Deleting hyperlinks performance - vba

I want to delete all hyperlinks on currently active sheet via VBA.
For that I am using ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Delete command, which works fine and does not take virtually any time...
All that until I have opened two workbooks containing hyperlinks at the same time. In that case, the very same command takes much more time (minutes) to finish. It does its job, removing hyperlinks from the activesheet only, but in longer time. It seems somehow the other worksheets with hyperlinks is slowing it down.
I can have multiple workbooks opened at the same time, but they must not have any hyperlinks for the macro to work fast.
Can someone help me to overcome this?
I actually am in a situation where I frequently need to have both hyperlinks workbooks opened at the same time and running the macro which deletes hyperlinks.

This may not be ideal, but I'd consider starting your code with a check to see if other workbooks are open in the instance and if they are save the activeworkbook, open an new instance of excel and reopen the workbook in the new instance. Then run your code again.
Something like this to open the new instance:
Sub BlahBlah
if morethan1 then
CWb =
Dim objXL
Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXL.Visible = True
application.displayalerts = false
objXL.Workbooks.Open = CWb
application.displayalerts = True
end if
End Sub
If you isolate the workbook you should return to your normal runtime


How to keep unrelated workbooks open in excel when running a macro

I am writing a macro in VB in excel 2013. The only remaining bug left is when the macro runs, all of the other workbooks i have open close, even ones unrelated to the macro. I do not want users of my macro to lose other tabs of excel they may have open if they run my program. I have tried using "Application.Visible = true" but it is not giving me the desired behavior. Is there a way to run a macro without affecting any other currently open workbooks? Or is it possible that something else I have written is overriding the Application.Visible method? If someone could provide a recommendation it would be much appreciated.
Application.Visible = false
Simply does what it says, set the application "Excel in your case" to invisible.
If you want to hide something specific you have to call this:
e.g Sheet
Sheets("Whatever").Visible = False
e.g Workbook
ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False
//ActiveWorkbook needs to have an reference to the specified Workbook which you get as an example if you store the opening of the workbook (ActiveWorkbook = Workbooks.Open )
It sounds like you have a line
(which will close all workbooks) when what you wanted to do was close the specific workbook with the macro. That should be

