Open the table by clicking on the name of the query - sql

I have the following logic that need to translate into VBA code:
1. User selects one or several query name(s) from a Combo box:
2. User clicks on "Show Table" button
3. Selected Table(s) is/are opened
So far, I have the following code:
Private Sub cmdShowTable_Click()
Dim valSelect1 As Variant
Dim strValue1 As String
Dim strValue2 As String
For Each valSelect1 In Me.Combo29.ItemsSelected
DoCmd.SetWarnings (WarningsOff)
strValue1 = Me.Combo29.ItemData(valSelect1)
strValue2 = "select TableName from [List of Queries] where QueryName = " ' & strValue1 & '" "
DoCmd.OpenTable (strValue2)
Me.Combo29.Selected(valSelect1) = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings (WarningsOn)
MsgBox "Complete!"
end sub
I understand that mistake is at line strValue2. Syntax and logic is probably not correct as sql string is passed to the object but not executed. It has to be executed and then its value to be passed further to the Docmd.Open table command.
Please help to tie it all together!

It seems like you can't decide on opening queries or tables ...
However, if each query holds a table name to open, go like this:
strValue1 = Me.Combo29.ItemData(valSelect1)
strValue2 = DLookup("TableName", "[List of Queries]", "QueryName = '" & strValue1 & "'")
DoCmd.OpenTable (strValue2)
If each query holds several table names, you'll have to open a recordset using the query as source, then loop the returned table names and open these.


MS Access fast Combo Box with VBA

I have a form which has a ComboBox on it that pulls records via ID and displays Name from a linked table. Standard look for values in the form combo box wizard generated. It works perfectly fine, but it takes 3-4 minutes every time to find a single record.
I've been trying to research this and found something that looks useful, but can't seem to get it right.
The code I have at the moment:
Private Sub Combo81_Change()
Dim strText As String
Dim strSelect As String
strText = Nz(Me.Combo81.Text, "")
If Len(strText) > 2 Then
strSelect = "SELECT Name FROM CTable WHERE Name LIKE '*" & strText & "*'; "
Debug.Print strSelect
Me.Combo81.RowSource = strSelect
End If
End Sub
I found this code on two forums, this is supposed to do the following: "the key is to not have a Row Source defined for the Combo Box. The row source will be defined as the user starts typing letters. Once they get to 3 letters then the row source of the combo box will be defined and the combo box will be told to dropdown."
When I get to 3 letters, a dropdown appears, but it's blank, it doesn't display any results.
I would like when the user types, e.g. "Smith" only those people with the name Smith come up.
I'm relatively new to Access and the DB I'm using the FE/BE with linked tables to a shared network folder and FE on users Desktops.
Any advice? Or alternatively a different solution as to how take my combo box faster and still keep values unique?
you can use following codes to search value in a combo-box in ms access as user type,
suppose we have a combo-box name org_id in our form, for search a value in org_id we need three event on org_id combo-box. AfterUpdate, LostFocus and KeyPress events.
codes are:
Dim strFilter As String ' Module scope variable used for filter on our combo (org_id)
Private Sub org_id_AfterUpdate()
strFilter = ""
strSQL = "SELECT org_tbl.org_id, org_tbl.org_name, org_tbl.org_code FROM org_tbl" & _
" ORDER BY org_tbl.org_code"
org_id.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub
Private Sub org_id_LostFocus()
strFilter = ""
strSQL = "SELECT org_tbl.org_id, org_tbl.org_name, org_tbl.org_code FROM org_tbl" & _
" ORDER BY org_tbl.org_code"
org_id.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub
Private Sub org_id_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
strSQL = "SELECT org_tbl.org_id, org_tbl.org_name, org_tbl.org_code FROM org_tbl ORDER BY org_tbl.org_code"
If KeyAscii <> 8 Then ' pressed key is not backspace key
strFilter = strFilter & Chr(KeyAscii)
End If
If IsNull(strFilter) = True Or strFilter <> "" Then
If KeyAscii = 8 Then ' pressed key is backspace key
strFilter = Left(strFilter, (Len(strFilter) - 1))
End If
End If
strSQL = "SELECT org_tbl.org_id, org_tbl.org_name, org_tbl.org_code FROM org_tbl" & _
" WHERE org_name Like '*" & strFilter & "*' ORDER BY org_tbl.org_code"
org_id.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub
I hope this (answer) helps you.
you can download sample file from following link:
Access combo box to search as you type sample file

