I am making a databse for a sports club,
When filling out a form, they input the facility ID, start time, end-time and date.
What I am trying to do is when they enter the end time box, the function scans through the entries on the 'Bookings' Table where all the data from this form is stored, to see if the facility is booked out at this time. ( For dtermining if it is booked out at a certain time, if the start time or the end time on table is between what is filled in on the form, an error is thrown
The code is shown below:
Private Sub EndNon_AfterUpdate()
Dim criteria As String
criteria = _
"Non-PlayingFacilityID= " & Me.NonPlayID.Value & " " & _
"Date(Non-PlayingFacility)= " & Me.DateNon.Value & _
" " & "AND [StartTime(Non-PlayingFacility)] Between Me.StartNon.Value And Me.EndNon.Value OR [EndTime(Non-PlayingFacility)] Between Me.StartNon.Value And Me.EndNon.Value "
If DCount("*", "Bookings", criteria) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Unfortunately, this facility is booked at this time"
End If
End Sub
Syntax error is thrown when I run this, not sure why.
Any help would be much appreciated
It probably highlights this invalid syntax:
"Date(Non-PlayingFacility)= " & Me.DateNon.Value & _
Perhaps you mean:
"DateValue([Non-PlayingFacility])= " & Format(Me!DateNon.Value, "\#yyyy\/mm\/dd\#") & _
The remaining date comparisons need to be concatenated and formatted similarly.
Addendum - given the obscure field name:
"[Date(Non-PlayingFacility)]= " & Format(Me!DateNon.Value, "\#yyyy\/mm\/dd\#") & _
The format is needed to create a valid string expression in SQL for the date value. This is independent of a format applied for display.
I'm attempting to pull data from my MS Access database via an Excel SQL statement. It does NOT give me any errors, however it also does not pull the data I'm searching for.
If items(u, 1) is text (ex. 308-203BL), then it works perfectly.
I've tried both comparing them as text and as numerical, but neither way find any matches when items(u, 1) is 19310.
This compares it as text...
LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1)) & ") = '" & items(u, 1) & "'"
this compares it as numerical...
VAL(LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1))) & ") = " & items(u, 1)
I have verified that there are records in the DB that match the given criteria.
items() is an array populated from a 1 column table on the sheet by items = Range("Items").Value.
Using these two SKU's as examples, the first working, the second not, the array would be as follows. .
SKU by SKU, they're fed into the SQL as below.
With the input in the example, the output I receive is an array populated only the sales for the second item. The order I put the SKU's in the table doesn't change that result. I have tested it with multiple SKU's, and no matter how many I use, it returns the proper information, with the exception of not returning any results for any numerical SKU's.
The field for Item in the DB is a short text, which is why I used '" & items(u, 1) & "'" to convert the SKU to text when I was trying to match it as text, and Val() to convert the field to a value when trying to match it as a number. Both gave me 0 record counts in the function, but did not give me a data type error.
Below is the portion of my code which determines the SQL string, and a bit afterwords which basically stuffs it into a UDF which pulls the info from the DB and puts it into an array for me. Aside from not finding a match when items(u,1) is numerical, it works perfectly.
DBString = "SELECT Invoice, Line, Inv_Date, Sales_Order, SOLine, SO_Date, CustID, Item, Part_Description, Ship_Qty, Price, Ext_Sales FROM `" & Year(tabledate) & "-" & Format(tabledate, "mm") & "` WHERE Inv_Date BETWEEN #" & Sdate & "# AND #" & Edate & "# AND LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1)) & ") = '" & items(u, 1) & "'"
SalesHolder = PullFromDB(DBString, SGMDB)
I've also tried the below code instead, to force it to compare as a number instead of text, which also doesn't give me any errors, but doesn't find a match.
DBString = "SELECT Invoice, Line, Inv_Date, Sales_Order, SOLine, SO_Date, CustID, Item, Part_Description, Ship_Qty, Price, Ext_Sales FROM `" & Year(tabledate) & "-" & Format(tabledate, "mm") & "` WHERE Inv_Date BETWEEN #" & Sdate & "# AND #" & Edate & "# AND VAL(LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1))) & ") = " & items(u, 1)
SalesHolder = PullFromDB(DBString, SGMDB)
Below is the UDF itself which pulls the info from the DB. It works quite nicely.
