Should I use distinct in my queries - sql

Where I am working I have been recently told that using distinct in your queries is a bad sign of a programmer. So I am wondering I guess the only way to not use this function is to use a group by .
It was my understanding that the distinct function works very similarly to a group by except in how its read. A distinct function checks each individual selection criteria vs a group by which does the same thing only done as a whole.
Keep in mind I only do reporting . I do not create/alter the data. So my question is for best practices should I be using distinct or group by. If neither then is there an alternative. Maybe the group by should be used in more complex queries than my non-real example here, but you get the idea. I could not find an answer that really explained why or why not I should use distinct in my queries
select distinct
spriden_user_id as "ID",
spriden_last_name as "last",
spriden_first_name as "first",
spriden_mi_name as "MI",
spraddr_street_line1 as "Street",
spraddr_street_line2 as "Street2",
spraddr_city as "city",
spraddr_stat_code as "State",
spraddr_zip as "zip"
from spriden, spraddr
where spriden_user_id = spraddr_id
and spraddr_mail_type = 'MA'
spriden_user_id as "ID",
spriden_last_name as "last",
spriden_first_name as "first",
spriden_mi_name as "MI",
spraddr_street_line1 as "Street",
spraddr_street_line2 as "Street2",
spraddr_city as "city",
spraddr_stat_code as "State",
spraddr_zip as "zip"
from spriden, spraddr
where spriden_user_id = spraddr_id
and spraddr_mail_type = 'MA'
group by "ID","last","first","MI","Street","Street2","city","State","zip"

Databases are smart to recognize what you mean. I expect both of your queries to perform equally well. It is important for someone else maintaining your query to know what you meant. If you really meant to retrieve distinct records, use DISTINCT. If your intention was to do aggregation, use GROUP BY
Take a look at this question. There are some nice answers that might help.

The answer provided by #zedfoxus is useful to understand the context.
However, I don't believe your query should require distinct records if the data is designed correctly.
It appears you are selecting the primary key of table spriden, so all that data should be unique. You're also joining onto the spraddr table; does that table really contain valid duplicate data? Or is there perhaps an additional join criterium that's required to filter out those duplicates?
This is why I get nervous about use of "distinct" - the spraddr table may include additional columns which you should use to filter out data, and "distinct" may be hiding that.
Also, you may be generating a massive result set which needs to be filtered by the "distinct" clause, which can cause performance issues. For instance, if there are 1 million rows in spraddr for each row in spriden, and you should use the "is_current" flag to find the 2 or 3 "real" ones.
Finally, I get nervous when I see "group by" used as a substitute for distinct, not because it's "wrong", but because stylistically, I believe group by should be used for aggregate functions. That's just a personal preference.

In your example distinct and group by do the same thing. I think your colleagues means that your query should not return duplicates in the first instance and that you should be able to write your query without a distinct or group by clause. You maybe be able to reduce the duplicates by extending your join conditions.

Ask them why is it a bad practice. A lot of people make up rules or come up with things that they consider bad practice from reading the first page of the book or the first result of a google search. If it does the job and doesn't cause any issues there is no reason to create more work by finding alternatives. From the two options you have posted I would use distinct too because its shorter and easier to read and maintain.

Whoever told you using DISTINCT is a bad sign in itself is wrong. In reality, it all depends on what problem you are trying to solve by using DISTINCT in the first place.
If you're querying a table that is expected to have repeated values of some field or combination of fields, and you're reporting a list of the values or combinations of values (and not performing any aggregations on them), then DISTINCT is the most sensible thing to use. It doesn't really make sense in my mind to use GROUP BY instead just because somebody thinks DISTINCT shouldn't be used. Indeed, I think this is the kind of thing DISTINCT is designed for.
If OTOH you've found that your query has a bug meaning that repeated values are being returned, you shouldn't use either DISTINCT or GROUP BY to cancel out this bug. Rather, you should figure out the cause of the bug and fix it.
Using DISTINCT as a safety net is also a poor practice, as it potentially hides problems, and furthermore it can be computationally expensive (typically O(n log n) or O(n2)). In this scenario, I can't see that using GROUP BY instead would help you.

