Selenium WebDriver - Finding Elements using cssSelector and nth child - selenium

<li class="active">
<a href="#">
<i class="fa fa-home"></i><br>
<span class="title">Home</span>
<a href="#">
<i class="fa fa-rss-square"></i><br>
<span class="title">Posts</span>
<a href="#">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i><br>
<span class="title">Events</span>
<a href="#">
<i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i><br>
<span class="title">My Activity</span>
<a href="#">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i><br>
<span class="title">Assessments</span>
I want to locate the respective span element. I want to check the order of the span elements using css selector. So when I use selenium IDE,I will verify it like below(using nth child concept).
verifyText | css=.title:nth(0) | Home
verifyText | css=.title:nth(1) | Posts
verifyText | css=.title:nth(2) | Events
verifyText | css=.title:nth(3) | My Activity
verifyText | css=.title:nth(4) | Assessments
But when I do the same thing in Selenium WebDriver I am not able to locate the elements with the order which I did using Selenium IDE.
Below are the codes that I used in WebDriver and it dint work.
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".title:nth(0)")); // to locate the "Home" element
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".title:nth-of-type(0)")); // to locate the "Home" element
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".title:nth-child(0)")); // to locate the "Home" element
Could anyone please help me.

You can generate the css-selector from ul like ul > li:nth-child(1) for home. See below:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul > li:nth-child(1)")); >> home
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul > li:nth-child(2)")); >> posts
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul > li:nth-child(3)")); >> events
also reachin span is the same:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul > li:nth-child(1) > a > span")); >> home

do you need css specifically? if not, you can also go for xpath, which imho reads better/clearer:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//span[#class='title'])[0]")); // home
driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//span[#class='title'])[1]")); // posts

<div class=parent>
If you already have the parent element and just need to find nth child
would select the second div

We can write this way-
To get all the span text like-
My Activity
Then driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("ul>li>a span:nth-child(3)"));
To get individual span text then you need to pass the index position in nth-child(index) method.driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul>li:nth-child(1)>a span")).getText();//Home driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul>li:nth-child(2)>a span")).getText();//Posts driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul>li:nth-child(3)>a span")).getText();//Events driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul>li:nth-child(4)>a span")).getText();//My Activity driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul>li:nth-child(5)>a span")).getText();//Assessments For more details please visit- CSS Selector in Details



Testcafe: finding elements with mutiple conditions

I'm trying to create a selector that matches "several" items in my dom.
Dom may look like this:
<a class="email-item">
<span class="title">Newsletter</span>
<span class="from"></span>
<a class="email-item">
<span class="title">Newsletter</span>
<span class="from"></span>
<a class="email-item">
<span class="title">Newsletter</span>
<span class="from"></span>
I try to find all a-elements that do have the title "Newsletter" as innerText AND are from ""
so kind of a combo-selector...
Thanks for your help!
Use the filter method to find elements that match the conditions.

How to use indexes in XPath

I do have popup where are three dropdowns, ids are unique
with each popup generation:
The first element:
<a aria-required="true" class="select" aria-disabled="false" aria-
describedby="5715:0-label" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" role="button"
title="" href="javascript:void(0);" data-aura-rendered-by="5733:0" data-
interactive-lib-uid="10">Stage 1 - Needs Assessment</a>
While I'm able to identify the element above by simple xpath="//*[#class='select'][1]", the other two, which look same to me (example below), can't be identified by index like //*[#class='select'][2], tried 'following' without success, but I may be not correct with syntax.
Example of dropdown element I'm unable to locate..
<a aria-required="false" class="select" aria-disabled="false" aria-
describedby="6280:0-label" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" role="button"
title="" href="javascript:void(0);" data-aura-rendered-by="6290:0" data-
Any ideas what am I missing?, except advanced xpath knowledge..
Thank you!
//*[#class='select'][2] will return you required node only if both links are children of the same parent, e.g.
<a class="select">Stage 1 - Needs Assessment</a>
<a class="select">--None--</a>
If links are children of different parents, e.g.
<a class="select">Stage 1 - Needs Assessment</a>
<a class="select">--None--</a>
you should use
for first
for second

Selenium - Not able to Click Dynamically Visible Menu

I have a Menu which have li
(list) elements which gets enabled after you mouse-hover a particular label.
driver.get(""); Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
//Wait for 5 Secs
driver.findElement(By.className("accountLink")).click();// Here it's throwing Element not visible exception
This code is doing the mouse-hover properly but not able to click the "SignIn Link" Link. Though on manually checking the element is Visible
DOM Structure -
<div id="loggedOutAccount" class="hd-rvmp-logout">
<a class="signIn" href="javascript:void(0);">
<i class="iconHeader accountUser"></i>
<label class="my-account-lang"> My Account</label>
<i class="mar_2_left right-downArrow breadcrumbArrow-down"></i>
<div class="sdNavDropWrapper accDetails" style="display: none; z-index: 999;">
<ul class="positionAbsolute pull-right">
<li class="customLoggedInState">
<div class="left triangle"></div>
<div class="right triangle"></div>
<a class="accountLink" href="javascript:void(0);">Click here to sign in ></a>
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
Please use xpath for both element like below :
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
I think class/Id repeating for other elements also for style purpose. so Xpath is better to find unique element.

