I have a problem in PISO verilog register.
Below is my code
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module PISO(
input clk,
input load,
input [3:0] d,
output reg Qout);
reg [3 : 0]Q;
always # (posedge clk)
if ( load )
Q <= d;
Qout <= d[3];
Q<= { Q[2:0] , 1'b0 };
and my testbench
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module PISO_tb();
PISO uut(clk,load,d,Qout);
reg clk;
reg load;
reg [3:0]d;
wire Qout;
initial begin
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
load = 1;
d[0] = 1'b0;
d[1] = 1'b1;
d[2] = 1'b0;
d[3] = 1'b1;
#6 load = 0;
And it isn't working as it should, please help me with testbench maybe? Because I think the verilog code is okay and it should work properly.
You want the Qout signal to be the output of the shift register (Q) instead of the input, so that the output toggles instead of remaining at 1. Change:
Qout <= d[3];
Qout <= Q[3];
I am trying to figure out how to use the block RAM on my iCE40HX-8K Breakout Board. I would like to access it in a 512x8 configuration, which as far as I can tell from the documentation is supported by project IceStorm, but I haven't been able to get it to work like I expected.
If I understand correctly, initializing an SB_RAM40_4K primitive with the READ_MODE parameter set to 1 should set the block up in 512x8 read mode, which uses a 9 bit read address, and reads 8 bits of data at each address.
Here is the simplest example I could think of. It sets up an SB_RAM40_4K with some pre-initialized memory and reads straight to the pins of the on-board LED's.
set_io leds[0] B5
set_io leds[1] B4
set_io leds[2] A2
set_io leds[3] A1
set_io leds[4] C5
set_io leds[5] C4
set_io leds[6] B3
set_io leds[7] C3
set_io clk J3
module top (
output [7:0] leds,
input clk
//reg [8:0] raddr = 8'd0;
reg [8:0] raddr = 8'd1;
SB_RAM40_4K #(
) ram40_4k_512x8 (
LED output when raddr == 0
\|/ \|/
LED output when raddr == 1
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/
I would think that address 1 in 512x8 mode would be the second 8 bits from RAM, which is 8'h22 or 8'b0010010. Instead I get 8'h33 or 8'b00110011. After a little experimentation, this seems to be the lower 8 bits of a 16 bit read.
I'm not sure where I went wrong. Any help understanding what's going on here would be appreciated. Thanks!
This question is not really about Yosys or Project IceStorm. The format used for the SB_RAM40_4K INIT_* parameters is the same for the IceStorm flow and the Lattice iCEcube2 flow. However, Lattice has done a very very bad job at documenting this format. Otherwise I'd just point you to the right Lattice document.. :)
You are interested in the 512x8 mode. First you need to know that in 512x8 mode only the even bits of .RDATA() and .WDATA() are used (not the 8 LSB bits, as your code suggests!).
The data in .INIT_* is stored as 16 16-bit words per parameter. The lowest 16-bit word in .INIT_0() contains the 8-bit word at addr 0 in its even bits and the 8-bit word at addr 256 in its odd bits.
The next 16-bit word in .INIT_0() contains words 1 and 257. The lowest 16-bits in .INIT_1() contain words 16 and 272, and so forth.
The easiest way to investigate this kind of stuff is probably to either read the SB_RAM40_4K simulation model in /usr/local/share/yosys/ice40/cells_sim.v, or simply let Yosys infer the memory and observe what yosys does. For example the following design:
module test(input clk, wen, input [8:0] addr, input [7:0] wdata, output reg [7:0] rdata);
reg [7:0] mem [0:511];
initial mem[0] = 255;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (wen) mem[addr] <= wdata;
rdata <= mem[addr];
Will produce the following output when run through yosys -p 'synth_ice40; write_verilog' test.v:
(* top = 1 *)
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
module test(clk, wen, addr, wdata, rdata);
(* src = "/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/brams_map.v:255" *)
(* unused_bits = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15" *)
wire [15:0] _0_;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input [8:0] addr;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input clk;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
output [7:0] rdata;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input [7:0] wdata;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input wen;
(* src = "/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/brams_map.v:277|/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/brams_map.v:35" *)
SB_RAM40_4K #(
) \mem.0.0.0 (
.RADDR({ 2'h0, addr }),
.RDATA({ _0_[15], rdata[7], _0_[13], rdata[6], _0_[11], rdata[5], _0_[9], rdata[4], _0_[7], rdata[3], _0_[5], rdata[2], _0_[3], rdata[1], _0_[1], rdata[0] }),
.WADDR({ 2'h0, addr }),
.WDATA({ 1'hx, wdata[7], 1'hx, wdata[6], 1'hx, wdata[5], 1'hx, wdata[4], 1'hx, wdata[3], 1'hx, wdata[2], 1'hx, wdata[1], 1'hx, wdata[0] }),
(Scroll all the way to the right to see the initialization pattern generated for the mem[0] = 255 initialization.)
