React Native clear text multiple TextInput boxes - react-native

I found example code on a facebook React Native page which shows how to use setNativeProp to clear text on a click but I can't see how to do it with multiple text boxes. Here is the code:
var App = React.createClass({
clearText() {
this._textInput.setNativeProps({text: ''});
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<TextInput ref={component => this._textInput = component}
style={styles.textInput} />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.clearText}>
<Text>Clear text</Text>
The ref seems to be fixed in the function so will always target the same TextInput box. How can I alter the function to target any TextInput box I indicate?

This should work. Notice that the ref on the TextInput needs to be the one you call from the clearText functino.
var App = React.createClass({
clearText(fieldName) {
this.refs[fieldName].setNativeProps({text: ''});
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<TextInput ref={'textInput1'} style={styles.textInput} />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.clearText('textInput1')}>
<Text>Clear text</Text>
<TextInput ref={'textInput2'} style={styles.textInput} />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.clearText('textInput2')}>
<Text>Clear text</Text>
Updated my answer to clear different fields.

You can also use something like this to clear the text of TextInput.
clearText(fieldName) {


React onPress execute immediately ( render time) , but once replace with arrow function it does not work

export const Focus = ({addSubject})=>{
const [tempValue, setTempValue] = useState(null);
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.title}> What are you going to focus on....?</Text>
<View style={styles.inputcontainer}>
<TextInput style ={{flex:1, marginRight:10}}
onSubmitEditing ={
({nativeEvent}) => {
<RoundedButton title ='+' onPress={
Just after entering data, once hit the 'return' it submit entered "text+0000"
but once replace with
<RoundedButton title ='+' onPress={
()=>{ addSubject(tempValue)}
on press is not working
*** I'm testing this on on Expo web
What is the reason for this behavior and what is the solution to make it work once press the button.
Try without braces, then only it will return the addSubject function
title ='+'
onPress={()=> addSubject(tempValue)}

React Native Collapse list with button

I'm making an app with expo react native, and I made a collapse that shows profile information about all users on my SQLite database.
I added a button (touchableopacity) inside the collapse and my idea is to edit information in the input where I'm showing information, but i don't know how to link the button press to the profile where is being touched.
so my code is as follows (i deleted styles to make it cleaner to see):
const miLista = => //this is "list" and it works(show information of each profile and shows the button of each profile when i open the collapse of each on of them)
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<Text>{} {item.nombre}</Text> //here shows id and name (from sqlite data)
<CollapseBody >
<View key={} >
<Text >Nombre</Text>
onChangeText={(val) => this.setState({ nombre: val})}/>
<Text style=>Rut</Text>
onChangeText={(val) => this.setState({ rutPersona: val})}/>
<Text >Clave</Text>
onChangeText={(val) => this.setState({ clave: val})}/>
<View >
<SafeAreaView >
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.openDrawer()}>
<FontAwesome5 name="bars" size={24} color="#161924"/>
so i needed to add .bind to the onpress of my button and pass the data: like this
<Text>SAVE </Text>

Problem with updating state in react native component

I have an array with values i want to present and then if the user press the edit button the presentation is changed to a list of TextInput components. When done editing the user can press Save or Cancel. If Cancel is pressed the values in the textInput fields should not be saved to the original array of values.
My problem is that even when pressing Cancel the data in the original array seems to be updated.
This is the code:
const handlePress = (text, index) => {
const newSchedule = [...scheduleTempState]
newSchedule[index].value = text
const handlePress2 =()=>{
const handlePress3 =()=>{
return (
<View style={styles.scheduleRow}>
<View style={styles.buttonView}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress = { ()=>{saveSchedule(projectId,scheduleState);updateClient() ;setEdit(false)}} >
<MaterialIcons name="save" size={16} color="green" />
<TouchableOpacity onPress = { ()=>{handlePress2()}} >
<MaterialIcons name="cancel" size={16} color="red" />
horizontal = {true}
keyExtractor={item =>}
renderItem={({item, index}) => {
return (
<View style={styles.decimalInputView}>
onChangeText={(text) => {handlePress(text, index)}}
value = {item.value} />
<View style={styles.scheduleRow}>
<View style={styles.buttonView}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress = { ()=>handlePress3()} >
<MaterialIcons name="edit" size={14} color="black" />
<View >
keyExtractor={item =>}
I guess my problem has something to do with states not being updated, but i can not see how the edited values can be saved when i press cancel.
You are updating the scheduleTempState by referencing your scheduleState. So when you mutate scheduleTempState, it also mutates the scheduleState.
Solution: Please use spread operator to scheduleState which can help to create a new copy of a reference.
const handlePress3 =()=>{
Suggestion: It would be better to use explanatory names for function. It will make the code more readable. For example:
onChangeText() instead of handlepress()
onCancelEditing() instead of handlepress2()
onEdit instead of handlepress3()
Hope you will get the idea.

