Wicket dynamicly add data from database to page - html-table

I'm trying to add some data into page from database, after applying "filter"
After submit form, candidate list is update and I want to push this changes into page.
How can I do this in wicket ?
.java file
public class SearchCandidate extends WebPage {
private SearchCandidateModel searchCandidateModel = new SearchCandidateModel();
private List<CandidateEntity> candidate = new ArrayList();
public SearchCandidate(PageParameters p) {
final TextField<String> firstName = new TextField<>("first_name", new PropertyModel<String>(searchCandidateModel, "firstName")); //Filter
final DataView dataView = new DataView("simple", new ListDataProvider(candidate)) {
public void populateItem(final Item item) {
final CandidateEntity user = (CandidateEntity) item.getModelObject();
item.add(new Label("firstName", user.getFirstName()));
Form<?> form = new Form<Void>("step1") {
protected void onSubmit() {
candidate = databse.findCandidate(searchCandidateModel.getFirstName());
html file:
<form wicket:id="step1">
<input wicket:id="first_name" type="text" size="30"/>
<table cellspacing="0" class="dataview">
<tr wicket:id="simple">
<td><span wicket:id="name">Test ID</span></td>

You can make you DataProvider - dynamic:
new ListDataProvider() {
#Override protected List getData() {
if (noFilter) return emptyList
else return database.getList(filter)
This way the provider will always load the data according to your data filter.
For more information about static vs. dynamic models/providers check:


Property values of the same type are updated incorrectly in Blazor

I wanted to achieve the following:
Keep a copy of the data context and use the copy for editing
So that I can reset the data context back to its unchanged state using an onclick event by doing copyValue = unchangedValue
Here is my attempt (it's been trimmed down in size to reduce noises but it has the same issue):
#page "/"
#using SolutionName.Data
#using System.Reflection
<EditForm Model="Items2">
<table class="table">
#foreach (var i in Items2)
<tr #key="#i.GetHashCode()">
<InputText #bind-Value="i.Summary"></InputText>
//reflections for debuggings
#if (Items != null)
#foreach (var item in Items)
#if (Items2 != null)
#foreach (var item in Items2)
List<WeatherForecast> Items = new List<WeatherForecast>();
List<WeatherForecast> Items2 = new List<WeatherForecast>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Items = new List<WeatherForecast>()
new WeatherForecast()
Date = DateTime.Now,
Summary = "123",
TemperatureC = 1
Items2 = Items;
private void ResetItems2()
Items2 = Items;
As you can see, I am binding Items2, and not Items, to the <EditForm>.
However, updating the summary seems to update both Items2 and Items. I also noticed that this will not happen if Items and Items2 are of two different types (say that they have exactly the same properties, and I cast one to another...)
Two questions:
Why is Item updated in this case?
Is there a way to only update Items2 and not Items, while allowing Items and Items2 to be the same type?
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
Step 1. Initialized and render for the first time
Step 2. Change the value to 456 and then tab away
The expected result should be
Items.Summary=123 (not 456)
The issue is that you're using reference type assignment. When you assign Items to Items2, you actually assign a pointer to Itemss values. Both variable point to the same list of objects.
If it's applicable create a value type instead. Saving data in the local storage and then retrieving it is a viable solution.
List<WeatherForecast> Items = new List<WeatherForecast>();
List<WeatherForecast> Items2 = new List<WeatherForecast>();
is superfluous. Code like this:
List<WeatherForecast> Items;
List<WeatherForecast> Items2;