I begin with a system of difference equations (an oversimplified Solow-Romer economic model):
Where the t subscripts indicate discrete time, such as Y[t=0], Y[t=1], Y[t=2], ...
eq1: Y[t] = A[t]*K[t]^(1/3)*Ly[t]^(2/3);
eq2: K[t+1] - K[t] = s*Y[t] - d*K[t];
eq3: A[t+1] - A[t] = z*A[t]*La[t];
eq4: Ly[t] + La[t] = L;
eq5: La[t] = l*L;
Endogenous variables (unknowns), and their initial conditions:
Y[t] Y[0] = 9663.8253
K[t] K[0] = 100.0
A[t] A[0] = 100.0
Ly[t] Ly[0] = 95.0
La[t] La[0] = 5.0
Exogenous variables (givens):
s: 0.15;
d: 0.07;
z: 0.02;
l: 0.05;
L: 100.0;
This is 5 equations in 5 unknowns. "Solving" the system numerically is trivial in practice: you just start at t=0 with the initial conditions, calculate K[1] and A[1] from the difference equations, and then calculate Y[1] from that.
Despite its trivial nature, I haven't been able to determine how to actually do so and plot the resulting curves in Maxima.
I'm perfectly comfortable with a differential equation approach (really differential-algebraic) if that is more conducive to Maxima's capabilities. That should be equivalent in a numerical solution anyway:
That is:
eq1: Y(t)=A(t)*K(t)^(1/3)*Ly(t)^(2/3);
eq2: diff(K(t),t) = s*Y(t)-d*K(t);
eq3: diff(A(t),t) = z*A(t)*La(t);
eq4: Ly(t)+La(t) = L;
eq5: La(t) = l*L;
But, again, I don't see a way to numerically solve and plot this system with Runge-Kutta or the other built-in solvers (and this is true even though the algebraic equations above can be easily rewritten in the form 0=f(Y,A,K,Ly,La)).
At this point, I haven't really made any progress. The only tool I see for difference equations (diff_rec2) is designed for symbolic solutions of such systems, but in general economic models are not expressible in closed form. Runge-Kutta (rk) doesn't accept algebraic equations (as far as I see), and I'm not sure where to look next.
Ultimately, I would think this would be very straightforward given the direct forward-time computation nature of this and similar models. That said, I do want to avoid performing manual manipulations or turning this into a special case. I'm particularly interested in a general solution method for systems of such equations, as I plan to implement more complex models in the future, such as the McKinnon(1997) open economy.
Thanks to Robert's (accepted) Answer, here's a fully-working copy-paste solution for the above forward-time difference equation example:
Y[t] := A[t]*K[t]^(1/3)*Ly[t]^(2/3);
K[t] := K[t - 1] + s*Y[t - 1] - d*K[t - 1];
A[t] := A[t - 1] + z*A[t - 1]*La[t - 1];
Ly[t] := L - La[t];
La[t] := l*L;
s : 0.15;
d : 0.07;
z : 0.02;
l : 0.05;
L : 100.0;
A[0] : 100.0;
K[0] : 100.0;
sol : makelist ([Y[n], K[n], A[n], Ly[n], La[t]], n, 0, 30);
v : makelist ([p-1, sol[p][1]], p, 1, 30);
plot2d ([discrete,v,0,30], logy);
Well, if the goal is to compute a solution for the equations given, I think you can do that with so-called memoizing functions (i.e., functions which compute a result and remember it). In Maxima such functions are defined by f[k] := ... (instead of f(k) := ... for ordinary, non-memoizing functions). In this case I think you would have:
Y[t] := A[t]*K[t]^(1/3)*Ly[t]^(2/3);
K[t] := K[t - 1] + s*Y[t - 1] - d*K[t - 1];
A[t] := A[t - 1] + z*A[t - 1]*La[t - 1];
Ly[t] := L - La[t];
La[t] := l*L;
Y[0] : 9663.8253;
K[0] : 100;
A[0] : 100;
Ly[0] : 95.0;
La[0] : 5.0;
s: 0.15;
d: 0.07;
z: 0.02;
l: 0.05;
L: 100.0;
and then you can compute e.g. makelist ([Y[n], K[n], A[n], Ly[n], La[t]], n, 1, 10);
That works if you can rearrange the equations yourself; in this case it's easy. If you need to solve other problems and that approach fails, you'll need something more powerful. I don't know what to suggest. My advice is to ask on the mailing list where most discussion about Maxima takes place.
