Start a browser with your own custom title from command line? - webbrowser-control

From a shell command line:
start "title" program
will start a session with a your custom "title"
however, when starting a browser, the "title" doesnt show up.
Does anyone know the syntax to make the "title" be on top of the browser title?

From a shell, there's simply no way to change the title of the browser's windows. You would need to use the Win32 API to do that (e.g., by using a window hook to modify the behavior of the browser), but this is pretty complex to do. An alternative would be to develop an extension/add-on for the browser, but this means that you would need to write an add-on for each browser you need to support, and to have these extensions installed in the browser.


setting fish for web browser instead of text editor

When running fish_config, it starts the configuration with Web config started at 'file:///home/akwXXXX/.cache/fish/web_config-K1L2BW.html'. Hit enter to stop.
Yet, instead of opening the web browser, it starts the code editor I have.
What should I do to use my default web browser?
fish_config is a python script that uses python's webbrowser module, which respects the $BROWSER variable.
So set $BROWSER, e.g. via set -gx BROWSER /path/to/browser in your

Blueprism - Not able to spy elements

I am using Blueprism to launch a URL in browser to spy it. I am able to launch the URL using the application modeller, but not able to spy it. The "Identify" option itself does not appear in blue prism. What is the problem and what is the solution ?
In spying a web application, key things to note for your application modeler;
1. your application modeler must be a "Browser-Based Application"
2. Launching from an executable or attaching to one. (Assuming you are launching from an executable from your question)
3. Specify url.
From your question. you are able to launch the browser from the application modeler. the most possible problem is you missing step 1 as mentioned above. Confirm your application modeler is specified as "Browser-Based Application"
Check a few things : is your modeler attached to the browser, are you in the right mode (for ease of use I would recommend using IE in HTML mode), and if that doesn't work try accessibility mode.
Try these simple steps:
Close the browser application and let the Blue Prism open your browser.
Try testing your object in Object Studio.
Now open your application modeler and launch. Check and you will find the identify option appeared.
If you launch application from Google Chrome, then you can get this error because in Google Chrome it's not possible to Spy and launch the applications. Any RPA Tools will support only Internet Explorer

What is the best way to test WebdriverIO "browser" object?

I started using WebdriverIO and noticed that the browser object it provides has a ton of methods, so I would like to play with it without having to run things from CLI.
Is it even possible to do something like open the page I want to run tests against on my browser and somehow use that object from the browsers console to see the results of the methods?
Thank you.
If you'd like to run JavaScript from within the browser, take a look at the 'execute' command.
There's also a full page of docs on the browser object for reference.

running autoit/autohotkey scripts from server? or other automation alternatives?

I have some scripts (AutoIt) browsing YouTube for list of trending videos etc. It involves no mouse clicks (just keystrokes). The script takes a long time to finish and I can't use my PC during this time (it needs the window activated to work on it).
Is there anything I can do about this? Can these scripts run from a server or some stuff like that?
I've run into a similar problem: got to run automation with AutoIt on a Windows Server and the whole thing had got to be headless. Using Remote Desktop simply didin't work because then I'd had to keep a client opened and maximized all the time.
Short solution: install a VNC server in the Windows Server, open a client from another computer, log in and close the client. As the AutoIt script was being started by a Jenkins job, before closing the client the Jenkins applet had to be started via web interface.
By the way, I've had this idea from this post: How to run remote headless GUI automation.
As Johannes said, AutoIt probably wouldn't be suitable (and likewise AutoHotkey), but you could check out the many GUI and web testing frameworks that exist for other languages. With some of those, you can run a "headless" browser (a program that navigates the web just like a browser, but has no visible window); or you can run a standard browser on a virtual display like a Xvfb X11 server. This would be easiest if the server (or wherever it's going to run) is running a Unix-like OS, but it may be possible with Windows too.
Selenium Webdriver seems to be a very popular choice for scripting and testing actual browsers. It's natively Java but has bindings for languages like Ruby. It can also hook into something called HtmlUnit, which is also Java; that's one of the more popular headless browsers. Another (a relative newcomer) is phantom.js, which is in Javascript but (again) has bindings for other languages.
As far as I know this will not work unless the user account is logged on. You could try to see if you could convert it to an exe and run this as a service, but even then I don't think this will work. Let me know if you found out!
You can either:
Hide your window (SetWindowState #SW_HIDE) or something like that...
and use ControlClicks (if the they are original controls!)
Hide your window and use SendControl
use SendKeepActive
use OLEObjects like ie.au3 for automation.
Good Luck

How to start an application on the server from a webpage

The user login to the webpage => Click on a button
This action starts the executable "CreatePrettyPicture"
The file "prettypicture.jpg" is created on the server
When the user reloads the page the pretty picture "PrettyPicture.jpg" is shown on the page.
If I could start the application with a parameter it would be even better.
The server is a using Debian and as web server I'm using Apache. Please let me know if you need more information about the server configuration.
The possibility of several users clicking on the button at the same time is not a part of the problem.
You need to read up on CGI Scripts.
It's also possible that PHP is already available on your server, but I wouldn't recommend using it unless you're already familiar with it and know all of the security pitfalls, which from the question appears very unlikely.
You would be better of using a server side script with your apache installation to start the executable. This is probably easier with PHP (which should be easy to install if it isnt already), here are the commands. As long as you dont actually use any input with the page it should be safe enough.