Automatic refreshment of Excel DDE RTD

I'm subscribed to a RTD financial application with the option to export real time data to Excel via DDE. So, using the DDE copy/paste app option, I've created a Excel table with real time DDE financial data. Cells actually contains DDE formulas. Now I open, refresh and save table manually, but what I need is a solution that will open, refresh the data, save and close this excel table automatically.
I didn't now how to attach the file, so here is a screenshot of it.
My Excel DDE file
Since I'm new to vba and vbscript, I was searching internet for a solution but without any success, especially not for automatic update (refreshment) of the DDE data.
What I've been doing for the past few days, was searching, trying and customising different kind of vba macros and vbscripts, and today I'm completely lost and confused.
I have tried bunch of suggested solution, even yours
Refresh data and exit with saving Macro Excel
and On workbook open, Excel Macro to refresh all data connections sheets and pivot tables and then export the pivot to csv but in my case they don't work.
Any solution, reference, code example will be greatly appreciated.
Kindly try the below one and
be careful when using
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
this sets the entire excel application to calculate formula's either automatically or manually. If you use
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
you'll notice your automatic formulas no longer work.
Thanks for the reply #mulla, but this doesn't work. In vbscript I get runtime error and in vba nothing happens (does not affect refreshment). The same thing is for the Worksheet.Calculate.
Than I recorded a macro upon manual update of the links (data) in order to inspect how Excel proceed update and this actually works, but not all the time. If I open Workbook manually and I keep it opened than whole export works perfectly since the data is constantly refreshed (not what I need). In case when the Workbook is opened via vbscript only (what I need), as you can see in the output below some of the values are exported successfully (for the faster refreshment I believe) and some are #N/A (for the slower refreshment). All the data is refreshed every second, except upon opening the file where successfully exported values are refreshed instantly and #N/A values need few seconds (2-3s) to be refreshed.
Recorder macro uses ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink as follows (the code below is for the first row, but the same logic is used and for the rest of the rows):
Sub PriceUpdate()
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLinks = xlUpdateLinksAlways
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"vegadde|VEGA!897789,148,1#""1,\""12,0,0\"""",1", Type:=xlOLELinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"vegadde|VEGA!897789,148,1#""1,\""12,0,0\"""",3", Type:=xlOLELinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"vegadde|VEGA!897789,148,1#""1,\""12,0,0\"""",4", Type:=xlOLELinks
End Sub
Then I use vbscript to call the macro and export data in CSV comma delimited file with timestamp name:
Option Explicit
Dim objExcel, objBook, objSheet
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("d:\exptest\exptest.xlsm", 0, False)
'Set objSheet = objBook.Worksheets.Item(1)
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
objExcel.Run "PriceUpdate"
WScript.Sleep 5000 ' Delay in order to update links
objBook.SaveAs "d:\exptest\" & Year(Now) & "." & Month(Now) & "." & Day(Now) & "_" & Hour(Now) & "-" & Minute(Now) & ".txt",6
objBook.Close False
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
'Set objSheet = Nothing
Set objBook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
And what I get is the following uotput:
USD,1.1015,7/22/2016 12:48
SEK,9.4962,7/22/2016 12:48
AUD,1.47395,7/22/2016 12:48
RUB,71.0082,7/22/2016 12:48
I'm struggling to learn Excel logic behind different updates in order to solve my problem and to get desired solution, but with no success.
And this is only a test file with 22 links. The real one has 482 links that need to be updated.
Marjan. Not sure if this is still a problem for you, but I ran into a similar problem with refreshing RTD data in a closed Excel workbook and seem to have found a solution. As you mentioned, when you open the workbook, the data refreshes automatically (with some of the more complex data points taking 2-3 sec). The problem is, you don't want to have to constantly manually open a workbook to refresh data. And I've found that the data fails to refresh with methods like RTD.RefreshData called to a closed workbook.
So to fix this, I created a vba module that simply opens the workbook, refreshes it, pauses for a second (you may need 2-3 more seconds for all data to update) and then saves and closes the workbook. This method is called recursively. Essentially this does the work of constantly opening and closing the workbook, while delaying briefly so that the RTD data can refresh. So far, this is able to provide refreshed RTD data successfully (although there is an inherent slight delay of a few seconds). Here's the basis of my code:
Sub refreshXLS()
Path = "workbook.xlsm" 'the workbook path you want to refresh
Workbooks.Open Path
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "closeActive"
End Sub
Sub closeActive()
End Sub
Hope this helps if you still wish to solve this problem!