MS Access - Text field retuns the querys string instead of the query result value

I have tried a few variations, and all seem to give me the same result - so I am overlooking something pretty simple I think.
I have a text box for an account number, a search button, and a text box for the result of the search query. However, when I hit search - the query itself gets added to the second text box instead of the expected result of 1 or 0.
This is my latest attempt, found on this site:
Private Sub SearchAcctNumber_Click()
Dim strsearch As String
Dim Task As String
If IsNull(Me.Text0) Or Me.Text0 = "" Then
MsgBox "Please type in your account number.", vbOKOnly, "Acct Num Needed"
strsearch = Me.Text0.Value
Task = "SELECT I_Ind FROM dbo_BC WHERE (([ACCOUNT_NUMBER] Like ""*" & Text0 & "*""))"
Me.Text2 = Task
End If
End Sub
Is anyone able to help me see the error I am making? It is driving me nuts that something so simple isn't working how I thought it should.
Edit: Wanted to add that I've also tried DLookup and get the same result in other iterations of attempts at this.
You may want to reconsider the Like approach in this case. Anyways, the issue is that you assign a string (the SQL command) to the textbox and this is what you see.
Try this instead:
Private Sub SearchAcctNumber_Click()
If IsNull(Text0.Value) Then
MsgBox "Please type in your account number.", vbOKOnly, "Acct Num Needed"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim strSearch As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strSearch = Text0.Value
strCriteria = "ACCOUNT_NUMBER Like '*" & strSearch & "*'"
Text2.Value = Nz(DLookup("I_Ind", "dbo_BC", strCriteria), "Not found...")
End Sub
You could also "search" while you type on Text0. Set the minimum number of characters before attempting to locate it.
Private Sub Text0_Change()
If Len(Text0.Text) > 3 Then
Text2.Value = Nz(DLookup("I_Ind", "dbo_BC", "ACCOUNT_NUMBER Like '*" & Text0.Text & "*'"), vbNullString)
End If
End Sub
One possible way is, that you change Text2 type to combo box. Then you set Text2.recordsource = Task and you refresh the displayed value with Me.Text2.requery.
Another way is to open a recordset, read the value, and set Text2 value.
Dim r as dao.recordset, db as dao.database
set db = currentdb()
set r=db.openrecordset(Task)
Me.Text2 = r(0).value
Set r = Nothing

Selecting results from table based on combo box data

Firstly I apologise for my lack of knowledge on SQL.
I currently have two Comboboxes on a form and a list box which looks like the attached image
The first combobox references a table with the list of manufacturers and then the second "Model" combobox updates with model numbers which match the first combobox' data
The List box below needs to display data from the "Solutions" Table. ONLY THE "SolutionText" COLUMN
The Manufacturer selected in "cboManfact" has to match the "ManufacturerSolution" in table "Solutions" and then return "SolutionText" if they match. Same for "cboModel" and "ModelSolution".
I dont want the listbox to display any manufacturer or model text, just the "SolutionText" field when a button db_search is pressed.
Thanks to the help of #LiamH, i currently have the following SQL Command on the RowSource of my list box
This can happen either as the user selects options in the comboboxes or when clicking the green search icon
The problem I am having is with the SQL Query. I currently have this below happening when the user clicks the search button
SELECT [SolutionText] FROM [Solutions] WHERE solutions.ManufacturerSolution like forms![Troubleshoot]!cboManfact & "*" AND solutions.ModelSolution like forms![Troubleshoot]!cboModel & "*"
It displays the SolutionText value in the listbox, but on clicking the "db_search" button, the listbox becomes empty
Private Sub dbSearch_Click()
end sub
Very close to getting this one now, any advice
I have assumed you are using MS-Access, correct me if I am wrong. You may want to consider using access-vba tag if this is correct.
There are a few things wrong with your code. Firstly, docmd.RunSQL cannot be used on select queries. This (SELECT) is not an action query and this command is reserved for action queries only. e.g. DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER, SELECT...INTO.
When you use multiple where clauses use the word AND instead of the ampersand. You don't need to concatenate SQL strings together. String values that are in a query and related to form values need encapsulating in single quotes, like so:
"...WHERE NAME='" & & "'"
You can use debug.print strSQL or msgbox strSQL to see how your SQL query reads for any errors.
So here's what I would do:
Change the rowsource of the listbox to a query:
SELECT [SolutionText] FROM [Solutions] WHERE solutions.ManufacturerSolution like forms![FORM_NAME]!cboManfact.Column(1) & "*" AND solutions.ModelSolution like forms![FORM_NAME]!cboModel.Column(1) & "*"
The like ... & "*" means that if the combobox is empty it will show all.
You will need some VBA on the on_click event, which will be:
Private Sub dbSearch_Click()
end sub
The requery will change the listbox items based on the records selected in the combo boxes.
I don't know what your intention is when using [Solution Text]?
Are you sure you require column(1) and not column(0)?
I am not sure what your intention was with strTableName?
Solved the issue using the following code:
Private Sub dbSearch_Click()
Dim ManfactQuery As String
Dim ModelQuery As String
Dim strSQL As String
ManfactQuery = Me.cboManfact.Column(1)
ModelQuery = Me.cboModel.Column(1)
If Nz(ManfactQuery) = "" Then
strSQL = "SELECT [Solutions].SolutionText FROM [Solutions] WHERE [Solutions].ModelSolution = '" & ModelQuery & "'"
If Nz(ModelQuery) = "" Then
strSQL = "SELECT [Solutions].SolutionText FROM [Solutions] WHERE [Solutions].ManufacturerSolution = '" & ManfactQuery & "'"
strSQL = "SELECT [Solutions].SolutionText FROM [Solutions] WHERE [Solutions].ManufacturerSolution = " & ManfactQuery & " AND [Solutions].ModelSolution = " & ModelQuery & ""
End If
End If
Me.lstSolution.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub

Sorting a query by Listbox with multiselect?

My task is create a query that is filtered by the results of a listbox with multiselect. I have a table, named contacts, which has a field named 'Sources'. This is the field that is displayed in my listview. I am sorting by the 'Sources' value
From here, I can multiselect the options, and hit a submit button. When I do so, I get a query but it seems to simply display all of the values.
Therefore, my question is, how can I create a query sorted by the Sources tab? I know that I need a onclick function, but I am very unfamiliar with VB. Any help would be appreciated!
You can modify the following to use your control names. You didn't mention where/how your query is created, but you can merge this code with yours...
Private Sub cmdBuildWhere_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.lstHierarchy.ListIndex < 1 And Me.lstHierarchy.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then ' No items selected
MsgBox "You did not select any sources. ", vbOKOnly, "Select Sources"
Exit Sub
End If
strWhere = "WHERE "
For Each varItem In Me.lstHierarchy.ItemsSelected
strWhere = strWhere & "[Sources] = '" & Me.lstHierarchy.Column(0, varItem) & "' Or "
Next varItem
' remove final ' or ' and add Sort
strWhere = Trim(left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 4)) & " Order By Sources;"
Debug.Print strWhere
End Sub

MS access sum results between two dates as text box in form

I issue following query in SQL and works fine
SELECT SUM(goudOpkoop.winst)
FROM goudOpkoop
BETWEEN '2015-1-10' AND '2015-1-22'
I would like to have the results in a Form in Textbox 3 (name Text183) when last of two dates, one in Textbox 1 (name Text179) and other in textbox 2 (name Text181) have been picked.
I think I would need to use AfterUpdate code builder for Textbox 2 and issue there the query to eventually show results in Textbox 3.
I have already linked with SQL server.
Information: ODBC;DSN=Essence Test;;TABLE=goudOpkoop
In me not being a professional in VBA I have no clue how to get this working.
Not tested, but should do the trick slightly, unless I made a typo.
Change the format of your 2 dates textboxes in "Short Date", that way you will have a calendar picker and you will ensure that your date have a correct format
Create this sub in your form module :
Private Sub CheckSUM()
Dim RST As Recordset
Dim SQL As String
' Reset the result textbox
Text183.value = ""
' If your 2 date textboxes are not populated, cancel
If Text179.Value = "" or Text181.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
' Prepare the query, with proper formating of the dates
SQL = " SELECT SUM(goudOpkoop.winst) AS mySum " & _
" FROM goudOpkoop " & _
" WHERE goudOpkoop.Date " & _
" BETWEEN '" & Format(Text179.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "' " & _
" AND '" & Format(text181.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "'"
' Execute the query
Set RST = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
' If the query is valid and returned something, we recuperate the value
If Not RST.BOF Then
Text183.Value = RST!mySum
End If
' Cleaning
Set RST = Nothing
End Sub
Then, for your 2 dates textboxes, create an afterupdate event and call the previous sub in them:
Private Sub Text179_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub Text181_AfterUpdate()
End Sub