BC32208: Locals debug window doesn't work, along with quick watches - vb.net

Similar to this question, I'm having trouble with an old webforms project in vs2015. The code will compile and run without error.
If I enable a breakpoint and try to look at any value in a Quickwatch, I get the following error:
error BC32208: Project already has a reference to assembly
'projectname.resources'. A second reference to
'projectname.resources.dll' cannot be added.
Similarly, if I break into the code and hover the mouse over a variable name then I do not get a pop-up containing the variable's current value.
I also looked at this microsoft link to no avail.
Is there a workaround for webforms?
My project doesn't have any localized [culture-code].resx files.
There's no assembly tab in project properties.

Amber Zhang from Microsoft contacted me to inform me that this has been resolved in vs2015 update 2. Downloaded and verified today. Thanks Amber!


Values cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName')

When trying to open the form deisgn it says values cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName'). I still can run the system without error. Dont know how to fix it and have to change some gui design. Help me its for my school tnx
I had this problem this morning and a few hours later I decided to just start over and copy the code from the old project to the new empty project. Everything is working in the new copy of the project. I copied from old to new by drag-n-drop. I copied all the UserControls before I copied anything that uses them, and built, then copied over the remaining things, and went through all the errors caused by the change in name of the top-level Namespace.
(All of the Namespace errors were in the .Designer.vb files. I have posted elsewhere "never edit those files by hand unless you know what you are doing." This case was one of the rare exceptions.)
I had the OP's problem that when I tried to open a Form in the designer, I got the message
Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName')
It didn't matter if I tried to open the Form in Solution Explorer or by pressing Shift-F7 in the Form's code window. However, sometimes Shift-F7 resulted in a wait cursor followed by silence - no error message.
Like the OP, the project did run without errors (well, same bugs as before but you know what I mean).
Another symptom: If I launched VS and tried to open the Form designer before Intellisense was initialized, instead of the other error, the window that should show the layout of the Form showed this instead:
File path: full path of the file I was trying to open
Frame GUID: 2c01570-c72c-11d0-88c3-00ac0c9110049
Frame mode: VSFM_MdiChild
Error code: 0x80131500
There are no MDI containers in my project. It's a reference to VS 2019.
The same error occurred in every Form and UserControl in the project.
The same error occurred in any new Form or UserControl that I added to the project.
The error did NOT OCCUR in any and all other projects built in VS 2019 with a target of .Net 5.0
The error DID OCCUR with the same project on another machine running a clean install of a later version of VS 2019.
Attempts to Clean Solution or Clean Project failed, with a generic error message, it was something like "Clean Project failed."
Nothing about these problems appeared in any event logs.
Every time the problem happened, when I shut VS, one process was left running (per TM).
Here are some other things I did to try to suss it:
Ran a repair install on VS 2019 and reboot.
Opened each and every VS-generated file in another project and compared them line-for-line (most are text) against the corresponding files in the broken project. No data-independent differences.
Searched exhaustively with 3 search engines and many terms for someone else that posted about this error. This is the only post I found.
Deleted, renamed, or moved files that are automatically generated by VS, including some Json files, XMLs, and caches.
What I did not try:
Roll back the code to the most recent commit.
Uninstall VS 2019 completely, reboot, install VS 2019 as if an initial installation.
Just had the same experience. I took me a while before I got everything to work again, but the clue in my case was that I had added a new item to my project, and for some reason I had managed to delete the file name in the process so the only thing left was 3 new files with only the extensions .resx, .cs and .Designer.cs
I quickly deleted the ".cs" file but forgot the rest.
Suddenly I was unable to open my main form in the designer - and the “Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName')” started to appear. It was only affecting my main form.
I tried almost everything described above except the reinstalling part.
But then I deleted ".Designer.cs" and ".resx" from within visual studio (Solution Explorer), and then the problem went away.
I started getting this error after using a hack to support generics forms (e.g. MyForm). The designer generated a file:
which worked for design time (even with the form being generic) but crashed at runtime. My hack was to rename the .resx file:
However that is when the Designer stopped working. It stopped working for ALL forms/user controls in entire solution (not just the generic I was experimenting with). I assume there is some kind of process that crawls all the resx files whenever you open any Designer and that is the source of the Exception.
I was able to work around the issue by:
Renaming the resx back to its non generic title (i.e. MyForm.resx)
Restarting visual studio.