I have written all the code, including the modules, but I can't figure out how to wire the modules to the main program.
The ALU should be:
A (4bits) and B (4bits) as inputs, sel (3bits)
1st Module When sel = 000 => Add/ sel= 001 => Sub (A+B or A-B)
2nd Module When sel = 010 => Shift right by 1
3rd Module when sel = 011 => Multiply (A*B)
4th Module When sel = 100 => A XNOR B
5th Module When sel = 101 => Compare A==B
I also made a 6th module with a Mux6to1.
It has to be on a gate level. Can't use (+/-). This is the code I've been writing but when I simulate, I just get the result: ZZZZZZZZ. Please, any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.
For Add/Sub 1 bit:
module Full_Adder_1bit(a,b,cin,sel,sum,cout);
input a, b, cin;
input [2:0] sel;
output sum, cout;
reg sum, cout;
reg a_in;
always # (a or b or cin or sel)
a_in = a^sel[0];
sum = a^b^cin;
cout = (a_in&b)|(a_in&cin)|(b&cin);
For 4 bit ADD/SUB:
module Full_Adder_4bits (a, b, cin, sel, sum, cout);
input [3:0] a, b;
input [2:0] sel;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;
wire c1,c2,c3;
Full_Adder_1bit FA0(a[0],b[0],cin,sel,sum[0],c1);
Full_Adder_1bit FA1(a[1],b[1],c1,sel,sum[1],c2);
Full_Adder_1bit FA2(a[2],b[2],c2,sel,sum[2],c3);
Full_Adder_1bit FA3(a[3],b[3],c3,sel,sum[3],cout);
For the Shifter:
module Shifter(dataIn, shiftOut);
output [3:0] shiftOut;
input [3:0] dataIn;
assign shiftOut = dataIn >> 1;
For the XNOR:
module XNOR(a,b,rxnor);
input [3:0] a,b;
output [3:0] rxnor;
reg rxnor;
always # (a or b)
rxnor= a~^b; //XNOR
For Multiplier:
module mul4 (i0,i1,prod);
input [3:0] i0, i1;
output [7:0] prod;
assign prod = i0*i1;
For Compare:
module Compare(B,A,R);
input [3:0] A,B;
output [3:0] R;
reg R;
if (A==B)
R = 4'b0001;
else if (A==B)
R = 4'b0000;
R = 4'b1111;
For the mux (it is actually 5 to 1 even though the name says 6 to 2):
module MUX6to2(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,sel,out);
input [4:0] i0,i1,i2,i4;
input [7:0] i3;
input [2:0] sel;
output [7:0] out;
reg [7:0] out;
always # (i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 or i4 or sel)
case (sel)
3'b000: out = i0;
3'b001: out = i0;
3'b010: out = i1;
3'b011: out = i2;
3'b100: out = i3;
3'b100: out = i4;
default: out = 8'bx;
For the ALU:
module ALU(a,b,cin,sel,r,cout);
input [3:0] a, b;
input [2:0] sel;
input cin;
output [7:0] r;
output cout;
wire [3:0] add_out, shift_out, xnor_out, compare_out;
wire [7:0] mul_out;
wire cout;
MUX6to2 output_mux (Full_Adder_4bits, Shifter, XNOR, mul4, Compare, sel[2:0], r);
Full_Adder_4bits output_adder (a,b,cin,sel [2:0],add_out,cout);
Shifter output_shifter (a,shift_out);
XNOR output_XNOR (a,b,xnor_out);
mul4 output_mul4 (a,b,mul_out);
Compare output_Compare (a,b,compare_out);
Why the value of output "r" Hi-Z is you haven't connected anything to output so the default value of wire is propagated in the output
When it comes to your design a decoder is required and for arithmetic operation operand size has to be taken care
Required bit widths are
addition 4 bit + 4 bit = 4 bit + carry,
subtraction 4 bit - 4 bit = 4 bit + borrow,
shifting which of them should be shifted and required bit width needs to be calculated,
multiplication 4*4 bit = 8 bit is needed,
xnor 4 bit xnot 4 bit = 4 bit needed,
compare it is up how we represent if equal with 1 bit or any bit widths
In your Mux logic you have
3'b100: out = i3;
3'b100: out = i4;
Here in this both case items are same so synthesizer optimizes and only considers the first statement and ignores the second, in general case should not be coded this way and more over this mux itself is not necessary.
