Debugging Typhoon Assemblies - typhoon

I've done refactoring in my project and suddenly Typhoon injections stop working. Looks like I missed something.
Is there any good way to debug object instantiation? In which Typhoon classes I should put breakpoints to find problem?


Can not build thisJoinPoint lazily for this advice since it has no suitable guard

What is a "suitable guard" and what does it look like?
Linked this question because it refers to the same compiler message and the answer mentions a guard but not how to create one. Looked through the AspectJ docs but did not find and answer there.
This Lint warning is usually switched off in AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools) within Eclipse, but you can activate it as a warning or even error like this (I had to do it to actually see it at all when trying to reproduce your issue):
You can just ignore the Lint warning because basically it only says that there is no way for certain pointcuts to populate the thisJoinPoint object lazily during runtime because the pointcut has no dynamic component like if(), cflow() or similar, which is actually good news because it means that all your joinpoints can be determined statically during compile/weave time and are thus faster than dynamic pointcuts. On the other hand, the warning says that the tjp object always has to be created because for some reason it is also always needed during runtime and thus cannot be instantiated lazily.

Can someone help me set up Ninject 2 with Log4net?

I've been (happily) using Ninject for a while now with some basic scenarios, and would like to give it control of my logging. I noted the existence of the Ninject.Extensions.Logging namespace, and would like to use it, but I'm running into two issues:
I want the logger to be initialized with the type of the class running it (as if I ran LogManager.GetLogger with the GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType).
I want to be able to easily mock, or "nullify" the logger for unit testing (i.e I don't want to have the logger work), without running into NullReferenceExceptions for not initializing the logger.
Now, I know there are some questions (and even answers) around here, but I couldn't seem to find any that pointed me in the right direction.
I'll appreciate any help (even a "you bone-head" it's here! Linking to something I should have noticed).
This is the default behavior of the extension
Don't use Ninject to create the object under test in your unit tests. Create an instance manually and pass what ever you want for the logger.
Best you have a look at the unittests.

DLL Reflection?

Is something like this possible? If so, could you point me in the right direction for learning how?
applicationx tries to run the method start() in dll_one.dll
dll_one.dll runs the command
applicationx tries to run the method run() in dll_one.dll
dll_one.dll doesn't have a method run() and hasn't prepared for such an occurance.
dll_one.dll asks dll_two.dll if it has a run()
dll_two runs run()
Basically, I want it so if dllA doesn't have a method that the application is looking for, it asks dllB. This is assuming, as well, that ApplicationX and dllB don't know anything about dllA and dllA kind of just appeared out of nowhere (I want dlls dynamically like a patch to my applications without having to rewrite ALL of the methods, properties, etc. in the dll and have everything else just routed to the old dll).
Any ideas? Keep in mind, I'm using so a .net reference is appreciated.
It seems like you're asking for a plug-in architecture for your app (except that "patch" part is bothering me). If so, you can try MEF, which solves this exact problem.
The specific thing you ask for isn't possible. You can't have a non-existent method call automatically re-routed to a different dll. You can't "run the method run() in dll_one.dll" unless you've compiled that code, and it won't compile if the method doesn't exist. You also can't compile code against dllB and then drop dllA in and have it intercept method calls. Reflection could conceivably solve part of your problem, but you'd not want to base your code around calling all methods by reflection - it'd be horrendously unperformant and not very maintainable.
As Anton suggests, a plugin approach might work. However, this would rely on you being able to specify up-front the interface for your plugin, which sounds like it would contradict your original requirement.
Another problem: if you'd not deployed dllA until later, how would your ApplicationX know to call method start() in dll_one.dll anyway? You'd surely need to re-deploy at least the base application for that part to work.
These kinds of problem are often best solved by having a more specific set of requirements to work to: what functionality are you likely to want to extend or change in the future? Could you support a common set of interfaces that allow extensibility via plugins, or can you need to redeploy encapsulated chunks of your application with new functionality? Is there UI involved or is this just to change back-end logic? Questions like this could help to suggest more viable solutions.

How to find and remove unused class files from a project

My XCode project has grown somewhat, and I know that there are class files in there which are no longer being used. Is there an easy way to find all of these and remove them?
If the class files just sit in your project without being part of a target, just click on the project itself in the tree view, so you see all files in the table. Make sure you see the "Target" column in the table view, iterate through your targets and find the files that don't have a check anywhere -> they are no longer compiled.
But if you still compile the classes and they are no longer used, that case is a bit more difficult. Check out this project
You could create a dependency graph and try to find orphaned classes that way.
Edit: Link went dead, but there still seem to be projects of Objective-C dependency graphs around, for example
if they are C or C++ symbols, then you can just let the linker do the work for you.
if you're looking to remove objc symbols, then try to refactor the class name (e.g. to rename the class), and preview the dependencies that it turns up. if you reference classes/selectors/etc. by strings then... it may not be so effective. unfortunately, you often have to also test manually, to verify that removing a class does not break anything. remember that resources (like xibs) may reference/load objc classes as well.
This is a tricky question due to how dynamic objective-c is as you can never guarantee that a class is not going to be used.
Consider if you generate a class name and a selector at run time and then look up that class, instantiate that class and then call a method on that newly created object using that newly created selector. No where in your code do you explicitly name and instantiate that object but you are able to use it anyways. You could get that class name and selector name from anywhere outside of your code, even from some data from a server some where. How would you ever know which class is not going to be used? Because of this there are no tools that are able to perform what you are requesting.
Searching the project with the class name might be an option, thought it may not be the best solution. Specially it might be time consuming when you have many classes.

Abusing .NET 4.0 Interface Code Contracts feature to achieve MixIns functionality

.NET 4.0 has that new Code Contracts feature. It works with interfaces too, as described here (scroll down to somewhere in the comments):
Now my question is, can we use and abuse this "Default Interface Implementation Feature" by putting more custom code into those contract classes to achieve some MixIns functionality?
I don't think so. When defining code contracts for an interface, you can add a rela class that contains "requires" and "ensures" method calls that will be added to implementation methods, but the code rewriter will only run after the compiler has done its job (ie complaining that the interface method is not implemented by the class...)
Might be abused to implement aspects, though :-)
Anyway, I don't think the code rewriter would add anything else than requires and ensures method. And the code would not be added to the release assembly, only on the debug assembly.