Cross-project time-record filtering using Active Collab 5 API - api

For Active Collab team watching this tag.
I am working on a project that uses new Active Collab 5 API, I am having performance issue trying to run reports.
Example I try to build reports on date-range, and currently to achieve that I need to first run a call to get all projects.
Followed by a loop with this call:
API::get('/projects/'.$id.'/time-records/filtered-by-date?' . http_build_query(['from' => $from, 'to' => $to]))
However we have a large number of projects, in addition to high number of active projects we also need to filter Archived projects as well to get correct reports for billing.
Now I work with around 1500 projects in AC.
So I need to make 1500 API calls which takes a huge performance hit. Is there a way that you can possibly build something that would work along these lines.
with a possible passed parameter that will say (all, active, complited) project state.
Please let me know what you can do or if I have missed something in your documentation that already does this.

What you need here is not a request that goes through all projects one by one, but a request that it tailored for cross-project reporting. Active Collab 5 has just the right API endpoint for that - /reports/run.
As an example, you can use this command to query time records and expenses from all active projects that were tracked today:
curl -H "X-Angie-AuthApiToken: YOUR-API-TOKEN" ""
Notice the route (/reports/run) and query arguments:
type - specify type of the report, in this case time and expense tracking report,
project_filter - specify project filter. Apart from active, other useful values of this filter are completed (for completed projects), selected_1,2,3,4 (selected projects with a list of project ID-s), client_1,2,3,4 (projects for clients with the given ID-s), category_1,2,3,4 (projects in categories with the given ID-s),
tracked_on_filter - filter by the date when records were tracked. To target a particular date use selected_date_YYYY-MM-DD and to target a date range use selected_range_YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD.
tracked_by_filter - filter by who tracked the time. It can have various values, like anybody, logged_user, selected_1,2,3.
To list only time records, set type_filter to time (or to expenses if you want only expenses to be listed).


Apigee Integration: How to use listEntitiesPageSize parameter in conjunction with the listEntitiesPageToken parameter o navigate through the pages

Good day everyone,
we are trying to have through the use of the integrations of the Apigee service of google all the rows in a bigquery table that have a certain value in a field.
this operation is quite easy to do, but when we have more than 200 lines as a result, problems arise.
The problem is that using the integration to connect to BigQuery I am not returning any listEntitiesPageToken value and not even any listEntitiesNextPageToken value
so i can't figure out how i can go about navigating the result pages
Has anyone had the same problem? What do you suggest?
In the tutorial: "" is write : "For example, if you are expecting 1000 records in your result set, you can set the listEntitiesPageSize to 100. So when the Connectors task runs for the first time, it returns the first 100 records, the next 100 records in the second run and so on."
And there is a tip: "Use the listEntitiesPageSize parameter in conjunction with the listEntitiesPageToken parameter to navigate through the pages."
I used the tutorial to understand how to use the task for loop and I understood that I should create a "subintegration" which must be called by a "main integration" for each element present in a list / array.
But what what can i do since these tokens are empty?

How can I pull all work items currently or previously associated with a Sprint in Azure DevOps

I am attempting to retrieve all work items currently or previously associated with a given Iteration from Azure DevOps, either through an in-system query or through the API. I need this information to calculate sprint predictability metrics.
As far as I can tell, ADO only stores the latest Iteration in the work items fields, so the API call to ask for tickets associated with a Past iteration does not include any tickets that may have been moved to a different iteration mid-sprint. Likewise, they query options do not allow for something like a "was" operator to test for work items with may have met the criteria in the past.
Short of pulling each work item history individually through the API and creating my own iteration timeline for all tickets in the system, how can I get this information?
Take a look at this. You have to use the "was ever" operator in the iteration path. To do so, you have to query for it using the WIQL-Syntax.
So you'll have to add
[System.IterationPath] = #currentIteration('[YourTeam]\... <id:...>'))
to the WHERE part of the query.
If you want to see an extended example, look here

ABAP Program to notify Users X amount of days before user account will be disabled

