SSL certificate unable to get local issuer certificate - ssl-certificate

I need some help. I'm integrating into my laravel application (v5.1), I'm stuck with this error:
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer
This is my code:
use GetStream\Stream\Client;
public function index()
$client = new Client('rrzp7mz8htgn', '8cgs94jg2z5da2h4q2an8q6q5vktrp8y8w7rsft3zndf63c8y9n59g2h2qvtdhqq');
$ericFeed = $client->feed('user', 'eric');
$data = [
"tweet"=>"Hello world"
I followed the instructions below from packalyst
Add the get-stream into your composer:
"require": {
"get-stream/stream-laravel": "~2.1"
then run composer update
I also added the provider and the aliases
'providers' => array(
'aliases' => array(
'FeedManager' => 'GetStream\StreamLaravel\Facades\FeedManager',
I run:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GetStream\StreamLaravel\StreamLaravelServiceProvider"
I emailed already, but no response yet. I'll be updated this post when I received some answers from them.
I also checked this post from laracast, but there's no answer. replied to my email and helped me, Here's the solution,
the SSL error message it’s usually related to using old certificate
key chains with CURL. This is unfortunately quite of a common issue
with CURL and SSL, I suggest you to try the solution suggested in this
Paypal Access - SSL certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate
and this is what i did:
Downloaded cacert.pem from the above link at and save it to c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/cert/
Click my wamp icon, navigate to PHP > php.ini
Added the following line and click save.
Restart wamp and that's it. it worked
Hope this helps other developers using Credits to Tommaso of


My ssl certificate generates with lets encrypt but does not install

I'm using [this][1] library to generate SSL certificates. My storage generates 4 files: certificate.pem, private_key.pem, chain.pem, and fullchain.pem.
I want to install this certificate in acquia cloud using their Rest API post endpoint to install ssl certificate. The payload looks like the following:
"legacy": 0,
"certificate": "pasted the content inside our certificate.pem",
"private_key": "pasted the content inside private_key.pem",
"ca_certificates": "pasted the content inside the fullchain.pem",
"label": "My New Cert"
When I send a request, I received an error to contact they api owner support, and searching around through the server log I came across this:
Error response: 500 (Internal Server Error). Error message: Site certificate CA chain certificates are out of order..
What exactly does this error mean by saying out of order?

PHP: How to fix curl_exec() error 60: unable to get local issuer certificate?

(This question was originally titled, "Why is curl_exec() failing in this script?" But by adding calls to curl_errno() and curl_error() in the script, I found out that the problem was the certificate, and I've edited the question accordingly.)
The following script:
$sDataFile = '<path>\journal-issue-ToC.htm';
$sURL = '';
$bHeader = false;
$cURLhandle = curl_init();
$FilePointer = fopen($sDataFile, 'wb');
curl_setopt($cURLhandle, CURLOPT_URL, $sURL);
curl_setopt($cURLhandle, CURLOPT_FILE, $FilePointer);
curl_setopt($cURLhandle, CURLOPT_HEADER, $bHeader);
$bResult = curl_exec($cURLhandle);
echo('<br>' . ($bResult === false ? 'Failed to execute' : 'Executed') . ' cURL.');
if(! $bResult) echo('<br>Error #' . curl_errno($cURLhandle) . ': ' . curl_error($cURLhandle));
saves the empty file "journal-issue-ToC.htm" and generates the following browser output:
Failed to execute cURL.
Error #60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
So it appears that cURL encounters a certificate problem that doesn't happen when I access the requested URL in the browser. What do I need to know about certificates in order to get this script to work?
I'm running PHP 7.2.2 on IIS 7.5 under Windows 7 64 bit.
What I needed to know about certificates in order to get cURL to work is in an article on GitHub, which explains the need for certificates in cURL and how to get and apply them:
What we're talking about are SSL certificates, needed for the https protocol. "CA" stands for "certificate authorities".
Download the certificates from (documentation).
In the file "php.ini", in the section on cURL, uncomment the command for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option and specify the location of the downloaded file "cacert.pem”. After saving the ini file, restart the webserver to effect the change.
I did this with a couple of variations:
I chose to set the value of CURLOPT_CAINFO in the function curl_setopt() instead of in the file "php.ini".
I at first got error 77, "error setting certificate verify locations". This was fixed by moving the file "cacert.pem" to a folder under the folder "Program Files\PHP".
After doing that, the script ran without error and the output file was not empty. But what it contained was still not what I need, which is the subject of a new question.

