Invalid digital signature in self-signed certificate - ssl

In accordance with Microsoft a minimum key length for a certificate should be of 1024 bits since August 2012. I have created a self-signed certificate having a key length of 4096 bits. But the certificate information shows the following error:
When I inspected the public key length it shows the following screen:
But instead of having "This certificate is OK." as a status, I am getting the following error:
How can I resolve this issue?

Where do you see a self-signed certificate? Self-signed certificate is the certificate where Subject and Issuer fields are the same. In your case, it is not self-signed.
I can suspect, that the certificate was either, not signed by InfoValley Inc., or signature algorithm is not recognized on your system. Can you tell us the following information:
Authority Key Identifier extension value from leaf certificate
Signature algorithm used to sign leaf certificate (2nd and 3rd fields)
Subject Key Identifier extension value from InfoValley Inc. certificate

I'll explain at least one other way that you can get an invalid digital signature that happened to me. I have a set of scripts that build may certificates and a set of scripts that installs certificates in the windows certificate store. The script that installs the certificates first deletes the certificates that I'm going to install and then installs the new certificates. I thought the script was working just fine, but it turns out I had little bug in the script. I have one Trusted Root CA certificate that is used to sign my Intermediary Trusted Root CA certificates. The problem was that I chose the wrong "certificatestorename" for the trusted root certificate. So, instead actually deleting my trusted root certificate before I installed it, I ended up creating a second trusted root ca certificate in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store with the same distinguished name. And that's what cause my 2nd level intermediary CA certificates to report that they had an invalid digital signature.
What made this problem a little difficult to spot was that if I looked at installed 2nd level intermediary CA certificates after being install in the windows certificate store, those 2nd level intermediary CA certificates all showed that the "This certificate is "OK" and no issues with the certificate chain. The problem caused by the two trusted root certificates with the same distinguished name didn't exhibit any problems until I tried to validate a certificate that was signed by one of my 2nd level intermediary CA certificates. It's when I look at those certificates that I saw my 2nd level intermediary CA certificates all had an invalid digital signature.
So, this is at least one way that I observed that you can get this error message. Technically speaking, the error means that the issuer of the certificate cannot validate the signature of the given certificate, which is not the same thing as not finding the issuer certificate in the trusted store. Others have reported that this problem can occur in windows if you generate a certificate whose key length is 512.


Truststore in TLS connection

According to TLS connection definition, for example, as the client-side, I use keystore to store my private key and certificate, and use truststore to store some kinds of certs. On the server-side, that call it Youtube, it has a root certificate called Youtube.pem which is signed by Google.crt CA.
I know the truststore is to verify the 3rd party certificate during handshake
My question is what should my truststore actually store during handshake?
Youtube.pem (the CA signed certificate sent from 3rd part)
Google.crt (the CA certificate)
According to TLS connection definition, for example, as the client-side, I use keystore to store my private key and certificate, and use truststore to store some kinds of certs.
Yes, but you only need a keystore if you want to use client side authentication. Note that "keystore" and "truststore" indicate how the store is used, they can be of the same type (e.g. PKCS#12) and even the same file.
On the server-side, that call it Youtube, it has a root certificate called Youtube.pem which is signed by Google.crt CA.
No, YouTube is a service, it has a leaf or end-entity certificate. The root certificate is that of a third party CA. The end-entity certificate is usually signed by an intermediate CA certificate, and that is in turn signed by a self signed root certificate.
I know the truststore is to verify the 3rd party certificate during handshake
It is used to validate and verify the trust path from leaf certificate to a trust anchor in your truststore. The trust anchor is usually one of the root certificates stored in your truststore. The leaf certificate is indicated by the end entity / server, the intermediate certificates are usually sent by the server as well, but they could also be retrieved from a cache.
In the case of YouTube, the Google root CA is used, possibly using the GlobalSign root through a linked certificate if the Google root is not present in the trust store.
So your truststore should either contain the Google root certificate or the GlobalSign root for the connection to work in this example.

(Internal)CA signed certificate on WebLogic & same CA cert(public key) on my Weblogic Server. Browser still doesn't trust

I have the company CA signed certificate, intermediate and server certificate in the identity store ( .jks) but still the browser says , cannot be verified by a trusted authority error. Using weblogic -10.3.1 from the weblogic logs i also notice this -
Invalid/unknown SSL header was received from peer x.y.z.12 during SSL handshake
But when I install the root and intermediate certificates into certmgr.msc then when i access the url again in a new window it has no error on the browser and also no error log in the weblogic server.
What could be wrong ?
Global CA's have their root and intermediates recognised by all the modern browsers. However when browser encounter s a certificate whose intermediate and roots aka chain certificates & ca certificates are not a part of its trust store so it fails to chain the leaf certificate to its issuer. So in order to mitigate thi, the roots and intermediates of the company ca must be added so that the browser can verify the complete chain.
Agreed .but thats how the trust works. The company issues ca certificate is known only to your organization but browsers are accessed globally and if you want make the certificate trusted in all the browsers then either you switch to public ca issued certificates or get your root certificate cross signed by a global ca root.