HTML Table search on the third column using JavaScript

I am trying to search any employee status exist with IsProtected in the tabl empTable. if any row exist , then the variable ProtectedIsfound must be true
<table id="empTable" >
Employee Name
for (i = 0; i < Model.attendanceLogList.Count; i++)
<td>#Model.attendanceLogList[i].IsProtected</td> // it is boolean in model
var ProtectedIsfound = True // if any record exist with the value is Protected in the column status in the table empTable
I am trying to search any employee status exist with IsProtected in
the tabl empTable. if any row exist , then the variable
ProtectedIsfound must be true
Do you mean for each row, if the IsProtected is true, the ProtectedIsFound must be true? If that is the case, please refer to the following methods:
Using JavaScript or JQuery method: Loop through the table rows and cells and check if the IsProtected is true, then, based on the result to change the ProtectedIsFound value.
#*JQuery reference*#
<script src="~/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ProtectedIsfound = false // default value.
//JavaScript method:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
//loop through the tr and td, then based on the IsProtected value to change the ProtectedIsFound value.
var trlist = document.getElementById("empTable").getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 1; i < trlist.length; i++) {
if (trlist[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[2].innerText.toLowerCase() == "true") {
ProtectedIsfound = true;
//JQuery script
$(function () {
$("#empTable").find("tr:not(:first-child)").each(function (index, item) {
if ($(item).find("td")[2].innerText.toLowerCase() == "true") {
ProtectedIsfound = true;
return false;
Using Where and Select statement, code as below:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ProtectedIsfound = #Model.attendanceLogList.Where(c => c.IsProtected ==true).Select(c=>c).ToList().Count > 0 ? true : false;
The Html page elements as below (Asp.net core Razor page application):
#model RazorWebApplication5.Pages.HtmlTableModel
<table id="empTable">
Employee Name
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.attendanceLogList.Count; i++)
<td>#Model.attendanceLogList[i].IsProtected</td> #*// it is boolean in model*#
.cshtml.cs file:
public class HtmlTableModel : PageModel
public List<AttendanceLog> attendanceLogList { get; set; }
public void OnGet()
//initial data
attendanceLogList = new List<AttendanceLog>()
new AttendanceLog(){ EmployeeName="Tom", Designation="A", IsProtected=false},
new AttendanceLog(){ EmployeeName="Jack", Designation="B", IsProtected=false},
new AttendanceLog(){ EmployeeName="Lucy", Designation="CC", IsProtected=true},
new AttendanceLog(){ EmployeeName="Daive", Designation="D", IsProtected=false},
new AttendanceLog(){ EmployeeName="Hanke", Designation="E", IsProtected=false}
public class AttendanceLog
public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
public string Designation { get; set; }
public bool IsProtected { get; set; }
Test result:
Change the for loop into:
"for (i = 0; i <= Model.attendanceLogList.Count; i++)", it should count up to the total number of the List.
Not sure what library you're using in the script, but instead of:
var ProtectedIsfound = True, it should state
You need a dedicated class name to the so you can refer it in the script
"bool ProtectedIsFound:"
It should be set to true by default.
foreach(emp in Model.attendanceLogList){
if (emp.IsProtected){
{here you will need to append the value in the Status column}
return true; }

RadioButton list Binding in MVC4

I have a radiobuttonList which is binding data from Enum Class and its working correctly in the view.
But my concern is how can I set inital value of radiobutton to CROCount.ONE.I have tried to set the initial value in the following way but couldnot get the desired result.
public enum CROCount
ONE = 1,
TWO = 2
ViewModel is
public class RegistraionVM
public EnumClass.CROCount CROCount { get; set; }
I generated the radio button list as follows.
#foreach (var count in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SMS.Models.EnumClass.CROCount)))
<label style="width:75px">
#Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.RegistrationVenue, (int)count,
new { #class = "minimal single" })
Binding performed in the Controller is
public ActionResult Index(int walkInnId)
var _studentReg = new RegistraionVM
return View(_studentReg);
catch (Exception ex)
return View("Error");
Your binding your radio button to property CROCount (not RegistrationVenue) so your code should be
#Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.CROCount, count, new { id = "", #class = "minimal single" })
Note that the 2nd parameter is count (not (int)count) so that you generate value="ONE" and value="TWO". Note also the new { id = "", removes the id attribute which would otherwise result in duplicate id attributes which is invalid html.

