htaccess - simulating local page as web page - apache

Is there a way to rewrite a URL in a local project to look like web page?
For example I have project with url
I'm tryin' to rewirite this to:
That project has subpages, and it would be good if it worked like
I'm trying for an hour but I'm really htaccess noob.
I work with VertrigoServ and mod_rewrite works fine with some examples which I tried in other projects.

The issue is not with rewrite. To make a local page appear to have a more conventional domain you need to tell your browser that the conventional domain is found on your local webserver.
The simplest way to do this is by editing the hosts file on your OS. On *nix based devices it's usually /etc/hosts, On windows it's usually C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. You will need elevated privileges to edit the file.
Add a line to the end of the file that maps the domain name to your local ip address like this:
Close an reopen your browser and visit, you should see it is loading the page from your local webserver.
Chances are, you are still seeing the same page as if you view localhost site. To make it load your code you need to change the DocumentRoot in httpd.conf for your apache install to match the directory where your code is.
A preferable solution may be to use Name Based Virtual Hosting, this allows multiple web sites to share the same IP address. Searching 'apache VirtualHost examples' should give you plenty of resources for this. Make sure that NameVirtualHost *:80 is also enabled in order for this to work.


perl cgi shows plain text in https only?

I have an odd issue with my webserver (redhat/apache). There are two sites on the server, each with their own virtualhost section in httpd-vhosts.conf and ssl.conf.
One site is primarily perl/cgi and works fine. I am able to properly execute perl/cgi scripts in the root folder as well as cgi-bin and subfolders of both areas. I can access the cgi files from http and https URLs.
If I try to put a cgi file in my other site it will execute if I access it via http but not if I access it via https. (it only displays the code as plain text if I use https)
As far as I can tell both sites are configured identically in both .conf files.
Any idea why it might be doing this?
I tracked down the issue. There was an entry in ssl.conf for '' and it had the same url as the site that wasnt working. That one was apparently overriding the one farther down which had the correct cgi config.

Correct Apache Configuration And Htaccess

I've just reset my Ubuntu 14.04 LAMP server hosted with digital ocean. Could someone tell me the 'proper' way to do server configuration. My goal is to do everything as clean as possible (and hopefully well structured).
I intend on using the server mainly for programming and data analytics, however I do plan on hosting my website in /var/www/html. I also plan on using letsencrypt/certbot to get an easy SSL. With this in mind, these are the main goals I would like to accomplish:
1) Redirect the website to ALWAYS be served through https AND www.
2) Enable HSTS for the entire website.
3) Enable clean url's (remove .php extensions and what not).
Since I would like all of these properties to be used across the entire website, should the configuration be done inside of the /etc/apache2/ folder? Or should it be done inside of .htaccess?
And if it should be done inside of apache2 configuration, which file should I add it to? And finally, how exactly should it be added? (for example vhost 80/443, inside of a mod_something section, etc).
Thank you in advance, I would appreciate and consider any advice about Apache and htaccess!

htaccess http request re-routing

Reason for Problem:
I'm working on a website and wanted to work on it without making edits to the live website. My hosting package allows for "infinite" domains. So instead of editing the live website I create a new domain, without purchasing the domain name and am trying to develop with this new domain.
Issue At Hand:
This issue is that the reference file paths don't work anymore and return 404 when trying to load the webpage. My original website directory structure looks like this
The new one is the same structure however when you open the "temporary web address" the URL looks like this"
instead of
so when my index.html file looks for /JSfiles/someJSfile.js its requesting
when it needs to be requesting
Things I've Tried Unsuccessfully:
I would really like to fix this by redirecting with the .htaccess file in the root directory on the server. Ive tried using the following directives with no success.
Redirect /
Redirect /JSfiles
Redirect /JSfiles
Redirect /JSfiles
How can I redirect the requests to the right location? I need all the the requests to be of the form
You need to read up a bit more on Virtual Hosting in particular name based virtual hosting.
It sounds like your provider might support name based VHosts but what you're trying to do is not taking advantage of that. To do what you want ie have path that points to a different version of your site is best achieved using mod_rewrite. See this
You need to make sure that your provided actually supports this.

Accessing Apache Server from the internet

I have installed Apache on Xubuntu and I am have a problem accessing it from the internet.
If I access it via localhost I can reach the home page plus pages in the subdirectory. How if I access it from the internet I can get the home page but nothing else. When I type in the subdirectory and page, no links at this point, It either never leaves the home page or gets rerouted back to it.
I have no .htaccess files in place, I have tried adding an alias and entries in the conf file and I have checked ownership and permissions. I have gone as far as wiping the machine and starting with the same results.
I feel like it is going to be a case of missing something simple but I cannot think of what. The log files have indicated that an IP tried to access the subdirectory but shows no error in doing so. When typed into the URL the /Directory/Index.html shows in the address bar but it displays the home page.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Most likely the issue is contained either in your apache.conf file or your firewall. I would have a good look at your apache.conf to see if there is anything restricting access to your sub-directories.
if you want to use default http port (80), so long story short without explicit port number, you must allow this on your server because 80 is privileged on most system, this could be a problem

Trouble setting up a subdomain on a VPS under Ubuntu and Apache

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to servers, so I need some help. Basically, I want to have a subdomain on my VPS. I'm not too concerned where the files reside, though of course I would like them separated if possible.
I found a guide to doing this that basically sums the procedure up in five steps:
Create directories to host the content of a new virtual site.
Make a copy of the /etc/apache2/sites-available/defaults file with a site appropriate name.
Change the two /var/www/ entries to the actual directory of the new site.
Add the ServerName line with the real domain name you will be hosting.
Use a2ensite to enable the new site, and finally reload Apache2 so it knows about the new site
I tried all of this, but I can't get it to work. I didn't get any errors at any point during this process, but when I enter the address with the subdomain into my browser, I get a "Server not found" error.
The company that hosts my VPS has an admin page where I can set up subdomains. Stupid question: do I have to do reconfigure the DNS records or something while doing this, or is it likely that the problem is caused by something else?
Additional note: I followed a guide on when setting up the server, which in hindsight may not have been the brightest move on my part. It is possible that I made a mistake there that is somehow affecting me now?
Assuming you've setup the subdomain correctly in your VPS' admin page, the only thing left to check here is that you've actually created the subdomain in your DNS administration page (have you?). For example, I use to manage my DNS records and to add a subdomain, it's essentially:
Type: A
Subdomain: sparky
Destination: (this would be your VPS' IP address)
In general, you add a (sub)domain by: A
Please keep in mind that you want to add an A record (this is important!).