Does a non-self-signed certificate, imported into root store, require a (self-signed) issuer to also be imported into the root store?

Does a non-self-signed certificate, imported into root store, require a (self-signed) issuer to also be imported into the root store?
Suppose I've a certificate A that is signed by another certificate B. Is it then sufficient to only import A into the root store, i.e. certificate validation stops at A, or should B also be imported into the root store for proper certificate validation?
The reason I'm asking this question, is that I've encountered different results with different products (e.g. web browser or system), and so I want to know the right way.
You should include Cert B in truststore. As mentioned in the comments, your mileage may vary as clients, as well as servers, implement RFC differently.
In terms of rules, spec for x.509 certs is in IETF RFC 5280. The key information is that for SSL handshake to happen client should do a full cert chain validation, which ends up with a self-signed certificate that is in your trust store.
Your Cert is not self-signed, it is issued by a different CA (cert B). If you do not have B in your truststore, then trust chain is broken. However, again as mentioned above, it is possible that client will not validate the full cert chain.
Think of it this way. Your client is presented with Cert A, which is signed by "B". Client should verify that signature on A is fine, which means it needs (certificate of) "B". If B is a "root" CA or self-signed, its "issuer" and "subject" fields will match. And if that Cert B is in your TrustStore, you are golden.
It's the job of the server to send you a certificate list for TLS.
This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender's
certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following
certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it.
There is a visual representation of certificate chain verification here. Hope it helps.

What's means of Self-Signed Certificate in OpenSSL

I'm a beginner in OpenSSL tools. I don't understand some concepts. Can you explain these concepts to me?
I want to understand concepts such as CA,Self-Signed Certificate or any concept for better understanding.
(Sorry if I am using the wrong terminology or grammar, I am learning english language.)
The purpose of certificates is to assert a piece of information in a way that you can verify. Public key certificates, more specifically X.509 certificates in this context, assert the binding between a public key, identifiers (the Subject Distinguished Name and/or Subject Alternative Names) and various other attributes. Altogether, these pieces of informations are signed so as to form the certificate.
X.509 certificates have both an issuer and a subject. The subject is the identifier representing who or what that certificate identifies (and who or what owns the private key matching the public key within this certificate). The issuer represents the identifier of the person or organisation that what used their private key to sign this certificate.
Certificate usage can be broadly split into two different categories: certificates that are used for a specific application or service (e.g. authenticating an SSL/TLS server), and certificates that are used to prove the validity of other certificates.
For the latter, certificates are used as building blocks of Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs). A Certification Authority (CA) is an institution that issues certificates: it signs the assertion that binds the public key in the certificate to the subject. When doing so, it puts its own name as the issuer name in the certificate it issues.
If you compare a certificate to a passport (which binds together your picture and your name), the CA would be your passport authority: those who actually certify that what the passport says is true, for others to be able to verify it.
Trusting a CA allows you to trust the certificates it has issued. You can build a chain of trust between a CA you trust and certificates issued by this CAs which you haven't seen before.
Along with this comes a "bootstrapping" problem: how do you trust the CAs themselves?
Self-signed certificates are certificates where the issuer and the subject are identical; they are signed with the private key matching the public key they contain. They are at the top of the chain of trust. They tend to be CA certificates (unless bespoke for a particular service, which you wouldn't be able to trust without external verification).
CA certificates are certificates that can be used for issuing/validating other certificates. (They can be intermediate CA certificates if they are in the middle of the chain between a root/self-signed CA certificate and a certificate you wish to verify.) The rules defining how certificates can be used to verify other certificates are defined in the PKIX specification (RFC 3280/5280).
Browsers and operating systems come with a pre-installed list of CA certificates that you trust by default. These are mostly commercial CAs which check the information about the service in the certificate, often for a fee. In counterpart, you can trust the content of the certificates they issue (most of the time, it's not a perfect system). There is a "leap of faith" involved here, since you need to trust the browser/OS to have included only reputable CA certificates.
If you use openssl s_client and you see a message like "self-signed certificate in the chain" or "unable to verify certificate", it doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong, but openssl doesn't use a pre-defined list of trusted CA certificates by default. Most of its command have an options like -CAfile or CApath that allow you to specify which CA certificates you are willing to trust.
Self-signed certificates for a service are a specific case, whereby the service self-asserted its content. You generally have no way of verifying the authenticity of such a certificate, unless you have an external way of trusting it (for example, if you have installed it yourself on a machine and change check its content manually, or if someone you trust gave it to you).
(You may also be interested in this question about how an HTTPS server certificate is used.)
Generally the purpose of a certificate is to establish a trust chain: "I trust this 3rd party company, they trust you, therefore I can trust you." Self-signed certificate means you generated it yourself, and therefore I'm really not gaining trust in you. (These are great for testing, but not much else.) The other type is a trusted certificate, obtained by getting a reputable company to sell you one (like Verisign). It's a commodity market, so their prices are pretty consistent between companies. It does depend on the intended use and the scope of the certificate. (e.g. a certificate for signing an Android app is very different from a certificate used for validating
The "CA" or Certificate Authority is the company that issued the certificate. In the case of a trusted certificate, it's that company -- e.g. Verisign. In the case of a self-signed certificate, the CA is you -- you issued the certificate.
Self-signed certificates will cause some kind of "untrusted" alert in most browsers, asking you if you want to proceed and add an exception, etc. This does not mean the connection is any less secure though -- it is still over SSL.
Generally CA's charge a fee but there are some free ones around if you search.