Debug Design Mode in Visual Studio not breaking

So I am currently unable to open a Form and get the following error:
System.ComponenetModel.Design.ExceptionCollection was thrown.
The designer loader did not provide a root component and has not indicated why
Usually the way to solve this is to open another instance of Visual Studio with the same project, attach the debugger to the other Visual Studio and try to open the form.
However, that does not seem to be working. The debugger does not break when the error is hit, and attempting to 'Break All' at any other point does not show me the source code and just the screen saying:
Your app has entered a break state, but there is no code because all threads were executing external code (typically system or framework code).
Attempting to put break points also results in:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document
Am I missing a setting? Incorrect Setup?
I have been battling this for half a day and thoroughly search the interwebs with no luck thus far. My designer is also fairly complex and lengthy which means trial and error is an absolute last ditch option.
First attempt to resolve:
you may have tried it already. Right click the Solution in solution explorer, click "clean solution", this deletes all the compiled and temporary files associated with a solution.
Do a rebuild of the solution and try to debug again.
Second attept to resolve:
Start debugging, as soon as you've arrived at a breakpoint or used
Debug > Break All, use Debug > Windows > Modules. You'll see a list of all the assemblies that are loaded into the process. Locate the one you want to get debug info for. Right-click it and select Symbol Load Information. You'll get a dialog that lists all the directories where it looked for the .pdb file for the assembly. Verify that list against the actual .pdb location. Make sure it doesn't find an old one.
In normal projects, the assembly and its .pdb file should always have been copied by the IDE into the same folder as your .exe. The bin\Debug folder of your project. Make sure you remove one from the GAC if you've been playing with it.
third attept to resolve:
Disable the "Just My Code" option in the Debug/General settings.
there are might be other causes to your problem, i picked them from here. you may try other solution to try resolve your issues. Fixing "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."

Visual Studio cannot start debugging

I'm working through a project in Visual Studio 2013 and I got the following error: "Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target is missing". I've tried changing the build output path under Project -> Properties but it still doesn't work. So what gives?
Check your code and make sure you aren't missing a curly bracket anywhere. If one was accidentally deleted, moved, or misplaced, it causes this error among MANY others depending how critical the placement of the curly bracket is in your project.
I just recently had this problem in a project I was working on. I had highlighted to delete a section of code, and it took out a curly bracket with it. Unnoticed by myself, it took me a few days to finally realize that's what happened.
You won't get an error from the bracket missing, so it's stupid in itself and impossible to find at times.. but I had 51 errors, 7 warnings, and that "can't start debugging because the debug target is missing" error when I attempted to run the program, after the curly bracket went missing.
It's not to say that you might not have another issue going on that is causing this, but the curly brackets can wreak havoc if they aren't precisely placed. So it's worth checking into that before getting too extreme in options to "fix" the start error.
For future reference if this problem occurs again. Good luck.
Possible VS 2019 Solution
Right Click on Solution Properties
Go under Common Properties> Startup Project
Set Single startup project
Right Click on Project Properties
Click Application
Set Application Type to Windows Forms Application or Console Application or Windows Service
Click Startup Object
Set to Anything Other than (None)
Left Click on Project Properties
Set Copy Build Output to Output to True
Then Run
Hopefully that works for you

Type 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Section' is not defined.

Been working on an workorder application and its been going along just fine. I downloaded and install Crystal reports the other day and designed a report in my project. After coding for a bit i decided to test it out. When I rebuilt my solution in VS 2010 I suddenly came up with 66 errors.
I have a felling the main ones are:
Type 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Section' is not defined
Type 'CrystalDecisions.Shared.IParameterField' is not defined.
Type 'CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.ICachedReport' is not defined.
I have searched online and it seems to be a lack of references causing this.
I found a guide and located the following files:
Then I right clicked on my project, went to add reference, then browse, then selected those files listed above.
All my errors went away. Then I rebuilt my project and the 66 errors came right back.
So did I add my references wrong or is there something else i need to do?
I cant even build my project anymore, it just fails. If you need some of my code let me know. Im not sure what code would be relevant to this.
OK, i figured it out. It was a framework problem. Here is a where i found the answer...
this is the solution...
Right click your project, select properties, under the first "Application" tab, CHANGE your "Target framework" to .net Framework 4, because the message above is saying it is currently ".net 4 Client Profile"
That dll will ONLY work if your project is .net 4 FULL profile, NOT client profile.

VB NET class is recognized in VS, but I get a 'Type is Undefined' error on build

I am working on a VB NET project and had the strangest thing happen.
I created a class file(just like a dozen or so I have already created). I wrote in the code to access it. The autocomplete found the class, filled it in and colored it blue, just as it should.
But, when I run the app, I get a type is undefined error.
There is nothing in the class yet. And there is really no code to post..it is as straight forward as I described.
I tried restarting VS; Deleting and recreating the class; Deleting the class and creating a new one with a different name.
Is there something in the VB NET configuration I can check to see if it is not being added somewhere?
Ok. I found the problem. I have 2 projects in one solution. They both share some classes that were trying to use my new classes. When I hit F5, both projects are compiled, and since I hadn't shared the classes with the second project, it errored.
So, now my question is changed; How do I specify to only build the specified Startup Project when debugging?
Right click your solution -> properties -> configuration properties and untick everything you don't want to build.
And for your original question, check if build action on that files that don't compile is set to 'compile'