I want to publish Outlook VSTO desktop app to Windows Store.
When I test it with App Certification Kit 10 it fails and no XML report is created:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit>appcert test -apptype desktop -setuppath "C:\Projects\Main\AppSetup_x64\bi
n\Debug\AppSetup_x64.msi" -appusage peruser -reportoutputpath "C:\Projects\Main\report.xml"
Note: Test application type - Desktop.
Beginning execution of task Modify fault tolerant heap.
Beginning execution of task Modify status of the TAEF service.
Task Modify fault tolerant heap execution result was failure.
Task Modify status of the TAEF service execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Registry key inventory.
Task Registry key inventory execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Program inventory.
Task Program inventory execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Attack surface analyzer.
Beginning execution of task Digital signing.
Task Digital signing execution result was success.
Task Attack surface analyzer execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Do not load services and drivers in safe mode.
Beginning execution of task Proper OS version checking.
Task Do not load services and drivers in safe mode execution result was success.
Task Proper OS version checking execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Multi user enable.
Task Multi user enable execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Do not force an immediate reboot during installation.
Task Do not force an immediate reboot during installation execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Modify Program Compatibility Assistant service.
Task Modify Program Compatibility Assistant service execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task User mode hooking using AppInit_DLLs.
Beginning execution of task Crashes and hangs.
Task User mode hooking using AppInit_DLLs execution result was success.
Task Crashes and hangs execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Process install trace files.
Beginning execution of task Modify local Windows Error Reporting settings.
Task Modify local Windows Error Reporting settings execution result was success.
Task Process install trace files execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Program inventory.
Task Program inventory execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Process install trace files.
Task Process install trace files execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Installed programs.
Task Installed programs execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Dependency information.
Beginning execution of task Proper OS version checking.
Task Proper OS version checking execution result was success.
Task Dependency information execution result was failure.
Beginning execution of task Process install trace files.
The application failed to install under a higher version of Windows. Windows App Certification Kit will now retry installing the application
under different settings.
Task Process install trace files execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Program inventory.
Task Program inventory execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Process install trace files.
Task Process install trace files execution result was success.
Beginning execution of task Installed programs.
Task Installed programs execution result was failure.
Testing cannot continue unless an application is successfully installed, including a discoverable shortcut and an entry in add/remove programs.
During the test the App Cert Kit asks from me to install the MSI and after that, I assume it tries to run the installed application.
The problem is that the installed app is actually a set of DLLs that is copied to the MS Office folder.
It is not executable, it has no Desktop icon, but it still has an entry in the Add/Remove Programs.
App certification Kit 10.0 runs under Windows 2012 Server, DLLs compiled with Visual Studio 2012.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have an SSIS package that uses the Execute Process Task to run an application. Running on my local visual studio has no issues. Running it on the server as a job, from the logs, I can see that it just hangs on the EPT step. It never errors or stops.
The old version of the application runs from the same directory as part of a job on a server with no issue. I'm simply just running a new version of the application. It does pass arguments slightly different though.
I log into the server as the SQL Agent service account and run the executable commands from CMD the same as the SSIS package runs it, and it runs fine.
The task is configured with default configurations except for the window is hidden, the same as the old version that works.
I've seen many people have this issue and have tried everything..
I'm assuming that it's prompting me something when it runs on the server. Is there any way to see what it's prompting if I am logged into the server running the job?
I'm trying to run Autodesk Inventor deployment image using
and then using
perform another operation after the installation is done.
This is not working because deployment image runs on two occasions.
First "setup initialization" which is collecting various required informations and second "installing software" that actually performs the installation.
Both occasions have their own process (setup.exe) in taskmanager with its own unique PID and my problem is that WaitForExit triggers after the "setup initialization" is completed.
Any suggestion how to handle this properly?
When I queue manually a new build in Visual Studio Online, I start to receive a pop up with the following message :
"There are issues with the request or definition that may prevent the build from running:
There are agents that are capable of running the build, but they are not online. If the agent is configured to run as a service, ensure that the "VSO Agent ({agent name})" service is running.
