Elm/html: ordered list of different kind of elements - elm

I was looking at some Elm examples and I found "Example 3: A Dynamic List of Counters". I wanted to alter it to include checkboxes, so a single list with counters and/or checkboxes. Each having their own actions and model (such as a name, and a checked bool). On top of that I would like to order the list, so that checked checkboxes all appear at the top, unchecked at the bottom and the counters in the middle.
I couldn't find any examples on how to do and structure this though. Any help?
Note: I'm very new to Elm (and functional programming in general).

One way to achieve this is to use a union type for the item (untested, I don't have a Elm environment right now to check this):
type Item = Checkbox String Bool | Counter
type alias Model =
{ items : List ( ID, Item )
, nextID : ID
Depending on the type of item, you'd then render it as
viewItem item =
case item of
Counter value -> renderCounter value
CheckBox name state -> renderCheckbox name state
All your view has to do is call viewItem for each Item, sort the items and put everything in a container (e.g. a div):
view address model =
items = List.map (viewItem address) model.items
|> List.sort (your custom sorting here)
div [] ([remove, insert] ++ items)


Transaction BODY Field from COLUMN Field (Netsuite)

I have an issue where some of our orders are being imported directly into Netsuite, and there is information from the first line item, that I need to copy into the transaction record (i.e. custom field on sales order)
I want to set this up so that it is automatic, I don't have access to the system that is used to bring the orders into Netsuite, and I only JUST got suitescript access and everything I read about that is way above my head..
I know basic HTML and some of the scripting formulas from Netsuite and that's all.
I was hoping there would be a CUSTOM FIELD FORMULA or some other similar way that I can just easily source the information directly from the first item in the item sublist?
This would be quite trivial to implement using SuiteScript. The example below assumes you want to copy the Memo field (description) from the first line item to the body Memo field. The basic idea would be something like the below (untested code):
function userEventBeforeSubmit(type){
if (type === 'create') {
var record = nlapiGetNewRecord();
var memo = record.getLineItemValue('item', 'memo', 1);
record.setFieldValue('memo', memo);
If want to accomplish this via custom fields etc. it is possible using "Custom Fields with Values Derived from Summary Search Results".
To do this create a Saved Search as follows:
Type: Transaction
Criteria: [none]
Results: Formula (Text), Summary
Type = Maximum, Formula: DECODE({line}, 1, {memo}, NULL)
Available Filters: Internal ID
Then create a Custom Transaction Body Field as follows:
Type: Free Form Text
Store Value: F
Validation & Filtering > Search: [Saved Search from previous step]
As this is a dynamically calculated field (Store Value = F), it would be available when viewing the record, but not in Saved Searches and lists. To remove this limitation, you can create a Workflow that would copy this field to another one that is stored.

sitecore mvc value of droplink

I am looking for the simplest way to get the referenced item value for a droplink field.
I want to get the value of the choice, what's the best approach?
If you need to have ability to edit fields of alignment item which is chosen in 'Alignment' droplink field of context item or just show values of alignment item's fields for visitors:
Sitecore.Data.Fields.ReferenceField alignmentField = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["Alignment"];
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item alignmentItem = alignmentField.TargetItem;
#Html.Sitecore().Field("Text of Alignment", alignmentItem)
This example assumes that Alignment template contains 'Text of Alignment' field.
The Droplink field stores the referenced item's ID. To retrieve this ID (providing the field is present in your current item/model):
To output the referenced item's name, you could do something like this:
But that's really ugly. The preferred approach would be to create an extension method encapsulating some of the above so you're not having to re-type that out :D
The article Extending the SitecoreHelper Class by John West shows how to extend the SitecoreHelper class to add custom field renderers, so you could end up creating a neat re-usable snippet like:
If this is in a partial view i.e. .cshtml file you can also use something like below:
Sitecore.Data.Fields.TextField alignment= Model.Item.Fields["Alignment"];
This will give you the id of the set item in the drop link , then from that id can retrieve it from the database like:
#if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alignment.Value))
var setAlignment = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(alignment.Value);
if (setAlignment != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setAlignment.Name))
Personally i prefer this way as i can check if the droplink is set before trying to use the value.