Yes, Distinct tends to raise a little alarm in my head when I come across it in someones' query. It is required in some cases ofcourse, but most data models should not require it. It tends to be a last resort, or outlier case, for having to use it. It may also be systemic of a bad application sitting ontop of the database, allowing duplicate entries to be inserted or updated to be duplicates (and likewise, no corresponding database level constraints to prevent such actions). So the first thing to check is the data. It could be a sign of bad datamodel design. But most likely the query should not get to that stage in a select where duplicate rows are lingering.
In constructing a large query, normally I would start with the nugget of a subquery which is specifying the unique fields, and any subquery after that must Inner join or Left join onto that but never add or reduce the number of rows already defined by the nugget query.. and remembering to handle the possible NULLs of the left joins.
So for example, the nugget query could select the right rows also by using Partitions to, for example, select the most recent row of a joined table, or to do some other grouping at that stage.
In your example, I would not expect duplicates. If a person can have historical addresses, fine, but then do you need to see all addresses, or only the most recent, and if there were duplicate addresses, for the same person, does that mean incorrectly duplicated data, or does it mean the person left that address but returned to it later... in which case the partition select would fix that with much better control than a distinct.. especially when fields are added to the query by someone else later and breaks the distinct-ness.
This means that all other data hangs off this nugget of a sub query.. you stick the other possible fields onto the right of the core set of fields.
If Distincts are a last resort, then they are typically reserved for cases where the data is known to have duplicate entries in that table for that set of fields, and it's perfectly normal. In my head though a distinct is a slow, post-select process in the plan especially when it's a large result set being returned. I ought to verify that one of these days.

Provided your queries are correct, DISTINCT and GROUP BY provide the same result set, but your colleagues are correct in stating that DISTINCT hides problems. If you are missing a join and using a GROUP BY, you'll get back more information than you're expecting. If you are missing a join and using DISTINCT the SQL engine will perform an unbounded (or partially bounded) join, narrow the results down, and then come up with the expected answer.
Beyond the obvious performance degradation of generating more data than is necessary, you also run the risk of filling your tempdb (i.e.: running out of room on the hard drive where your tempdb lives).
Use GROUP BY in production.


Performance of ISNULL() in GROUP BY clause SQL

I have been refactoring some old queries recently and noticed that a lot of them repeat ISNULL() in the GROUP BY clause, where it is used in the SELECT clause. I feel in my bones that removing the ISNULL() in the GROUP BY clause will improve performance, but I can't find any documentation on whether it is actually likely to or not. Here's the sort of thing I mean:
ISNULL(Foo,-1) AS Foo
,ISNULL(Bar,-1) AS Bar
,SUM(This) AS This
,SUM(That) AS That
dbo.ThisThatTable AS ThisThat
LEFT JOIN dbo.FooBarTable AS FooBar ON ThisThat.FooBarId = FooBar.Id
The above is the way I keep coming across - When there is grouping on the Foo column, the SELECT and the GROUP BY for selected columns match exactly. The example below is a possible alternative - some possibly unnecessary ISNULL() calls have been removed, and the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses no longer match.
ISNULL(Foo,-1) AS Foo
,ISNULL(Bar,-1) AS Bar
,SUM(This) AS This
,SUM(That) AS That
dbo.ThisThatTable AS ThisThat
LEFT JOIN dbo.FooBarTable AS FooBar ON ThisThat.FooBarId = FooBar.Id
I suppose maybe when the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses match, the optimiser only has to do the ISNULL() calculation once to know what is going on, so it might be theoretically more performative to group by the results that are actually selected? Alternatively, maybe it is better to avoid adding a second set of ISNULL() calls that don't change the granularity of the data at all... Maybe the optimiser is clever enough to realise that the NULLS in the grouping are (in this case) -1s in the selection...?
I personally would prefer removing any unnecessary functions, especially once that might affect index usage but when I look online, the references to performance are all like the answers here, about using ISNULL() in the WHERE clause, which I already know to avoid.
I also suspect that any gains are going to be vanishingly small, so this is really asking for an academic or theoretical answer, but as I work, I keep wondering and it bugs me, so I thought I would ask if anyone has any thoughts.
Non-aggregated columns in SELECT clauses generally must precisely match the ones in GROUP BY clauses. If I were you, and I were dealing with tested production code, I would not make the change you propose.
Edit the match between non-aggregated SELECT columns and GROUP BY columns is necessary for GROUP BY. If the columns in SELECT are 1:1 dependent on the columns in GROUP BY, it will work. Otherwise the results are ambiguous.
Internally, SQL does not really have two copies of each ISNULL. They are all flattened together in the internal tree used during compilation. So, this level of optimization is not useful to consider in SQL Server. A query without any ISNULL in it would probably perform a bit faster and potentially a lot faster depending on the rest of the schema and query. However, the ISNULL in the select list and the GROUP BY list are not executed twice in most cases within SQL - this level of detail can show up in showplan, but it's often below the level of detail most people would care to examine.
There are a few different aspects to consider here:
Referring to the same value multiple times in the same scope
In most situations, the optimizer is clever enough to collapse these into calculating them once. The fact that you have a GROUP BY over them makes this even more likely.
Is it faster to group when the value is guaranteed to not be null?
Possibly, although I doubt the difference is measurable.
The SELECT does not have to match exactly, it only needs to be functionally dependent on GROUP BY columns and aggregation functions. It may not be functionally dependent on any other columns.
The most important thing top consider: indexing.
This is much, much more important than the other considerations. When grouping, if you can hit an index then it will go much faster, because it can remove sorting and just use Stream Aggregate. This is not possible if you use ISNULL in the GROUP BY (barring computed columns or indexed views).
Note that your results will not be the same: the first example collapses the NULL group into the -1 group. The second example does not, so you may want to remove the ISNULL from the SELECT also, in order to differentiate them. Alternatively, put a WHERE ... IS NOT NULL instead.

