how to improve OpenCL kernel reading __global char* data efficiently? - optimization

motion compensation between two images(3840*2160), block size 16
kernel divide 3840 * 135(135=2160/16), group size 64*1 or 128*1 (basically no difference)
Now my kernel do access global char data, but imagepos = src + mv.xy is not aligned, so must read char one by one. I think there is a latency here, CodeXL also show there is no limited by GPRs. So i need find a method to speed up data read. Also i want to know how to use local memory but data just need once.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.


how do i know in advance that the buffer size is enough in nanopb?

im trying to use nanopb, according to the example:
the buffer size is initialized to 128:
uint8_t buffer[128];
my question is how do i know (in advance) this 128-length buffer is enough to transmit my message? how to decide a proper(enough but not waste too much due to over-large) size of buffer before initial (or coding) it?
looks like a noob question :) , but thx for your quick suggestion.
When possible, nanopb adds a define in the generated .pb.h file that has the maximum encoded size of a message. In the file examples/simple/simple.pb.h you'll find:
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define SimpleMessage_size 11
And could specify uint8_t buffer[SimpleMessage_size];.
This define will be available only if all repeated and string fields have been specified (nanopb).max_count and (nanopb).max_size options.
For many practical purposes, you can pick a buffer size that you estimate will be large enough, and handle error conditions. It is also possible to use pb_get_encoded_size() to calculate the encoded size and dynamically allocate storage, but in general that is not a great solution in embedded applications. When total system memory size is limited, it is often better to have a constant sized buffer that you can test with, instead of having the available amount of dynamic memory vary at the runtime.

To deploy a Tiny ML model that I created via Colab Google

When I compile the code (on arduino) I get the following error:
8 bytes lost due to alignment. To avoid this loss, please make sure the tensor_arena is 16 bytes aligned.
constexpr int tensorArenaSize = 8 * 1024;
byte tensorArena[tensorArenaSize];
Someone can help me to fix this problem?
For reasons unbeknownst to me, the compiler wants to make sure your large byte array is 16-byte-aligned. Because of variables already declared above the two lines you included, it needs to "move forward" the Large Array by 8 bytes, to make it start at an address that is on a 16-byte boundary. To fix the error (to me this should just be a warning) either add a dummy 8-byte variable before your Large Array, or move 8-byte worth of variables from before your Large Array to after it. In the first case you just lose 8 bytes of variable space.

A general-purpose warp-level std::copy-like function - what should it account for?

A C++ standard library implements std::copy with the following code (ignoring all sorts of wrappers and concept checks etc) with the simple loop:
for (; __first != __last; ++__result, ++__first)
*__result = *__first;
Now, suppose I want a general-purpose std::copy-like function for warps (not blocks; not grids) to use for collaboratively copying data from one place to another. Let's even assume for simplicity that the function takes pointers rather than an arbitrary iterator.
Of course, writing general-purpose code in CUDA is often a useless pursuit - since we might be sacrificing a lot of the benefit of using a GPU in the first place in favor of generality - so I'll allow myself some boolean/enum template parameters to possibly select between frequently-occurring cases, avoiding runtime checks. So the signature might be, say:
template <typename T, bool SomeOption, my_enum_t AnotherOption>
T* copy(
T* __restrict__ destination,
const T* __restrict__ source,
size_t length
but for each of these cases I'm aiming for optimal performance (or optimal expected performance given that we don't know what other warps are doing).
Which factors should I take into consideration when writing such a function? Or in other words: Which cases should I distinguish between in implementing this function?
This should target Compute Capabilities 3.0 or better (i.e. Kepler or newer micro-architectures)
I don't want to make a Runtime API memcpy() call. At least, I don't think I do.
Factors I believe should be taken into consideration:
Coalescing memory writes - ensuring that consecutive lanes in a warp write to consecutive memory locations (no gaps).
Type size vs Memory transaction size I - if sizeof(T) is sizeof(T) is 1 or 2, and we have have each lane write a single element, the entire warp would write less than 128B, wasting some of the memory transaction. Instead, we should have each thread place 2 or 4 input elements in a register, and write that
Type size vs Memory transaction size II - For type sizes such that lcm(4, sizeof(T)) > 4, it's not quite clear what to do. How well does the compiler/the GPU handle writes when each lane writes more than 4 bytes? I wonder.
Slack due to the reading of multiple elements at a time - If each thread wishes to read 2 or 4 elements for each write, and write 4-byte integers - we might have 1 or 2 elements at the beginning and the end of the input which must be handled separately.
Slack due to input address mis-alignment - The input is read in 32B transactions (under reasonable assumptions); we thus have to handle the first elements up to the multiple of 32B, and the last elements (after the last such multiple,) differently.
Slack due to output address mis-alignment - The output is written in transactions of upto 128B (or is it just 32B?); we thus have to handle the first elements up to the multiple of this number, and the last elements (after the last such multiple,) differently.
Whether or not T is trivially-copy-constructible. But let's assume that it is.
But it could be that I'm missing some considerations, or that some of the above are redundant.
Factors I've been wondering about:
The block size (i.e. how many other warps are there)
The compute capability (given that it's at least 3)
Whether the source/target is in shared memory / constant memory
Choice of caching mode

