I have a problem doing a query. That I want to do is access with a query to the data in my "String code" in MyDomainA through a query from MyDomainB. The relationship between the tables is unidirectional one to one.
Is possible use a gorm way to do this??
Domain A:
class LicenceType {
String code
String description
Double price
static constraints = {
code description
A this is A
B this is B
C this is C
Domain B: (have the unidirectional relationship)
class VoiceUser {
LicenceType licenceType
String username
String email
String nameID
That I want to do is know how many users have the same code(code is a column of DomainA and both tables have a unidirectional relationship as I indicated before).
This is that I'm trying to do that is wrong...
def resulta = VoiceUser.executeQuery('SELECT a.code, COUNT(b.nameID) FROM VoiceUser AS b INNER JOIN b.licenceType AS a GROUP BY a.code')
def resultCount = resulta[0]
This is some example result that I hope...
Users with code A = 2
Users with code B = 2
Users with code C = o
The trick is to do a group by on the code and a count() on the user. You can do this using either HQL or a criteria query.
Here's an example in HQL:
VoiceUser.executeQuery('SELECT licence.code, COUNT(user) FROM VoiceUser AS user INNER JOIN user.licenceType AS licence GROUP BY licence.code')
If you're familiar with SQL, most of this should make sense right away. An important difference is the syntax for joining domain classes. HQL deals with domain classes, not tables.
Criteria query
And here's the equivalent criteria query.
VoiceUser.withCriteria {
projections {
licenceType {
Alternative queries
The queries shown above return a List<List> like this:
['A', 2],
['B', 2],
['C', 0]
If you provide a LicenceType (or its code) as input to the query, then you can get the count for just that LicenceType. For instance, here are examples which retrieve the user count for licence code 'A'.
def result = VoiceUser.executeQuery('SELECT COUNT(user) FROM VoiceUser AS user INNER JOIN user.licenceType AS licence WHERE licence.code = :code', [code: 'A'])[0]
Criteria query
def result = VoiceUser.createCriteria().get {
licenceType {
eq('code', 'A')
projections {
Additional resources
I've got a series of articles which explain HQL, criteria, and where queries in detail; such as how to use projections and joins. Feel free to check them out.
Using the Django ORM is it possible to perform a select_related (left join) with conditions additional to the default table1.id = table2.fk
Using the example models:
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
age = models.IntegerField()
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.TextField()
and the raw sql
SELECT 'Book'.*, 'Author'.'name'
FROM 'Book'
ON 'Author'.'id' = 'Book'.'author_id'
AND 'Author'.'age' > 18 ;<---this line here is what id like to use via the ORM
I understand that in this simple example you can perform the filtering after the join, but that hasn't worked in my specific case. As i am doing sums across multiple left joins that require filters.
# gets all books which has author with age higher than 18
books = Book.objects.filter(author__age__gt=18)
returns queryset.
Then you can loop trough the queryset to access specific values and print them:
for b in books:
print(b.title, b.author.name, b.author.age)
I know of at least 4 ways of fetching relationships from a relational database.
I tried to make the examples generic to any language.
I'd like to know some algorithm of choosing one over the other besides manually testing the query.
Method A: has the problem of having to loop twice to build the result. also can't process one row at a time one by one without building arrays.
for contact in query("SELECT id, name FROM contact") {
contacts[contact.id]["name"] = contact.name
push(ids, contact.id)
for email in query("SELECT contact_id, address FROM email WHERE contact_id IN ?", ids) {
push(contacts[email.contact_id]["emails"], email.address)
Method B: Has the problem of a cartesian join in case of more joins
for contact in query("SELECT c.id, c.name, e.address FROM contact c JOIN email e ON e.contact_id = c.id") {
contacts[contact.id]["name"] = contact.name
push(contacts[email.contact_id]["emails"], email.address)
Method C: Has a problem in that GROUP_CONCAT is limited to a certain number of bytes and might be cut off
for contact in query("SELECT c.id, c.name, GROUP_CONCAT(e.address) AS addresses FROM contact c JOIN email e ON e.contact_id = c.id GROUP BY c.id") {
contacts[contact.id]["name"] = contact.name
contacts[contact.id]["emails"] = split(",", contact.addresses)
Method D: Has the N+1 query problem, runs a query for each contact
contactStatement = prepare("SELECT id, name FROM contact")
emailStatement = prepare("SELECT address FROM email WHERE contact_id = ?")
for contact in contactStatement.query() {
contacts[contact.id]["name"] = contact.name
// this uses a prepared query
for email in emailStatement.query(contact.id) {
push(contacts[contact.id]["emails"], email.address)
Or maybe there is a way that is ideal in every case?