Oracle 12c Subquery Factoring Inline View now has bad plan?

Update 11/2
After some additional troubleshooting, my team was able to tie this Oracle bug directly to a parameter change that was made on the 12c database the night before the query stopped working. After experiencing some performance issues from an application tied to this database, my team had our DBA change the OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE parameter from 12.1.02 to This fixed the performance issue for the problem application but caused the bug I have described above. To verify, I've been able to replicate this same issue in a separate environment by changing this parameter. My DBA has filed a ticket with Oracle to have this looked at.
As a workaround, I was able to make a slight change to my query in order to retrieve the expected results. Specifically, I combined Subquery1 with Subquery2 and I moved a few predicates in Subquery1 from the WHERE clause to the JOIN (where they more properly belonged). This change edited my execution plan (it is slightly less efficient than what was listed before) but was enough to address the original issue.
Original Post
Firstly, let me apologize for any vagueness in this question but I'm dealing with a confidential financial system so I am forced to hide certain implementation details.
I have an Oracle query that I put into production a long time ago that has recently stopped producing expected results coincidentally after an upgrade from 11g to 12c. To my (and my production support team's) knowledge this query had been working fine for well over a year before that.
The query is overly complicated and not very efficient but this is in large part because I am dealing with non-normalized tables (historically modeled after a Mainframe) and poor data input from upstream systems. In order to deal with a complicated business situation I leveraged multiple levels of Subquery Factoring (the WITH statement) and then my final statement joins together two Inline Views. The basic structure of the query without all of the complicated predicates is as follows:
I have 3 tables Table1, Table2, Table3. Table1 is a processing table made up of records from Table2.
--This grabs a subset from Table1
WITH Subquery1 as (
--This eliminates certain records from the first subset based on sister records
--from the original source table
Subquery2 as (
--This ties the records from Subquery2 to Table3
Subquery3 as (
JOIN (SELECT Max(Date) FROM Table3)
JOIN Subquery2)
--This final query evaluates subquery3 in two different ways and
--only takes those records which fit the criteria items from both sets
(SELECT FROM Subquery3) -- Call this Inline View A
JOIN (SELECT FROM Subquery3) -- Call this Inline View B
The final query is pretty basic:
SELECT A.Group_No, B.Sub_Group, B.Key, B.Lob
FROM (SELECT Group_No, Lob, COUNT(Sub_Group)
FROM Subquery3
GROUP BY Group_No, Lob
HAVING COUNT(Sub_Group) = 1) A
JOIN (SELECT Group_No, Sub_Group, Key, Lob
FROM Subquery3
WHERE Sub_Group LIKE '0000%') B
ON A.Group_No = B.Group_No
AND A.Lob = B.Lob
If I edit the final query to remove the second Inline View and evaluate the output of the A inline view, I come away with 0 returned rows. I've manually evaluated the records for each individual subquery and can confirm this is an expected result.
Likewise, if I edit the final query to produce the output of only the 'B' inline view, I come away with 6 returned rows. Again, I've manually evaluated the data and this is exactly as expected.
Now when joining these two subsets (Inline View A and Inline View B) together, I would expect that the final query result would be 0 rows (since an inner join between a full set and an empty set produces no matches). However, when I run the entire query with the inner join as described above, I am getting back 1158 rows!
I have reviewed the Execution Plan but nothing jumps out at me:
Clearly I have done something to confuse the Oracle Optimizer and the updated query plan is pulling back a much different query than the one I have submitted. My best guess is that with all of these temporary views floating around within the same query, I have confused Oracle into evaluating some set before one that it depends upon.
To this day I've been unable to locate the official Oracle documentation around the WITH statement so I've never been completely confident about the order that subqueries are evaluated. I did notice in searching SO (can't find it now) someone mentioned that a factored subquery cannot refer to another factored query. I've never known this to be true before but the bizarre output above is making me wonder if I had only been lucky before with this query?
Can anyone explain the behavior I am seeing? Am I attempting to do something obviously incorrect with this query plan? Or alternatively, is there any chance that something changed between 11g and 12c that could explain why the behavior of this query might have changed?
This sounds like a "wrong results" bug in Oracle. These bugs are usually extremely specific to the version and the features you are using. There's nothing obviously wrong with the queries or execution plan you posted.
You have two ways of handling this:
Try to find the precise bug. What you're doing with common table expressions looks fine. There are some rare times when your query is technically invalid, you get "lucky" in one version and it works, and when you upgrade it fails. But when that happens the new version usually throws an error, not return wrong results. There's probably some extremely weird, specific combination of features you're using that's causing the issue. To find the real issue you need to massively simplify the query until you can make the smallest possible change and see the problem appear and disappear. You'll also want to remove all objects and only use DUAL. This process can take hours. At the end, when you're left with only a few lines of code, either post them here, look on Oracle Support, or create a Service Request.
Avoid the bug. Even if you go through the above steps there may not be a fix anyway. Sometimes the best work-around is to do something differently. It's nice to get to the bottom of every problem but you don't always have time. Instead, try re-writing the query in syntactically different but logically equivalent ways. Remove some or all of the common table expressions, maybe even repeat some SQL. But be sure to leave a comment warning future programmers of why you're doing things in a weird way.

