How to delete specific line from a text file in c#? - line

I have a question. I am new here, so sorry if I did something wrong. I need to write a program which delete all comments (//, /**, */) lines from a text file. I wrote
static bool BeKomentaru(string line, out string nauja)
nauja = line ; //nauja is new(Im not from English speaking country)
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length - 1; i++)
if (line[i] == '/' && line[i + 1] == '/')
nauja = line.Remove(i);
return true;
else if (line[i].ToString() == "/*" && line [i +1].ToString() == "/")
nauja = line.ToString().Remove(i);
return true;
return false;
So, when the comment starts with //, my program delete it. But when comments are written with /** :
/** Skaito, analizuoja ir rašo į skirtingus failus.
#param fv - duomenų failo vardas
#param fvr - rezultatų failo vardas
#param fa - analizės failo vardas */
I don't know how to write code, which go through all lines in comments, not only the first one. Because this line
else if (line[i].ToString() == "/*" && line [i +1].ToString() == "/")
doesn't work.
EDIT: when i changed line:
else if (line[i].ToString() == "/*" && line [i +1].ToString() == "*/")
else if (line[i].ToString() == "*" && line [i +1].ToString() == "*")
it delete the first line "/** Skaito, analizuoja ir rašo į skirtingus failus."
but doesn't delete other commentd which don't have // or /**


IntelliJ IDEA Live Template Groovy script error

I've created a Groovy script based Live Template for DataGrip, but it always throws a startup error but it works on online groove executor:
def result = '';
def i=1;
_1.split().eachWithIndex { item, index ->
def ans = '';
if (_2=='id' && index==0) {
} else if (_2=='uuid' && index==0) {
ans = 'gen_random_uuid()';
} else {
ans = '$'+i;
if ( != _1.split().size()) {
ans= ans + ','
result = result + ans
return result;
Here is the error:
startup failed:
Script1.groovy: 1: expecting '}', found 'if' # line 1, column 267.
'$' + i;
} if (index.
1 error
Solution is to put a semicolon after each if closes.

Use of uninitialized value of type Any in numeric context raku

I've come across a programming question at reddit (Take a look at the link for the question)
This was one the solutions in Python:
for i in range(len(s)):
num_seen = 0
window = {}
for ind in range(i, len(s)):
if not s[ind] in window:
num_seen += 1
window[s[ind]] = 1
window[s[ind]] += 1
if window[s[ind]] == k:
num_seen -= 1
if num_seen == 0:
result +=1
elif window[s[ind]] > k:
I've tried to port this solution into Raku and here is my code:
my #s=<1 1 2 2 1 3>;
my $k=2;
my $res=0;
for ^#s {
my $seen = 0;
my %window;
for #s[$_..*] {
if $^a == %window.keys.none {
%window{$^a} = 1;}
else {
%window{$^a} += 1;}
if %window{$^a} == $k {
if $seen == 0 {
$res++;} }
elsif %window{$^a} > $k {
say $res;
It gives this error:
Use of an uninitialized value of type Any in a numeric context in a block at ... line 13
How to fix it?
I don't feel that's a MRE. There are too many issues with it for me to get in to. What I did instead is start from the original Python and translated that. I'll add some comments:
my \s="112213" .comb; # .comb to simulate Python string[n] indexing.
my \k=2;
my $result=0; # result is mutated so give it a sigil
for ^s -> \i { # don't use $^foo vars with for loops
my $num_seen = 0;
my \window = {}
for i..s-1 -> \ind {
if s[ind] == window.keys.none { # usefully indent code!
$num_seen += 1;
window{s[ind]} = 1
} else {
window{s[ind]} += 1
if window{s[ind]} == k {
$num_seen -= 1;
if $num_seen == 0 {
$result +=1
} elsif window{s[ind]} > k {
displays 4.
I'm not saying that's a good solution in Raku. It's just a relatively mechanical translation. Hopefully it's helpful.
As usual, the answer by #raiph is correct. I just want to do the minimal changes to your program that get it right. In this case, it's simply adding indices to both loops to make stuff clearer. You were using the context variable $_ in the first, and $^a in the second (inner), and it was getting unnecesarily confusing.
my #s=<1 1 2 2 1 3>;
my $k=2;
my $res=0;
for ^#s -> $i {
my $seen = 0;
my %window;
for #s[$i..*] -> $c {
if $c == %window.keys.none {
%window{$c} = 1;
} else {
%window{$c} += 1;
if %window{$c} == $k {
if $seen == 0 {
} elsif %window{$c} > $k {
say $res;
As you see , besides trying to indent everything a bit more properly, the only additional thing is to add -> $i and -> $c so that loops are indexed, and then use them where you were using implicit variables.