I have many years of experience using various ORM's and I'd like to avoid using one.
Method A is what most ORM's default to.
Method D is what seems like the solution that SQL designers expect us to use.
I'm asking for some help in how to find a logical way of picking one method over another for a specific SQL query.
I have two queries that select records where a union needs to be taken, one of which is a left join and one of which is a regular (i.e. inner) join.
Here's the left join case:
def regularAccountRecords = for {
(customer, account) <- customers joinLeft accounts on (_.accountId === _.accountId) // + some other special conditions
} yield (customer, account)
Here's the regular join case:
def specialAccountRecords = for {
(customer, account) <- customers join accounts on (_.accountId === _.accountId) // + some other special conditions
} yield (customer, account)
Now I want to take a union of the two record sets:
regularAccountRecords ++ specialAccountRecords
Obviously this doesn't work because in the regular join case it returns Query[(Customer, Account),...] and in the left join case it returns Query[(Customer, Rep[Option[Account]]),...] and this results in a Type Mismatch error.
Now, If this were a regular column type (e.g. Rep[String]) I could convert it to an optional via the ? operator (i.e. record.?) and get Rep[Option[String]] but using it on a table (i.e. the accounts table) causes:
Error:(62, 85) value ? is not a member of com.test.Account
How do I work around this issue and do the union properly?
Okay, looks like this is what the '?' projection is for but I didn't realize it because I disabled the optionEnabled option in the Codegen. Here's what your codegen extension is supposed to look like:
class MyCodegen extends SourceCodeGenerator(inputModel) {
override def TableClass = new TableClassDef {
override def optionEnabled = true
Alternatively, you can use implicit classes to tack this thing onto the generated TableClass yourself. Here is how that would look:
implicit class AccountExtensions(account:Account) {
def ? = (Rep.Some(account.id), account.name).shaped.<>({r=>r._1.map(_=> Account.tupled((r._2, r._1.get)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
NOTE: be sure to check the field ordering, depending on how this
projection is done, the union query might put the ID field in the wrong
place in the output, use
println(query.result.statements.headOption) to debug the output
SQL to be sure.
Once you do that, you will be able to use account.? in the yield statement:
def specialAccountRecords = for {
(customer, account) <- customers join accounts on (_.accountId === _.accountId)
} yield (customer, account.?)
...and then you will be able to unionize the tables correctly
regularAccountRecords ++ specialAccountRecords
I really wish the Slick people would put a note on how the '?' projection is useful in the documentation beyond the vague statement 'useful for outer joins'.
I'm really struggling on this one.
I need to be able to sort my user by the number of positive vote received on their comment.
I have a table userprofile, a table comment and a table likeComment.
The table comment has a foreign key to its user creator and the table likeComment has a foreign key to the comment liked.
To get the number of positive vote a user received I do :
LikeComment.objects.filter(Q(type = 1), Q(comment__user=user)).count()
Now I want to be able to get all the users sorted by the ones that have the most positive votes. How do I do that ? I tried to use extra and JOIN but this didn't go anywhere.
Thank you
It sounds like you want to perform a filter on an annotation:
class User(models.Model):
class Comment(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="comments")
class Like(models.Model):
comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment, related_name="likes")
type = models.IntegerField()
users = User \
.objects \
.extra(select = {
"positive_likes" : """
JOIN app_comment on app_like.comment_id = app_comment.id
WHERE app_comment.user_id = app_user.id AND app_like.type = 1 """})
class UserProfile(models.Model):
def like_count(self):
LikeComment.objects.filter(comment__user=self.user, type=1).count()
def getRanking( anObject ):
return anObject.like_count()
def myview(request):
users = list(UserProfile.objects.filter())
users.sort(key=getRanking, reverse=True)
return render(request,'page.html',{'users': users})
Timmy's suggestion to use a subquery is probably the simplest way to solve this kind of problem, but subqueries almost never perform as well as joins, so if you have a lot of users you may find that you need better performance.
