Is it possible to inject html into my selenium tests? - selenium

So lets say we have WebElement foo. foo has a crazy looking, consistently changing xpath. Hardcoding foo gets really annoying when you have to constantly do so.
I just discovered the html edit on Firebug and it made me wonder, is there anyway I could just write in id values for use in my Selenium tests? The distinct lack of no id values in any of the WebElements under test is getting real old.
Thanks in advance.

Editing the HTML in Firebug or Chrome devtools is just transient. As soon as you close the browser, your changes go away. There is no real solution to what you are asking other than to request that your devs add IDs to the desired elements. I'm assuming you don't own the site or that's not possible or you would have mentioned it. Welcome to test automation where the site creators don't take test automation into account when creating a site... :)

For the question, Is it possible to inject html into my selenium tests, the answer is yes. You can use JavaScriptExecutor to inject html into your WebPage.
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].id = 'abc';", element);
Just as JeffC mentioned, for injecting the id or any HTML, you would have to identify the required element first. Also, the changes will be lost after you refresh the page.


Getting "Nosuch element Exception" in Selenium Though XPATH is correct. Not sure is this due to Shadow DOM. Please confirm

I am trying to automate Salesforce application Using Selenium and getting NoSuchelementException though XPATH is correct and valid for particular object. When i have searched the issue, it might be reason for Shadow DOM.
For EX:
So XAPTH i have written like,
This XPATH is highlighting in Console as well. But while automating it throws nosuchelement error.
So while checking for ShadowDOM option, am getting option like this for Name Object.
Shadowroot DIV
-- nothing mentioned in div. it just open and closed tags.
How to automate this?
You can check if there are any iframes in your Dom. Simply do //iframe in your page developer mode(F12)> elements tab > search (Ctrf+F) area. If there are any, you will get the number of iframes.
Now if your textbox is in any of iframe use below code to go inside particular iframe first
driver.switch_to.frame("<name or Id of frame>")
then come out to frame use below:
Also, if the issue is not related to frames check below for shadow-root related issue:
you can check below for shadow-root element ( Question is for Java, but you can co-relate):
How to interact with the elements within #shadow-root (open) while Clearing Browsing Data of Chrome Browser using cssSelector
The website contents are mostly created now using javascript. You may have to wait for certain elements to load before doing anything to it.

Codeception ElementNotVisibleException error, unable to select option, or click

I am unable to interact with an element using browser tests. It says the element is not interact-able, or not visible. This doesn't happen in Acceptance
Sometimes this solution doesn't work because the element is unavailable for some other cryptic reason.
We just had a situation where we couldn't use a <select> element to pick one of the options.
Further more, there was behaviour that was being triggered by the "change" event when the option was selected.
We were able to solve it like this.
$js = "jQuery('#chosen-option-quantity-2').val('2').trigger('change');";
so the first command selects the option, and the second triggers the change event.
I hope that helps some one, even if it is me in the future.
The problem that is happening here is that the html element is being hidden by something, probably css somewhere. Because it is hidden (display:none), WebDriver can't see it, and therefore can't interact with it.
In order to fix this problem, you need to use JS to un-hide the element.
use this $I->executeJS('jQuery("#your-css-selector").show()');
This doesn't happen in Acceptance tests because PHP Browser looks at the Page Source, and so can see everything, while WebDriver see's what a user see's on the browser.
You may use PhpBrowser
It works only with HTML then how PhantomJs emulate the real browser
But, with PhpBrowser you can't see what see your browser (only HTML such I said)
Another way, try executeJs with PhantomJs as it said before

Need help on selenium hidden elements

I am trying to use selenium to automatically log in the following website:
here is the link
After I click on the log in, a log in screen comes up - I don't know what this is: frame,panel ...
I have not been successful in detecting what elements,properties this screen has through selenium. Thus I am not able to fill in the necessary info through selenium.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
SiKing is correct, here. Nothing too fancy going on with the DOM. Use your favorite DOM inspector and examine the elements and you should be able to identify the locators.
In this case, it looks like the front end devs were thorough and gave major elements 'id' tags. Once you can establish a relationship from an element to it's id, you'll just need to code the selenium commands to interact with them.
While there are a number of good tools for this, I like to recommend FireBug and FirePath addons for Firefox. Similarly to Chrome's inspector, hovering over a DOM element in the inspector will highlight the element itself on the page. FirePath can assist with CSS selectors and XPath if need be.
Without knowing your method of development (code by hand or SeleniumIDE) or you chosen language, I'd simply recommend reading the Selenium docs over at to get a feel for the means by which elements can be identified and subsequently used.
Incidentally, this site is an example of a good front end design (at least from a cursory glance). Locating elements, once you're familiar with the concepts, should be relatively simple. Play around with it, the best way to learn is by doing (that's why I haven't just given you the solution), you'll get it.
Best of luck.
(Also, I've not meant this message as 'talking down' to you. I'm not familiar with your level of understanding here, so I'm just starting with the basics).
It occurred to me, after writing my initial response, that you may encounter an issue with the modal being displayed. After clicking the 'log in' link, you may want to add a wait to your test to ensure enough time for the modal to appear before interacting with it's elements. A simple Thread.sleep() could work here, but I hate recommending that unless it's a last resort situation (we all know sleeps suck, but sometimes it just needs to be done)... Instead, read up on the WebDriverWait class (assuming java) and the ExpectedConditions class. You could pass a locator for the root modal element, or a child thereof into wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated("yourLocator")); which will wait until the condition is satisfied (or a timeout occurs) rather than the Thread.sleep() making a hard pause and possibly waiting for a needlessly long amount of time.
The point is, since the modal display isn't instantaneous, WebDriver may choke if it tries to interact with an element that hasn't yet appeared. Using a wait will relieve this problem.

Test case automation

I am new to test automation and I need help of experts who can help me in proceeding with the current difficulties.
Currently there is a web browser application which is tested manually based on the test cases in an excel.
There is also an automation framework also which uses Selenium and uses WebDriver and runs on Google Chrome.
The test cases(in excel) used for manual are taken up and another set of test cases(in excel) are written which is nothing but the div elements and the action which the framework should do like click or find which the framework will understand.
1.First I need to manually find out each div id for all the elements and put it in excel which the framework understands.How can I avoid this?
2.Also a new version of the application has come in which all the div id for the elements differ.Hence its pain to note the div id again and put them in excel.
How can I write the test cases only once for each case even if the div changes?
Please help.
Follow a design pattern, e.g. Page Objects
If ids will be changed try to use css and xpath selectors that do not stick to ids. The main idea is to specify such selectors that allow tests to find elements on the page using knowledge by their parents, tag names, other attributes that won't change (class and so on).

How to get the content of CKeditor using WebDriver

I'd like to be able to test the content in CKeditor using webdriver.
However there are some hurdles; firstly CKeditor uses Iframes, and there are several Iframes on the page, so not sure how to switch reliably to it using WebDriver as they don't have specific names.
In addition, the content inside the editor is within a <body></body> tag inside the iframe. I'm not sure how to get WebDriver to return the content reliably.
Has anyone actually tried to do this in their tests? If so, how did you achieve it?
You can use the CKEditor api and execute javascript. Not sure which selenium driver you are using but here is the java script you can use to get the HTML for:
"return CKEDITOR.instances['youreditoridhere'].getData();"
u may refer this
hopes this help ;D