Which protocol does WCF Test Client use (WcfTestClient.exe) to get metadata - wcf

According to my understanding metadata can be explored by using three types of bindings:
Are all these bindings supported by WcfTestClient.exe ?
According to my understanding alternative way to get metadata is get WSDL information (old way of posting metadata).
If EcfTestClient.exe supports all these bindings listed above it don't need WSDL. According to my understanding to enable WSDL I need to place <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true" /> in web.config in behaviors. This is not required if metadata is retrieved using mexHttpBinding,mexHttpsBinding,mexTcpBinding bindings. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. In this case WcfTestClient.exe finds metadata.
If I do false for both httpGetEnabled and httpsGetEnabled WcfTestClient.exe can't get service info:
Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from http://localhost:35168/mySrv.svc If this is a Windows (R) Communication Foundation service to which you have access, please check that you have enabled metadata publishing at the specified address.
Looks WcfTestClient.exe is getting information from WSDL and not from bindings mexHttpBinding , mexHttpsBinding , mexTcpBinding?

Well, based on MSDN, WCFTestClient supports all the bindings supported by SvcUtil. Now, if you look at the excerpts from MSDN below:
Svcutil issues the following metadata requests simultaneously to retrieve metadata.
MEX (WS-Transfer) request to the supplied address
MEX request to the supplied address with /mex appended
DISCO request (using the DiscoveryClientProtocol from ASMX) to the supplied address.
Looks like its safe to assume that WcfTestClient supports all three for metadata download.
MSDN WCFTestClient
MSDN SvcUtil


Want to understand httpGetEnabled and Mex Endpoint

i often saw people design their web service with both httpGetEnabled and Mex Endpoint but i do not know like
1) why mex endpoint is require ? what it does ? if we omit mex endpoint then what will occur ? if i omit mex endpoint then any .net application or java application could call my web service? help me the real usage of mex endpoint like when it is required and when not ?
2) what is httpGetEnabled
if i omit httpGetEnabled then any .net application or java application could call my web service?
any .net client can add web reference of my web service if httpGetEnabled is set false of does not exist? what is the default value of httpGetEnabled ?
what httpGetEnabled does ? please explain the usage httpGetEnabled with example or scenario.
MEX and WSDL are two different schemes to tell potential clients about the structure of your service. So you can choose to either make your service contracts public as "metadata exchance format" (MEX) or in the "web service description language" (WSDL) -- the latter being accessible via HTTP(s).
Thus in order to generate proxies, you need meta data information. When you remove the serviceMetadata-line you say you are not providing meta data in WSDL format.
But the line before, publishing your metadata in MEX, is still active, thus you can generate a proxy from those metadata.
From those follows naturally that when you provide neither WSDL nor MEX formatted information, you cannot generate a proxy.

SharePoint 2010 hosted wcf and castle windsor

I am trying to work out how to host a wcf service in sharepoint 2010 which uses castle windsor. I can host my own standard custom web service without any issues by using one of the service factories from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff521586(v=office.14).aspx.
Setting up a normal wcf service with castle windsor involves modifying the global.asax but, as this is not recommended for SharePoint, I have created an HttpModule which sets up the container and I have updated the web config to use it by creating a feature reciever.
My problem is where to go next. I am using the MultipleBaseAddressBasicHttpBindingServiceHostFactory for my service because that dynamically configures all of the endpoints for the service based on the IIS configuration but in order to use castle windsor it looks like it is necessary to change to using the supplied Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration.WindsorServiceHostFactory. I have tried just switching over to see what happens but that does not seem to work. I get the following error
Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from <svc url> If this is a Windows (R) Communication Foundation service to which you have access, please check that you have enabled metadata publishing at the specified address. For help enabling metadata publishing, please refer to the MSDN documentation at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=65455.WS-Metadata Exchange Error URI: <svcurl> Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: '<svcurl>'. The requested service, '<svcurl>' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.HTTP GET Error URI: <svcurl> There was an error downloading '<svcurl>'. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
I assume this is because I haven't configured an endpoint for the service but the few examples I have seen online do not seem to either.
Has anyone managed to get castle windsor and sharepoint wcf working - preferably with dynamic configuration if possible?
The error message that you are getting is that the metadata of the service is not published. To do this you need 2 things:
A mex endpoint for your service:
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
And service meta data turned on in service behavior:
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True" />

Changing the publicly exposed endpoint URL for a WCF web service without changing the site bindings