Templated control in ektron

I have tried to retrieve the taxonomy list using taxonomy tree, in edit i am selecting the taxonomy and getting TaxonomyID,by using the taxonomyID i want to display the data using taxonomy filters using templated control.I am unable to retrive the data.I am attaching HTML and Code what i have done,So please help me out for the solution.
<asp:View ID="View" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblID" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<CMS:Directory CssClass="taxList" ID="TaxonomySummary1" EnableAjax="true" runat="server"
EnablePaging="false" />
<ektron:ContentModelSource ID="cntModelSourcs" runat="server" OrderByField="DateCreated"
<ektron:ContentTaxonomyFilter Operator="Contains" ID="taxFilter" runat="server" />
<ektron:ContentFilter Field="Id" Operator="EqualTo" Value="" />
<ektron:ContentView ID="ContentView1" runat="server" ModelSourceID="cntModelSourcs"
EktronCustomTemplate="Ektron_ContentList_Template" >
enter code here
_edit" class="TSWidget">
<div class="ByTaxonomy TSTabPanel">
<div style="height: 150px; overflow: auto;">
<UC:TaxonomyTree ID="TaxonomyTree1" runat="server" />
<hr />
<div class="ByProperty TSTabPanel">
<table style="width: auto;">
<td class="label">
<%=m_refMsg.GetMessage("lbl taxonomy id:")%>
<asp:TextBox ID="taxonomyid" CssClass="folderid" runat="server" Style="width: auto;"></asp:TextBox>
<td class="label">
<%=m_refMsg.GetMessage("lbl taxonomy path:")%>
<asp:Label ID="taxonomypath" CssClass="taxonomypath" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<div class="TSEditControls">
<asp:Button ID="CancelButton" CssClass="TSCancel" runat="server" Text="Cancel" OnClick="CancelButton_Click" />
<asp:Button ID="SaveButton" CssClass="TSSave" runat="server" OnClick="SaveButton_Click" Text="Save" />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Ektron.Cms;
using Ektron.Cms.Widget;
using Ektron.Cms.Common;
using Ektron.Cms.API;
using Ektron.Cms.Organization;
using Ektron.Cms.Framework.Organization;
using System.Text;
using Ektron.Cms.Search.Expressions;
using Ektron.Cms.Search;
using Ektron.Cms.Framework;
public partial class widgets_Content_TaxonomyFilter : System.Web.UI.UserControl,IWidget
# region Properties
protected string appPath = "";
private Ektron.Cms.CommonApi _commonAPI = new CommonApi();
private long _taxonomyid;
public string TaxonomySelected = "selected";
public string PropertySelected = "selected";
public string m_strTaxonomyPath = "/";
private string _taxonomypath;
public long TaxonomyId { get { return _taxonomyid; } set { _taxonomyid = value; } }
public string TaxonomyPaths { get { return _taxonomypath; } set {
_taxonomypath = value; } } private IWidgetHost _host;
protected ContentAPI m_refContentApi = new ContentAPI();
protected EkMessageHelper m_refMsg;
# region Page Load
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
taxFilter.Value = TaxonomyId.ToString();
#region Page Init
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
m_refMsg = m_refContentApi.EkMsgRef;
CancelButton.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("btn cancel");
SaveButton.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("btn save");
_host = Ektron.Cms.Widget.WidgetHost.GetHost(this);
_host.Title = "Templated Control";
_host.Edit += new EditDelegate(EditEvent);
_host.Maximize += new MaximizeDelegate(delegate() { Visible = true; });
_host.Minimize += new MinimizeDelegate(delegate() { Visible = false; });
_host.Create += new CreateDelegate(delegate() { EditEvent(""); });
_host.ExpandOptions = Expandable.ExpandOnEdit;
appPath = _commonAPI.AppPath;
Load += new EventHandler(delegate(object PreRenderSender, EventArgs Evt) { if
(ViewSet.GetActiveView() != Edit) SetTaxonomySummary(); });
protected void SetTaxonomySummary()
if (TaxonomyId > 0)
lblID.Text = Convert.ToString(taxFilter.Value);
#region EditEvent
void EditEvent(string settings)
string sitepath = _commonAPI.SitePath;
string webserviceURL = sitepath + "widgets/taxonomysummary/TSHandler.ashx";
JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, JS.ManagedScript.EktronJS);
JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, JS.ManagedScript.EktronScrollToJS);
JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, sitepath + "widgets/taxonomysummary/behavior.js",
if (TaxonomyId > 0)
TaxonomySelected = "";
JS.RegisterJSBlock(this, "Ektron.PFWidgets.TaxonomySummary.webserviceURL =
\"" + webserviceURL + "\";
; ", "EktronPFWidgetsTSInit");
PropertySelected = "";
JS.RegisterJSBlock(this, "Ektron.PFWidgets.TaxonomySummary.webserviceURL =
\"" + webserviceURL + "\";
Ektron.PFWidgets.TaxonomySummary.setupAll(); ", "EktronPFWidgetsTSInit");
Css.RegisterCss(this, sitepath + "widgets/taxonomysummary/TSStyle.css",
//set taxonomy path
Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Taxonomy _apiTaxonomy = new
Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyRequest taxRequest = new Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyRequest();
taxRequest.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyId;
taxRequest.IncludeItems = false;
taxRequest.TaxonomyLanguage = _apiTaxonomy.ContentLanguage;
Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyData taxData = _apiTaxonomy.LoadTaxonomy(ref taxRequest);
if (!(taxData == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxData.Path)))
taxonomypath.Text = taxData.Path;
m_strTaxonomyPath = taxData.Path;
m_strTaxonomyPath = "";
catch (Exception e)
#region Button Events
protected void CancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int taxID = Convert.ToInt32(taxonomyid.Text);
TaxonomyId = taxID;
taxFilter.Value = TaxonomyId.ToString();
public EventArgs e { get; set; }
If I understand your question correctly, you have the taxonomy id and want to display all the content within that taxonomy. If that is not what you are after, then please clarify your question, and I'll try to help as best I can.
I find that the added baggage that comes along with a widget can sometimes make it hard to test for correct API and server control usage. For that reason, I'd recommend starting off with a simple ASPX page.
<ektron:ContentModelSource ID="contentModelSource" runat="server">
<ektron:ContentView ID="ContentView1" runat="server" ModelSourceID="contentModelSource" EktronCustomTemplate="Ektron_ContentList_Template">
Normally, the examples you'll find for the templated server controls show the declarative syntax for setting the filters, where you put them right into the ASPX markup - right inside the ContentModelSource control. Something like:
<ektron:ContentTaxonomyFilter Field="Id" Operator="EqualTo" Value="208" />
(More examples here and here.)
But for what it sounds like you want to accomplish, you need to define the filters via code. This code does just that:
protected long TaxonomyId
long id;
long.TryParse(Request.QueryString["id"], out id);
return id;
protected bool IsRecursive
bool recursive;
bool.TryParse(Request.QueryString["recursive"], out recursive);
return recursive;
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TaxonomyId > 0)
if (IsRecursive)
var tm = new TaxonomyManager();
var td = tm.GetItem(TaxonomyId);
if (td != null)
var pathFilter = new ContentTaxonomyFilter();
pathFilter.Field = ContentTaxonomyProperty.Path;
pathFilter.Operator = CriteriaFilterOperator.StartsWith;
pathFilter.Value = td.Path;
var filter = new ContentTaxonomyFilter();
filter.Field = ContentTaxonomyProperty.Id;
filter.Value = TaxonomyId.ToString();
filter.Operator = CriteriaFilterOperator.EqualTo;
A couple of things to note:
The TaxonomyId is a property. I did this so that there would be an easy point of comparison between this simple ASPX page and a custom widget where your property would be decorated with the WidgetDataMember attribute.
The code is in the Page_Init event handler. That is important. Page_Load is too late in the page's lifecycle. I assume this would also be true in the context of a widget.
My code for when IsRecursive == true is not necessarily optimized. You could get reasonable performance by turning on caching in the FrameworkAPI, but the idea of calling the api to get the taxonomyData and then using that to set the filter for the content seems a little off. Ideally, the ContentTaxonomyFilter would have a "Recursive" property.