Coming to your top module ALU, the syntax is wrong, this type of assignments are not permitted in verilog HDL
MUX6to2 output_mux (Full_Adder_4bits, Shifter, XNOR, mul4, Compare, sel[2:0], r);
When integrating all modules you have to be clear about what you are going to connect and widths with hardware in mind map,
Considering your design
The adder will result in 4bit + carry but output "r" is 8 bit so other bits should made to constant value or else it will be defaulted to X in case reg or Hi-z in case wire in the output, similar for other operations too.
I have made some modification in the design with a decoder and found to be fully functional,
A (4bits) and B (4bits) as inputs, sel (3bits)
When sel = 000 => Add/ sel= 001 => Sub (A+B or A-B)
When sel = 010 => Shift right by 1
when sel = 011 => Multiply (A*B)
When sel = 100 => A XNOR B
When sel = 101 => Compare A==B
Give a try of the code
in the module ALU, check the port list which where mapped to multiplexer module as emman said.
MUX6to2 output_mux (Full_Adder_4bits, Shifter, XNOR, mul4, Compare, sel[2:0], r);
in this module, the output which declared is of size 8 bit r. but, in some cases add_out, shift_out, xnor_out, compare_outthe size is 4 bits only. so, during the case of these outputs, the output 'r' shows 4 X's.
module ALU(a,b,cin,sel,r,cout);
input [3:0] a, b;
input [2:0] sel;
input cin;
output [7:0] r;
output cout;
wire [3:0] add_out, shift_out, xnor_out, compare_out;
wire [7:0] mul_out;
wire cout;
// MUX6to2 output_mux (Full_Adder_4bits, Shifter, XNOR, mul4, Compare, sel[2:0], r);
MUX6to2 output_mux (add_out, shift_out, xnor_out, mul_out, compare_out, sel[2:0], r);
Full_Adder_4bits output_adder (a,b,cin,sel [2:0],add_out,cout);
Shifter output_shifter (a,shift_out);
XNOR output_XNOR (a,b,xnor_out);
mul4 output_mul4 (a,b,mul_out);
Compare output_Compare (a,b,compare_out);
Does your code compile properly? I can see a problem in this line:
MUX6to2 output_mux (Full_Adder_4bits, Shifter, XNOR, mul4, Compare, sel[2:0], r);
Full_Adder_4bits, Shifter, etc. are names of your modules, not a valid signal names. What you meant is probably this:
Mux6to2 output_mux (adder_out, shifter_out, xnor_out, mul_out, compare_out, sel, r);
Although I tagged this homework, it is actually for a course which I am doing on my own for free. Anyway, the course is called "From Nand to Tetris" and I'm hoping someone here has seen or taken the course so I can get some help. I am at the stage where I am building the ALU with the supplied hdl language. My problem is that I can't get my chip to compile properly. I am getting errors when I try to set the output flags for the ALU. I believe the problem is that I can't subscript any intermediate variable, since when I just try setting the flags to true or false based on some random variable (say an input flag), I do not get the errors. I know the problem is not with the chips I am trying to use since I am using all builtin chips.
Here is my ALU chip so far:
* The ALU. Computes a pre-defined set of functions out = f(x,y)
* where x and y are two 16-bit inputs. The function f is selected
* by a set of 6 control bits denoted zx, nx, zy, ny, f, no.
