Gammu incoming messages not stored in "Inbox" table - sms-gateway

I make an sms-gateway app using Windows 7, XAMPP/PHP/MySQL, Gammu 1.33, Modem Wavecom 1306B.
My problem is why incoming messages not stored in Inbox table?? Even try getallsms via CLI there's nothing.
All configuration are set, modem identified, service running, send sms manual via CLI or PHP script also OK (stored in Outbox then moved into SentItems).
I wanna use RunOrReceive to make auto-reply function but even simple incoming messages not stored in database.
Here's my smsd configuration
Am I miss something? Thanks


My Fusionpbx server doesn't accept incoming calls

I have a freshly installed fusionpbx server on the cloud and I created a few extensions and I registered my gateway which in this case is flowroute. I created the outbound routes and everything looked OK besides the incoming calls which are not working.
In the access control I added all IP addresses that flowroute has on their website. I made sure to add :5080 but it still doesn't work.
I made sure flowroute is sending it to :5080. I added all IP adresses in the ACL list. And if I use "sngrep" it doesn't even show any incoming calls. And when I check in flowroute it says "Unavailable - No trunk or registration 604".

Should the NOTIFY/M-SEARCH messages be all headers when using spring-integration-ip to send messages?

I have written an application, that successfully listens to a multicast-host and [FF02::C]:1900. I receive the desired NOTIFY and M-SEARCH messages using spring-integration-ip's MulticastSendingMessageHandler.
However: while I am able to send messages using the UnicastSendingMessageHandler, it does not seem like e.g. VLC will recognize my running server.
I went through the UPnP Device Architecture PDF back and forth and manually sent the 3+2+1 NOTIFY messages and also responded to M-SEARCH, but somehow I am not able to make e.g. VLC recognize my server.
I also see no access on my HTTP server (separate application on a different port, but properly linked in the LOCATION attribute of the NOTIFY and M-SEARCH-response messages). No attempts at all.
Do I need to send the data using MessageHeaders (headers) instead of payload? What's the pre-requisite for a possible media server to be listed? Sending the NOTIFY messages? Responding to M-SEARCH messages? More?
And what are the allowed devicetype and servicetype values? Or do they vary?
If anyone wants, I can add some code, but the listening part is working alright and messages are sent, just supposedly not understood by their receivers (sending using Unicast to the address, who sent the M-SEARCH message, but on port 1900).
Honestly: I am not sure how to even word my question(s). I tried reading through the RSSDP source code, but I still do not fully get it.
Any pointers are greatly welcomed.

Google Cloud Platform - Catch and log errors and automatically terminate VM

I am running a workflow on a n1-ultramem-40 instance that will run for several days. If an error occurs, I would like to catch and log the error, be notified, and automatically terminate the Virtual Machine. Could I use StackDriver and gcloud logging to achieve this? How could I automatically terminate the VM using these tools? Thanks!
Let's break the puzzle into two parts. The first is logging an error to Stackdriver and the second is performing an external action automatically when such an error is detected.
Stackdriver provides a wide variety of language bindings and package integrations that result in log messages being written. You could include such API calls in your application which detects the error. If you don't have access to the source code of your application but it instead logs to an external file, you could use the Stackdriver agents to monitor log files and relay the log messages to Stackdriver.
Once you have the error messages being sent to Stackdriver, the next task would be defining a Stackdriver log export definition. This is the act of defining a "filter" that looks for the specific log entry message(s) that you are interested in acting upon. Associated with this export definition and filter would be a PubSub topic. A pubsub message would then be written to this topic when an Stackdriver log entry is made.
Finally, we now have our trigger to perform your action. We could use a Cloud Function triggered from a PubSub message to execute arbitrary API logic. This could be code that performs an API request to GCP to terminate the VM.

Emails are added in queue but its not been send in otrs

I am using AWS SES to send emails from OTRS and emails are not working. Below is the error:
Mar 18 06:22:47 ip-10-210-28-141[30010]: [Error][Kernel::System::CommunicationLog::_LogError][Line:538]: CommunicationLog(ID:795,AccountType:-,AccountID:-,Direction:Outgoing,Transport:Email,ObjectLogType:Message,ObjectLogID:2233)::Kernel::System::MailQueue => Message could not be sent! Error message: Can't connect to !
I am able to telnet to
I am able to send emails using SES from the same server via command line but OTRS is not sending email.
It's hard to debug OTRS. In your case OTRS was not possible to create an mail object. The cause can have several issue.
Maybe you are using the wrong SMTP backend module, there are 3 different options, SMTP/SMTPS and SMTPTLS (see also
To get more verbose feedback from the CPAN SMTP module, set $Self->{Debug} = 3; at this place and check STDOUT what the problem is.

Is there any way to inspect RabbitMQ messages that are persisted? Where those are stored?

Just doing some testing on local machine, would like somewhere to inspect messages that are published and persisted by RabbitMQ (deliveryMode = 2). Or at least to have a time when messages was actually persisted. First try was RabbitMQ admin management, went trough all options and closest what i have found is following:
Database directory: /usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#localhost
There i can found many files with rdq extenstions and many logs file, but can't actually see nothing.
you can't, RabbitMQ uses a custom database and it is not possible to browse it.
you can only browse the RabbitMQ definitions as "queues", "users", "exchanges" etc.. but not the messages.
By default, the messages index is inside:
The only way it is as suggested by #Johansson
It's possible to manually inspect your message in the queue via the Management interface. Press on the queue that has the message, and then "Get message". If you mark it as "requeue", RabbitMQ puts it back to the queue in the same order.