Understanding WebElement.findElement() and XPATH

I want to use the WebElement.findElement() API to locate a node inside the parent node using XPATH //span[#class='child-class']. I thought this would return me the <div> that is inside the parent. However, it is returning me the first one it found in the entire DOM tree. Did I use the wrong XPATH?
I have also tried using .//span[#class='child-class'] as the XPATH, but that does return anything.
Thank you.
given the HTML below, I want to define a locator for the child-title <span> and child-date <span> and locate them using WebElement.findElement() API regardless of the parent being "//a/li[1]" or "//a/li[2]"
<li> parent 1
<span class="child-title child-style">title 1</span>
<span class="child-date child-style"> date 1</span>
<span class="child-author">author 1</span>
<li> parent 2
<span class="child-title child-style">title 2</span>
<span class="child-date child-style"> date 2</span>
<span class="child-author">author 3</span>
<li> parent 3
<span class="child-title child-style">title 3</span>
<span class="child-date child-style"> date 3</span>
<span class="child-author">author 3</span>
I have a WebElement parent2 initialized and located using "//a/li[2]",
WebElement child = parent2.findElement(By.xpath("//span[#class='child-author']")); would give me "author 1"
WebElement child = parent2.findElement(By.xpath("span[#class='child-author']")); would give me NoSuchElementException
There are my 2 comments with your sample code
1 - With your posted HTML, the xpath //a/li[2] is not found (we only have 3 elements with //a/li[1])
2 - Assume that we do have right code, you need to understand the differences between single slash and double slash in Xpath
a/b (single slash): select element that has "tag b" and "stands right after" an element that has "a tag"
a//b (double slash): select element that has "tag b" and is n-level-child an element that has "a tag"
So, with your code
<li> parent 1
<span class="child-title child-style">title 1</span>
<span class="child-date child-style"> date 1</span>
<span class="child-author">author 1</span>
If you want to get Date Info, you should use
WebElement parent = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a/li"));
WebElement date = parent.findElement(By.xpath("div/span[contains(#class, 'child-date')]"));
WebElement date = parent.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(#class, 'child-date')]"));
The code
WebElement date = parent.findElement(By.xpath("span[contains(#class, 'child-date')]"));
Will bring out NoSuchElementException because there is no [span] tag right after [li] tag
Hope help
Try something like:
Use dot(.) before double slash(//)
It looks for child under the given parent element.
Completely new question ... completely new answer. :(
Try something like:
WebElement parent1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[1]/li")); // use a[2] for parent2
WebElement author = parent1.findElement(By.xpath("span[#class='child-author']"));
WebElement date = parent1.findElement(By.xpath("span[contains(#class, 'child-date')]"));
WebElement title = parent1.findElement(By.xpath("span[contains(#class, 'child-title')]"));
Try something like :
//a/li[contains(text(), 'parent 1')]/div
It requests for "the <div> inside a <li> whose text contains 'parent 1' and who is inside a <a>.
It might not work if you have more parents because it works with a contains() (this xpath would also select <li> parent 10 ... </li>). It would be better if "parent x" were an attribute of the <li> instead of its text.

Locating element in a pagination bar

The button in the code "AS PDF" ,As excel" are wrapped in the button Export and the export button is embedded within a pagination toolbar
I am unable to locate this element in webdriver
"//span[text()='As PDF']"
Still i see error unable to locate the element
<li class="leaf">
<button id="export" class="button capsule mutton up last over">
<span class="wrap">
<span class="icon"/>
<span class="indicator"/>
ul id="menuList">
<li id="menuList_simpleAction.Report.exportReport" class="leaf">
<p class="wrap button">
<span class="icon"/>
<!--Item text goes here-->
<li id="menuList_simpleAction.Report.exportReport" class="leaf">
<p class="wrap button">
<span class="icon"/>
<!--Item text goes here-->
As Excel
Please help
If you are using java code then you can use
driver.findElement(By.linkText("As PDF"));
or you can get all the icons using
List<WebElement> list = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//span[#class='icon']"));
for(WebElement ele: list){
if(ele.getText().equals("As PDF")){;
Hope this helps you.