Getting indexOutOfBoundsException and I don't know why

I have been having this problem for a few hours. I don't know what it is, but I am having a hard time thinking clearly at the moment. This method displays a set of images. The first part of the method is just setting the gridbag constraints, whereas the next part in the if statement is creating jlabels and adding them to an arraylist of jlabels. The exception is being thrown when I try and add mouselisteners to the jlabels after they have been added to the arraylist (this is on line 112, and i have commented this on the code).
public void displayComplexStimulus(BufferedImage[] complexStimulus){
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++){
if (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == 2){
c.gridx = i;
c.gridy = 0;
else if(i == 3 || i == 4 || i == 5){
c.gridx = i - 3;
c.gridy = 1;
else {
c.gridx = i - 6;
c.gridy = 2;
if(counter == 1){
if (phase1Trial.getPositionOfCorrectImage()!= i){
phase1IncorrectLabels.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(complexStimulus[i])));
phase1IncorrectLabels.get(i).addMouseListener(this); //line 112
else if(phase1Trial.getPositionOfCorrectImage() == i){
correctLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(complexStimulus[i]));
add(correctLabel, c);
If i==phase1Trial.getPositionOfCorrectImage() you're not adding an element to phase1IncorrectLabels. So in the next iteration after adding one element to the array it's at position i-1 and not i. You should replace your get(i) by get(phase1IncorrectLabels.size() - 1).

number changed automatically to the string

I am trying to read Excel file through apache poi. In a column I am having the data `"9780547692289". After iterating all the columns, in the output, the number is displaying like this "9.780547692289E12". I mean number changed automatically to the string(because it has'E'). I have to keep this as number only(as it is). What should I do..?
It is probably just a display setting. The "E" is just for scientific notation for displaying the number.
//while getting values from excel u can use this method
private String getCellValue(Cell cell) {
if (cell == null) {
return null;
if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
return cell.getStringCellValue();
} else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
return cell.getNumericCellValue() + "";
} else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
return cell.getBooleanCellValue() + "";
}else if(cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK){
return cell.getStringCellValue();
}else if(cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR){
return cell.getErrorCellValue() + "";
else {
return null;
This worked for me
if (cell.getCellType()==Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC || cell.getCellType()==Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA )
int i = (int)cell.getNumericCellValue();
String cellText = String.valueOf(i);

How to code the chess stalemate rule ?

I'm trying to write a chess game and find that I cannot find solutions to find a stalemate situation. I'm trying to google, but can't find anything. Is there a well-known algorithm or something?
Your move generator will be one of two different designs;
either it checks for legality while generating the moves
or you generate all possible moves and remove those that are illegal afterwards.
The former is better as it doesn't need post-processing.
A stalemate condition is simply one where there are no legal moves and the moving-side's king is not in check. A checkmate condition is one where there are no legal moves but the moving-side's king is in check.
In other words if you've figured out how to detect check and checkmate, you've already got everything necessary to detect stalemate.
Here is an Open-source code with all the rules for the classic Chess game:
You can run the project right after cloning the project (Android, iOS, Desktop and Web), or you can use the main logic, which is here:
I based my solution on a 3-moments algorithm, first moment is when the player selects a piece from the board, then when the destination of this piece has been chosen and finally when the piece reaches that position (considering that it is an animated game, if not, you can merge step 2 and 3).
The following code has been implemented in Java. From the properties of the model class:
boolean turn;
GenericPiece selected, conquest;
ClassicBoard board;
List<int[]> possibleMovements;
int checkType;
The first method will handle moments 1, 2 and the special 'conquest' moment (applied to pawn piece only):
public boolean onCellClick(int row, int column) {
if (row == -1 && conquest != null) {
checkType = 0;
return true;
} else if (selected != null) {
if (possibleMovements != null) {
for (int[] move : possibleMovements) {
if (move[0] == row && move[1] == column) {
// Move the PieceActor to the desired position
if (selected.moveTo(row, column)) {
turn = !turn;
selected = null;
possibleMovements = null;
return true;
} else {
selected = board.getSelected(turn ? Piece.WHITE_TEAM : Piece.BLACK_TEAM, row, column);
if (selected != null) {
possibleMovements = new ArrayList<>();
possibleMovements.addAll(((GenericPiece) selected).getMoves(board, false));
// Checking the movements
board.checkPossibleMovements(selected, possibleMovements);
if (possibleMovements.size() == 0) {
possibleMovements = null;
selected = null;
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
And the following method will handle the 3rd moment (when animation finishes):
public void movedPiece(Piece piece) {, "movedPiece(" + piece.getType() + ")");
// Killing the enemy
Piece killed = board.getSelectedNotInTeam(piece.getTeam(),
piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn());
if (killed != null) {
// Checking hacks
GenericPiece[] threat = board.kingIsInDanger();
if (threat != null) {
checkType = board.hasAvailableMoves(threat[0].getTeam()) ? CHECK : CHECK_MATE;
} else {
checkType = NO_CHECK;
// Checking castling
if (piece.getFigure() == Piece.ROOK && ((GenericPiece) piece).getMovesCount() == 1) {
Piece king = board.getSelected(piece.getTeam(),
piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() + 1);
if (king != null && king.getFigure() == Piece.KING && ((GenericPiece) king).getMovesCount() == 0) {
// Left Rook
if (board.getSelected(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() - 1) == null) {
king.moveTo(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() - 1);
} else {
king = board.getSelected(piece.getTeam(),
piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() - 1);
if (king != null && king.getFigure() == Piece.KING && ((GenericPiece) king).getMovesCount() == 0) {
// Right Rook
if (board.getSelected(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() + 1) == null) {
king.moveTo(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() + 1);
// Conquest
else if (piece.getFigure() == Piece.PAWN && (piece.getRow() == 0 || piece.getRow() == board.getRows() - 1)) {
conquest = (GenericPiece) piece;
checkType = CONQUEST;
That code covers all the rules from the classic chess, including: regular piece movements, castling, check, check-mate and conquests of pawns.