Comparing two list boxes -

Listbox 1 contains names of hairdressers and Listbox 2 contains services provided by all of them then in Listbox 3 both the selected hairdresser(only 1 allowed) and and selected services are contained. There is a remove button which removes items from Listbox 3. I want a code for the button that if a hairdresser is removed all services also get removed otherwise only services are removed.
For Each str As String In Hairdresser.lstHairdresser.Items
If Not lstHairdresserAndServices.Items.Contains(str) Then
'more code here but above statement never gets true
End If

If the hairdresser is always the first item in the 3rd listbox, all you have to do is check if the selectedindex equals 0. If so, clear the listbox. Otherwise just remove the selected item.
Alternatively, you could search the the 1st listbox for the selected string. If found clear the listbox otherwise remove the selected item.
It is also possible to mark the listbox items when you add then to the listbox. Set the tag property to something like "hairdresser" or "service" and when the remove button is clicked all you have to do is check the tag property.
Finally I would recommend a different approach: Instead of adding the items to the listbox, fill a data structure with the hairdresser's name and services, display this structure in the listbox and when the remove button is clicked compare the selected item to the structure to find out what was selected.


I want to display the items checked on checkedlistbox into different textboxes in vb

I want to add the items checked in the checklistbox into different textboxes.
Like checklistbox item 1 checked must be added to textbox 1.
Then the next item checked that is checklistbox item 2 must be added to textbox 2. I want to do this for 4 item.
I am new to this language. I am trying to get the desired result but I am just not getting the code right.
Please help me.

When removing items from a combobox the last item is removed but the text remains... how do I make the combobox blank after last item is removed?

Really simple question but just can't find an answer anywhere.
I've created a command button that removes items from a list in a combobox based on which item they have selected. When the last item is removed, it "technically" is removed but the text for the last item remains in the combobox field. This would confuse the user; in this instance they would believe an item is still attached (the list of items are file pathways.)
I've tried convoluted routes e.g. setting the first index field as "No attachments" and building a solution around this. e.g. when the last field is removed, set it to "no attachments." but this requires me to initialise the combobox this way and change other areas of my code which just unnecessarily complicates it all.
Just a brief description of code, it takes a boolean which the user prompts by choosing either yes to removing all or pressing a remove selected option
Private Sub rmvFile(removeAll As Boolean)
If removeAll = False Then
'trying to work out how to remove selected item
fileListComboBox.RemoveItem (fileListComboBox.ListIndex)
Do While fileListComboBox.ListCount > 0
fileListComboBox.RemoveItem (0)
End If
End Sub
The result I would expect is that when I remove the last item in the combobox it would be blank, but this doesn't happen. The last items text remains in the combobox, confusing the user.

Excel VBA mulitiple checkboxes

is it possible to create listbox with multiple checkboxes in one row (Excel VBA)?
I'm not sure I understood your question fully, but I'll elaborate on ListBoxes as much as I can.
First things first: Checkboxes and ListBoxes are different objects in Excel Userforms. The first is the little box that returns a "true/false". The second is a list of items which can be chosen. Clicking in a Checkbox will make the tick mark appear/disappear (or fade if tristate is enabled), while clicking a Listbox row will turn the listbox row "blue"/"white" (or whatever color is being used for the selected rows). In both elements, clicking is a way to toggle between True and False.
While a checkbox only allows for a single information to be marked as True or False, a Listbox allows you to select entries out of a list. That list may be inserted through code (.AddItem method) or passed from a range (.RowSource property)
ListBox objects allow for multiple columns of data to be attributed to one row element, but each row is an entire element (which means you cannot pick the element on row 3, column 2 - only all of row 3). The number of columns is established using the ColumnCount property.
By changing the value of the MultiSelect property, you'll allow the user to select multiple or single row elements simultaneously on your Listbox. Using the Selected( RowIndex ) property, you can check whether or not an item is currently selected (returns True/False). Remember that row indexes start at 0.
Finally, if you're using the MultiSelect property set to fmMultiSelectSingle and have a single column (as far as I know), the Text property can be used to return the selected item's value.
An easy example of a listbox is in Excel can be found at File > Options > Customize Ribbon (or something like that). There are two listboxes, one (on the left) with the visible items and another with the available items. A pair of command buttons is used to move items between boxes. That's a simple application you can likely find already setup online.
Am I on track to answer your question?

Change List Item Text Dynamically in a ComboBox

I have a combobox that is filled with Site names. When an item is selected, the user is able to edit the site information. If they modify the name of the site, I want to update this in the combobox list. I have seen that I can remove the item, and re-add it, but I don't want to change the order, I only want to change the text of the selected item.
Is there an accesseser that allows the text in a combobox list item to be modified?

Extjs4:Multiselect Option

In my form,i have a list of employees in a combo box and i need to map some employees to particular department.I need to change the combo-box to List box.Scenario is as follows,
1. List A contains all employees.
2. If i click 'Add' button the selected employees must move to list B
and list A must contain remaining employees
I searched for List box but i couldn't find in extjs4.
Is there any example or link for multiselect listbox in ext-js4?
There is no built-in ListBox widget in ExtJs4. However, Ext.view.View may become an listbox after some manipulations.
Here is an example of such a tuned View. Demos may be found here, here and here (this one looks like just what you need).
You can create two such listboxes and the "add" button. Then assign handler to button which would remove selected item from the first listbox's store and add it to the second's store.