SonarQube Redmine Integration - sonarqube5.2

Scenario is After Installing Plugin with SonarQube
Error is Missing parameter resource
While integrating Sonar with Redmine, At Project level, go to Administration -> Redmine Configuration Page is not loading, Instead of that am getting the above error message on browser.
I am using following versions,
Maven 3.0.5
Redmine version 3.0.4.stable
SonarQube 5.2
Jojan Paul

This looks like a bug on the plugin. I have found a workaround until this is fixed. In your browser, you need to replace the url GET paramater 'id' by 'resource'.
So insterad of
Replace 'id' with 'resource'


Server Administration specific Configuration in TeamCity gets lost after refresh

I'd like to integrate NeoLoad tests into TeamCity. Therefore I've installed the corresponding NeoLoad Plugin and now I need to add a "NTS Configuration" to provide the mandatory license parameters for running the tests.
The NTS Configuration has to be added at "Administration"->"Neotys Team Server".
I provide following required information: "URL", "Login User", "Login Password" and the label.
After saving it, the NTS Configuration is visible as a newly added entry BUT after switching to another page or after a refresh- the entry disappears. I've never experienced such a behaviour in TeamCity. I don't know whether it's about TeamCity or the NeoLoad Plugin.
I'm using "TeamCity Enterprise 10.0.5 build 42677" and NeoLoad 5.2.1.
Any guesses?
Thank you a lot in advance!
The issue is solved. It seems that there is no compatibility between TeamCity Version 10.0.5 and the NeoLoad Plugin 1.0.5.
For verification, I've installed the latest TeamCity version (2017.2.3) and integrated the NeoLoad Plugin (Version 1.0.5) and it works.
This question can be closed.

Installing CloudBees SDK and running - Error : cannot create configration

I have installed the cloudbees eclipse plugin and then run the cloudbees project on localhost...but I see this:
Installing plugin: org.cloudbees.sdk.plugins:ant-plugin:1.3.0
You have not created a CloudBees configuration profile, let's create one now...
Enter your default CloudBees API end point [us | eu]: us
Enter your CloudBees account email address:
ERROR: Cannot create configuration
kindly guide me how to fix this issue ?
I suggest you download and install cloudbees SDK, so you can try to initialize from command line and maybe get more details on actual (permission ?) issue to write configuration.

facing exception while deploying liferay on weblogic

I've deployed liferay 5.2 sp2 on weblogic 10.3 and in deployment part the status of application is Active.
Now when i pass the URL in browser "nakulpatel:7001" it display "500--Internal Server Error".
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/yahoo/platform/yui/compressor/JavaScriptCompressor
at com.liferay.portal.util.MinifierUtil._minifyJavaScript(
at com.liferay.portal.util.MinifierUtil.minifyJavaScript(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.filters.strip.StripFilter.strip(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.filters.strip.StripFilter.processFilter(
at com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.BaseFilter.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.BaseFilter.processFilter(
Please guide me how to fix this problem.
I've not used maven at all.Simply deployed .war file of liferay 5.2 and not able to start portal.
The reason you got it is because Liferay uses YUI compressor to do Javascript/CSS minification. Minification can be done in two ways -- runtime vs build time. It looks like liferay implements the former through servlet filter.
I checked my Liferay 6.0.x installation. There is a liferay-yuicompressor.jar under the \liferay-portal-6.0.6\tomcat-6.0.29\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF. Lfieray 5.2 should have a similar directory structure. Make sure this jar file is included in your WEB-INF/lib when deploying to WebLogic 10.3

Glassfish 3.1.2 and Eclipse

I just downloaded the Glassfish version 3.1.2, this is not yet an official release.
I need this version because my web application is using websockets.
The problem I have now is with the Glassfish plugin for eclipse, he is not recognizing the new Glassfish Version.
With the Glassfish Version 3.1.1 in Eclipse everything works fine.
I am using Oracle Glassfish Server Tools (Eclipse plugin ) version from Oracle(last version I could download).
If I try to add a new Server Runtime Environment in Eclipse for the Glassfish 3.1.2 I get the error:
There is no valid GlassFish installation in the specified directory...
I need everything to be able to debug my web application in Eclipse.
Anyone know what the plugin is checking ?
There is any change to trick the plugin so will run with Glashfish 3.1.2 too ?
Use the plugin from here (for Indigo):
The plugin for Helios does not support 3.1.2.
If you have to live with the bits the are blessed by Oracle or keep using Helios, then you can try the following trick:
create a couple files....
${glassfish.rootdirectory}/modules/jsf-impl.jar and
These files were renamed between 3.1.1 and 3.1.2...
You may be able to get the 3.1.2 to mascarade as 3.1.1 by just
creating empty files with the above names. If that doesn't do it,
make copies of the following files should do it.
The new name for jstl-impl.jar is
The new name for jsf-impl.jar is
If you are on Helios, you can try the following:
uninstall the Glassfish 3.1.1 plugin (and all associated runtimes and servers).
go to "Install new software" and type in (for the URL):
Though the plugin says indigo, it is also working for me in Helios. And it gives options for both Glassfish 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 servers (pre and post name changes).
Note that it downloads Glassfish itself, and installs an internal server. You can delete that one, and install your own server ("New server...") if you have an existing server you want to work with (as I did).

Manually edit Glassfish Server Path settings

I added several JARs to my GlassFish server path and now the GlassFish Admin Console won't come up. It says "HTTP Status 404 - Servlet FacesServlet is not available". I think something I added is causing a JAR conflict with the admin tool. I would like to remove the stuff I added to the path, but I can't use the GlassFish admin tool to do it.
Can someone tell me how to manually edit the GlassFish server path values? Are they stored in a XML file somewhere? I looked around a little and couldn't find them.
I found the problem JAR (xercesImpl.jar). If I simply rename that JAR, then the GlassFish Admin Console comes up with no problem. Apparently GlassFish uses a different version and there was a conflict.