Difference between self-signed CA and self-signed certificate [closed]

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I'm not clear on the difference between a CA key and a certificate. Isn't a CA key simply a certificate? Let me try and clarify with an example.
I have a client and a server. I'm only trying to validate my connection to my server and not trying to establish trust to others so I don't care about signing with a real CA.
Option 1: Generate a self-signed CA (ssCA) and use that to sign a certificate (C). I then install ssCA into the root keystore on my client and setup my server to use certificate C.
Option 2: Generate a self-signed certificate (SSC). Install SSC into the root keystore on my client. Setup my server to use certificate SSC.
The second option seems like a much simpler process. Should that still work?
First, about the distinction between key and certificate (regarding "CA key"), there are 3 pieces used when talking about public-key certificates (typically X.509): the public key, the private key and the certificate.
The public key and the private key form a pair. You can sign and decrypt with the private key, you can verify (a signature) and encrypt with the public key. The public key is intended to be distributed, whereas the private key is meant to be kept private.
A public-key certificate is the combination between a public key and various pieces of information (mostly regarding the identity of the owner of the key pair, whoever controls the private key), this combination being signed using the private key of the issuer of the certificate.
An X.509 certificate has a subject distinguished name and an issuer distinguished name. The issuer name is the subject name of the certificate of the entity issuing the certificate. Self-signed certificates are a special case where the issuer and the subject are the same.
By signing the content of a certificate (i.e. issuing the certificate), the issuer asserts its content, in particular, the binding between the key, the identity (the subject) and the various attributes (which may indicate intent or scope of usage for the certificate).
On top of this, the PKIX specification defines an extension (part of a given certificate) which indicates whether a certificate may be used as a CA certificate, that is, whether it can be used as an issuer for another certificate.
From this, you build a chain of certificates between the end-entity certificate (which is the one you want to verify, for a user or a server) and a CA certificate you trust. There may be intermediate CA certificates (issued by other CA certificates) between the end-entity certificate of your service and the CA certificate you trust. You don't strictly need a root CA at the top (a self-signed CA certificate), but it's often the case (you may choose to trust an intermediate CA certificate directly if you wish).
For your use case, if you generate a self-signed certificate for a specific service, whether it has the CA flag (basic constraints extension) doesn't really matter. You would need it to be a CA certificate to be able to issue other certificates (if you want to build your own PKI). If the certificate you generate for this service is a CA certificate, it shouldn't do any harm. What matters more is the way you can configure your client to trust that certificate for this particular server (browsers should let you make an explicit exception quite easily for example). If the configuration mechanism follows a PKI model (without using specific exceptions), since there won't be a need to build a chain (with just one certificate), you should be able to import the certificate directly as part of the trust anchors of your client, whether it's a CA certificate or not (but this may depend on the configuration mechanism of the client).
Both options are valid, option 2 is simpler.
Option 1 (setting up your own CA) is preferable when you need multiple certificates. In a company you might set up your own CA and install that CA's certificate in the root keystore of all clients. Those clients will then accept all certificates signed by your CA.
Option 2 (self-signing a certificate without a CA) is easier. If you just need a single certificate, then this is sufficient. Install it in the keystores of your clients and you are done. But when you need a second certificate, you need to install that again on all clients.
Here is a link with further information: Creating Certificate Authorities and self-signed SSL certificates
You can openssl x509 -noout -text -in $YOUR_CERT to see the differences between files contents:
In your self-signed CA, you can seeļ¼š
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
And in your self-signed certificate, it's:
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
If you need more certificates (C), you need to create a self-signed CA (ssCA).
If you need a single certificate, you can just create a self-signed certificate (SSC).
To trust the single certificate (SSC), you need to install SSC into the root keystore on your client.
To trust many certificates at once, you need to create a self-signed CA (ssCA), then install ssCA into the root keystore on your client.
You must always have a root CA, the CA has a key that can be used to sign a lower level certificate and a root certificate that can be embedded in the accepted root certificates on the client and is used to verify the lower certificates to check they are valid. Self signed just means you are your own CA. Whenever creating a self signed certificate you create a ca, then sign a site cert with that CA.