How to add angular support in intellij - intellij-idea

I tried adding angularJS to Intellij following this guide, but the problem is that I am unable to access Java Script option inside Languages and Frameworks, and therefore I cannot change libraries. Any ideas how to make it appear?

The free edition of IntelliJ does not support Javascript. For that you need to purchase Ultimate.


Configuring Intellij IDEA to work with Smartsheet-api sdk for java

I am setting up smartsheet SDK for Java, and running into problems trying to use it in IntelliJ IDEA. I am fairly unfamiliar with setting up decencies, modules, and such in IntelliJ, and am just looking for guidance on setting this up to work with Smartsheet SDK.
I'm currently using the Windows version with JDK13 (I also have JDk12). I've tried downloading the JAR file and pointing to that as a dependency, but it doesn't even understand the imports.
I would start with the Smartsheet Sample App for Java, which will already have the code in it for loading dependencies and libraries.

Typescript files show errors in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

I am facing issue with TypeScript in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. Earlier I have used IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition for Angular 2 development and it works fine.
This is the error I am getting in my .ts file. Plus there is no intelliSense. Is this feature unavailable in the Community Edition?
As zhengyue pointed out in comments, apparently you are using the "TypoScript" plugin, which is not a "Typescript" plugin.
I made the same mistake. And I also had the same problems that you experienced. Personally I thought it was the #Component decorator that messed things up. But it was zhengyue who pointed out I was using the wrong plugin.
The conclusion for me was that it was better to search for a good alternative. Because I still want to develop my back-end in Java, I wanted ...
something that integrates with IntelliJ as good as possible
but still something which is powerful.
At first I tried eclipse, and found powerful tools in their marketplace, which turned out to be commercial products and expired after 8 days.
Secondly, I downloaded "Visual Studio Code", (not to be confused with the full blown Visual Studio). It is FAST and user-friendly. It launches in less than 2 seconds on my system. And it has great plugins, which allow me to use code completion and refacturing tools. Here is the list of plugins I have installed:
As you can see, there is a plugin that makes you use the keybindings of intellij.
In IntelliJ I configured my ".ts" files to be handled as javascript files. Because it's better than nothing.
I work in IntelliJ all day when I'm working on the Java back-end, and thanks to the javascript features, I still have some (limited) code highlights for the Angular front-end as well. But, when I want to edit something in the front end, I use Visual Studio Code. To make this a smooth transition, I right-click inside the file and use an external tool configuration:
Inside my IntelliJ I configured the root of the angular project as a module. Then the configuration of this external tool looks like this:
This allows me to switch from IntelliJ to Visual Studio code in about 2 seconds, and immediately to the correct line in the correct file.
So, that's what my free Angular-with-Java-combo development workspace looks like.
JavaScript/TypeScript support and many other features are not available in the Community Edition.

Creating new dart project in Intellij IDEA 13.1.5 community edition

I wanted to play a little bit with the dart language and since recently I'm trying to switch from eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA I wanted to use that IDE. Unfortunately I can't figure out how I can create new dart project.
I've installed the dart plugin and installation looks fine - I have the plugin directory on my hard drive, dart's formatting options in settings etc. But I don't have any dart related option in the new project dialog (only java, maven, gradle, empty project etc.).
All resources I found told about using the new project dialog, or using WebStorm (like ).
Is it possible at all? Am I missing something?
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.5 community edition.
Ticket created:
I recommend using Stagehand ( It's a great new command-line tool that creates well-formed Dart project folders, complete with pubspec.yaml and even build.dart for Polymer projects. The tool can create console apps, web apps, Polymer apps, and AngularDart apps.
It looks that there is a bug in community edition of 13.1.x and it won't be fixed (but it's already fixed in community edition version 14 and it works in any version of ultimate edition) -

Eclipse plugin for play 2

I am a beginner with Play2 framework and Scala.
Is there any eclipse play 2 plugin available?
If yes, then please provide me the link for the same. I am used to Eclipse and have never used Scala before;hence in a confusion like how and where to start from. Looking at the Play2 Doc, sems like working in command prompt IDE which is very difficult (though I have tried yet)
Please let me know the eclipse plugin for Play2 or some other IDE helpful for this.
There in no plugin as such for Eclipse.
Play! framework has nice set of tools for doing tasks such as following
creating new play project
running the project
deployment of the application
doing the continuous testing mode etc
Trust me, once you start using this, you gonna love it.
Beside you do not require any experience in Scala, as for Play framework you can use Java language, if you are comfortable with it (you can choose Java template while creating new Play project )
and also you can use IDE for syntax highlighting , code completion etc
I had a brief try of Play development using Eclipse and the Scala Plugin. I personally found it awkward and not terribly helpful. (The errors which the IDE reported were not always the same as the ones that the Play compiler reported, for example.)
I’ve had a lot more joy using the Intellij IDEA IDE, with its Scala plugin. As with Eclipse the current version of IDEA does not have specific support for Play Framework 2, but it does have specific support for Scala.
The next version of Intellij IDEA, v12, will have explicit support for Play Framework 2: (but only in the paid-for ‘Ultimate’ edition, not in the free ‘Community’ edition).

Getting auto-completion to work in an IDE using Coffeescript and external Javascript libraries such as jQuery

I would like to ask how other more experienced Coffeescript developers are using their respective IDE's or editors with auto-complete when developing modular libraries and / or referencing external Javascript libraries (jQuery, jQuery UI, RequireJS, Handlebars, ...).
As much as I've tried various IDE's and plug-ins for Coffeescript, none of these seem to support auto-completion when the project consists of several script files. For example: in Visual Studio I can add a commented directive such as /// <reference path="/js/jquery.js" />. I'd need something similar for Coffeescript.
I have tried following without success:
Visual Studio with Web Workbench by Mindscape
Netbeans with dstepanov's Coffeescript plug-in
Aptana with the Coffeescript ruble
Further, I am aware of Jetbrain's WebStorm 3.x support for Coffeescript, unfortunately, my evaluation period expired before I realized I'd need this feature - can anyone confirm that setting the Javascript / Coffeescript Usage Scope works as expected with auto-complete?
So effectively what I am asking: is there an IDE or plug-in, commercial or otherwise, enabling auto-complete for Coffeescript libraries spanning multiple files?
Hate to answer my own question, but after giving JetBrains WebStorm 3.0.2 another demo run on another box, I figured it worked best and does have 'smarter than average' auto-complete for coffeescript projects. It simply loads all coffeescript files in to a global auto-complete context and you can add external libs (cs or js) as well using the project's scope settings. Could be better, but for now I cannot find any other IDE or tool running on PC or Linux, OSS or paid, that tops WebStorm and I don't have the fortunes to explore OSX alleys.
I am sure future tools, plugins, IDE's will pop up for various platforms that do offer great coffeescript module management and proper contextual auto-completion in the editor. So please, do keep the suggestions coming.
I personnaly use Kdevelop. I can't remember if I installed a plugins or something to get it work with coffeescript.
But it works very well, the highlighting colors are pretty, when ctrl+d it add coffeescript commentary and so on.
Also I do make compilation directly in KDevleop.
Well also it's free, I am using it on linux debian but I think it works on most platforms.
Check it there :