Problem getting complete .pem from ansible letsencrypt / acme_certificate module

I was using Ansible 2.4 and included the letsencrypt module in one of my roles hoping to get a complete `.pem' format file at the end (key, chain, cert). There was no problem generating the key or using the csr to request the new cert, and no problem with the challenge, but when everything was done, I was only getting the certificate back, no chain.
When I tried to use them, Apache would fail to start saying that the key and the cert did not match. I assumed that this was because I didn't include the chain which was missing.
According to the docs here: the chain|chain_dest and fullchain|fullchain_dest parameters weren't added until Ansible 2.5. So I upgraded to Ansible 2.7 (via git), and I'm still running into the exact same error...
FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "
Unsupported parameters for (letsencrypt) module: chain_dest, fullchain_dest
Supported parameters include: account_email, account_key, acme_directory, agreement,
challenge, csr, data, dest, remaining_days"
I've tried the aliases and current names for both but nothing is working. Here is my current challenge-response call:
- name: Let the challenge be validated and retrieve the cert and intermediate certificate
account_key: /etc/ssl/lets_encrypt.key
account_email: ###########.###
csr: /etc/ssl/{{ myhost.public_hostname }}.csr
dest: /etc/ssl/{{ myhost.public_hostname }}.crt
chain_dest: /etc/ssl/{{ myhost.public_hostname }}.int
fullchain_dest: /etc/ssl/{{ myhost.public_hostname }}.pem
challenge: dns-01
remaining_days: 60
data: "{{ le_com_challenge }}"
tags: sslcert
The documentation says that this is valid, but the error response does not include chain|chain_dest or fullchain|fullchain_dest as valid parameters.
I would, from the docs, expect that this response should result in the new certificate being created (.crt), the chain being created (.int), and the fullchain to be created (.pem).
Any help would be appreciated.
Should have waited 5 minutes... seems that the newer parameters are only available under the newer module name acme_certificate, even though it says letsencrypt was a valid alias. As soon as I updated this it worked.

How can I push a page from one MediaWiki to another SSL based wiki with self signed certificate using the Push extension?
is an extension that will let you push pages from one MediaWiki toanother.
As documented in
I had trouble getting this to work with target Mediawikis that use SSL and self signed certificates.
Push would choke up with the message: Dateitransfer fehlgeschlagen: Authentifizierung auf https:///api.php ist fehlgeschlagen.
The issue is now solved and I am adding this question to make the solution available for Stackoverflow users to find.
First as outlined in
has a commit with a few extra lines for error handling. The resulting message is:
Authentication at .../mediawiki/api.php(http-curl-error:SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate) failed.
This is a major improvement in handling such situations - especially the debugging works better.
So the natural attempt to add:
didn't work - you have to set these in the php.ini file. A curl https:// test then works. But still no go with Mediawiki and the push extension.
fixes the issue by adding the curl.cainfo php ini setting to the curl options
getHttpRequest( $target,
'postData' => $requestData,
'postData' => $requestData,
'method' => 'POST',
'method' => 'POST',
- 'timeout' => 'default'
+ 'timeout' => 'default',
+ 'caInfo' => ini_get('curl.cainfo')
The same fix might also apply to similar situations where the upgrade advice:
has been followed. MWHttpRequest will handle the caInfo option if it is supplied see

SSLCaertBadFile error heroku curb

I have a rake task that pulls and parses JSON data over an SSL connection from an external API.
I use a gem that wraps this external API and have no problems running locally, but the task fails when run on heroku with #<Curl::Err::SSLCaertBadFile: Curl::Err::SSLCaertBadFile>
I installed the piggyback SSL add-on, hoping it might fix it, but no dice.
Any ideas?
I managed to fix it by disabling ssl verification on the curl request previously set by the following two fields:
I don't know enough about SSL to know exactly why the error was caused by these settings in a heroku environment or what the implications of disabling this are, aside from reduced security.
It is a bad idea to disable certificate checking. See, and associated references for more on that topic.
The issue is that your HTTP client doesn't know where to find the CA certificates bundle on heroku.
You don't mention what client you are using, but here is an example for using net/https on heroku:
require "net/https"
require "uri"
root_ca_path = "/etc/ssl/certs"
url = URI.parse ""
http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = (url.scheme == "https")
if ( && http.use_ssl?)
http.ca_path = root_ca_path
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
http.verify_depth = 5
request =
response = http.request(request)
Here is an example using Faraday: "", ssl: { ca_path: "/etc/ssl/certs" }
Good luck.