Disable location and Activity Recognizing sample still works - google-play-services

In the ActivityRecognition's introduction, there is a sentence "To run this sample, location must be enabled." But when I disable "Android Location", ActivityRecognition sample still works. I just want to know is there any different in application behavior when I turn on or turn off location setting. How does it work?
The last question is which sensors ActivityRecognition API uses?
1 more question, is there any way to use "Step Detector Sensor" and "Step Counter Sensor" to detect current user activity?
Thank you in advance.


Setting system recording level in vb.net

Clicking the speaker icon in the taskbar, then recording devices, then microphone, then level, I can see the recording level and change it manually if necessary.
I would like to change, set or get this number programmically in vs 2010 vb.net
I have tried using Mark Heath's NAudio to get or set this number, but his code is not in vb, and I can't seem to get it converted to make it work.
Can anyone help me just find a simple way to set and get this value?
I have been all over the internet for weeks, so I probably read everything a search engine can provide.
Thank you so much for your help.
Use mixerGetControlDetails / mixerSetControlDetails API calls to get and set any volume level, whether it is input level or output level.
I remember seeing a nice example on how to make this work ( see this article ), the idea being to talk directly to the "Windows Mixer Control" via these API calls.
Hope this helps.

changed app name by accident, now can't change back

I have submitted an update to my app which is waiting for review, and I went in to edit the meta data, changed the title, and saved by accident. Now when I try to change it back to the original name, it says "The App Name you entered has already been used.". Does anyone know how to fix this? (hopefully without having to manually reject the submission).
The solution in this article suggests that you might be able to get it to work by changing the Default Language.
If you're not sure where to set the Default Language, have a look at the iTunes Connect Developers Guide.
I called App Store Developer Support (408-974-4897) and after about a week and a half they were able to free up my app name so I could use it again.

Web Dynpro for ABAP Explanation Text (Green Underline) not working for certain users

I have recently added Explanation text to certain fields on the SRM Contract screen (both standard and cusom fields). The user that I unit tested with worked fine, however most other users do not work. After investigation I've found that it is not just the Explanation Text that I've added, but all Explanation Text that is missing.
According to the sap help entry the behaviour is similar to what I would expect for Help mode = off.
Is it possible to turn Help mode on or off on a per user (or role) basis, and where should I look to find this?
you already found it: SAP Help says:
"You can activate the help mode either in the personal settings in the portal or in the associated URL Parameter" ... means in personal Settings, but I feel that you want it globally not on personal base or in the associated URL Parameter. The latter means you'll have to find the application in the Portal Content, there you can find URL Parameter and i would try adding HELPMODE=ON... does this help you?
start by rightclicking you application "Technical Help" or "..Help" and see what application you are looking for. Then Google the application and add +"Portal Content", I think then you'll find it.
regards, zy

Mac-AVAudioRecorder Select Microphone

In an Application I record audio from the microphone using AVAudioRecorder. I would like the user to be able to choose the microphone/recording settings they want to use, not just use the defaults from system preferences. However, I have not found any way to do this using AVAudioRecorder. Is it possible to do this using AVAudioRecorder, and if not, could I use Core Audio or something else to do this? If so, how would I do this?
You may need to go a bit more low level than AVAudioRecorder, which probably gets its settings & inputs from whatever the user has specified as the defaults in the "Sound" system preference pane.
Perhaps you could consider trying some of the AVCapture* classes?
You can specify a different audio input via the "AVCaptureDeviceInput" class, and there's some nice sample code available from Apple including AVRecorder.

AssetsLibrary: Disable Location Service Prompt

I use AssetsLibrary to present pictures from the user's camera roll. However I'm not interested in the location data of those pictures. Is there a way to disable this location service prompt?
there is no way to disable the prompt. Enabling "location services "is a requirement for using the AssetsLibrary. The reason is that any photos/videos in the Photo-Library might contain geodata. This data is not just available through ALAssetPropertyURLs, but also if you read out the raw data from the asset (by using the getBytes:fromOffset:length:error: Method of ALAssetsRepresentation). Cause there is no way to strip the geo metadata from the raw image data (in case location services are disabled), I guess the design decision was made to make "location services" mandatory for using the AssetsLibrary.
This requirement might be confusing to the user. So you need to do 2 things:
1) If the user denies access to location services, then present a clear message while your app needs this access and that the app does not actually determine the current position or any GPS/data.
2) Display clear instructions how to enable location services, once the user has pressed "NO" on the initial dialog.