Does ms access group by order the results?

I need to run a query that groups the result and orders it. When I used the following query I noticed that the results were ordered by the field name:
SELECT name, count(name)
FROM contacts
HAVING count(name)>1
Originally I planed on using the following query:
SELECT name, count(name)
FROM contacts
HAVING count(name)>1
I'm worried that order by significantly slows the running time.
Can I depend on ms-access to always order by the field I am grouping by, and eliminate the order by?
EDIT: I tried grouping different fields in other tables and it was always ordered by the grouped field.
I have found answers to this question to other SQL DBMSs, but not access.
How GROUP BY and ORDER BY work in general
Databases usually choose between sorting and hashing when creating groups for GROUP BY or DISTINCT operations. If they do choose sorting, you might get lucky and the sorting is stable between the application of GROUP BY and the actual result set consumption. But at some later point, this may break as the database might suddenly prefer an order-less hashing algorithm to produce groups.
In no database, you should ever rely on any implicit ordering behaviour. You should always use explicit ORDER BY. If the database is sophisticated enough, adding an explicit ORDER BY clause will hint that sorting is more optimal for the grouping operation as well, as the sorting can then be re-used in the query execution pipeline.
How this translates to your observation
I tried grouping different fields in other tables and it was always ordered by the grouped field.
Have you exhaustively tried all possible queries that could ever be expressed? I.e. have you tried:
semi-JOIN (using EXISTS or IN)
anti-JOIN (using NOT EXISTS or NOT IN)
grouping by many many columns
DISTINCT + GROUP BY (this will certainly break your ordering)
UNION or UNION ALL (which defeats this argument anyway)
I bet you haven't. And even if you tried all of the above, can you be sure there isn't a very peculiar configuration where the above breaks, just because you've observed the behaviour in some (many) experiments?
You cannot.
MS Access specific behaviour
As far as MS Access is concerned, consider the documentation on ORDER BY
ORDER BY is optional. However, if you want your data displayed in sorted order, then you must use ORDER BY.
Notice the wording. "You must use ORDER BY". So, MS Acces is no different from other databases.
The answer
So your question about performance is going in the wrong direction. You cannot sacrifice correctness for performance in this case. Better tackle performance by using indexes.
Here is the MSDN documentation for the GROUP BY clause in Access SQL:
The page makes no reference to any implied or automatic ordering of results - if you do see desired ordering without an explicit ORDER BY then it is entirely coincidental.
The only way to guarantee the particular ordering of results in SQL is with ORDER BY.
There is a slight performance problem with using ORDER BY (in general) in that it requires the DBMS to get all of the results first before it outputs the first row of results (though the DBMS is free to use an "online sort" algorithm that sorts data as it gets each row from its backing store, it still needs to get the last row from the backing store before it can return the first row to the client (in case the last row from the backing-store happens to be the 1st result according to the ORDER BY) - however unless you're querying tens of thousands of rows in a latency-sensitive application this is not a problem - and as you're using Access already it's very clear that this is not a performance-sensitive application.