I have a WCF web service hosted in IIS7 which is reporting its endpoint URL as the following in its WSDL
However the actual public URL which clients need to use is actually
And so at the moment clients that attempt to use this web service fail unless they manually edit the endpoint URL.
I know that I can fix this by changing the bindings of the site in IIS as per HOWTO: Fix WCF Host Name on IIS however in this case the site is shared with another application which stops working if I do this and so this isn't an option.
Is there another way that I can change the endpoint URL that WCF uses for this one virtual directory?
Although not directly answering my question (how can I set the WSDL endpoint URL in the web.config file) adding the <useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress /> element to the <serviceBehaviors> section of my web.config file did fix my problems as now the endpoint URL is based on the URL used to access the WSDL, which is always the same as the URL used to call the web service.
Note that in this SO question it indicated that I needed to supply port numbers, note that this wasn't necessary for me - just adding the <useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress /> element was enough
<behavior name="<name>">
<!-- Other options would go here -->
<useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress />
There are a couple of options depending on which version of WCF your service is using. If you're using .NET 4 or higher, look at the accepted answer to this SO question. Otherwise you can either apply the hotfix that question references or if you're really desperate, hack the metadata URL of the httpGetUrl attribut to point to a copy of the WSDL which has been manually edited to contain the desired endpoint URL.

Consuming Web Service from WCF

I have created a WCF service, now this WCF service has to call a Web Service. What I am doing is adding the service reference of web service in WCF and calling the method of the web service which I want to use.
Just an example shown below :
CalcWebReference.CalculatorSoapClient fct =
new CalcWebReference.CalculatorSoapClient();
int rq = fct.Add(q, r);
return rq;
Now this method when I tried to call from the client it is giving following error
The server was unable to process the
request due to an internal error. For
more information about the error,
either turn on
IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either
from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from
the configuration
behavior) on the server in order to
send the exception information back to
the client, or turn on tracing as per
the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK
documentation and inspect the server
trace logs.
Thanks i did what u told but now i am getting following error "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'CalcWebReference.CalculatorSoap' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element."
Now do i need to give some end points in the WCF service or in the web service to get the function from web service and if so then how do i give it.
Please help.
CalcWebReference.CalculatorSoapClient is reffering to the web service not WCF.
Given below is the code written in WCF(sample code) which is calling the web service :-
CalcWebReference.CalculatorSoapClient fct = new CalcWebReference.CalculatorSoapClient();
int rq = fct.Add(12, 10);
return rq;
Am i not putting the syntax right or is there any additional thing that i need to do in this?
This is the generic WCF "something bad happened" error message. That won't really be much help.
make sure the web service you're calling works on its own - otherwise fix it!
enable the detailed error information, as described in the error message, by including the error details in your WCF service (do this in DEV environments only! Never in production...)
try to launch your WCF service inside Visual Studio and debug what's happening
In order to enable detailed error reporting, you need to add this section to your WCF service's configuration:
<behavior name="DebugBehavior">
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="True" />
You might already have a service behavior configured - in that case, just add the <serviceDebug> tag to your service behavior.
If you don't have a service config yet - you'll also need to make sure your service actually uses that service config:
<service name="YourServiceNameHere"
Make sure to have a behaviorConfiguration= attribute on your <service> tag, and make sure to reference that defined service behavior (by specifying its <behavior name="..." > property).
Once you've done that, your error should hopefully give you more information - you should definitely get an .InnerException on your exception that should point you in the right direction.

All about WSDL vs MEX?

I am not able to open the meta data url http://localhost:8082/Tasks/mex, even though
I've added the mexHttpBinding in the config file. Can I view this MEX endpoint in a browser?
The config files look like:
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
Is MEX is different from WSDL? If not, then why do we require a MEX endpoint over WSDL?
In the WSDL, I see the WSDL type information is missing. Is it by default? Can I look at the type information in WSDL?
Check out serviceMetadata for more information regarding the WCF configuration file.
To answer your questions though, MEX is a newer W3C standard for the presentation of Service description information; WSDL was the previous method. If you need to allow older clients to access your service description information, you may have to expose that information via WSDL.
The information for exposing your service description information as WSDL (httpGetEnabled) is also in the link provided above.
Also, try using the wcftestclient.exe to access your WCF service. It provides more functionality and information than a browser.
Aakash, Did you add a service behavior with a <serviceMetadata> element? It can be empty, i.e. <serviceMetadata />, but it must be present. The service definition needs to reference the service behaviorConfiguration. Check out the following for examples:
If you look at that endpoint, you'll see it looks like every other endpoint. There's even a service contract (IMetadataExchange). You can look at System.ServiceModel.Description.IMetadataExchange and see what that contract is all about.