How to compare value from previous test run with current? - selenium

I'm using robotframework and Selenium via Selenium2Library
I would like to test if value extracted from DOM element changed and is different than one checked in previous test run.
I'm thinking about using Robotframework-MongoDB-Library or other database. Next step would be adding custom mini-library for saving and retrieving extracted value for test cases.
In first test run all this kind of test will be marked as failed but next runs theoretically should work correctly.
I'm not experienced in testing field, is this right approach? If not then how can I execute this kind of tests?

This is a bad practice, as on the 2nd run (which will pass) you don't really know if that DOM is actually correct as it might be a persistent issue.
The idea is that tests are reproducible, so when something fails, you can reproduce the reason why they failed.
Also, this approach might cause an interesting behaviour change in your team: When the tests fail, re-run them until they pass, and don't bother looking at why they failed (I would bet good money on this :)).
Something you might want to do is to refine your test, so you only check the bits that are important, rather than the whole DOM (or a big chunk of it)


Selenium Best Practice: One Long Test or Several Successively Long Tests?

In Selenium I often find myself making tests like ...
// Test #1
// Test #2
// Test #3
// ...
In a unit testing environment, you'd want separate tests for each piece (ie. one for login, one for goToPageFoo, etc.) so that when a test fails you know exactly what went wrong. However, I'm not sure this is a good practice in Selenium.
It seems to result in a lot of redundant tests, and the "know what went wrong" problem doesn't seem so bad since it's usually clear what went wrong by looking at the what step the test was on. And it certainly takes longer to run a bunch of "build up" tests than it takes to run just the last ("built up") test.
Am I missing anything, or should I just have a single long test and skip all the shorter ones building up to it?
I have built a large test suite in Selenium using a lot of smaller tests (like in your code example). I did it for exactly the same reasons you did. To know "what went wrong" on a test failure.
This is a common best practice for standard unit tests, but if I had to do it over again, I would go mostly with the second approach. Larger built-up tests with some smaller tests when needed.
The reason is that Selenium tests take an order of magnitude longer than standard unit tests to run, particularly on longer scenarios. This makes the whole test suite unbearably long with most of the time being spent on running the same redundant code over and over again.
When you do get an error, say in a step that is repeated at the beginning of 20+ different tests, it does not really help to know you got the same error 20+ times. My test runner runs my test out of order so my first error isn't even on the first incremental test of the "build-up" series so I end up looking at the first test failure and it's error message to see where the failure came from. The same thing I would do with if I had used larger "built-up" tests.

Best practice for writing tests that reproduce bugs

I am struggling a bit with the way how to write tests that reproduce an issue that has not been yet fixed.
Should one write the test and use wrong expectations and once the bug is fixed the developer will see the failure and adjust the expectations or should one just write the test with correct expectations and disable it. Once it is fixed you have to enable it again.
I would prefer the way to define wrong expectations and add the correct ones in comments and once I fix an issue I will immediately get a notification that it fails. If I disable it I won't see it failing and it will probably stay disabled until one will discover this test.
Are there any other ways doing this?
Thanks for your comments.
Ideally you would write a test that reproduces the bug and then fix said bug.
If for whatever reason that is not currently an option I would say that your approach of having the wrong expectations would be better than having an ignored test. Assuming that you use some clear variable name/ method name / comments that the test is more a placeholder and not the desired outcome.
One thing that I've done is write a test that is a "time bomb" reminder. I pick a date that is a few weeks/months out from now that I expect to be able to get back to it or have it fixed by. If I end up having to push the date out 2 or 3 times I end up deleting the test because it must not be that important.
as #Jarred said, best way is to write a test that express the correct expectations, check if it fails, then fix production code and see the test passes.
if it's not an option then remember that tests are not only to test but also to document. so write a test that document how your program does actually work. if necessary add a comment to the test. and don't write tests that are ignored - it's pointless. in future you can refactor your code many times, you could accidentally fix this test or introduce even more error in this area. writing tests that are intended to be long term ignored is just a waste of time.
don't be afraid that you will forget about that particular bug/test, just create a ticket in your issue tracking system - that's what it's made for.
if you use a testing framework that supports groups, you can add all those tests to be able to instantly exclude those test if needed.
also i really don't like the concept of 'time bomb tests'. your build MUST be reproducible - that's the fundamental assumption of release management, continuous integration, ability to pass your code to another team etc. tests are not meant to track and remind about the issues, it's the job of the issue tracking system. seriously, don't do it
Actually I thought about this again. We are using JUnit and it supports defining expectations on exceptions via #Test(expected=Exception.class).
So what one can do is write the test with the desired expectations and define the test with #Test(expected=AssertionError.class). Once the test will be fixed the test starts failing and the developer has to remove the expectation.