Is using COUNT(*) or SELECT * a good idea?

I've heard several times that you shouldn't perform COUNT(*) or SELECT * for performance reasons, but wasn't able to dig up some further information about it.
I can imagine that the database is then using all columns for the action, which can be an impressive performance loss, but I'm not sure about that. Does somebody have further information about the topic?
1. On count(*) vs. count(something else)
SQL is declarative in that you specify what you want. This is different from specifying how to get what you want. That means the database engine is free to realize your query in whatever way it thinks is the most efficient. Many database optimizers rewrites your query to a less costly alternative (if such a plan is available).
Given the following table:
pk not null
,color not null
,nullable null
...all of the following are functionally equivalent (due to the mechanics of count and nulls):
1) select count(*) from table;
2) select count(1) from table;
3) select count(pk) from table;
4) select count(color) from table;
Regardless of which form you use, the optimizer is free to rewrite the query to another form if it is more efficient. (Again, not all optimizers are sophisticated enough to do this). The unique index(pk) would be smaller (bytes occupied) than the entire table. Therefore it would be more efficient to count the number of index entries rather than scanning through the entire table. In Oracle we have bitmap indexes, which also compress repeating strings. If we had used such an index on the color column, it would probably have been the smallest index to scan. Oracle also supports table compression which in some cases makes the physical table smaller than a composite index.
1. TL;DR;
Your specific dbms will have its own set of tools that enables different rewriting rules and in turn execution plans. That renders the question somewhat useless (unless we talk about a specific release of a specific dbms). I recommend COUNT(*) in all cases because it requires the least cognitive effort to grasp.
2. On select a,b,c vs. select *
There are very few valid uses of SELECT * in code you write and put into production. Imagine a table which contains Bluray movies (yes, the movies is stored as a blob in this table). So you slapped together your awesomesauce abstraction layer and put SELECT * FROM movies where id = ? in the getMovies(movie_id) method. I will refrain myself from explaining why SELECT name FROM movies will be transported across the network just a tad faster. Of course, in most realistic cases it won't have a noticable impact.
One last point on performance is that when all the referenced columns (selected, filtered) in your query exists as an index (called a covering index), the database need not touch the table at all. It can be fully resolved from scanning the index only. By selecting all columns you remove this option from the optimizer.
Another thing about SELECT * which is far more serious than anything, is that it creates an implicit dependency on a specific physical layout of the table. Let me explain. Consider the following tables:
table T1(name, id)
table T2(name, id)
The following statement...
insert into t1 select * from t2;
... will break or produce a different result if any of the following happens:
Any of the tables columns are rearranged for example T1(id, name)
T1 gets an additional not-null column
T2 gets another column
2. TL;DR; When possible, explicitly specify the columns you want (eventually, you'll have to do that anyway). Also, selecting fewer columns are faster than selecting more columns. A possitive side-effect on explicit selects is that it gives greater freedom to the optimizer.
COUNT(*) is different from COUNT(column1) !
COUNT(*) returns the number of records, and does NOT use more resources, while COUNT(column1) counts the number of records where column1 is non null.
For SELECT, it is different. SELECT * will of course request more data.
When using count(*) the * doesn't mean "all fields". Using count(field) will count all non-null values in the field, but count(*) will always count all records even if all fields in all records are null, so it doesn't need to check the data in the fields at all.
Using select * means that you almost always return more data than you are going to use, which of course is a waste. However, perhaps more serious is the maintainence problem; if you add fields to a table your query will return these too. That might mean that the record becomes too large to fit in the buffer, resulting in an error message.
Don't confuse the * in "COUNT(*)" with the * in "SELECT * ". They are completely unrelated but sometimes confused because it's such an odd syntax. There is nothing wrong with using COUNT(*), which just means "count rows".
SELECT * on the other hand means "select all columns". That's generally poor practice because it tightly couples your code to the database schema. That means when you change the table you probably have to change the code even if it should have been unaffected. It increases the impact of any schema change.
SELECT * may also cause a sub-optimal query plan. Either because you didn't really need all columns or because it forces the DBMS to do an extra lookup at runtime to get the list of columns.
It's absolutely true that "*" is "all columns". And you're right in the point of if you've a table with an incredible number of columns (say 100+), these kind of queries can be bad in terms of efficiency.
I believe that the best solution is creating database views previously filtering the amount of records evolved in the count operation, so, the performance impact isn't a big problem, because views can be cached.
In the other hand, it seems that "*" operator should be avoided when returning records, and it's brutally better to select the fields you really need to use in some business.
When using SELECT * it can have a performance hit. Applications which use the SELECT * syntax when they actually only need a handful of columns are transferring more data across the network than they need to consume, which is wasteful.
Also, in Microsoft SQL Server at least, there's a strange problem when you use SELECT * in a view and then add a column to the underlying table. The column headings and data returned by the view don't match each other following certain changes! See my blog post for further details of this particular problem.
Depending on the size of the database depends on how inefficient it becomes, the simnplest way to describe would be like so:
when you specifically do:
SELECT column1,column2,column3 FROM table1
Mysql knows exactly exactly what columns it looking for, but when you do
SELECT * FROM table1
Mysql does not know the columns you want, it knows you want all of them but not the names, so it has to perform extra tasks that analyse the table to discover the columns, thus resulting in using resources.
In case of COUNT(*) it depends on database and its version. For example in modern versions of MS SQL it doesn't matter [source needed].
So the best approach in case of COUNT(*) is to measure it.
Using SELECT * is really bad idea. * means read all columns which can be heavy IO and network operation (especially for various type of CHAR columns). Moreover -- rather rarely you need all columns.