How to find Trello ListId's or CardId's with Trello.NET

I'm trying to find all cards in a specific list using Trello.NET
In the examples given it's clear to to find all list names in a Board, and all Cards in a Board. However if I want to find all Cards in a specific List, as far as I can see I need ListID (can't filter by List Name) by using trello.Lists.WithId()
Knowing the List name, how can I determine what it's ListId is so I can subsequently filter for all Cards in it?
And if I would subsequently like to edit an existing Card, how can I determine the CardId.
Use LINQ and filter in-memory:
// More than one list can have the exact same name, this finds the first:
var list = trello.Lists
.FirstOrDefault(list => list.Name == "name of the list");
if (list != null)
var cards = trello.Cards.ForList(list);
// ...
You could use a similar technique to find a card if you know it's name: use trello.Cards.ForBoard or trello.Cards.ForList first, and then filter by name afterwards.
For cards there is another option though: trello.Cards.Search. For example:
var cards = trello.Cards.Search("name of the card");
The search will be performed on the server in this case.

GridView - Limit group items

My data is a list of groups, each having an undefined number of items. For the Hubpage I want to limit the items for each group to a specific number. Do I have to create a second collection with only those ten items or is there a XAML way to limit the group items to the top n?
If you're binding to an IEnumerable off of an ObservableCollection (or other Collection type), use the Take extension method to return the Top N. In the example template, you would do something like ...
protected override void LoadState(Object navigationParameter, Dictionary<String, Object> pageState)
// TODO: Create an appropriate data model for your problem domain to replace the sample data
var sampleDataGroups = SampleDataSource.GetGroups((String)navigationParameter);
this.DefaultViewModel["Groups"] = sampleDataGroups.Take(5);
Both approaches are possible, but with the caveats. If you would like to use standard XAML controls you would have to effectively create a new collection with as many items as you would like to show. Take(N) for example would create new collection with N elements. You could also create your own custom control that will limit amount of visible elements. I general new collection approach is the most common one.
You can do the following in the 'Grouped' event of the grid:
if(xamDataGridHotworkS_Flow.FieldLayouts[0].SortedFields.Count > 1)
If there is grouping on the grid, remove the next grouping supplied by the user.

permanently sorting a collection

I have an observable collection that is exposed to the user by a collectionviewsource. One of the properties on the items in the collection is sortorder. I am trying to allow the user to permanently resort this collection and propagate the changes to the db.
I have the CVS working where I can resort the individual items as they are displayed in the listbox. Now however I have to change the item.sortorder==cvs.currentindex and i am having trouble figuring out the proper way to do this.
evidently I was not clear enough. Sortorder is a field in my DB that is part of my object that allows the user to control position of the items as displayed in list controls. I am trying to give my user the ability to change how these items are sorted in the future by changing the value of the sortorder field to equal the current index of the displayed item.
items current sortorder value is 3.
user moves displayed listitem to position 0(ie first position)
items new sortorder=0 item with original sortorder will become 1 etc
this would be achieved by looping through the sorted CVS and making Item.SortOrder= CVS.Item.index
Databases return rows from table based typically on the order they were added to the table unless you specify an order by clause in your query. changing the order in the database is not a good idea. instead, try something such as using a parameterized query and passing in the column and direction you wish to be sorted which is retrieved from a user preference.
I figured it out.
I went back and looked at the code that I was using to change the position of the elements and I am actually using the collection itself:
private void OnDecreaseSortOrderCommandExecute()
int index = QuestionsCVS.View.CurrentPosition;
QuestionsViewModel item = SelectedQuestionVM;
if (item != null && index > 0)
SortableQuestionsVMCollection.Insert(index - 1, item);
So I simply did this:
private void ResortSortableQuestionsVMCollection()
for (int i = 0; i < SortableQuestionsVMCollection.Count; i++)
SortableQuestionsVMCollection[i].SortOrder = i;
I dont know if this will work in every circumstance but it certainly did what I wanted for this one.