Function PullFromDB(DBStr As String, DBLoc As String) As Variant
Dim TheDB As Recordset, DBHolder() As Variant
Set TheDB = OpenDatabase(DBLoc).OpenRecordset(DBStr)
If TheDB.RecordCount = 0 Then GoTo theexit
ReDim DBHolder(0 To TheDB.RecordCount, 1 To TheDB.Fields.Count) As Variant
For k = 1 To UBound(DBHolder, 2)
For j = 0 To UBound(DBHolder)
If j = 0 Then
DBHolder(j, k) = TheDB.Fields(k - 1).Name
DBHolder(j, k) = TheDB.Fields(k - 1).Value
End If
Next j
Next k
Set TheDB = Nothing
PullFromDB = DBHolder
On Error GoTo -1
End Function
The expected result is to populate the array SalesHolder with the information that matches the criteria.
What am I missing? I'm going blind trying to find it.
Thank you all for your responses to this, it turns out I was completely hunting for the wrong problem. The code I posted was actually correct, the issue was with the format of Inv_Date field in the DB. I had mistakenly entered the last couple of months as text instead of date, so the WHERE Inv_Date BETWEEN #" & Sdate & "# AND #" & Edate & "# portion of my SQL didn't match anything.
I hadn't identified that this was the issue earlier due to the timing of the sales of the SKU's themselves, which was purely coincidence. When I expanded the dates range, I found that it did return results for the numerical SKU, but both numerical and text SKU's cut off two months ago.
Thank you again!
I want to generate report from 01-Feb-2016 to 31-Mar-2016. Using formula
{cryRpt.RecordSelectionFormula = "{product_details.date11} >= #" &
DateTimePicker1.Text & "# and {product_details.date11} <= #" &
DateTimePicker2.Text & "#"}
but it is still not providing proper sequence, sometime places 01-Mar-2016 in between, same with 29-Feb-2016, using group in crystal report but still not success, help me out
Between these # crystal treats as datetime and not date values to get correct values you need to convert to date try like this:
{cryRpt.RecordSelectionFormula = "{product_details.date11} >=CDate( #" &
DateTimePicker1.Text & "#) and {product_details.date11} <= CDate(#" &
DateTimePicker2.Text & "#"})
I haven't checked the syntax, check when you are using in record selection formula
I'm working on a bit of code for my Campus Food Shelf. I'm currently trying to prevent users from manually entering the time for normal transactions (mostly because there's a training issue and no one's doing it uniformly). However, I need the time option within this user form, in the case of data loss, so that everything can be reentered quickly.
So with the following code, I'm trying to check if the user is entering a time that's within an hour of the current time. If not, the user form should use the user's input. However, if it is within an hour then it should just use the current time, with the correct format. It runs properly when TextBox2 is empty. However, when I put 1:58:33 at 2:04 PM it still posts 1:58:33 in column E. Have I done the math wrong? I just want it to post the current time when the user tries entering a time that's within an hour.
If TextBox2.Value <> "" Then
timeCheck1 = Hour(Time) - 1
timeCheck2 = Hour(Time)
timeValue = Hour(TextBox2.Value)
If timeValue < 7 Then
timeValue = timeValue + 12
End If
If timeCheck1 < timeValue And timeValue <> timeCheck2 Then
Worksheets(Sheets.Count).Range("E" & currentRows).Value = TextBox2.Value & " " & ComboBox8.Value
Worksheets(Sheets.Count).Range("E" & currentRows).Value = Format(Time, "h:mm AM/PM")
End If
Worksheets(Sheets.Count).Range("E" & currentRows).Value = Format(Time, "h:mm AM/PM")
End If
Thank you all for your help in advance!
Thanks hpf! That worked. I made it a sub since I use it three times in the code. I should probably work on creating several other subs for these large bulky programs I've built...
Private Sub TimeCheck(currentRows As Integer)
If DateDiff("h", TextBox2.Value, Time()) > 1 Then
Worksheets(Sheets.Count).Range("E" & currentRows).Value = TextBox2.Value & " " & ComboBox8.Value
Worksheets(Sheets.Count).Range("E" & currentRows).Value = Format(Time, "h:mm AM/PM")
End If
End Sub
In the code below, I'm using the current date and time, with the help of which I am generating a file name. My problem is that it's giving me an output without leading zeros:
Dim strDateTime As String = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() & "" & _
DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() & "" & DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() & "" & _
DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() & "" & DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() & "" & _
DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() & DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString()
For example, my query is giving output as below currently:
Assume time is 1:5:30 :: hh:mm:ss
Required output is: 01:05:30
How can I achieve this?
Try this,
DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("00") & ":" & DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("00") & ":" & DateTime.Now.Second.ToString("00")
As suggested by 'mdb' in the answers, using Custom Date and Time Format Strings would be more efficient and cleaner
DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") '12 Hour format with AM/PM designator, Eg :- 09:01:01 PM
DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") '24 Hour format Eg :- 21:01:01
Instead of concatenating strings, which is highly inefficient, you'll want to use String.Format. This also supports Custom Date and Time Format Strings, which make it trivial to achieve what you want.