How to submit multiple Line Items in Struts 2?

I do have an Purchase request form, which dynamically creates row for ItemName, quantity, specification, unit of measurement.
I do have a one button called "Add item", which dynamically creates new rows.
When I submit this form how do I get it into Action class in Struts2.
<table id="itemDetails" width="100%">
<tr width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" >
<th ><center>+</center></th>
<th >Item</th>
<th >Specification</th>
<th >Quantity</th>
<th >Unit Of Measurement</th>
<th >Operations</th>
<s:iterator value="id" status="ctr" >
<td width="5%"><input type="checkbox" name="rdel" ><br><br></td>
<td width="30%" ><input type="text" name="id[%{#ctr.index}].itemname" /></td>
<td width="30%"><input type="text" name="id[%{#ctr.index}].specification" ></td>
<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="id[%{#ctr.index}].quantity" ></td>
<td width="5%"><input type="text" name="id[%{#ctr.index}].uom" ></td>
<td width="10%"><a href="#" >Delete</a></td>
Javascript for dynamic row creation:
<SCRIPT language="javascript">
function addRow(itemDetails) {
var table = document.getElementById(itemDetails);
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
var counts=rowCount-1;
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var check = document.createElement("input");
check.type = "checkbox";
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var item = document.createElement("input");
item.type = "text";
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var specification = document.createElement("input");
specification.type = "text";
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
var quantity = document.createElement("input");
quantity.type = "text";
var cell5 = row.insertCell(4);
var uom = document.createElement("input");
uom.type = "text";
var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
var operations = document.createElement("a");
Action class method:
private List<ItemDetails> id;
public List<ItemDetails> getId(){
return this.id;
public void setId(List<ItemDetails> id) {
this.id = id;
public String savePurchaseRequest(){
for(ItemDetails itemdetails:id ) {
System.out.println( itemdetails.getItemname() + ":" + itemdetails.getSpecification() +":"+ itemdetails.getQuantity()+ ":"+ itemdetails.getUom() );
}catch(Exception e){
return SUCCESS;
and ItemDetails class:
public class ItemDetails implements java.io.Serializable {
private String itemname;
private String specification;
private String quantity;
private String uom;
public ItemDetails() {
public ItemDetails(String itemname, String specification, String quantity, String uom) {
this.itemname = itemname;
this.specification = specification;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.uom = uom;
public String getItemname() {
return this.itemname;
public void setItemname(String itemname) {
this.itemname = itemname;
public String getSpecification() {
return this.specification;
public void setSpecification(String specification) {
this.specification = specification;
public String getQuantity() {
return this.quantity;
public void setQuantity(String quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
public String getUom() {
return this.uom;
public void setUom(String uom) {
this.uom = uom;
you was almost there.
Just change the Javascript part where you assign the name attribute, including the index exactly as you do in the iteration:
// ecc...
must become
And you will be good.
It looks like you set your model items from another page. Try setting them to another variable than id, something like idOutput or so, I had problems myself before when trying to access a field via a getter when this field got set before, although I don't know why this was the case.
The model object (ItemDetails) needs public getters ( like getItemname() ) , so the JSP can read them.
You need to put correct names in the JavaScript, so that OGNL is able to handle them properly and apply values when you submit the form.
To submit newly added row you need to use only these names on the row you've being submitted.