* The ALU operation can be described using the following pseudocode:
* if zx=1 set x = 0 // 16-bit zero constant
* if nx=1 set x = !x // Bit-wise negation
* if zy=1 set y = 0 // 16-bit zero constant
* if ny=1 set y = !y // Bit-wise negation
* if f=1 set out = x + y // Integer 2's complement addition
* else set out = x & y // Bit-wise And
* if no=1 set out = !out // Bit-wise negation
* In addition to computing out, the ALU computes two 1-bit outputs:
* if out=0 set zr = 1 else zr = 0 // 16-bit equality comparison
* if out<0 set ng = 1 else ng = 0 // 2's complement comparison
IN // 16-bit inputs:
x[16], y[16],
// Control bits:
zx, // Zero the x input
nx, // Negate the x input
zy, // Zero the y input
ny, // Negate the y input
f, // Function code: 1 for add, 0 for and
no; // Negate the out output
OUT // 16-bit output
// ALU output flags
zr, // 1 if out=0, 0 otherwise
ng; // 1 if out<0, 0 otherwise
// Zero the x input
Mux16( a=x, b=false, sel=zx, out=x2 );
// Zero the y input
Mux16( a=y, b=false, sel=zy, out=y2 );
// Negate the x input
Not16( in=x, out=notx );
Mux16( a=x, b=notx, sel=nx, out=x3 );
// Negate the y input
Not16( in=y, out=noty );
Mux16( a=y, b=noty, sel=ny, out=y3 );
// Perform f
Add16( a=x3, b=y3, out=addout );
And16( a=x3, b=y3, out=andout );
Mux16( a=andout, b=addout, sel=f, out=preout );
// Negate the output
Not16( in=preout, out=notpreout );
Mux16( a=preout, b=notpreout, sel=no, out=out );
// zr flag
Or8way( in=out[0..7], out=zr1 ); // PROBLEM SHOWS UP HERE
Or8way( in=out[8..15], out=zr2 );
Or( a=zr1, b=zr2, out=zr );
// ng flag
Not( in=out[15], out=ng );
So the problem shows up when I am trying to send a subscripted version of 'out' to the Or8Way chip. I've tried using a different variable than 'out', but with the same problem. Then I read that you are not able to subscript intermediate variables. I thought maybe if I sent the intermediate variable to some other chip, and that chip subscripted it, it would solve the problem, but it has the same error. Unfortunately I just can't think of a way to set the zr and ng flags without subscripting some intermediate variable, so I'm really stuck!
Just so you know, if I replace the problematic lines with the following, it will compile (but not give the right results since I'm just using some random input):
// zr flag
Not( in=zx, out=zr );
// ng flag
Not( in=zx, out=ng );
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: Here is the appendix of the book for the course which specifies how the hdl works. Specifically look at section 5 which talks about buses and says: "An internal pin (like v above) may not be subscripted".
Edit: Here is the exact error I get: "Line 68, Can't connect gate's output pin to part". The error message is sort of confusing though, since that does not seem to be the actual problem. If I just replace "Or8way( in=out[0..7], out=zr1 );" with "Or8way( in=false, out=zr1 );" it will not generate this error, which is what lead me to look up in the appendix and find that the out variable, since it was derived as intermediate, could not be subscripted.
For anyone else interested, the solution the emulator supports is to use multiple outputs
Something like:
Mux16( a=preout, b=notpreout, sel=no, out=out,out=preout2,out[15]=ng);
This is how I did the ALU:
IN // 16-bit inputs:
x[16], y[16],
// Control bits:
zx, // Zero the x input
nx, // Negate the x input
zy, // Zero the y input
ny, // Negate the y input
f, // Function code: 1 for add, 0 for and
no; // Negate the out output
OUT // 16-bit output
// ALU output flags
zr, // 1 if out=0, 0 otherwise
ng; // 1 if out<0, 0 otherwise
Mux16(a=x, b=false, sel=zx, out=M16x);
Not16(in=M16x, out=Nx);
Mux16(a=M16x, b=Nx, sel=nx, out=M16M16x);
Mux16(a=y, b=false, sel=zy, out=M16y);
Not16(in=M16y, out=Ny);
Mux16(a=M16y, b=Ny, sel=ny, out=M16M16y);
And16(a=M16M16x, b=M16M16y, out=And16);
Add16(a=M16M16x, b=M16M16y, out=Add16);
Mux16(a=And16, b=Add16, sel=f, out=F16);
Not16(in=F16, out=NF16);
Mux16(a=F16, b=NF16, sel=no, out=out, out[15]=ng, out[0..7]=zout1, out[8..15]=zout2);