I'm currently learning ABAP and trying to make an enhancement but have broken down in confusion on how to go about building on top of existing code. I have a program that runs periodically via a background job that disables user accounts X amount of days (in this case 90 days of inactive usage based on USR02~TRDAT).
I want to add an enhancement to notify the User via their email address (result of usr02~bname to match usr21~bname to pass the usr21~persnumber and usr21~addrnumber to adr6 which will point to the adr6~smtp_addr of the user, providing the usr02~bname -> adr6~smtp_addr relationship) based on their last logon date being 30, 15, 7, 5, 3, and 1 day away from the 90 day inactivity threshold with a link to the SAP system to help them reactivate the account with ease.
I'm beginning to think that an enhancement might not be a good idea but rather create a new program and schedule the background job daily. Any guidance or information would be greatly appreciated...
CLASS cl_inactive_users_reader DEFINITION.
BEGIN OF ts_inactive_user,
user_name TYPE syst_uname,
days_of_inactivity TYPE int1,
END OF ts_inactive_user.
TYPES tt_inactive_users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_inactive_user WITH EMPTY KEY.
CLASS-METHODS read_inactive_users
min_days_of_inactivity TYPE int1
VALUE(result) TYPE tt_inactive_users.
Then refactor
REPORT block_inactive_users.
DATA(inactive_users) = cl_inactive_users_readers=>read_inactive_users( 90 ).
LOOP AT inactive_users INTO DATA(inactive_user).
" block user
And add
REPORT warn_inactive_users.
DATA(inactive_users) = cl_inactive_users_readers=>read_inactive_users( 60 ).
LOOP AT inactive_users INTO DATA(inactive_user).
CASE inactive_user-days_of_inactivity.
" choose urgency
" send e-mail
and run both reports daily.
Don't create a big ball of mud by squeezing new features into existing code.
From SAP wiki:
The enhancement concept allows you to add your own functionality to SAP's standard business applications without having to modify the original applications. To modify the standard SAP behavior as per customer requirements, we can use enhancement framework.
As per your description, it doesn't sound like a use case for an enhancement. It isn't an intervention in an existing process. The original process and your new requirement are two different processes with some mutual logical part - selection of days of inactivity of users. The two shouldn't rely on each other.
Structurally I think it is best to have a separate program for computing which e-mails need to be sent and when, and a separate program for actually sending them.
I would copy your original program to a new one, and modify it a little bit so that instead of disabling a user, it records into some table for each user: 1) an e-mail 2) a date when to send 3) how many days left (30, 15, 7, etc) 4) status if the e-mail was sent or not. Initially you can even have multiple such jobs for each period (30, 15, 7 etc) and pass it as a parameter (which you use inside instead of 90).
This program you run daily as a job and it populates that table with e-mail "tasks" of what needs to be sent today. It just adds new lines, so lines from yesterday should stay in there.
The 2nd program should just read that table and send actual e-mails and update the statuses. You run that program daily as well.
This way you have:
overview: just check the table to see what's going on
control: if the e-mailer dies or hangs, you can restart it and it will continue where it left off; with statuses you avoid sending duplicate mails
you can make sure that you don't send outdated e-mails if in your mailer script you ignore all tasks older than say 2 days
I want to clarify your confusion about the use of enhancements:
You would want to use enhancements in terms of 'something' happens or is going to happen in the system and you would want to change this standard way.
That something, let's call it event or process could be for example an order is placed, a certain user is logging onto the system or a material has been or is going to be changed.
The change could be notifying another system of an order or checking the logged on user with additional checks for example his GUI version and warn him/her if not up-to-date.
Ask yourself, what process on the system does the execution of your program or code depend on. Does anything need to happen before the program is executed? No, only elapsing time.
Even if you had found an enhancement, you would want to use. If this process using the enhancement would not be run in 90 days, your mails would not be sent, because the enhancement would never been called.
edit: That being said, supposing you mean by enhancement 'building on your existing program' instead of 'creating a new one' would be absolutely not the right terminology for enhancement in the sap universe.
I would extend the functionality of your existing program, since you already compute how many days are left and you would have only one job to maintain.

TFS2015 - List how many times tags were used in TFS 2015 On-Premise work items

​I am trying to write an SQL query to list all tags along with the number of how many times they were used in Work Items in TFS2015.
I cannot find the connection between tbl_WorkItemCoreLatest, tbl_PropertyDefinition and tbl_TagDefinition that would point me to tags used on work items.
I tried to go with the solution from here, but with no success. The query results seems not to match what I see directly in VSTS (eg. searching for a particular tag returns me work items from which some don't have that particular tag, almost as if TFS would store previous states of work items...?)
If there's a way to do that with REST API, that will work as well.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You can use TFS REST API below to get all work items with System.Tags field, then calculate how many times they were used:
Another simple way is creating a work item query with Tags column and open this query in Excel to filter the Tags column.

Counts on the server side via WSAPI?

Is it possible to do object counts on the server side of Rally with the WSAPI?
For example, I've got an app that would like to count the number of unresolved defects for each project in our workspace. I don't need to know anything about those defects themselves, so I just want a count, and don't need any other data pulled back.
Any way to do this?
You might want to check out Alan's helpful answer to this Question:
Rally: Pull stories counts by schedule state for a release?
The analog for Defects would be: < "Fixed")
It does pull all the data, but you can grab the TotalResultCount attribute that is returned in the response to get the number of Defects matching your query.