 0.0001 0.5255 6 130881784
rs2439906 c g 0.0316 0.0039 0.8997 10 6870306
rs10760160 a c 0.5289 0.0191 0.8107 9 123043147
rs977590 a g 0.9354 0.0023 0.8757 7 34415290
rs17278013 t g 0.7498 0.0067 0.3595 14 24783304
rs7852050 a g 0.8814 0.0006 0.7671 9 9151167
rs7323548 a g 0.0432 0.0032 0.4555 13 112320879
rs12364336 a g 0.8720 0.0015 0.4542 11 99515186
rs12562373 a g 0.7548 0.0020 0.6151 1 164634379
Here is an awk command which prints MarkerName if Pos >= 11000000
$ awk '{ if($8 >= 11000000) { print $1 }}' file1.txt
This command outputs the following:
Question: I would like to feed this into a grep statement to parse another text file, textfile2.txt. Somehow, one pipes the output from the previous awk command into grep AWKOUTPUT textfile2.txt
I would like each row of the awk command above to be grepped against textfile2.txt, i.e.
grep "rs2326918" textfile2.txt
## and then
grep "rs10760160" textfile2.txt
### and then
Naturally, I would save all resulting rows from textfile2.txt into a final file, i.e.
$ awk '{ if($8 >= 11000000) { print $1 }}' file1.txt | grep PIPE_OUTPUT_BY_ROW textfile2.txt > final.txt
How does one grep from a pipe line by line?
EDIT: To clarify, the one constraint I have is that file1.txt is actually the output of a previous pipe. (I'm trying to simplify the question somewhat.) How would that change the answer?
awk + grep solution:
grep -f <(awk '$8 >= 11000000{ print $1 }' file1.txt) textfile2.txt > final.txt
-f file - obtain patterns from file, one per line
You can use bash to do this:
bash-3.1$ echo "rs2326918" > filename2.txt
bash-3.1$ (for i in `awk '{ if($8 >= 11000000) { print $1 }}' file1.txt |
grep -v MarkerName`; do grep $i filename2.txt; done) > final.txt
bash-3.1$ cat final.txt
bash-3.1$ cat file1.txt | (for i in `awk '{ if($8 >= 11000000) { print $1 }}' |
grep -v MarkerName`; do grep $i filename2.txt; done) > final.txt
The switch grep -v tells grep to reverse its usual activity and print all lines that do not match the pattern. This switch "inVerts" the match.
only using awk can do this for you:
$ awk 'NR>1 && NR==FNR {if ($8 >= 110000000) a[$1]++;next} \
{ for(i in a){if($0~i) print}}' file1.txt file2.txt> final.txt

While using awk showing fatal : cannot open pipe ( Too many open files) error

I was trying to do masking of file with command 'tr' and 'awk' but failing with error fatal: cannot open pipe ( Too many open pipes) error. FILE has approx 1000000 records quite a huge number.
Below is the code I am trying :-
awk - F "|" - v OFS="|" '{ "echo \""$1"\" | tr \" 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\" \" QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM9876543210mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq\"" | get line $1}1' FILE.CSV > test.CSV
It is showing error :-
awk: (FILENAME=- FNR=1019) fatal: cannot open pipe `echo ""TTP_123"" | tr "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM9876543210mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq"' (Too many open pipes)
Please let me know what I am doing wrong here
Also a Note any number of columns could be used for masking and can be at any positions in this example I have taken 1 and 2 column positions but it could be 3 and 10 or 5,7,25 columns
First things first, you can't have a space between - and F or v.
I was going to suggest sed, but as you only want to translate the first column, that's not as easy.
Unfortunately, awk doesn't have built-in tr functionality, so you'd have to use the shell like you are and just close the pipe:
awk -F "|" -v OFS="|" '{
command="echo \"\\"$1"\\\" | tr \" 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\" \" QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM9876543210mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq\""
command | getline $1
}1' FILE.CSV > test.CSV
However, I suggest using perl, which can do field splitting and character translation:
perl -F'\|' -lane '$F[0] =~ tr/0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM9876543210mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq/; print join("|", #F)' FILE.CSV > test.CSV
Or, for a shorter command line, just put the program into a file, drop the e in -lane and use the file name instead of the '...' command.
you can do the mapping in awk instead of making a system call for each line, or perhaps simply
paste -d'|' <(cut -d'|' -f1 file | tr '0-9' 'a-z') <(cut -d'|' -f2- file)
replace the tr arguments with yours.
This does not answer your question, but you can implement tr as an awk function that would save having to spawn lots of external processes
$ cat tr.awk
function tr(str, from, to, s,i,c,idx) {
s = ""
for (i=1; i<=length($str); i++) {
c = substr(str, i, 1)
idx = index(from, c)
s = s (idx == 0 ? c : substr(to, idx, 1))
return s
print $1, tr($1,
" 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",
" QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM9876543210mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq")
$ printf "%s\n" hello wor-ld | awk -f tr.awk
hello KGCCN
wor-ld 3N8-CF

How to merge these codes, awk then cut

I am using awk in Debian.
Parts of sh codes (running in Debian)
awk '/#/ {print > "file1";next} \
/smtp/ {print > "file2";next} \
{print > "file7"}' input
if [ -s file1 ] ; then
#IP type =>
cut -d'#' -f1 file1 >> output
rm -f file1
if [ -s file2 ] ; then
#IP type => (smtp:
cut -d':' -f2 file2 | cut -d')' -f1 >> output
rm -f file2
if [ -s file7 ] ; then
#IP type =>[]
cut -d'[' -f2 file7 | cut -d']' -f1 >> output
rm -f file7
then output
Is it possible to merge these codes only with awk , something like
awk '/#/ {print | cut -d'#' -f1 > "file1";next} \
/smtp/ {print | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 > "file2";next} \
{print | cut -d'[' -f2 file7 | cut -d']' > "file7"}' input
I am newbie and have no idea for this,
After search questions, still no help.
any hint?
Best Regard.
$ awk -F'[][()#]|smtp:' '/#/{print $1;next} /smtp/{print $3;next} /\[/{print $2}' input
To save this in the file output:
awk -F'[][()#]|smtp:' '/#/{print $1;next} /smtp/{print $3;next} /\[/{print $2}' input >output
How it works
This sets the field separator to (a) any of the characters ][()# or (b) the string smtp:.
/#/{print $1;next}
If the line contains #, then print the first field and skip to the next line.
/smtp/{print $3;next}
If the line contains smtp, then print the third field and skip to the next line.
/\[/{print $2}
If the line contains [, then print the second field.
There is more than one way to solve this problem, For example, using a slightly different field separator, we can still get the desired output:
$ awk -F'[][()#:]' '/#/{print $1;next} /smtp/{print $3;next} /\[/{print $2}' input