Fastest way to compare uchar arrays in OpenCL

I need do many comparsions in opencl programm. Now i make it like this
int memcmp(__global unsigned char* a,__global unsigned char* b,__global int size){
for (int i = 0; i<size;i++){
if(a[i] != b[i])return 0;
return 1;
How i can make it faster? Maybe using vectors like uchar4 or somethins else? Thanks!
I guess that your kernel computes "size" elements for each thread. I think that your code can improve if your accesses are more coalesced. Thanks to the L1 caches of the current GPUs this is not a huge problem but it can imply a noticeable performance penalty. For example, you have 4 threads(work-items), size = 128, so the buffers have 512 uchars. In your case, thread #0 acceses to a[0] and b[0], but it brings to cache a[0]...a[63] and the same for b. thread #1 wich belongs to the same warp (aka wavefront) accesses to a[128] and b[128], so it brings to cache a[128]...a[191], etc. After thread #3 all the buffer is in the cache. This is not a problem here taking into account the small size of this domain.
However, if each thread accesses to each element consecutively, only one "cache line" is necessary all the time for your 4 threads execution (the accesses are coalesced). The behavior will be better when more threads per block are considered. Please, try it and tell me your conclusions. Thank you.
See: Section
It is a bit old but their concepts are not so old.
PS: By the way, after this I would try to use uchar4 as you commented and also the "loop unrolling".

Reducing Number of Registers Used in CUDA Kernel

I have a kernel which uses 17 registers, reducing it to 16 would bring me 100% occupancy. My question is: are there methods that can be used to reduce the number or registers used, excluding completely rewriting my algorithms in a different manner. I have always kind of assumed the compiler is a lot smarter than I am, so for example I often use extra variables for clarity's sake alone. Am I wrong in this thinking?
Please note: I do know about the --max_registers (or whatever the syntax is) flag, but the use of local memory would be more detrimental than a 25% lower occupancy (I should test this)
Occupancy can be a little misleading and 100% occupancy should not be your primary target. If you can get fully coalesced accesses to global memory then on a high end GPU 50% occupancy will be sufficient to hide the latency to global memory (for floats, even lower for doubles). Check out the Advanced CUDA C presentation from GTC last year for more information on this topic.
In your case, you should measure performance both with and without maxrregcount set to 16. The latency to local memory should be hidden as a result of having sufficient threads, assuming you don't random access into local arrays (which would result in non-coalesced accesses).
To answer you specific question about reducing registers, post the code for more detailed answers! Understanding how compilers work in general may help, but remember that nvcc is an optimising compiler with a large parameter space, so minimising register count has to be balanced with overall performance.
It's really hard to say, nvcc compiler is not very smart in my opinion.
You can try obvious things, for example using short instead of int, passing and using variables by reference (e.g.&variable), unrolling loops, using templates (as in C++). If you have divisions, transcendental functions, been applied in sequence, try to make them as a loop. Try to get rid of conditionals, possibly replacing them with redundant computations.
If you post some code, maybe you will get specific answers.
Utilizing shared memory as cache may lead less register usage and prevent register spilling to local memory...
Think that the kernel calculates some values and these calculated values are used by all of the threads,
__global__ void kernel(...) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
int id0 = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
int reg = id0 * ...;
int reg0 = reg * a / x + y;
int val = reg + reg0 + 2 * idx;
output[idx] = val > 10;
So, instead of keeping reg and reg0 as registers and making them possibily spill out to local memory (global memory), we may use shared memory.
__global__ void kernel(...) {
__shared__ int cache[10];
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
int id0 = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
cache[0] = id0 * ...;
cache[1] = cache[0] * a / x + y;
int val = cache[0] + cache[1] + 2 * idx;
output[idx] = val > 10;
Take a look at this paper for further information..
It is not generally a good approach to minimize register pressure. The compiler does a good job optimizing the overall projected kernel performance, and it takes into account lots of factors, incliding register.
How does it work when reducing registers caused slower speed
Most probably the compiler had to spill insufficient register data into "local" memory, which is essentially the same as global memory, and thus very slow
For optimization purposes I would recommend to use keywords like const, volatile and so on where necessary, to help the compiler on the optimization phase.
Anyway, it is not these tiny issues like registers which often make CUDA kernels run slow. I'd recommend to optimize work with global memory, the access pattern, caching in texture memory if possible, transactions over the PCIe.
The instruction count increase when lowering the register usage have a simple explanation. The compiler could be using registers to store the results of some operations that are used more than once through your code in order to avoid recalculating those values, when forced to use less registers, the compiler decides to recalculate those values that would be stored in registers otherwise.