Excel VBA - Formatting script for automation

So here's what I'm trying to do:
Open file: Pc_Profile
Create new sheet: Sheet1
Copy desired cells from Pc_Profile to Sheet1 (see script below)
Copy entire Sheet1 to new excel file: db.xls
Rename sheet to content of cell A5
Create new sheet for next script run
Basically I'm trying to automate an extraction of a TON of excel files into a single organized file. Each script call should extract to its own sheet so there's no overwritten information.
Here is what I have working so far. It just copies the desired cells to a new sheet within the same file.
' Create Excel object
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Open the workbook
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open _
' Set to True or False, whatever you like
objExcel.Visible = True
' Activate Sheet2 so you can see it actually pasted the data
I would really appreciate the extra push. I'm automating this for a work project and have no experience with VB - I just learned that on the go.
A couple things that are good practice to get into before I get to your actual question:
1) Any macro that you expect to run a long time should have Application.ScreenUpdating = False before any actual work is done in the code, this tells Excel not to bother with changing what's displayed on the screen (big performance booster). Be sure to include an Application.ScreenUpdating = True near the end of your code
2) Similar to #1, you generally want to include Application.Calculation = xlManual to boost performance. If you have large ranges of cells that your macro needs accurate up-to-date values from, it may be easier to leave the calculation automatic, but that doesn't appear to be the case in this instance.
3) You don't need to create a new Excel instance (which is what your first line of code does). You're already in a perfectly good instance of Excel. This also saves you having to close the other instance at the end of the macro (or worse from forgetting to do so and having memory get hogged by Excel processes that aren't really in use)
As to your specific problem, it sounds like you have more workbooks that Pc_profile to copy from, and that you're wanting to create a new "db.xls" with each run of the macro. Based on those assumptions all you need to do is nest your code starting with 'Open the workbook and objWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A14").PasteSpecial inside a Do While loop. The thing I'm not sure about is how to control the loop. If the list of files is always the same, you should just include a list on a sheet in the workbook that holds the macro and just iterate through that.
The other thing you should do for ease of coding, and to make the loop more effective is declare and use a Worksheet variable and set if for each workbook to the appropriate sheet to pull data from. Ex.
Dim ws as Worksheet
'The Dim is outside your loop, but this would be inside it
Set ws = objWorkbook.Worksheets("whatever_the_sheet's_name_is")
This way you can replace each occurrence of objWorkbook.Worksheets("Pc_Profile"). with ws., easier to type, easier to read, easier to update, and less error prone.
Next, you don't actually have code for moving Sheet1 to a new workbook, or renaming it. To move it (as well as the other Sheet1's yet to be created), you should, before getting to the Do While loop, have the following
Dim target as Workbook
Set target = Application.Workbooks.Add
Then at almost the end of the loop, you need objWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Move Before:=Target.Sheets(1)
Last, you need to include objWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False after you've moved Sheet1 out of the Pc_Profile and renamed it.

excel vba projects not closing

I'm going through 100s of excel files in VBA, extracting certain data and copying it to a main spreadsheet in a main workbook. I have a VBA script that resides in this main spreadsheet.
I'm trying to get each source workbook to close after I open it and get what I need. It looks something like this:
dim main_wb
dim source_wb
set main_wb = activeworkbook
Loop thru workbook names
set source_wb =
do some stuff
eventually copy a few rows from various sheets into the main wb
set source_wb = Nothing
End Loop
The problem is that it SEEMS like the system is continuing to keep the file open in the project explorer ... and eventually it runs out of memory or something. All files work fine individually. It's only when I attempt to process them all at once that I have a problem. The workbook "closes()" but the project still exists in the project explorer in the developer window.
How do I tell it to close out a project. I need to be able to, no BS, close the project and go on to the next one for hundreds and potentially thousands of files - automatically, in code, no intervention from user.
try... It works for me in a similar type of program.
'closes data workbook
source_wb.Close False
I recently had this problem: I have a workbook that grabs data from other workbooks that I use as databases. On one of these, I inadvertently placed some code. This caused the workbook to remain visible in VBE even after it had been closed. My solution was to keep my database workbooks free of code, and that solved the problem.
It seems that the VBE editor is not always visible to the workbook that is being closed.
I included the following code in my ThisWorkbook module which comes from a comment in another thread and this resolved matters.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' this code ensures that the VBA project is completely removed
' when the workbook is closed
' -------------------------------------------------------------
If Not (Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible) Then
Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = True
Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Solution :
Manage your Save (Yes, No, Cancel)
Destroy links to Addins in your Application
Close these Addins
Close your Application

Vba closing excel applications/workbooks freezes

I have a problem with the following code:
Dim excelapp as object
set excelapp = CreateObject("excel.application")
dim ws as object
dim wb as Workbook
wb= excelapp.Workbooks.Open(path)
ws= wb.Sheets(1)
'in the code i send the worksheet object around by reference in order to read the
'worksheet and manipulate data, i dont create other instances of excel apps or
then i try :
and i have also tried :
Neither have worked, they both freeze and say they are waiting on OLE actions, and i have multiple excel processes opening if i do not call these, when i try to open the excel files i had opened via code, i can only open them as read-only because theyre checked out to me.
I also tried executing a shell script that closes all applications "Excel.Exe" but it closes...the actual excel file where the vba is being executed, so thats not a good solution.
Thank you in advance.
It might be that the Excel app has detected that the workbook has changed and is putting up a dialog box (which is invisible because the app is not visible). Try:
wb.Close False
Which tells Excel to ignore any changes to the workbook.