Make rectangle width fill ScrollView - qml

I'm trying to get something in a ScrollView to expand in width to fit the screen. The ScrollView is anchored to the main window.
For example purposes, a Rectangle:
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent //mainWindow
Rectangle {
color: "light grey"
height: 1000
width: mainWindow.width
But when the vertical scrollbar appears, it obscures the Rectangle. I can sort of fix it by using a magic constant:
width: mainWindow.width - 20
But what if somebody has bigger scrollbars on their computer? Also it leaves an ugly empty space on the right when the vertical scrollbar is invisible.
Is there a way to automatically learn what the available space is inside of a ScrollView?

There is no need to explicitly adjust to scroll bar. You can just make it to fill the entire available parent space or so. And if you want specify margins:
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
anchors.fill: parent // mainWindow ?
anchors.centerIn: parent // anchoring as asked
anchors.margins: 20
Rectangle {
id: rectScroll
width: scrollView.viewport.width // set as viewport
height: 1000 // set to what you need
The original issue was solved mainly due to the width property of Rectangle set to parent.parent.width or scrollView.viewport.width as it is more adequate. The latter is definitely better, as long as the width of precisely viewport of scroll area and not the parent width (which in general not guaranteed to contain only this ScrollView).


Border-Shadow and decrease the size of parent element css in cytoscape

I have a following image:
I am trying to add border shadow to the rectangle shape. Is that possible in cytoscape? Also, the parent elements are Customers and order. Can I decrease the size of customers and order parent element?
Here's is the link to the code and the working example:
Decreasing the parent size:
This is a styling issue, cytoscape.js applies padding to parent elements, if you want your parent element to be as small as possible, you'll have to adjust the padding in the :parent style:
selector: ":parent",
css: {
"padding": "0px" \\ remove padding completely, parent almost touching inner nodes
Border shadow
This was a little tricky, cytoscape.js only provides a normal border (like "border": "1px solid black"). You can use these styles:
border-width : The size of the node’s border.
border-style : The style of the node’s border; may be solid, dotted, dashed, or double.
border-color : The colour of the node’s border.
border-opacity : The opacity of the node’s border.
None of this provides us with the ability to apply a one sided border. As an alternative, I used the ghost styles:
ghost : Whether to use the ghost effect; may be yes or no.
ghost-offset-x : The horizontal offset used to position the ghost effect.
ghost-offset-y : The vertical offset used to position the ghost effect.
ghost-opacity : The opacity of the ghost effect.
If you adjust it a little bit, you can use the x offset and a nice opacity value to achieve this box shadow:
ghost: "yes",
"ghost-opacity": 0.5,
"ghost-offset-x": 1
Here is a working stackblitz with both changes applied.

QML - How to correctly set an implicitWith to a GridLayout

I'm using Qml 5.12 and basically trying to set an implicitWidth to a GridLayout.
For that, I have a purple rectangle and set the rectangle's width to the GridLayout.
The red rectangle fit with the GridLayout so I can see the width of my GridLayout.
Here's my code:
Rectangle { anchors.fill: gl; color: "red"; opacity: 0.22 }
Rectangle { id: rect; width: 350; height: 30; color: "purple"; }
id: gl
y: 35
implicitWidth: rect.width
columns: 2
Label { text: "This is a test" }
SpinBox { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight }
If I run the code, I expect to have my both rectangle with the same width.
But the actual result is that the red rectangle is smaller. So the implicitWidth was not considerate.
Can anybody tell my why ?
Thank's !
The GridLayout compute its own implicitWidth based on its children's implicitWidth. So the value you set gets overwritten by the computed one.
implicitWidth is the width an Item wants to have (and the one it would have if no width is explicitely set). Setting it based on something else than its children or some internal value makes little sense.
Here you want the GridLayout to be the exact size of your Rectangle so just set its width property.

Resize rectangle with Text

I want to create a custom drop-down box with text inside. The problem is, when I resize my Rectangle to fold it the Text stays on screen.
Rectangle {
id: dropdown
height: 200
width: 200
color: "red"
Behavior on height {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 1000;
easing.type: Easing.InQuad
Text {
id: text
anchors.left: parent.left
text: "foobar"
How to solve this?
Ok. I have it thanks to jbache.
I need to put clip:true inside dropdown. According to the documentation of clip:
This property holds whether clipping is enabled. The default clip value is false.
If clipping is enabled, an item will clip its own painting, as well as the painting of its children, to its bounding rectangle.
Hence, by setting the property to true, I can ensure that also the child Text will be correctly hidden on drop-down dismiss.

Rectangle in QML that is transparent, except for the borders

Is there a way in QML to create a Rectangle with opacity: 0 that still have visible borders? If not, any suggestions on how to work around it?
No, opacity is applied for complete visual aspect of item (and opacity:0 makes item full invisible). If you want rectangle with borders and without background, use "transparent" as color.
Rectangle { border.color: "black"; color: "transparent" }

QML:Transparency for an rectangle is not working

How to set transparency of an rectangle/screen.
I have Following code:
// main.cpp
void main(int argc, char*[] argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QDeclerativeView view;
//QRegion mask(10, 10, 100, 100);
And QML file is:
id: mainRectangle
width: 1000
height: 700
color: "transparent"
//color: "#00000000"
id: image1;
width: 348;
height: 155;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
source: "test.png"
id: mainLoader
anchors.fill: parent;
source: "";
focus: true;
I have one loader and one image in this screen and background color is transparent.
When i run this application it should display transparent background with image in the center (as i have not set loader source).
but what i am getting is image in center with white background filled in the screen, I don’t know who is filling in this white background color as i have mentioned transparent color as background.
I am using QT.4.7.0 and Linux.
I have two planes on my target system one is Video plane and another is graphics plane, when i run GUI with transparent background (set transparency at video place) it should display video on Video place in above example it is showing background as white, as it should have displayed video playing on Video plane.
By default the QDeclarativeView paints a background. Maybe that's the problem in your case.
You can also prevent QDeclarativeView from painting its window background if you will provide the background of your application using QML, e.g.
QDeclarativeView window;
My first guess is that the background is white and your rectangle is indeed fully transparent.
What type is LoaderScreen, I guess it is some sort of QDecalarativeView, please forgive any technical misses have not coded Qt/QML for almost a year now. As I remember it the default background of the view was white and what kind of transparency are you hoping to achive anyways?
If you only set a background-color on a QPushButton, the background may not appear unless you set the border property to some value. This is because, by default, the QPushButton draws a native border which completely overlaps the background-color.
This might show a black rectangular box around QPushButton. You will face this issue especially on Linux machines. In order to avoid this you can set the border property to none