So, re-using Timmy's models:
class User(models.Model):
class Comment(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="comments")
class Like(models.Model):
comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment, related_name="likes")
type = models.IntegerField()
the query you want looks like this in SQL:
SELECT app_user.id, COUNT(app_like.id) AS total_likes
FROM app_user
LEFT OUTER JOIN app_comment
ON app_user.id = app_comment.user_id
ON app_comment.id = app_like.comment_id AND app_like.type = 1
GROUP BY app_user.id
(If your actual User model has more fields than just id, then you'll need to include them all in the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses.)
Django's object-relational mapping system doesn't provide a way to express this query. (As far as I know—and I'd be very happy to be told otherwise!—it only supports aggregation across one join, not across two joins as here.) But when the ORM isn't quite up to the job, you can always run a raw SQL query, like this:
sql = '''
SELECT app_user.id, COUNT(app_like.id) AS total_likes
# etc (as above)
for user in User.objects.raw(sql):
print user.id, user.total_likes
I believe this can be achieved with Django's queryset:
The only problem here is that this query will miss users with 0 likes. Code from #gareth-rees, #timmy-omahony and #Catherine will include also 0-ranked users.
I have an Article with a Set of Category.
How can I query, using the criteria interface, for all Articles that contain all Categories with a certain Id?
This is not an "in", I need exclusively those who have all necessary categories - and others. Partial matches should not come in there.
Currently my code is failing with this desperate attempt:
var c = session.CreateCriteria<Article>("a");
if (categoryKeys.HasItems())
c.CreateAlias("a.Categories", "c");
foreach (var key in categoryKeys)
c.Add(Restrictions.Eq("c", key)); //bogus, I know!
Use the "IN" restriction, but supplement to ensure that the number of category matches is equal to the count of all the categories you're looking for to make sure that all the categories are matched and not just a subset.
For an example of what I mean, you might want to take a look at this page, especially the "Intersection" query under the "Toxi solution" heading. Replace "bookmarks" with "articles" and "tags" with "categories" to map that back to your specific problem. Here's the SQL that they show there:
FROM tagmap bt, bookmark b, tag t
WHERE bt.tag_id = t.tag_id
AND (t.name IN ('bookmark', 'webservice', 'semweb'))
AND b.id = bt.bookmark_id
HAVING COUNT( b.id )=3
I believe you can also represent this using a subquery that may be easier to represent with the Criteria API
SELECT Article.Id
FROM Article
SELECT ArticleId, count(*) AS MatchingCategories
FROM ArticleCategoryMap
WHERE CategoryId IN (<list of category ids>)
GROUP BY ArticleId
) subquery ON subquery.ArticleId = EntityTable.Id
WHERE subquery.MatchingCategories = <number of category ids in list>
I'm not 100% sure, but I think query by example may be what you want.
Assuming that Article to Category is a one-to-many relationship and that the Category has a many-to-one property called Article here is a VERY dirty way of doing this (I am really not proud of this but it works)
List<long> catkeys = new List<long>() { 4, 5, 6, 7 };
if (catkeys.Count == 0)
var cr = Session.CreateCriteria<Article>("article")
.CreateCriteria("Categories", "cat0")
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("cat0.Id", catkeys[0]));
if (catkeys.Count > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < catkeys.Count; i++)
cr = cr.CreateCriteria("Article", "a" + i)
.CreateCriteria("Categories", "cat" + i)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("cat" + i + ".Id", catkeys[i]));
var results = cr.List<Article>();
What it does is to re-join the relationship over and over again guaranteeing you the AND between category Ids. It should be very slow query especially if the list of Ids gets big.
I am offering this solution as NOT a recommended way but at least you can have something working while looking for a proper one.