Queue the build anyway?"
If I say yes, I receive this error :
The working folder C:\a\aea16038...\Homebanking PT is already in use by the workspace ws_aea16038_1;Project Collection Build Service on computer TASKAGENT-0001.
The working folder C:\a\aea16038...\Homebanking PT is already in use by the workspace ws_aea16038_1;Project Collection Build Service on computer TASKAGENT-0001.
I would like to add, that the builds was working fine and suddenly I start to have issue.
This is a known error. What happened was that the team added a check if your Agent is online before queueing a build. However, in Visual Studio Online your Agent is always offline. After the build is queued the system launches an Agent for you.
This means that you can just hit OK and ignore the warning. The build will then eventually start after an Agent has launched.
The workspace error can most of the time be fixed by queueing a new build and just ignoring the error. You can also play with the option to clean the workspace.
This bug will be fixed in one of the coming Sprints.
I had the same issue running the build agent as a service - in fact the agent is marked red in the pool when I can see it running on our domain server.
In my case I think it must be a firewall issue but without knowing where/how the agent status is determined it is had to add an exception for this. My builds start and hang as a result.
I'm attempting to automate the build of a source controlled MS Access application (it's only the front-end, the back-end is SQL Server). The Access client is published to the users via a simple C# console app via ClickOnce... It's in that console project that I'm also building the MS Access application via a custom msbuild tasks from this CodePlex library: https://buildmsaccessdb.codeplex.com/ (which is also mentinoed in another StackOverflow post on the subject). On my machine, it all works fine. The Access source code is compiled into an ACCDB, which is then converted into an ACCDE which is what gets included in the published app.
However, when I make it an automated build in TFS, it always stalls at the step where it converts the ACCDB to an ACCDE. I've tried a variety of ways for executing the "Make ACCDE" (SysCmd 603) command. I've tried it in powershell scripts, in VBA, etc... but it always seems to stall. Is that because the automated build process is not an interactive process and maybe the the SysCmd 603 needs to be ran interactively? If I stop the build and take a look at the ACCDB, everything is good. It compiles and can be manually compiled into an ACCDE... so it's not that the ACCDB isn't compilable.
I'd like to test it as an interactive TFS service but I don't control the service account it's running under.
Any tips on suggestions are welcome and thanks in advance! We have this whole automated build and release process up and nearly working except for this one piece!
I don't know much about the MSBuild task library, but from a quick look at the source it looks like it opens Access to run the tasks and interacts with a dialog box at one point. If that's the case you'll definitely need to run the build in interactive mode.
The fact that your build is hanging and not erroring out would also indicate this is the case.
Even though you don't control the service account, I would presume there's someone else in your organisation that does. I'd suggest you work with them and to try the build in interactive mode and ensure it works. If needed you could always set up a second build machine that runs in interactive mode, with the current build server remaining in "run as a service" mode.
I am using Installshield, and have had success in launching my exe install files (such as KLite) after all my files have transferred to their target destination.
My question is this:
I am currently able to launch all the install exe's necessary, but they all launch at the same time, which can be rather annoying and cluttering. I am using a "Custom Action" to launch each executable. I am trying different "In-Script Execution" properties to no avail. My "Return Processing" is set to Asynchronous(Waits for exit code), yet it still is giving me problems.
I'd like to have each one execute once the previous is completed.
Anyone have experience in this? It has to be possible...
You want Sync not ASync. BTW, I don't reccomend EXE CA's except in the rarest of situations. Primarily because they are out of process with very limited ability to report back success and 0 ability to write back to the Windows Installer Log and have very unprofessional flashing of DOS CMD windows.
Always try to use C++ / C# custom actions instead.
Also be sure to read the following:
Integration Hurdles for EXE Custom Actions
If you must use an EXE be sure to use something like WiX QuiteCA ( you can wrap this up into a WiX merge module and consume it with your InstallShield Basic MSI project ) to help shield you from these problems and get improved logging.