React native, using TouchableOpacity onPress

I just started learning react native. I am currently trying to implement TouchableOpacity on image rendering from an array and use the info for that element from the array to create a new page. The goal of the code is to have a userInfo page that lists all the images and once you tap on an image, it will show details of that user (you will see just this user and no other ones) using userDetails. I know my TouchableOpacity part will not work, but I don't know how to make it work.
This is from my userInfo.js:
const UserInfo =() => {
const users = [
{userName: "A",
imageSource: require("../../assets/users/A.jpg"),
bio: "this is A"
{userName: "B",
imageSource: require("../../assets/users/B.jpg"),
bio: "this is B"
{userName: "C",
imageSource: require("../../assets/users/C.jpg"),
bio: "this is C"
keyExtractor={(users)=> users.userName}
renderItem = {({item})=>{
return <View>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={userInfoLink(users.userName, users.imageSource,}>
<View style={styles.viewBox}><Image style={styles.image} source={item.imageSource}/></View>
<Text style={styles.text}>{item.userName}</Text>
This is from my userDetails.js:
const UserDetail=({imageSource, userName, bio}) => {
return <View>
<View style={styles.viewBox}><Image style={styles.image} source={imageSource}/></View>
<Text style={styles.text}>User name: {userName}</Text>
<Text style={styles.text}>Bio: {bio}</Text>
Ok, after doing some research I found a way to make it work. I used navigation.navigate and passing parameters into the page.
Here is my return code in UserInfo.js:
keyExtractor={(users)=> users.userName}
renderItem = {({item})=>{
return <View>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{navigation.navigate('UserDetails', {imageSource: item.imageSource, userName: item.userName, })}}>
<View style={styles.viewBox}><Image style={styles.image} source={item.imageSource}/></View>
<Text style={styles.text}>{item.userName}</Text>
Here is the code in UserDetails.js:
const UserDetail=({navigation}) => {
const imageSource = navigation.getParam('imageSource', 'a no image image');
const userName = navigation.getParam('userName', 'username error');
const bio = navigation.getParam('bio', 'bio error');
return <View>
<Text style={styles.title}>User Detail</Text>
<View style={styles.viewBox}><Image style={styles.image} source={imageSource}/></View>
<Text style={styles.text}>User name: {userName}</Text>
<Text style={styles.text}>Bio: {bio}</Text>
<Button title="User Info" onPress={()=>{navigation.navigate('UserInfo')}}/>
I am wondering if adding the parenthesis and arrow was what fixed it.
You went from:
onPress={userInfoLink(users.userName, users.imageSource,}
To this:
onPress={()=>{navigation.navigate('UserDetails', {imageSource: item.imageSource, userName: item.userName, })}}

How to get the style name and state name of a clicked element in React Native?

In the following, first example how do I check if the clickable element TouchableWithoutFeedback has the style named EntryBlock1?
render() {
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock1} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyles()}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock2} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyle()}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
); // end return
} // end render
In the 2nd example, how can I check if TouchableWithoutFeedback has the state name EntryBlock1 ?
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
EntryBlock1: [styles.entryBlockButton, styles.entryBlockButtonMin],
EntryBlock2: [styles.entryBlockButton, styles.entryBlockButtonMax],
render() {
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={this.state.EntryBlock1} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStateName()}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
); // end return
What I've Tried
Different stuff along the lines of the following..
CheckIfHasStyles =()=> {
var object = this.state;
var stringifiedObject = JSON.stringify(object);
var slicedObject = stringifiedObject.slice(2, 13);
if (slicedObject === 'EntryBlock1') {
} else {
.. which actually works for one very specific example, but not when I have multiple state names as this.state gets all of them in one object and not just the state of the element clicked.
Note: My question is solely about getting attributes and their values. It is to help me develop a style of toggling styles on elements but I am only looking for attribute stuff in these answers as I would like to use attributes, if possible, for more than just toggling in the future.
You can pass it as parameter to your function directly like this:
render() {
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock1} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyles('EntryBlock1')}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.EntryBlock2} onPress={() => this.CheckIfHasStyle('EntryBlock2')}>
<View style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber1}>
<Text style={styles.redundantWrapperNumber2}>Click To Test For Style</Text>
and check if you are receiving any parameter in your function and do what you want
based on If-else condition