Testing specific text on page render a code smell?

Occasionally, I'll find tests written by others that relies on specific text to be on a page (ie. a success message, an empty warning, etc.)
I find these distasteful, and usually will replace them with either a test for a specific selector (ie. #success-message or .error) or an I18n value (ie. I18n.t('foobar.success') or I18n.t('form.error.missing_error'))
The latter seems more future proof, since if the copy changes then my tests won't fail. However, some have argued that if you accidentally change the message, then it won't be caught as a failure.
Is there a standard practice when utilizing these sorts of things that I'm not aware of?
I do both in my tests: check selectors and check copy. Its good if tests fail due to copy changes. Its a bit more maintenance but the people who change copy should also be running tests or you should have a continuous integration setup to notify immediately if tests fail.
It gets a bit more complicated if you start running a/b or multivariant tests but it isn't insurmountable...Like I said, just more maintenance.
IMO, the tradeoff of maintenance vs confidence in code coverage is well worth it.

Ordering tests in TFS 2012

There are a few tests in my testing solution that must be run first or else later tests will fail. I want a way to ensure these are run first and in a specific order. Is there any way of doing this other than using a .orderedtest file?
Some problems with the .orderedtest:
Certain tests should be run in a random order after the "set up" tests are finished
Ordered test does not seem to call the ClassInitialize method
Isn't an orderedtest a form or test list that is deprecated in VS/TFS 2012?
My advice would be to fix your tests to remove the dependencies (i.e. make them proper "unit" tests) - otherwise they are bound to cause problems later, e.g.:
causing a simple failure to cascade so that hundreds of tests fail and make it hard to find the root cause
failing unexpectedly because someone has inadvertently modified the execution order
reporting passes when in fact they should be failing, just because the initial state is not as they required
You could try approaches like:
keep the tests separate but make each of them set up and tear down the test environment that they require. (A shared class to provide the initial state would be helpful here)
merge the related tests into a single one, so that you can control the setup, execution, and close-down in a robust way.

How to protect yourself when refactoring non-regression tests?

Are there specific techniques to consider when refactoring the non-regression tests? The code is usually pretty simple, but it's obviously not included into the safety net of a test suite...
When building a non-regression test, I first ensure that it really exhibits the issue that I want to correct, of course. But if I come back later to this test because I want to refactor it (e.g. I just added another very similar test), I usually can't put the code-under-test back in a state where it was exhibiting the first issue. So I can't be sure that the test, once refactored, is still exercising the same paths in the code.
Are there specific techniques to deal with this issue, except being extra careful?
It's not a big problem. The tests test the code, and the code tests the tests. Although it's possible to make a clumsy mistake that causes the test to start passing under all circumstances, it's not likely. You'll be running the tests again and again, so the tests and the code they test gets a lot of exercise, and when things change for the worse, tests generally start failing.
Of course, be careful; of course, run the tests immediately before and after refactoring. If you're uncomfortable about your refactoring, do it in a way that allows you to see the test working (passing and failing). Find a reliable way to fail each test before the refactoring, and write it down. Get to green - all tests passing - then refactor the test. Run the tests; still green? Good. (If not, of course, get green, perhaps by starting over). Perform the changes that made the original unrefactored tests fail. Red? Same failure as before? Then reinstate the working code, and check for green again. Check it in and move onto your next task.
Try to include not only positive cases in your automated test, but also negative cases (and a proper handler for them).
Also, you can try to run your refactored automated test with breakpoints and supervise through the debugger that it keeps on exercising all the paths you intended it to exercise.