Jhipster social login via Google - authentication

I added clientID and clientSecret (created in Google Developer console) to application.yml but I couldn't get it working. Any idea what is causing error 400. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch. I got in Authorized JavaScript origins.
I did everything what is said in Google's tutorial, but no luck:

You need to specify in your Google developers console the different redirect url you authorize. For you, you need to add url.
Little tuto:
Connect to your developer console, click one the main menu
Select API management
Go to Identifiant and select your application, here JHipster
And add your url and save

Another thing that I had to do that wasn't mentioned clearly in the google developer link was to enable the Google+ API.
The various API's are accessible via the Library tab under the Dashboard.


Do I have to use browser login to use Google Sheets API from node instance?

I read all similar questions without arriving to the point.
I have a node instance and it runs on my "index.js" only in my local machine.
I have to take a cvs and put on new google sheet.
I have "credentials.json" in my project. Google say me "incorrect redirect_urls". But I cannot put a redirect url since it's a node script.
And I do not want to pass in a browser for a login. This because maybe tomorrow I will put the same script on a real server.
If you are trying to use the Google Sheep API I'm pretty sure you are not getting the results you want. ;)
Assuming you have enabled the Sheets API in you project, and you plan to use a server to deploy the application, then you need to configure you consent screen accordingly.
During development you can use localhost as a redirect URL, which will enable you to test the app.
You should have a read through this help article to correctly set up your OAuth credentials and consent screen for each type of project.

How to implement Google authentication using Xamarin.Forms?

I am developing a login feature in that user can login into the application using the Google account and get user profile detail. For that, I am creating a project in google developers and it's verified by me.
I try with this reference here but when I try with this that is give me the error of "Disallowed user agent" and gives me the error of the open in safari or chrome when I try with the iPhone(iOS devices).
I also go through some other references like "Xamarin. Auth" but it doesn't work for me. When I set a redirection URL with clientId:/oauth2redirect or the Package Name(Bundle Identifier):/oauth2redirect . It gives me an exception of Not valid redirect Uri.
I also try to add JSON and p12 file on respective device-specific projects and set bundle resource but it doesn't work me.
If anyone has solution to this without using WebView than help me.
You can try this plugin from CroosGeeks
Here is the sample app:
This is not using the WebView. The documentation is also quite good.

NoCommerce 3.80 External Login Plugins

I am new to NopCommerce as well as C# MVC. I am working on NopCommerce 3.80.
As per Instructions I downloaded Google+ Plugin from NopCommerce Official site and Installed it and also configured it.
But when i click on Login with google button, it shows an error of
Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Can anybody help me to solve this ?
And another Question is do I have to create a Class Library for the External Authentication as like Facebook(Inbuilt Plugin) ??
The redirect URI that you entered in Google developer console must exactly match the location you are trying to authenticate from this includes the port number I can see in your message.
I don't know enough about nop to tell you if you could use the Google .net client library for your application.
I got the solution.
I haven't given correct callback URL that's why it's showing redirect_uri_mismatch error.
the URL I added is

Google OAuth2 for authentication redirect hangs

I've implemented a simple OAuth2 for Authentication login system that is working reliably on my dev server using a localhost redirect uri.
When testing from a production server, with updated redirect uri, the Google account permission interface opens up for the user logging in. After authorizing account access, the browser just hangs on "Waiting for accounts.google.com..." and doesn't go anywhere. At this point, I can see that the application has been granted access to my profile by viewing account permissions on my Google account dashboard.
If I change the redirect uri to an invalid one, I do get the invalid redirect uri Google error message back, so it looks like the redirection cannot reach my redirect uri. I can reach the reditect uri directly through a browser though. Any pointers?
Had a similar problem trying to create a "Login with Google" App. Since this was my first Google App, and I was also just first using the social networking setups in the software package which I bought BEFORE the Google API had changed, I was at a complete loss as where to start.
It finally dawned on me to redirect Google (via the App settings in the developer console) to a test web page on my site (instead of the page defined by the software package,) and all worked as expected, meaning Google redirected properly to the test page (which was actually just my root index.php). This told me that because the Google API had changed, my software package functionality was obsolete, and I needed to explore the code there.

Working with Soundcloud API

I am working with an app we are developing and I am getting a 404 on Soundclouds link.
//connect.soundcloud.com/sdk.js ?
please advise as this is the link they provide to connect
You should contact them as the link to the JS is clearly not loading. You need a new URL.
You can load http://connect.soundcloud.com/sdk.js in your web browser to see that it is not available.
It is possible that you are not authorized to view this file and it is displaying the 404 message hiding the not authorized condition. If this is the case you will need to get authentication information.