How to change cPanel theme from xcontroller to x3? - cpanel

by mistake I changed the cPanel theme to xcontroller and now I can not change back to x3.
I need to know how to change the theme from xcontroller to x3.
I need:

You should ask to your web hosting provider to set it back to x3.


Opencart admin panel not accessible

Since I installed a SSL certificate on my website, the admin panel is not accessible.
It´s actually because I cannot click the login button.
Thanks a lot for helping me fix this.
It is because on your site, the base URL is not https. Currently it is as in the screenshot below:
Please make changes in your admin header file to change the base URL to HTTPS.

I purchased ssl from godaddy but domain url redirection have issue

i dont know whats wrong with my settings .i am using opencart .Enabled ssl from settings of my cms.
when i run
it works fine.
i want when i or any one enter my domain name it should redirect to
each time i have to write complete url with https to go on https.
and second thing its view is non responsive and non functional when i write
sharishari+ctrl Enter .
here is my
root config file
i removed www from the domain
and admin
config file
i just shared the above part .db part excluded in sharing
Please i will be very thankful if somebody sort out my regards
After enabling SSL from your open cart backed, first of all, you will have to update your config files for both catalog and admin. You will have to edit link as "https".
Apart from that, you will have to edit your links provided on header.tpl. Just find and replace all 'http' to 'https'. You can find header.tpl at catalog/view/theme/themename/common/header.tpl
Hope that helps.
You need to change in both
to https:
also go to your catalog/view/thene/YOURTHEME/common/header.tpl
And their all of your scripts, css files and so forth to https
And easy way to find them do a ctrl+f search on http and you will find the,
If you have any custom code like social media links, you need to change them to https aswell.
OK you need to redirect to HTTPS (opencart does not do this when enabling SSL) and you need to edit your theme header file, see Innervisions comment
Opencart only switches to SSL on checkout, account, login, etc pages.

prestashop url's not working after domain change

I moved a Prestashop (1.6) to a new domain. I see the shop at the new domain and can login in the admin panel, but al the product, categorie and other links of sub pages are not working. For all I see the message that I'm on a old link, but "'m still at the new domain.
I have changed the domain in the admin under Prefences -> SEO and URL's.
Any idea?
Like #Florian Lemaitre said try to do next:
On Prefences -> SEO and URL's switch Off and then On "Friendly URL", it will regenerate your .htaccess file.
On Performance tab clear Smarty cache.
Can you check your .htaccess file at the root of your website to see if it has been updated with the new domain ?
If not go back to SEO and URL's and save your configuration again. If the .htaccess is still not updated Prestashop might not have the required rights to edit it.

Disable URL /web/guest/home in liferay

Whan any user is hitting url Liferay Welcome page is coming up where user can see options like calender, language, dictionary etc. I am using Liferay 5.2.3. Can anyone suggest me how to disable this URL?
Can the URL be blocked from Apache?
You're probably referring to a user's personal page - this is a public page and you can configure Liferay so that users don't have personal (public) pages. As long as the users have personal and public pages, they are, well, public: If you navigate to them, you'll get to see them. You can make them private pages (thus the URL will change to /group/12345/home) and - at least - require a login. But as long as you have a public page in your portal, it will be shown.
(You can also change permissions on every single page, but that's probably what you also don't want)
Can you block on apache level? Yes. But why change at the entry point when you can also get rid of the root cause - e.g. properly configure the pages and access levels.
Also, Liferay 5.2.3 is quite ancient now. You should really consider to upgrade

How to regain Login Portlet in liferay

I am new to liferay 5.1 technology.
I by mistake removed the login portlet and now I am not able to login into the application.
I mean login portlet is no more visible any help would be of great help.
Can you please try hitting the following url?
Replace host and port with your host and port number.
If it doesnt work out try doing the following.(Make sure the package is correct as i am not aware of package path in 5.1)
Actually, with enough persistence, it would be also possible to lock yourself out of access to /c/portal/login (as of Liferay 6.0.6). This can be done by setting community home page to a hidden "redirect" page (as opposed to default "portlet" page), causing /c/portal/login to redirect wherever the home page redirects.
Liferay tries to prevent from doing so by issuing alerts whenever you try to make home page hidden. But you can make some page hidden and then drag&drop it to the first position in site map root level.
The reason behind doing so is to achieve a certain appearance of portal navigation (which would otherwise require some mangling in theme), i.e. make home page redirect to one of it's children.
Going back to the topic, when /c/portal/login fails, there is one another, more reliable (yet more ugly) method of getting to what one would call a login page - append this: ?p_p_id=58&p_p_state=maximized to any non-redirecting Liferay page (and probably drop any other GET parameters if existent). This is also basically what /c/portal/login does - but it appends it to home page, so if home page is a redirect page it fails display login portlet in it's maximized state.