Or8Way(in=zout1, out=zr1);
Or8Way(in=zout2, out=zr2);
Or(a=zr1, b=zr2, out=zr3);
Not(in=zr3, out=zr);
The solution as Pax suggested was to use an intermediate variable as input to another chip, such as Or16Way. Here is the code after I fixed the problem and debugged:
IN // 16-bit inputs:
x[16], y[16],
// Control bits:
zx, // Zero the x input
nx, // Negate the x input
zy, // Zero the y input
ny, // Negate the y input
f, // Function code: 1 for add, 0 for and
no; // Negate the out output
OUT // 16-bit output
// ALU output flags
zr, // 1 if out=0, 0 otherwise
ng; // 1 if out<0, 0 otherwise
// Zero the x input
Mux16( a=x, b=false, sel=zx, out=x2 );
// Zero the y input
Mux16( a=y, b=false, sel=zy, out=y2 );
// Negate the x input
Not16( in=x2, out=notx );
Mux16( a=x2, b=notx, sel=nx, out=x3 );
// Negate the y input
Not16( in=y2, out=noty );
Mux16( a=y2, b=noty, sel=ny, out=y3 );
// Perform f
Add16( a=x3, b=y3, out=addout );
And16( a=x3, b=y3, out=andout );
Mux16( a=andout, b=addout, sel=f, out=preout );
// Negate the output
Not16( in=preout, out=notpreout );
Mux16( a=preout, b=notpreout, sel=no, out=preout2 );
// zr flag
Or16Way( in=preout2, out=notzr );
Not( in=notzr, out=zr );
// ng flag
And16( a=preout2, b=true, out[15]=ng );
// Get final output
And16( a=preout2, b=preout2, out=out );
Have you tried:
// zr flag
in[0]=out[ 0], in[1]=out[ 1], in[2]=out[ 2], in[3]=out[ 3],
in[4]=out[ 4], in[5]=out[ 5], in[6]=out[ 6], in[7]=out[ 7],
in[0]=out[ 8], in[1]=out[ 9], in[2]=out[10], in[3]=out[11],
in[4]=out[12], in[5]=out[13], in[6]=out[14], in[7]=out[15],
Or( a=zr1, b=zr2, out=zr );
I don't know if this will work but it seems to make sense from looking at this document here.
I'd also think twice about using out as a variable name since it's confusing trying to figure out the difference between that and the keyword out (as in "out=...").
Following your edit, if you cannot subscript intermediate values, then it appears you will have to implement a separate "chip" such as IsZero16 which will take a 16-bit value as input (your intermediate out) and return one bit indicating its zero-ness that you can load into zr. Or you could make an IsZero8 chip but you'd have to then call it it two stages as you're currently doing with Or8Way.
This seems like a valid solution since you can subscript the input values to a chip.
And, just looking at the error, this may be a different problem to the one you suggest. The phrase "Can't connect gate's output pin to part" would mean to me that you're unable to connect signals from the output parameter back into the chips processing area. That makes sense from an electrical point of view.
You may find you have to store the output into a temporary variable and use that to both set zr and out (since once the signals have been "sent" to the chips output pins, they may no longer be available).
Can we try:
CHIP SetFlags16 {
IN inpval[16];
OUT zflag,nflag;
Or8way(in=inpval[0.. 7],out=zr0);
and then, in your ALU chip, use this at the end:
// Negate the output
Not16( in=preout, out=notpreout );
Mux16( a=preout, b=notpreout, sel=no, out=tempout );
// flags
// Transfer tempout to out (may be a better way).
Here's one also with a new chip but it feels cleaner
* Negator16 - negates the input 16-bit value if the selection flag is lit
CHIP Negator16 {
IN sel,in[16];
OUT out[16];
Not16(in=in, out=negateIn);
Mux16(a=in, b=negateIn, sel=sel, out=out);
// IN and OUT go here...
//Zero x and y if needed
Mux16(a=x, b[0..15]=false, sel=zx, out=x1);
Mux16(a=y, b[0..15]=false, sel=zy, out=y1);
//Create x1 and y1 negations if needed
Negator16(in=x1, sel=nx, out=x2);
Negator16(in=y1, sel=ny, out=y2);
//Create x&y and x+y
And16(a=x2, b=y2, out=andXY);
Add16(a=x2, b=y2, out=addXY);
//Choose between And/Add according to selection
Mux16(a=andXY, b=addXY, sel=f, out=res);
// negate if needed and also set negative flag
Negator16(in=res, sel=no, out=res1, out=out, out[15]=ng);
// set zero flag (or all bits and negate)
Or16Way(in=res1, out=nzr);
Not(in=nzr, out=zr);