Strategy for avoiding a common sql development error (misleading result on join bug)

Sometimes when i'm writing moderately complex SELECT statements with a few JOINs, wrong key columns are sometimes used in the JOIN statement that still return valid-looking results.
Because the auto numbering values (especially early in development) all tend to fall in similar ranges (sub 100s or so) the SELECT sill produces some results. These results often look valid at first glance and a problem is not detected until much, much later making debugging much more difficult because familiarity with the data structures and code has staled. (Gone stale in the dev's mind.)
i just spent several hours tracking down yet another of this issue that i've run into a too many times before. i name my tables and columns carefully, write my SQL statements methodically but this is an issue i can't seem to competely avoid. It comes back and bites me for hours of productivity about twice a year on average.
My question is: Has anyone come up with a clever method for avoiding this; what i assume is probably a common SQL bug/mistake?
i have thought of trying to auto-number starting with different start values but this feels cludgy and would get ugly trying to keep such a scheme straight for data models with dozens of tables... Any better ideas?
i am very careful and methodical in naming my tables and columns. Patient table gets PatientId column, Facility get a FacilityId etc. This issues tends to arise when there are join tables involved where the linkage takes on extra meaning such as: RelatedPatientId, ReferingPatientId, FavoriteItemId etc.
When writing long complex SELECT statements try to limit the result to one record.
For instance, assume you have this gigantic enormous awesome CMS system and you have to write internal reports because the reports that come with it are horrendous. You notice that there are about 500 tables. Your select statement joins 30 of these tables. Your result should limit your row count by using a WHERE clause.
My advice is to rather then get all this code written and generalized for all cases, break the problem up and use WHERE and limit the row count to only say a record. Check all fields, if they look ok, break it up and let your code return more rows. Only after further checking should you generalize.
It bites a lot of us who keep adding more and more joins until it seems to look ok, but only after Joe Blow the accountant runs the report does he realize that the PO for 4 million was really the telephone bill for the entire year. Somehow that join got messed up!
One option would be to use your natural keys.
More practically, Red Gate SQL Prompt picks the FK columns for me.
I also tend to build up one JOIN at a time to see how things look.
If you have a visualization or diagramming tool for your SQL statements, you can follow the joins visually, and any errors will become immediately apparent, provided you have followed a sensible naming scheme for your primary and foreign keys.
Your column names should take care of this unless you named them all "ID". Are you writing multiple select statement using the same tables? You may want to create views for the more common ones.
If you're using SQL Server, you can use GUID columns as primary keys (that's what we do). You won't have problems with collisions again.
You could use GUIDs as your primary keys, but it has its pros and cons.
This pro is actually not mentioned on that page.
I have never tried doing this myself - I use a tool on top of SQL that makes incorrect joins very unlikely, so I don't have this problem. I just thought I'd mention it as another option though!
For IDs use TableNameID, for example for table Person, use PersonID
Use db model and look at the drawing when writing queries.
This way join looks like:
... ON p.PersonID = d.PersonID
as opposed to:
... ON p.ID = d.ID
Auto-increment integer PKs are among your best friends.